On Wed, 2007-12-12 at 16:06 -0600, Nathan VanHoudnos wrote:
> Jeremy,
> Thanks for the quick response!  
> As per your suggestion, I edited /etc/system to include
>   set ngroups_max = 100 
> And then rebooted the system. Unfortunately, it didn't work. The Samba
> logs look unchanged from before. 
> Any other ideas? 

AFAIK Solaris has a HARD limit to 32 anyway, so anything above 32 (and I
guess anything but 16 or 32) will not work.

(FWIW Linux has it to 65536).


Simo Sorce
Samba Team GPL Compliance Officer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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