Hi All,

I have create a client-server with sandesha2. To test the reliable messaging, I unplug the Network cable. I launch a TCPMon to see the messages and make sure that messages lost are relay broadcast.

I test firstly the WS normally, I see the createSequence, 11 messages and the terminatesequence on TCPMon. It works. The test is to unplug the Network cable when the message 3 is send (time<2 min). During the unplug messges (4,5 and 6) are send and on my client the message 3 stays "Active". When I put the Network cable, the statut of message 3 become "Req" and lot of empty messages are send. The messages 7 and 8 are send and ok. After I see a new createsequence with 3 messages send and finally a TerminateSequence.

In summary, I see something like that:

- CreateSequence1
- message 1.1
- message 1.2
- message 1.3
- several empty message
- message1. 7
- several empty message
- message 1.8
- several empty message
- CreateSequence2
- message 2.1
- message 2.2
- message 2.3

On my client, an error appears:
Error client
1 sept. 2006 11:38:46 org.apache.sandesha2.storage.inmemory.InMemorySequencePropertyBeanMgr findUnique

Furhermore, the messages are really lost and never retransmited.
Why messages are never resend? Is it a configuration problem or unplug the Network cable is not a good solution?
Have someone have an idea?



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