I don't see anything immediately obvious in the protocol, but we
really need to see some scans. Even without the xray source we may
learn something. But certainly the xray source, and the final image
produced by the windows software will be required to be sure.


On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 10:59 AM Mayuresh <mayur...@acm.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 09:39:03AM -0500, m. allan noah wrote:
> > I think you have far more work to do than you realize.The first step
> > would be to get some usb logs of the scanner in action using wireshark
> > on windows. Someone here may recognize the image format or protocol.
> Yes, I have those with wireshark as well as usbmon (attached). These are
> prior to actually getting the image (which requires going to a dental
> clinic to get the device exposed to x ray, so might take some time).
> For wireshark following filter selects the device:
> usb.bus_id == 1 and usb.device_address == 6
> usbmon has a limitation that it won't show more than 32 bytes per event.
> I am baffled by the difference in end-point numbers shown by wireshark and
> usbmon. Those in usbmon match with lsusb, those in wireshark don't.

"well, I stand up next to a mountain- and I chop it down with the edge
of my hand"

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