According to our page here:


...only USB is currently supported.

Could you tell us what the platform is (OS/architecture) and what
version of SANE you have installed (scanimage -V)?


On 2021-05-06 8:03 p.m., Media Mouth wrote:
> Trying to get scanimage working with a fujitsu:ScanSnap iX500 scanner over 
> USB and WiFi.
> At the moment neither is working
> `sane-find-scanner` is able to see it and return `found USB scanner 
> (vendor=0x04c5 [Fujitsu], product=0x132b [ScanSnap iX500]) at libusb:000:004`
> `scanimage -L` and `sudo scanimage -L` return `No scanners were identified. 
> If you were expecting something different,` etc etc.

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