
I have posted a question on GitLab regarding the SANE API 
(https://gitlab.com/sane-project/standard/-/issues/10). Ralph suggested that I 
also ask here. The sentence in question is

"Member last_frame is set to SANE_TRUE if and only if the frame that is 
currently being acquired (or the frame that will be acquired next if there is 
no current frame) is the last frame of a multi frame image (e.g., the current 
frame is the blue component of a red, green, blue image)."

This sounds to me as if the following should be true:

Whenever format is set to SANE_FRAME_GRAY or SANE_FRAME_RGB, last_frame should 
be equal to SANE_False.

However, both scanimage and the test backend behave differently. Does anyone 
have any thoughts on this matter? Otherwise, I will open a MR to adapt the API 
spec to the real usage.


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