
I would assume it is a hardware bug that can be fixed. Check the scan 
element or the mirror for dust and clean it carefully.



Matthew Vernon schrieb:
> Hi,
> I have an HP Scanjet 4c scanner connected via SCSI to my linux 2.2.x
> x86 box. All works fine, except for the fact that I get a yellow
> vertical line (a few pixels thick, I guess) running up my image. I'm
> wondering: 
> is this likely to be a firmware bug that I could correct by upgrading
> my firmare (how)?
> is this likely to be a software bug that could be fixed?
> is this likely to be a hardware bug that could be fixed?
> is this likely to be an unfixable hardware bug?
> I'm running xsane version 0.84
> Many thanks,
> Matthew

Peter Kirchgessner

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