
On Sun, Jun 12, 2005 at 12:26:22PM +0100, Andi McLean wrote:
> I have an issue with the Sane netowork protocol.
> To find the size / resolution and pixel depth of an image, I need to call
> sane_get_parameters()
> If I do this before calling sane_start() the values are estimates, which can 
> cause problems. If i try to call it diretly after sane_start() but before 
> reading the data from another port. the call is not serviced.

What do you mean by "the call is not serviced"?

> DO I have to call, sane_start() read the data into a buffer (File or memory)
> then call sane_getparameters()?
> Or is there another way?

See SANE standard for how to do a scan:

sane_start ()


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