
> I installed the latest SANE backend version, applied Jan Bouke's
> correction, and got the scanner working (after some confusion
> about the firmware file) - at least for paper scanning.
> The only problem I have is with the preview mode:
> "scanimage --preview=yes" uses a too high y rsolution, i.e., it
> produces a picture with a correct number of lines, but fills
> them with top part of the document only. Preview scans from
> XSane and Kooka hang the scanner. But this might be a problem
> of my installation: Perhaps I overlooked a file from the
> previous 1.0.15 backends version. Has somone else observed a
> similar behaviour?

I got reports from similar problems with the 3490, but apparently 
previewing works for some people. Maybe it's a problem with the 
firmware version.

The latest CVS version shouldn't need Jan's patch anymore.


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