
On Tue, Dec 27, 2005 at 02:49:29PM +0000, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> sane-find-scanner finds it:
> found USB scanner (vendor=0x04a9 [Canon], product=0x220d [CanoScan],
> chip=LM9832/3) at libusb:/dev/usb0:/dev/ugen0
> I found that the plustek, not canon, backend has to be used, so I set this:
> ian:16$ echo $SANE_DEFAULT_DEVICE
> plustek:/dev/ugen0

Using SANE_DEFAULT_DEVICE makes only sense if several devices are
available and one shall be selected.

The device name is wrong anyway (compare it to the one given by
sane-find-scanner). Most probably the correct one is:


Just running "scanimage -L" without any defaoult device should print
the full device name.

> scanimage: open of device plustek:/dev/ugen0 failed: Error during device I/O

Wrong device.

If the scanner isn't found without setting SANE_DEFAULT_DEVICE,
provide a log file (SANE_DEBUG_PLUSTEK=255).


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