
What is the status of "Umax Astra 4500" support?

I trying it with sane-backend - 1.0.17, and sane-frontends 1.0.13,
and get only strange noise:

# sane-find-scanner

found USB scanner (vendor=0x0638 [Avision], product=0x0a10 [USB Scanner], 
chip=GL646) at libusb:003:002 

# scanimage -d genesys:libusb:003:002 --format pnm > /tmp/output.pnm
[genesys] WARNING: Your scanner is not fully supported or at least
[genesys]          had only limited testing. Please be careful and
[genesys]          report any failure/success to
[genesys]          sane-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org. Please provide as many
[genesys]          details as possible, e.g. the exact name of your
[genesys]          scanner and what does (not) work.
scanimage: sane_start: Error during device I/O

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