> however, the backend doesn't work, the port aparently opens well, but
> the calls to usb_get_descriptor, usb_control_msg never return.
> Any one knows if there is any -bad- interaction between calling
> directly libusb and other sane libraries?

This is dependent on the individual scanner.  When the protocol is
vendor-defined, the vendor can choose to ignore the USB_STANDARD
requirements (as one Canon scanner does).  The protocol then must be
"discovered" through a scan observer program such as usbsnoopy.

If you are using linux, usually the information needed about the scanner
is available in /proc/bus/usb/devices for that device.  You may not need
the separate usb functions for this information.

It is sometimes possible to have access by a usb_claim_interface(), (skip
set configuration).  You might attempt to read the status register through
a register read for that chip.  You will have to find the command that does
respond, as the usb_control_msg or equivalent vendor command is necessary.


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