scanadf is not part of sane-backends. its in sane-frontends. scanimage
is in sane-backends, it can do most of what scanadf can do, so you
could try that first.

please let us know how you come out.

allan (fujitsu backend maintainer)

On 10/11/07, Yoshi <ml at> wrote:
> Hello.
> I am a Mac OS X 10.4.10 user and I installed latest sane-backends
> from source code with installing libusb on it, but then I couldn't find
> scanadf command. I have ever installed sane-backends on a gentoo
> linux server where I could successfully use scanadf.
> I have to use ADF scanner(fujitsu fi-5110C or scansnap S500) on that
> Mac machine. The build log seemed not to have critical errors.
> I build sane-backends and libusb by just
> ./configure
> make && sudo make install
> And I installed sane-backends after libusb.
> I would like to get advices to build it.
> Thank you.
> Yoshi
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