== Neuer Eintrag

-- Formular: 'adddev'

1. Your email address:
   'lmalinofsky at gmail.com'
2. Manufacturer (e.g. "Mustek"):
3. Model name (e.g. ScanExpress 1200UB):
   'Strobe Pro'
4. Bus type:
5. Vendor id (e.g. 0x001):
6. Product id (e.g. 0x0002):
7. Chipset (e.g. lm9831):
8. Comments (e.g. similar to Mustek 1234):
   'Early entrant in Visioneer sheet-fed scanners line.

The Strobe Pro preceded the Strobe XP.  Then came the Strobe XP 100, the XP 
200, and the XP 300.  The latter three are current models.

The Strobe Pro is a legacy scanner which it is believed was intended for 
versions of Windows prior to Windows XP.  Probably the SANE project will not 
want to support it but the output below may be useful to understanding the 
current models.

Leon Malinofsky'
9. Data (e.g. sane-find-scanner -v -v):
   'FreeBSD# sane-find-scanner -v -v
This is sane-find-scanner from sane-backends 1.0.18

  # sane-find-scanner will now attempt to detect your scanner. If the
  # result is different from what you expected, first make sure your
  # scanner is powered up and properly connected to your computer.

searching for SCSI scanners:
checking /dev/scanner... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/scanner0... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/scanner1... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/pass0... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/pass1... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/pass2... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/pass3... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/pass4... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/pass5... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/pass6... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/pass7... failed to open (Invalid argument)
  # No SCSI scanners found. If you expected something different, make sure that
  # you have loaded a kernel SCSI driver for your SCSI adapter.

searching for USB scanners:
checking /dev/uscanner... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner0... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner1... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner2... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner3... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner4... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner5... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner6... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner7... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner8... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner9... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner10... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner11... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner12... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner13... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner14... failed to open (Invalid argument)
checking /dev/uscanner15... failed to open (Invalid argument)
trying libusb:

<device descriptor of 0x04a7/0x0102 at /dev/usb3:/dev/ugen0 (Visioneer, Inc. Str
obe Pro USB Scanner)>
bLength               18
bDescriptorType       1
bcdUSB                1.00
bDeviceClass          255
bDeviceSubClass       3
bDeviceProtocol       0
bMaxPacketSize0       64
idVendor              0x04A7
idProduct             0x0102
bcdDevice             1.03
iManufacturer         1 (Visioneer, Inc.)
iProduct              2 (Strobe Pro USB Scanner)
iSerialNumber         3 (1              )
bNumConfigurations    1
 <configuration 0>
 bLength              9
 bDescriptorType      2
 wTotalLength         32
 bNumInterfaces       1
 bConfigurationValue  1
 iConfiguration       0 ()
 bmAttributes         64 (Self-powered)
 MaxPower             2 mA
  <interface 0>
   <altsetting 0>
   bLength            9
   bDescriptorType    4
   bInterfaceNumber   0
   bAlternateSetting  0
   bNumEndpoints      2
   bInterfaceClass    0
   bInterfaceSubClass 0
   bInterfaceProtocol 0
   iInterface         0 ()
    <endpoint 0>
    bLength           7
    bDescriptorType   5
    bEndpointAddress  0x01 (out 0x01)
    bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
    wMaxPacketSize    64
    bInterval         0 ms
    bRefresh          0
    bSynchAddress     0
    <endpoint 1>
    bLength           7
    bDescriptorType   5
    bEndpointAddress  0x82 (in 0x02)
    bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
    wMaxPacketSize    64
    bInterval         0 ms
    bRefresh          0
    bSynchAddress     0

<trying to find out which USB chip is used>
    checking for GT-6801 ...
    this is not a GT-6801 (bcdUSB = 0x100)
    checking for GT-6816 ...
    this is not a GT-6816 (bDeviceClass = 255, bInterfaceClass = 0)
    checking for GT-8911 ...
    this is not a GT-8911 (check 1, bDeviceClass = 255, bInterfaceClass = 0)
    checking for MA-1017 ...
    this is not a MA-1017 (bDeviceClass = 255, bInterfaceClass = 0)
    checking for MA-1015 ...
    this is not a MA-1015 (bDeviceSubClass = 0x3)
    checking for MA-1509 ...
    this is not a MA-1509 (bcdUSB = 0x100)
    checking for LM983[1,2,3] ...
    this is not a LM983x (bDeviceClass = 255, bInterfaceClass = 0)
    checking for GL646 ...
    this is not a GL646 (bDeviceClass = 255, bInterfaceClass = 0)
    checking for GL646_HP ...
    this is not a GL646_HP (bDeviceClass = 255, bInterfaceClass = 0)
    checking for GL660+GL646 ...
    this is not a GL660+GL646 (bcdUSB = 0x100)
    checking for GL841 ...
    this is not a GL841 (bDeviceClass = 255, bInterfaceClass = 0)
    checking for ICM532B ...
    this is not a ICM532B (check 1, bDeviceClass = 255, bInterfaceClass = 0)
    checking for PV8630/LM9830 ...
    this is not a PV8630/LM9830 (bDeviceClass = 255)
    checking for M011 ...
    this is not a M011 (bDeviceSubClass = 0x3)
    checking for RTS8822L-01H ...
    this is not a RTS8822L-01H (bDeviceClass = 255)
    checking for rts8858c ...
    this is not a rts8858c (bDeviceClass = 255)
    checking for SQ113 ...
    this is not a SQ113 (bDeviceClass = 255)
<Couldn't determine the type of the USB chip (result from sane-backends 1.0.18)>

found USB scanner (vendor=0x04a7 [Visioneer, Inc.], product=0x0102 [Strobe Pro 
      SB Scanner]) at libusb:/dev/usb3:/dev/ugen0
  # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be supported by
  # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.

  # Not checking for parallel port scanners.

  # Most Scanners connected to the parallel port or other proprietary ports
  # can't be detected by this program.
FreeBSD# scanimage -L

No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).


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