well, these logs seem to have been generated by something other than
benoit's usb sniffer (which is all my programs understand), but i did
get some info out. primarily, that the machine seems to be vaguely
SCSI based. i see scsi opcodes at the head of every short write, and a
corresponding read or write for those opcodes that need it. there
seems to be a wrapper packet after every transfer, starting with
either fb or f9.

looks like a machine that could be made to work, if there was a
motivated programmer :)


On 10/25/07, matei kolt <dur_matei at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Damn good idea, where the hell were I thinking at?
> So, the new link:
> http://www.matei.upcnet.ro/scanner.zip
> Ok, I must admit it's th first time I'm working with
> mailing lists..
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