On Friday 18 January 2008 02:41:05 m. allan noah wrote:
> I know nothing about the GL841, but the HP G4010 might be one (or so
> check-usb-chip thinks).
> we now have a user-provided usbsnoop attached to this bug report:
> http://alioth.debian.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=410366&aid=305050&group_id=30186
> Could someone who has seen the protocol for this chip just look and
> try to answer the basic question of is this GL841 or not?
Not really an expert, but if the GL841 test says it is an GL841
and the bcdDevice=5.00, the we're faced with an GL843.

I've already updated sane-find-scanner regarding that.

- Gerhard

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