On 25.01.2008, at 23:09, m. allan noah wrote:

> On Jan 25, 2008 4:36 PM,  <olin.sane.7ia at shivers.mail0.org> wrote:
>> I append the results of my sane-find-scanner run. It does find a  
>> scanner, reporting
>>    found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x3905) at libusb: 
>> 001:016
>> Similarly, lsusb says:
>>    Bus 001 Device 016: ID 03f0:3905 Hewlett-Packard

It uses an Avision chip and is already supported by my backend.

However, I just noticed I shoudl proably regenerate the avision.desc
soon so the udev entries are setup for user access.

Can you try to use the current SANE CVS and try as root just to
make sure?

If it still does not work please keep me CC'ed and we should be
able to sort this out quickly (maybe your machine is newer than
the other users that told me in the past it worked for them and some
ID string or ASIC number etc. need to be added).


   Ren? Rebe - ExactCODE GmbH - Europe, Germany, Berlin
   Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Susanne Klaus, Ren? Rebe
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