Rene Rebe <rene at> wrote:

> The TWAIN standard is open, and here is the link:

Back in the days, ISTR it wasn't open. I'll try to find some time to
go through it.

> Actually the capabilities are even quite similar.

That's what makes the most sense I think, so it's no surprise.

> In retrospect I wonder why TWAIN was not used when SANE was
> started for the open / free OSs. Maybe just to do it differently than
> on Windows and the Mac.

NIH syndrom? :) I wasn't here back then, but my feeling about TWAIN at
that time (was fiddling with a handheld scanner on Windows 3.11) was
that it was something really complicated, so I can understand why SANE
came out as something simpler.

These days, we may not see TWAIN as something as complicated as we
used to think back then because we're now used to similar designs all
over the place (and the cost of such designs in terms of code and
runtime performance is quite smaller these days, too).

Well, OK, enough random thoughts ;)


Julien BLACHE                                   <> 
<jb at>                                  GPG KeyID 0xF5D65169

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