On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 3:06 AM, Albert Cervera i Areny
<albert at nan-tic.com> wrote:
>  I simply used 'scanadf -v'. Now I realize that there are much more options.
>  Using "scanadf -v --mode Color --source ADF --resolution 300" uses papers
>  from ADF correctly. Sorry about the noise. However, I don't think the error
>  in the simple "scanadf -v" case is normal...

By default, the backend uses flatbed as the source. Thus if you start
'scanadf' in the way you did before, you should get endless scanning
as scanadf will try until 'No documents in feeder' error (or any
other) will occur. The 'No documents...' error won't be returned when
using flatbed, which is obvious.

Anyway, I agree, the error shouldn't be there. May I ask you to
collect the debug information but with SANE_DEBUG_HP5590=50 set? The
debug information will contain more details, including scanner
firmware version. I suspect that it could be different from mine.

Thanks in advance,
 Ilia Sotnikov

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