On 5/24/08, Ron Joffe <ron.joffe at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am looking to see if functionality has been added to utilize the "scan"
>  button on an ADF scanner? I have read a few posts back in '04 in the
>  archives, and am wondering if any progress has been made.

the fujitsu backend has supported all buttons and sensors of the
scanner since sane 1.0.18. the problem is that you need a daemon
running on the machine to load and monitor the backend. there is one
in experimental branch of sane cvs, but you will likely have to tune
the code to make it call your desired scanning program.

another option might be a hal addon, which has been discussed on this
list lately, but i dont know the status of that project.

"The truth is an offense, but not a sin"

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