On 6/23/08, Daniel Gl?ckner <daniel-gl at gmx.net> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 05:04:57PM +0800, eagleskycloud wrote:
>  >      My driver process threshold while lineArt scan now. If XSane could
>  > process threshold, my driver would get simple.
> IMHO lineArt should be advertised only for devices that can do the
>  conversion in hardware. Doing it in hardware has the benefit of reduced
>  USB/SCSI bandwidth. Drivers should not cover up for cheap hardware.
>  There is a list of planned features for XSane.
>  http://www.xsane.org/xsane-future.html
>  If you want lineArt conversion to be included there, you need to contact
>  the author. He is no longer on this mailing list.

this is a place where i disagree with daniel, for two reasons-

1. It would still help with bandwidth in the net backend case, which
sould like it might become the standard in some future version of

2. it is good if all backends present a similar interface, so that
front-ends like scanimage can still have access to these functions.

 to that end- i have been working on a sanei_threshold library that
backends of dumb scanners could share. it still has the same effect of
code only in one place. i need a good algorithm though- eagleskycloud-
what mechanism were you planning to use? straight threshold, or
something adaptive?

"The truth is an offense, but not a sin"

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