
That was the problem!  Neither build of libusb that I had worked.  I  
downloaded and built libusb from sourceforge and it is responding!
Now back to rebuilding sane to the original mode and see what happens.


On Sep 2, 2008, at 4:13 PM, Nicolas wrote:

> I'm completely nuts about Mac OS, but I've browsed a little the  
> libusb documentation (on, and it seems that  
> the libusb should compile straightforward for Mac, if you start from  
> the libusb original package.
> So could you try also maybe to download the libusb from there, then  
> compile/install it on your Mac, and then retry to build Sane after  
> that ?
> Nicolas
> Le mardi 02 septembre 2008 ? 16:24 -0400, BuildSmart a ?crit :
>> On Sep 02, 2008, at 15:43 PM, Bob Dronski wrote:
>>> I'm still trying to get the Canon MP4150 working. In an attempt to
>>> debug, Nicolas recommended I use libusb-dev.  Unfortunately, all I  
>>> can
>>> find are packages and source for libusb.  Does anyone have any
>>> experience creating a version of libusb-dev for mac?  Even a  
>>> location
>>> of source?
>> Some people might say I have some experience in Mac OS X.
>> Here's where I started, read how they generate the binaries for  
>> ubuntu, just ignore the .deb packaging related stuff and make sure  
>> you compile for i386 and x86_64 if you want proper support  
>> throughout the complete Leopard environment, the libraries are  
>> really useful, I'm just not interested in holding anyone's hand  
>> long enough for them to figure anything out, I've got my own issues  
>> to deal with.
>>> Thanks,
>>> bob
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