On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 7:06 PM, m. allan noah <kitno455 at gmail.com> wrote:
> There has been some discussion of moving to some other SCM lately, so
> any branching might want to wait for that, but certainly you could try
> to apply your changes to a current cvs checkout, and at least produce
> a patch?

I have CVS write access so why not create a branch? Any objections?

> Most backends should be using sanei_thread, so it is possible to build
> them with pthread support instead of fork, so something like
> http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/ could be useful?

I meant the ability for a backend to behave safely when executing in
several different threads. No to mention that thread safeness could be
useful in the future, but for saned porting - it does fork() to handle
client connection and when we will convert in to pthread_create() we
need to be sure that such process is safe.

Best regards,
 Ilia Sotnikov

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