Hi Pierre, 
Good job!!

I have a Pentax DS Mobile600 (usb 0x0a17 0x3210). I added this to 
genesys_devices.c,genesys.conf and genesis.conf.in, using the Roadwarrior 
settings and then recompiled Sane. The motor seems to work correctly. The paper 
detection switches work correctly. The image comes out a blank white page. I 
supposed that either the CCD or the DAC flags are not correct. Later this week 
I'll try the other the other CCD settings and if they don't work I'll post a 
usbsnoop log.

Also, I made a table that summarizes the small, usb powered, mobile sheetfed 
scanners at http://sites.google.com/site/roadwarriorscanner/sheetfed-scanner.

Jack McGill

--- On Mon, 3/2/09, Pierre Willenbrock <pierre at pirsoft.dnsalias.org> wrote:

> From: Pierre Willenbrock <pierre at pirsoft.dnsalias.org>
> Subject: [sane-devel] genesys backend update
> To: sane-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
> Date: Monday, March 2, 2009, 2:01 PM
> Hi,
> i added support for Ambir(Syscan) DocketPort 665 and
> Visioneer
> Roadwarrior, thanks to the hardware donation of Jack
> McGill. Those two
> use the same mainboard, only differently sized sensors.
> There may be
> other models using this mainboard, and adding support
> should be simple.
> Attached is a photo of the mainboard.
> GL841/2 based sheetfed scanners are still lacking
> calibration support,
> as those cannot calibrate on their own, and the support
> code for user
> assisted calibration is not written yet. (At least i cannot
> think of a
> way to do white-level calibration. Black-level is easy.)
> Regards,
>   Pierre
> -- 
> sane-devel mailing list: sane-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/sane-devel
> Unsubscribe: Send mail with subject "unsubscribe
> your_password"
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