Yiannis Belias <jonnyb at hol.gr> wrote:


> :) Actually I was hoping that saned could implement an extra function call
> without the need for the dll or even (maybe) the net backend to be aware of 
> it.
> I understand that this would brake the api for the network part.

And how would the frontend actually get the ICC data if it isn't aware
of the get_icc_profile() call?

You want to send the ICC profile over the network, so that means
someone has to request it. The frontend doesn't know it's using the
net backend; it's using the dll backend and doesn't even know the net
backend exists. So it can't issue this request.

> If that won't happen, do you see any other way of getting a remote profile
> without having to update every backend to a new version of the sane api?

My take on this is that it should be handled out of band and by the
frontend only. The frontend should have all the information needed to
determine which ICC profile applies.


Julien BLACHE                                   <http://www.jblache.org> 
<jb at jblache.org>                                  GPG KeyID 0xF5D65169

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