Hello all!

I just powered up this scanner ( (vendor=0x03f0 [Hewlett-Packard], 
product=0x0a01 [hp scanjet scanner], chip=GL646_HP) as detected by 
sane-find-scanner). It doesn't work with stock sane (1.0.19), and doesn't work 
with genesys backend from http://stef.dev.free.fr/sane/genesys/ (but it 
produces log after I run ./run-genesys script).

Scanner work with proprietary (?) SANE backend from 
http://www.elcot.in/linuxdrivers_download.php#Scan2400 , but i found even 
smaller package, it works too (found it on russian Linux forum):


I can scan color pages with at least 150, 200, 300 and 600 dpi settings. 
Because this driver uses libusb - i think it is good idea to capture  its 
command stream? I'm not sure for how long I will have this piece hardware.

I think I saw some instructions about capturing usb packets from Linux, but not 
sure how exactly it was done (in userspace or via kernel patch). May be someone 
here can point me into right direction?

I'll attach genesys debug log, i have plans to download more recent SANE 
sources and start from them, but I really need some guidance.

As you can see from log SANE thinks what my scanner was locked at the end (and 
it started to make loud motor noises, so I unplugged it fast). No image was 
received ever ...

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