Le dimanche 14 f?vrier 2010 14:59:45 Gernot Hassenpflug, vous avez ?crit :
> On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 4:35 PM, stef <stef.dev at free.fr> wrote:
> > Le vendredi 12 f?vrier 2010 10:32:52 Gernot Hassenpflug, vous avez ?crit :
> >> Milan Toman & I opened up our Canon 8800F scanners a few weeks ago and
> >> tried to find information on the devices contained therein. I will put
> >> up pictures on my home server on the weekend and post the URL in this
> >> thread.
> >
> >        Hello,
> >
> >        there is one more data point you can try to get. By using
> > usbsnoop, you could try to see if first USB writes send a firmware. If
> > yes, you could try to feed it through disassembler to find if it a known
> > micro controller, for instance something based on a 8080.
> >
> > Regards,
> >        Stef
> I still have to put the scanner together again (tomorrow night) and do
> that. I am using Windows XP in VMWare on a Debian GNU/linux x86 host.
> I guess you mean "try a disassembler", like x86dis, assuming x86 code.
> It seems however NEC uses something like a V850 a lot. I'll look
> around.
> General question: if there is a generic ASIC used to instruct the
> scanner, does that mean the scanner driver hardware is then off-chip,
> or can a generic ASIC produce the same kinds of outputs as, say, the
> Genesys scanner driver chips?
> Regards,
> Gernot

        the gt68xx based scanners use a 8052 based micro controller, and the XP 
Strobe Pro is based on a z80. A multi-purpose controller can be used to build 
a scanner. Might be the case for you.


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