hagar wrote:
> I have an Epson TX110 which was supposedly only supported by epkowa.
The TX110 does not require a proprietary plugin, so I believe the epson2 
status simply reflects that the epson2 backend has not been tested with the 
TX110 until now.

> I had major problems with epkowa - crashing freezing etc.
If you have the time and inclination, sending me some logs of the problems you 
encountered would be appreciated. Starting the SANE frontend of your choice 
the command line with "SANE_DEBUG_EPKOWA=HEX" prefixed and capturing the output 
to a file would be all that is necessary to obtain a log.

It would also be helpful to know what distribution you are using, what version 
of the iscan package you have installed and what SANE frontend you are trying 
use it with.

Happy scanning,
Alesh Slovak                    Linux Team -- AVASYS Corporation
alesh.slovak at avasys.jp          http://avasys.jp

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