Guenther Hutzl <guenther.hutzl <at>> writes:

> On 07/02/2010 10:19 PM, John wrote:
> > If you haven't got it working yet, you might try the canon drivers for the 
> > from:
> >
> >
> > Using the rpms from that source I have text printing partly working over 
> > wireless which is more than I could do before.  Haven't tried the scanner 
> > but scanner drivers are included in the bundle.
> >
> > --john

> >   
> Hello!
> Thanks for the hint. I will try that driver when I have time. I did not
> yet work on the usb snoop trace. But I will soon. I will soon have
> access to a windows XP pc so I can do the trace then. It would help me
> if anyone could point me to some documentation about how to produce
> useful traces. I did not find any post here, but I may have searched
> wrong. I will post the trace results here when I have them ready in the
> next weeks or so.
> Guenther.
As a last resort I read the guide that comes in the driver bundle from Canon.  
Had to then uninstall everything and make changes to SELinux and the Firewall 
before reinstalling.  Unbelievable.  It searched and found my wireless MX350 
set it up in Cups.  It prints photos and text and mixed content as it should.  
It also scans but as per the guide the only app that sees the scanner is GIMP.

Sure don't understand why Canon doesn't have the linux stuff on their US web-
site.  At least I couldn't find it.  Of course my wife says I can't see things 
any more unless they are moving.  After 49 years I guess she knows me pretty 

This may not be of any help resolving your problem but thought I would let you 
know how my situation turned out.


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