Am Mi, 08 Dez 2010 07:00:10 CET schrieb Gernot Hassenpflug:

> On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 1:32 AM, m. allan noah <kitno455 at>
> wrote:
> > Kemal- the code for this scanner is not yet a part of a released
> > version of sane. I don't think any Linux distro will work yet.
> > However, if you compile sane-backends from source, you can get the
> > latest code. You might need to get a patch from Gernot first.
> Hi, yes, I have a patch that works with all but the highest 9600dpi
> mode.

I think, some would be happy, if everything works but 9600dpi. I
suggest to include it into the current release with a note that
mentions the limitation. Reviews say the the quality difference to
9600dpi is minimal.


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