
On Jan 20, 2011, at 4:24 PM, Brian Shaver wrote:

> I'm having some trouble compiling with these changes committed. Below is the 
> error I'm getting. I'll admit I haven't actually looked into the source code 
> to confirm the change comes from this set of commits, but it seemed like it 
> would be related. I'm running Fedora 13, and I've been able to build from the 
> latest source as recent as 2011.01.12.

I'm having exactly the same problem. I'm attaching my byteorder.h.

System is Debian Squeeze on amd64:

[glaubitz at sulphur:~]$ uname -a
Linux sulphur 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Wed Jan 12 03:40:32 UTC 2011 x86_64 
[glaubitz at sulphur:~]$ lsb_release -c
Codename:       squeeze


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