yes- that was fixed in sane-backends 1.0.22, we must not call
mode-select unless the scanner supports the page code in question.
Easiest would be an upgrade, though you will still need to repeat the
prior fix.


On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Dave Webb <dave.webb8211 at> 
> Allen,
> I applied your lines and installed the backends again.
> The lines are called but the scanner still does not work.
> The error message changed slightly.
> [fujitsu] sane_start: start
> [fujitsu] started=0, side=0, source=1
> [fujitsu] update_params: start
> [fujitsu] update_params: x: max=10200, page=10200, gpw=10200, res=300
> [fujitsu] update_params: y: max=33632, page=13200, gph=13200, res=300
> [fujitsu] update_params: area: tlx=0, brx=10200, tly=0, bry=13200
> [fujitsu] update_params: params: ppl=2544, Bpl=318, lines=3300
> [fujitsu] update_params: params: format=0, depth=1, last=1
> [fujitsu] update_params: finish
> [fujitsu] scanner_control: start
> [fujitsu] scanner_control: adf function not required
> [fujitsu] mode_select_auto: start
> [fujitsu] do_scsi_cmd: start
> [fujitsu] cmd: writing 6 bytes
> [fujitsu] cmd: >>
> [fujitsu] 000: 15 10 00 00 0c 00 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ......
> [fujitsu] out: writing 12 bytes
> [fujitsu] out: >>
> [fujitsu] 000: 00 00 00 00 3c 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 ? ? ? ? ? ? ....<.......
> [fujitsu] sense_handler: start
> [fujitsu] Sense=0x5, ASC=0x20, ASCQ=00, EOM=1, ILI=0, info=00000000
> [fujitsu] Illegal request: invalid command
> [fujitsu] do_scsi_cmd: return 'Invalid argument'
> [fujitsu] mode_select_auto: finish
> [fujitsu] sane_start: ERROR: cannot mode_select_auto
> scanadf: sane_start: Invalid argument
> Invalid argument
> Scanned 0 pages
> [fujitsu] sane_cancel: start
> [fujitsu] sane_cancel: finish
> [fujitsu] sane_close: start
> [fujitsu] mode_select_buff: start
> [fujitsu] mode_select_buff: unsupported
> [fujitsu] disconnect_fd: start
> [fujitsu] disconnecting scsi device
> [fujitsu] disconnect_fd: finish
> [fujitsu] sane_close: finish
> [fujitsu] sane_exit: start
> [fujitsu] disconnect_fd: start
> [fujitsu] disconnect_fd: finish
> [fujitsu] sane_exit: finish
> What's going on here?
> Best regards
> Dave Webb

"The truth is an offense, but not a sin"

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