As root, run the following command:

scanimage -L

then run that same command as yourself. Hopefully you will see your
scanner listed both times.


On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 4:07 PM, Shunsuke Akagi <shoon at> wrote:
> Hi, Great developers of Xsane,
> Xsane worked great right after installation and I thought it's great.
> However after uninstall several fax related appllications and Skanlite
> because they did not work, Xsane does not work any more. I reinstalled
> Skanlite and now Skanlite is working somehow.
> What howppens is that when I click preview or scan, it won't do anything.
> Silence! Now once I opened Simple Scan and ran Xsane, Xsane tells me it
> cannot find Canon MP250. So it knows what my scanner is doing.
> I tried to check /usr/etc/sane.d/dll.conf but /usr/etc/ is empty so now I do
> not know what I am supposed to do. Help me please.
> Shoon
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