Am 16.07.2012 22:46, schrieb rod Boudreaux:
> I have successfully compiled the backend in and tested to program.
> Hear are the results.
> Transparency works good at all dpi setting
> Flatbed works good at all dpi except 9600.
> error message generated
>   Error during read: during device I/O

How do you scan 9600 dpi in flatbed mode?

The latest backend only supports these resolutions:
 75 ... 4800 dpi @ flatbed
150 ... 4800 dpi @ 48 bit flatbed
300 ... 9600 dpi @ TPU

Please check the used backend with e.g.: 'SANE_DEBUG_PIXMA=2 scanimage
-L'. The response must contain this line: '[pixma] pixma version 0.16.4'.

> The only other problem I had was in saving a png the screen would not
> close until I selected the xsane window, then it closed.

This seems to be a problem of xsane. Please report this behaviour to the
xsane project.

> If you would like any RAW picture files are need any other testing/help
> let me know. I hope that something can be released soon I have had
> several people asking about the 9000f on the blogs.  

In the meantime please refer to the 1.0.23git version in the blogs.

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