Albrecht Mehl writes:

> This whole business is quite annoying. Without external help vom Yuri 
> and Olaf I would make no progress at all ... but even so the problem 
> still exists.
> 1. Entering in page
> perfection v 330 photo  and linux
> gives no results. Only 'perfection v330 photo' works.

Told you so ;-)

> 2. In the FAQ
> one is directed to download the data package, the RPM package, and
> ex)iscan-2.29.1-1.usb0.1.ltdl7.rpm.

Hmm, that page mentions interpreter plugins in the [core package]
section without any example file name.

> 3. The last file I could not find, just the iscan plugin package
> from page 
> This download resulted in
>    esci-interpreter-perfection-v330-0.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm
> which is quite different from the file asked for in 2. Also the name in 
> search results does not suggest that this is the esci-interpreter.

As Andrew mentioned already, the ex) stands for example.

>    Is this the correct file?


>    If not: what is the exact name of the correct file, where do I get
>    it  from?
> 4. I installed the file esci*.rpm - see 3.
> 5. This resulted in the scanner still being not configured according to 
> yast2, configuration of the scanner... so the scanner is seen, but 
> cannot be used.
> 6. Working on this single item in the scanner's list gave a long list
> 'choosing scanner model and driver'. My scanner is listed with the
> following driver:
>    Third-Party Image Scan driver software from Epson/Avasys required.
>    Driver epkowa should give good functionality. (USB-ID 0x04b8:0x0142)
>    [requires DFSG non-free esci-interpreter-perfection-v330]
> 7. Continue resulted in the message
>      Driver can cause problems. The epkowa driver in 64-Bit x86_64
>      can give trouble.
> 8. I continued even so. Result: the scanner moved for a short while,
> but then the list 'configuration of the scanner' appeared and therein
>    epkowa Epson ... an epkowa:interpreter
>    not configured Epson Perfection ...
> 9. When giving OK to 8. and starting xsane to my amazement it worked.
> I had stumbled over the words 'not configured'. So my  question in 3. 
> needs not be answered.

Duh, now you tell us ;-)

> By a good instruction manual and good naming - see the beginning of 3. - 
> a lot of trouble for the user could be avoided.

You might want to mention that to the people who maintain the download
site.  Check the output of

  rpm --query --info esci-interpreter-perfection-v330-0.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm

for a Packager: field.  That's where I'd send my "gripes".

Hope this helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen, LPIC-2           FLOSS Engineer -- AVASYS CORPORATION
FSF Associate Member #1962               Help support software freedom

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