Hi Savannah Hackers!

As the subject of my mail should already suggest I'm contacting you in regards
of the job 'offer' I've found on Savannah's Contributor Wanted pages.

So let me start off with a (not so) short introduction of myself.

I'm a 19 year old student living in Villach, Carinthia, Austria and studying
IT/network engineering at the local secondary level technical college.
My relationship to Free Software is a very special one and exists since
the days I started out learning BASIC. I've learnt pretty much everything
related to IT on a learning-by-doing basis and furthermore I learned
programming by reading and modifying code - Free Software code.
What started out of pure interested soon became my hobby and besides
BASIC I later started learning C, PHP and C++. At some point in late 1999
or early 2000 a Free Software operating system called GNU/Linux caught my
attention. I started using Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 and then SuSE 6.4.
Again I was doing it the learning-by-doing way plus using information
that was available on the net.
Whilst gaining programming experience doing mainly IRC (server, services)
development for the QuakeNet IRC network I noticed how weird it felt writing
closed-source propietary software 'for fun' and how wrong it is in the end.
I eventually quit there. 
In early 2006 I was yet again looking for something 'proper' to do on the net
when I saw the FSF Europe's Fellowship program. It didn't take long until I
joined the fellowship and am now a proud Fellow of the FSFE.
Currently besides going to school I'm also working on one software package
which is a PE (windows32) executable(/malware) analyzer.
After submitting exactly that package for approval on Savannah I noticed
that you were looking for people to help you. As I've been looking for a way
to help the GNU project for quite some time already, I am now sitting here 
writing this email.

Additionally I also wanted to note that I'm (quite) fluent in German, 
English and C. :)

As for the required skills listed on the job description:
I'm familiar with the GNU Coding Standards but am nowhere near being an expert
on the topic. I'm willing to become one though.
Software licensing? Well, I'm not a lawyer but know a few
things about software licensing, especially when it comes to Free Software
licensing. However, I'm not only willing to learn more on this topic but
am generally interested in it.
And finally, GNU/Linux: As I've been using GNU/Linux since early 2000 and am
using GNU/Linux as the operating system of choice on both desktops and servers
I'm quite familiar with it.

So, again: Why did I contact you?
As I noted above I have been looking for a way to give the Free Software
community something back for a while now. Joining the Fellowship of the FSFE
was the first step and should not be the final. Helping out at Savannah
seems to be a nice idea as I could really do something useful there. Not only
useful for myself but rather to the community as a whole.

I hope this is enough information for now. If you need/want more
feel free to contact me.

Best regards,

Stephan 'sp' Peijnik

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