Hello Savannah Hackers,

yesterday I've re-enabled the script that automatically checks out the
website repositories for all the gnu and non-gnu projects, including the
main website.

I've also somewhat hardened the configuration of the gnu.org and
nongnu.org virtual hosts. In particular,

* symlinks are no longer followed

* Server Side Includes are now completely disabled except for the
  main site

* it is no longer possible to execute CGIs from Server Side Includes

* mod_php is no longer installed

* mod_python is now disabled everywhere except for the internal
  new-savannah-project script

The following Apache features are enabled for all gnu projects:

  Options Indexes MultiViews Limit
  AllowOverride Indexes FileInfo Limit

The following Apache features are enabled for all nongnu projects: 

  Options Indexes Multiviews
  AllowOverride None

Let me know if the new configuration broke something important. If the
current settings seem excessively restrictive, we could re-enable
specific features on a case-by-case basis.

Turning off FileInfo would actually have been good, because it enables a
bunch of scary directives in .htaccess, but there are way too many
projects already using Redirect and RedirectMatch. Converting them all
would be impractical.

 Bernie Innocenti
 Systems Administrator, Free Software Foundation

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