> Ben,
> So that works when it's being passed directly to send but it won't
> work when passed in from a splatted array!
>    [1,2,3].send(*[:collect, &Proc.new{|x| x.to_s + "!"}])
>    -> SyntaxError: (irb):1: expecting ']'

That doesn't work because you can't put a block in an array:

>> [:collect, &Proc.new{|x| x.to_s + '!'}]
SyntaxError: compile error

Instead of storing the call and args in an array, you might want to
consider a hash so you can label and handle blocks special case.
There's some ambiguity in just shoving it in at the end of the args
(is it a user argument or a handler?).

Kevin Clark

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