Re: [MediaWiki-l] To those that run your own wiki .. some help needed please!

2012-08-21 Thread D3xRañ

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 20, 2012, at 9:56 PM, Yecheondigital wrote:

 Recently I've been having server troubles lately and I wanted to see if 
 anyone else was in a similar boat and how you overcame it. Because of these 
 server issues, it's putting me in a difficult situation and I don't want to 
 give up on a wiki I've been working on for the last 3 years. I'm hoping to 
 get some advice from others who run their own wikis, especially high traffic 
 Background information:
 -Front page runs wordpress ( --- however not 
 much of the traffic goes here.
 -Most of the traffic goes to the wiki on the site:
 -I get less than 2,000 hits a day.
 -I was on the shared dreamhost plan for a few years, until dreamhost couldn't 
 handle the wiki anymore. Lots of time outs and processes getting killed for 
 exceeding my shared memory capacity recently.
 -In the last week I switched to a Virtual Private Server (VPS) on dreamhost 
 (two VPS actually: one is a regular VPS, the other is for mysql). 
 -For the first week dreamhost gives you 2300mbs of memory to work with to 
 gauge how much you need exactly.  I turned on php caching using Xcache and 
 this helped performance a lot. Memory usage is usually under 400 mbs, but I 
 get these huge spikes sometimes (even exceeded the 2300 mbs given initially). 
 Here is an image of my memory usage (does it every 20 mins I believe):
 -The problem is the way dreamhost handles alloted memory over usage: It 
 reboots the server. I don't understand why they do this, but they explained 
 it was to protect the physical memory. This is annoying because anyone 
 downloading anything on the server gets their connection severed and the site 
 goes down for a short time. In fact I don't see this happening much to other 
 I know some of you guys who get a lot more than 2,000 hits and even have 
 semantic wiki installed and still have done fine. Meanwhile, I'm not sure I 
 want to pay $36 a month for 2 VPS servers (One is a regular VPS, the other is 
 for mysql) that is going to have it's connection severed several times a day 
 due to memory spikes. At the same time I don't want to give up on a wiki I've 
 been working on the past 3 years, so surely there must be a better way than 
 me having to pay $100 a month for my own server, especially when my traffic 
 isn't that high. Some advice from others who run wiki sites would be really 
 appreciated and even comparisons on what you guys are running with the amount 
 of traffic you get if possible.
 Thank you,
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