Hello Peter,

there is a windows version of Aeskulap.


If your surgeon's office is not using linux, it might use windows.

If they are able to install software on their windows machine, they are in for great tool.

Regards Roland

Am 11.11.22 um 21:57 schrieb Andreas Tille:

I'm just the Debian of aeskulap which means I can just build the code.
I'm not a user of this package.  I just know that there are two other
DICOM viewer in Debian ginkgocadx (in Debian stable, but not unstable
any more) and amide.

I'm forwarding your question to the Debian Med mailing list where other
people might give some better hints.

Kind regards

Am Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 07:39:53AM -0800 schrieb L Peter Deutsch:
Dear M. Pipelka and M. Tille,

I found your names and e-mail addresses on the aeskulap man page.

A hospital has provided us with a CD of CT scans in DICOM format that are
essential for my husband's surgery.  The surgeon's staff has been unable to
view them; convert (ImageMagick), dcm2pnm, and dcmj2pnm all produce images
that are gray with only tiny shade variations.  aeskulap produces beautiful
clear images, but the surgeon's office does not run Linux and cannot use

I have been unable to find any documentation for aeskulap other than a very
short man page.  I could have sworn I saw a man page that gave instructions
for a command line switch that caused aeskulap to write an image file in
some more usable format (PNG, PDF, ...), but I cannot find this page
anywhere now.  Does such documentation exist, and if so, where?

If we cannot find this documentation within roughly the next 24 hours, I
will have to find a way to get the images we need using gnome-screenshot.
aeskulap appears not to be designed to be driven from the command line, so I
may have to use some terrible workaround like extracting its PID with ps |
grep and killing it manually.

I will appreciate any assistance greatly.


                                        L Peter Deutsch
                                        (original author of Ghostscript)

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