With more corruption and waste,the PLA needs more money lest
soldiers starve.The figure,however,is meaningless in that ,as many
say, China has two system,one declared,one functioning. Money spent
in missile reseach is increased ,for example,but  who know which
will  carry it out, where the bankroll is. Remenber Liu Qibing - a phantom
copper futures trader who worked for China's State Reserve Bureau (SRB) at the 
London Metal Exchange ? I think there many such commissioners of the CCP,buying 
in,hyping up...

The announcement of the  increase of militory budget is mainly in
concern with instigating patriotism ,slavish of course.

Anyway,the relative inferiority to TAIWAN and JAPAN is
deteriorating ,due to  the officials and  officers' inefficiency.

中国社会党(Socialist Party China)

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