[GTALUG-Announce] Meeting Tomorrow

2021-09-13 Thread hi

# Lightning talks and Round Table

This is GTALUG's version of an un-conference, a loosely structured short talks 
emphasizing the informal exchange of information and ideas between 
participants, rather than following a conventionally structured GTALUG 
meetings.  If you already have a topic in mind please send an email to  
speak...@gtalug.org to be added to the list of scheduled talks.

We're going to use Zoom for this meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 836 4788 8809

Passcode: 804603

One tap mobile

+16473744685,,8364709#*804603# Canada
+16475580588,,8364709#*804603# Canada

Dial by your location

+1 647 374 4685 Canada
+1 647 558 0588 Canada
+1 778 907 2071 Canada
+1 204 272 7920 Canada
+1 438 809 7799 Canada
+1 587 328 1099 Canada

Find your local numberhttps://us02web.zoom.us/u/klYT1laDI

## Schedule

* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.

# Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ bo...@gtalug.org
GTALUG Announce mailing list

[GTALUG-Announce] Meeting Tomorrow

2021-08-09 Thread hi

The Linux 3D graphics stack with Alyssa Rosenzweig

GPUs and spinning cubes - what could go wrong? In this talk, we'll learn how 3D 
graphics works on Linux, from an OpenGL or Vulkan application down to the 
hardware, detouring through the dizzying world of shader compilers.

Lightning talks

This is GTALUG's version of an un-conference, a loosely structured short talks 
emphasizing the informal exchange of information and ideas between 
participants, rather than following a conventionally structured GTALUG 
meetings.  If you already have a topic in mind please send an email to 
speak...@gtalug.org to be added to the list of scheduled talks.


We're going to use Zoom for this meeting

Time: Mar 9, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting: 

Meeting ID: 822 8284 9562
Passcode: 338328

One tap mobile
+16475580588,,82282849562#*338328# Canada
+17789072071,,82282849562#*338328# Canada

Dial by your location

* +1 647 558 0588 Canada
* +1 778 907 2071 Canada
* +1 204 272 7920 Canada
* +1 438 809 7799 Canada
* +1 587 328 1099 Canada
* +1 647 374 4685 Canada

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kektZkjYKb


* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.

Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ bo...@gtalug.org
GTALUG Announce mailing list

[GTALUG-Announce] Meeting Tomorrow

2021-06-07 Thread hi

# Intro to NFTs with Chinmay Patel

NFTs are a new way to own art. Let's explore how.

Time: June 8, 2021 07:30 PM Easter Time

 Join Meeting: https://jitsi.flamy.ca/GTALUG

## Location

George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre
245 Church Street, Room 203
Ryerson University



## Schedule

* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.

# Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here: 

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board at bo...@gtalug.org.
GTALUG Announce mailing list

[GTALUG-Announce] Meeting Tomorrow

2021-04-12 Thread hi

# Windows subsystem for linux with Evan Leibovitch

After one too many times fighting with PulseAudio and video drivers and having
printers and scanners that will NEVER work with Linux, I gave up my dual boot
laptop and desktop and have loaded Win 10 on both.

Turns out, things run faster too, even open source apps like Handbrake which
take advantage of the GPU to do its video decoding while Linux can't do that.

But the story is not done. I installed Windows Subsystem for Linux and now have
a fully running Kubuntu as a VM when I want it. And there are some interesting
tools such as Windows Terminal in which you can have a Linux terminal shell
next to a tab with Windows PowerShell.

# Lightning talks

This is GTALUG's version of an un-conference, a loosely structured short talks
emphasizing the informal exchange of information and ideas between participants,
rather than following a conventionally structured GTALUG meetings.  If you
already have a topic in mind please send an email to speak...@gtalug.org to
be added to the list of scheduled talks.

## Location

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 840 0102 3881

Passcode: 688539

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdNFVrX48s

## Schedule

* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.

# Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ bo...@gtalug.org.
GTALUG Announce mailing list

[GTALUG-Announce] Meeting Tomorrow

2021-02-09 Thread hi

# Lightning talks and Round Table

This is GTALUG's version of an un-conference, a loosely structured short talks 
emphasizing the informal exchange of information and ideas between 
participants, rather than following a conventionally structured GTALUG 
meetings.  If you already have a topic in mind please send an email to  
[speak...@gtalug.org](mailto:speak...@gtalug.org) to be added to the list of 
scheduled talks.

 A Round Table Q Session is where we take questions from the audience, and 
the audience discusses and attempts to answer those questions from their own 
knowledge. It's a great way to meet fellow members of our community and 
discover the skill sets we each bring to the table.  Due to global pandemic we 
are going to hold this session via video conferencing.

 We're going to use Zoom for this meeting:

**Join Zoom Meeting** 

**Meeting ID:** 867 7533 2873
**Passcode:** 312201
** Notes on https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/gtalug-february

## Schedule

* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.

# Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ bo...@gtalug.org
GTALUG Announce mailing list

[GTALUG-Announce] Meeting Tomorrow

2021-01-11 Thread hi

# Using OpenEmbedded Linux to automate and control the wood-fired heating of 
his home with Trevor Woerner

Trevor Woerner will be presenting his recent work using OpenEmbedded Linux to 
automate and control the wood-fired heating of his home.

Bio: Trevor Woerner is a senior software developer with deep knowledge of 
deploying embedded Linux systems. He lives on a farm outside Toronto. His 
technical blog is at: https://twoerner.blogspot.com/

## Location

We will be meeting on Zoom:

* Join Zoom Meeting -- 
* Meeting ID: 884 4921 3217
* Passcode: 658008
* Find your local dial-in number -- https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kvVXMQGoD

## Schedule

* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.

# Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ bo...@gtalug.org
GTALUG Announce mailing list

[GTALUG-Announce] Meeting Tomorrow

2020-12-07 Thread hi

# The state of Mozilla with Mike Hoye

We will be meeting on Zoom:
* Join Zoom Meeting -- 
* Meeting ID: 893 0674 0154P
* Passcode: 456858
* Find your local dial-in number -- https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kijld0Qm1

## Location

Zoom meeting room url --  

## Schedule

* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.

# Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ .
GTALUG Announce mailing list

[GTALUG-Announce] Meeting Tomorrow

2020-11-09 Thread hi

# Lightning talks and Round Table

We would like to take some time to remember Christopher Browne who was an
integral part of GTALUG and his loss is felt by all of us.


  * High availability on two Raspberry Pis with Scott Sullivan
  * LPI partnership with Evan Leibovitch

This is GTALUG's version of an un-conference, a loosely structured short talks
emphasizing the informal exchange of information and ideas between participants,
rather than following a conventionally structured GTALUG meetings.  If you
already have a topic in mind please send an email to speak...@gtalug.org to be
added to the list of scheduled talks.  A Round Table Q Session is where we
take questions from the audience, and the audience discusses and attempts to
answer those questions from their own knowledge. It's a great way to meet fellow
members of our community and discover the skill sets we each bring to the table.

* Meeting room url:  https://jitsi.flamy.ca/GTALUG
* Meeting Notes: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/gtalug-november

## Location

* Meeting room url:  https://jitsi.flamy.ca/GTALUG

## Schedule

* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.

# Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ .
GTALUG Announce mailing list

[GTALUG-Announce] Meeting Tomorrow

2020-06-08 Thread hi

# Lightning talks and Round Table with Jitsi meeting

This is GTALUG's version of an un-conference, a loosely structured short talks 
emphasizing the informal exchange of information and ideas between 
participants, rather than following a conventionally structured GTALUG meetings.

If you already have a topic in mind please send an email speak...@gtalug.org to 
be added to the list of scheduled talks.

A Round Table Q Session is where we take questions from the audience, and the 
audience discusses and attempts to answer those questions from their own 
knowledge. It's a great way to meet fellow members of our community and 
discover the skill sets we each bring to the table.

Due to global pandemic we are going to hold this session via video 
conferencing.  We're going to use jitsi for this meeting:

Meeting room url: https://jitsi.flamy.ca/GTALUG
Meeting room password: aez0eireiM

## Location

Jitsi meeting

## Schedule

* 7:00 pm - Pre-meeting connectivity and microphone testing
* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.

# Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here: 

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ bo...@gtalug.org.
GTALUG Announce mailing list

[GTALUG-Announce] Meeting Tomorrow

2020-06-08 Thread hi

# Lightning talks and Round Table with Jitsi meeting

This is GTALUG's version of an un-conference, a loosely structured short talks 
emphasizing the informal exchange of information and ideas between 
participants, rather than following a conventionally structured GTALUG 
meetings.  If you already have a topic in mind please send an email mailto:speak...@gtalug.org;>speak...@gtalug.org to be added to the 
list of scheduled talks.  A Round Table Q Session is where we take questions 
from the audience, and the audience discusses and attempts to answer those 
questions from their own knowledge. It's a great way to meet fellow members of 
our community and discover the skill sets we each bring to the table.  Due to 
global pandemic we are going to hold this session via video conferencing.  
We're going to use jitsi for this meeting:

Meeting room url: https://jitsi.flamy.ca/GTALUG
Meeting room password: aez0eireiM

## Location

Jitsi meeting

## Schedule

* 7:00 pm - Pre-meeting connectivity and microphone testing
* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.
* 9:00 pm - After each meeting, a group of GTALUGers move to The Imperial Pub 
(54 Dundas St East) for refreshments and more socialising.

# Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ .
GTALUG Announce mailing list

[GTALUG-Announce] Meeting tomorrow at 7:30pm

2019-09-09 Thread hi

# Fear and Loathing and Mailing Lists with Evan Leibovitch

In today's environment of spambots, blacklists, European privacy laws and 
Canadian anti-spam regulations, sending out bulk email these days is not for 
the timid.

This presentation will describe one organization's search for the best way to 
do this. In the process it will identify some of the tools available - both 
open source and cloud based - and offer advice and warnings to others looking 
to use this method of communications.

## Location

George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre
245 Church Street, Room 203
Ryerson University

## Schedule

* 6:00 pm - Please discuss on the general mailing list (i.e. ) 
where you want to go for dinner.
* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.
* 9:00 pm - After each meeting, a group of GTALUGers move to The Imperial Pub 
(54 Dundas St East) for refreshments and more socialising.

# Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ .
GTALUG Announce mailing list

[GTALUG-Announce] Meeting Tomorrow, Aug 13 at 7:30pm

2019-08-12 Thread hi

# Lighting Talks Strike Twice.

This is GTALUG's version of an un-conference, a loosely structured short talks 
emphasizing the informal exchange of information and ideas between 
participants, rather than following a conventionally structured GTALUG meetings.

If you already have a topic in mind please send an email speak...@gtalug.org to 
be added to the list of scheduled talks.

If you would like to give a talk during the meeting, all you have to do is 
write your name on a post-it and stick it on the whiteboard in the front of the 
room. When your talk gets selected, you will have five to present your idea, 
then five minutes of audience questions.

### Scheduled Lightning talks

* Pam and yubikey with Tomas Babej
* Art and Open Source with Dan Tapper
* Recent Developments in Open Source Assistive Technology with Stewart Russell
* Scrapy with Elaine Wong
* Jumping through the hoops towards GPU-accelerated computing with Alex Volkov
* Our corporate (=tiny) Synology Data Centre with Ron Grimes

## Location

George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre
245 Church Street, Room 203
Ryerson University

## Schedule

* 6:00 pm - Please discuss on the general mailing list (i.e. ) 
where you want to go for dinner.
* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.
* 9:00 pm - After each meeting, a group of GTALUGers move to The Imperial Pub 
(54 Dundas St East) for refreshments and more socialising.

# Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ .
GTALUG Announce mailing list

[GTALUG-Announce] Meeting Tomorrow

2019-07-08 Thread hi

# Lightning Talks

Lighting Talks is GTALUG's version of an un-conference, a loosely structured 
short talks emphasizing the informal exchange of information and ideas between 
participants, rather than following a conventionally structured GTALUG meetings.

If you already have a topic in mind please send an email speak...@gtalug.org to 
be added to the list of scheduled talks.

If you would like to give a talk during the meeting, all you have to do is 
write your name on a post-it and stick it on the whiteboard in the front of the 
room. When your talk gets selected, you will have five to present your idea, 
then five minutes of audience questions.

## Location

George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre
245 Church Street, Room 203
Ryerson University

## Schedule

* 6:00 pm - Please discuss on the general mailing list (i.e. ) 
where you want to go for dinner.
* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.
* 9:00 pm - After each meeting, a group of GTALUGers move to The Imperial Pub 
(54 Dundas St East) for refreshments and more socialising.

# Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ .
GTALUG Announce mailing list

[GTALUG-Announce] Meeting Tomorrow at 7:30pm on Exposing High Level InnoDB Mechanics via Tunable System Variables in MySQL with Peter Sylvester

2016-12-12 Thread hi

# Exposing High Level InnoDB Mechanics via Tunable System Variables in MySQL 
with Peter Sylvester

In this discussion we will have a look at the InnoDB related system server 
variables in MySQL 5.6 as a way to learn more about the high level mechanics of 
InnoDB, the most popular storage engine for MySQL. This talk with cover the 
most popular variables that cover how InnoDB works with memory, I/O, 
concurrency, consistency, and statistics handling. This topic will be presented 
by Peter Sylvester, Principal MySQL Consultant for Pythian.

## Location

George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre
245 Church Street, Room 203
Ryerson University

## Schedule

* 6:00 pm - Please discuss on the general mailing list (i.e. ) 
where you want to go for dinner.
* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.
* 9:00 pm - After each meeting, a group of GTALUGers move to The Imperial Pub 
(54 Dundas St East) for refreshments and more socialising.

# Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every 
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing 
needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who 
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups 
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that 
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the 
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by 
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims 
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or 

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here: 

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of 
Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ .
GTALUG Announce mailing list

[GTALUG-Announce] Meeting Tomorrow at 7:30pm with Christopher Browne and Scott Sullivan

2015-12-07 Thread Myles Braithwaite

# Terminal Multiplexers and PXE Boot

## Screen, Tmux, Byobu, the Secret Terminal Brains!!!
### Christopher Browne

GNU Screen has been lurking around since the 1980s, as a kind of
"tiling window manager atop curses".

BSD folk spawned an analogue called tmux in 2009, offering both
additions and removals of functionality.

Byobu offers a harmonization, and (arguably) better user experience.

We'll look at some usages, use cases, and see how frequently Byobu
Hollywood crashes.

## Good Bye Boot Media! (or, don't copy that boot floopy)
### Scott Sullivan

A tour of how network boot/install can save you ever having to burn a
DVDs or USB drive.

## Location

George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre
245 Church Street, Room 203
Ryerson University

## Schedule

* 6:00 pm - Please discuss on the general mailing list (i.e.
) where you want to go for dinner.
* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.
* 9:00 pm - After each meeting a group of GTALUGers move to the The
Imperial Pub (54 Dundas St East) for refreshments and more

# Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas,
improve every process every year, and foster collaboration between
individuals with differing needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from
those who enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that
diverse groups collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will
challenge prejudice that could jeopardize the participation of any
person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private
whenever the Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect
it to be honored by everyone who represents the community officially
or informally, claims affiliation, or participates directly. It
applies to activities online or offline.

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code
of Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ .
GTALUG Announce mailing list