Re: [art] Joining the mailing list,

2010-06-04 Thread Ivan M
Hi Jack,

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 4:15 PM, Resident Rocker wrote:
 Hi im Jack Majlinger aka residentrocker
 Just wondering if i could join the mailing list to help out the art

Of course! You are very welcome to join us, and we're happy to have
more members.

The art list is rather inactive at the moment - most of the activity
is happening at the new branidng project, so if you are interested in
contributing artwork, I highly recommend that you join the branding
project and introduce yourself there too - please see the bottom of to
join (I assume you have an OOo username and you are logged in), and to
catch up on what's been happening so far, you can have a look at


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Re: [art] Style for the colour-blind

2010-05-11 Thread Ivan M
Hi Bill,

On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 8:22 PM, Bill Cameron wrote:
 I've just registered with OpenOffice, so do not know if this has been 
 addressed already.

First of all, thanks for your email and welcome to the project.

 I, along with a surprisingly large proportion (7%-10%) of the male 
 population, struggle with Daltonism (colour-blindness).  I have worked on 
 print production and found very little sympathy for my condition - I suppose 
 most of us avoid such circumstances.  Consequently marketing  
 image-generators overlook this problem.  I have seen bad examples using close 
 tones, but even black print on red background can be unreadable.

 I would like this to be properly considered as you are offering the chance to 
 become involved.

I understand what you are saying, but I'm not sure what you would like
us to do about it; would you like to suggest some feature(s) in to help create documents which take colourblind users
into consideration, or do you have some examples where
needs to make improvements to be more accessible to colourblind users?
If so, please provide more details and we will look into it.


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Re: [art] More or less offlist for the next days

2010-01-09 Thread Ivan M
Hi Bernhard,

On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Hi all,

 I don't know about the Internet facilities at the place where I stay in
 Hamburg, so it might be possible that I can't reply to mails I get during
 the next days.

 But from next Thursday I'll try to catch up...

I hope you have a safe trip to Hamburg, a comfortable stay, and that
you make great progress! I will be participating too, but obviously to
a much lesser extent. I wonder if we could write a blog post about the
event, or perhaps start an Art project blog that could be syndicated
on the OOo Planet (as the UX project has done) so that we can better
inform the wider OOo community (and possibly, the wider open source
community) about our efforts?


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Re: [art] Identity a little close to that of Coffee Sweetener?

2010-01-08 Thread Ivan M
Hi Brian, Nik, Bernhard, all,

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 7:34 PM, Brian Coale wrote:
 Hey everyone!

 Nice to see so much discussion over this, it really shows that this is an
 active community and that you care about what you are doing here. That's a
 definite positive for me.

I hope you'll stay with us :)

 I really don't think who did what first matters as much as having a strong
 branding identity, perhaps we should look at it from this point of view
 rather than that of entitlement.

+1. Colored circles aren't a particularly strong branding element, and
neither is a curve. They're pretty generic and would be more suitable,
as Nik pointed out, when they have a stronger symbolic value for a
particular product. In this case, it seems that the OOo 3 splash
screen was created before before Equal changed its branding, but the
curved line and colored circles motif has probably been done many
times over around the world across the decades. Even the wireframe
gull style has commercial implementations elsewhere (e.g. ASB Bank - - the
wireframe design is like the complex designs featured on banknotes to
make counterfeiting more difficult so it kind of fits in).

It could be argued that whatever design we come up with, someone,
somewhere has done something similar, or will do something similar
independently in the future.

 Our splash screen curve is based on the SUN reverse-s, but when its lying
 down, where's the association? I think the reverse-S should always be
 vertical. Otherwise it dilutes the brand. This would be something for the
 new project to consider.

 I absolutely agree with this., after all, is a product of Sun
 Microsystems, and should be treated as such. I would really like to see the
 branding and image more closely relate to the branding and image of, hmmm,
 say Java? Sun and Java are household names in the computer industry, and I
 think reminding people that they are related will only strengthen the
 branding and legitimacy of When I told my boss we should
 migrate some of our dated Microsoft Office systems of she
 said who?, but I bet you if I told her we needed to update our Java she
 wouldn't even blink an eye.

The S-curve is present on the splash screen and the website
(horizontally), and in the icons and Start Center (vertically). It was
inherited from Sun's branding. I disagree that we should pursue it
further. To give OOo a more independent (i.e., community driven) and
unique identity this should be replaced with something more fitting
(e.g. a feather outline, a wing outline, etc if we stick with gulls -
even that is up for debate). Especially considering that Sun will
become Oracle.

 I'm only saying this because I feel strongly that the coloured dots should
 not be added to the OOo identity, not with such little relevance or

 And this is a very valid point. Every element in a design should have a
 purpose, not just thrown together because it looks good; Personal
 preference should take a back seat to the message and the mission of a
 design piece. If we are serious about helping this product become a real
 competitor, we have to be absolutely serious about it's image and branding.

+1. I think that the OOo logo is where our efforts should be focused,
and branding elements should be secondary supports. This is one of the
reasons I personally prefer brighter colors in designs - it doesn't
draw so much attention away from the logo, whereas our current splash
screen is pretty haphazard with overly strong colors and
attention-grabbing elements scattered around. There should be a sense
of harmony and continuity between the logo and its supporting branding
elements, and that's one of the major reasons behind the new project
we hope to set up.

 Very well put. I know a lot of people here might not like the idea of change
 to time-tested design elements, but without change, or at least discussion
 about change, there can be no innovation. Are we to roll out the same splash
 screen every version? Look at our competitor, Microsoft, does Office 2004
 look ANYTHING like Office 2007? They change the look and feel ot their
 products for good reason: Obsolescence and perceived obsolescence  for
 one; Make the new stuff look new so you'll want it, and so it will make the
 old stuff look old so you don't want it anymore. A version number isn't
 always enough to make people want to jump on the bandwagon, they want to
 see that it's better. And that's where we come in.

Absolutely. We could even go to the extent where we evolve the design
over the lifecycle of a release. If someone could put forward a good
enough proposal to advance the design while keeping it in line with
the general theme that has been set, then we could have slightly
different splash screens for OOo 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, etc... instead of
being restricted to 3+ yearly cycles.

 In summary, I think this is 

Re: [art] Presentation at the OOoCon this morning = Next Steps

2009-11-16 Thread Ivan M
Hi Bernhard, all,

I would love to be able to reply to this but unfortunately, as with
yourself, time is scarce. From tomorrow I will be away on holiday for
a week. Hopefully, in the meantime, more art project members can chip
in with their thoughts - I don't want this to become a discussion just
between us two, but at the same time it would be a shame for this
discussion to go unaddressed. So, please expect a reply from me in a
week's time, but in the meantime, I wish you (and this discussion :))
all the best!


On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Hi Ivan, all,

 sorry for not replying earlier, but this week I'm more busy with my job than
 at other times...
 (even this reply will be short...)

 Ivan M schrieb:

 Hi Bernhard, all,

 On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 11:07 PM, Bernhard Dippold  wrote:


 With regard to a new branding project I mentioned my interest in
 people from the different projects - and this seems to be taken quite

 Excellent! Then our next step could be to engage with these different
 projects to develop a framework/structure/scope for the new project.
 They will probably be able to offer valuable inputs about things we
 may not have considered yet.

 There are two things necessarily to be decided before the creation of a new
 incubator project:
 - the project mission statement
 - the project's name

 All the other decisions on the project could be done afterwards, but I don't
 think we should hurry anyway.

 As multi-project discussions are quite problematic (not all the mails are
 posted to all the relevant lists, some have to become moderated) - what do
 you think of a dedicated wiki page where we could collect the relevant
 thoughts and ideas?

 As an aside, did you get any comments specifically from Sun staff? I
 don't think we'll be able to get very far if they're not on board with

 All the Sun people I talked to agreed in the necessity to work together on a
 general branding. For Stefan Taxhet the first step before creating an
 entirely new set of branding artwork would be to look among the present
 artwork and define a general branding including these designs.

 I'm sorry that Stella has not been at Orvieto, but Stefan, Martin Hollmichel
 and others agree with me, that she should be involved in any development in
 that area. Perhaps there might be a chance for a face-to-face meeting at
 Hamburg during the next months...

 The video documentation [4] will contain my session too at the end of the

 Unfortunately the live stream did not work for the room you were in
 (some of the others were working at the time), so I watched the video
 later on (I saw Christoph come up to talk to you before the
 presenation, so it's great that you were able to meet!)

 We stayed at the same hotel as neighbours...

  - you covered
 all the bases really well, especially at the beginning, with the
 comparison of the splash screens and various OOo website pages. That
 makes a very strong case for a new project to coordinate OOo's

 Thank you for the kind feedback :-)
 The people I talked to at Orvieto seemed to understand what I wanted to
 address, so I think, it has been a success.

 Thank you Bernhard for being the voice of the art project at OOoCon!

 It was great being there - I met a lot of people I only knew from the lists
 and had a really good time there.

 Perhaps there might be a chance at one of the next OOoCons to meet more
 people from the Art Project (or what ever it's new name will be...)

 Remember: Next year's OOoCon will be at Budapest, for 2011 and 2012 the Call
 for Locations will start in a few weeks. So if there is an active OOo group
 near one of you, talk to them. Perhaps we'll have a OOoCon at your place...

 Best regards



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Re: [art] Icon on 100 million download

2009-10-28 Thread Ivan M
Hi Alexandro,

It looks OK to me - the image is based on Bernhard's proposal at [1],
except I've kept the OOo logo the same size as previously - the arrow
graphics and the text are the same. On my 1280x1024 monitor, the arrow
looks fine - do you have a particular page or screen resolution you're
referring to? The version 3.x is there to clarify that we're not
talking about downloads of version 3(.0), but also 3.0.1, 3.1, etc.



On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
 I see that the icon for 100 million download has been launched but is
 really bad quality. First I see the green arrow somewhat jagged and
 almost look like the image was resized on the HTML. Please make a 1:1
 icon and make no artifical resizing. Also 3.x looks awfully geeky and
 completely diffcult to understan please use version 3 and not 3.x

 Alexandro Colorado Espantilde;ol

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Re: [art] Re: Orginal file

2009-10-14 Thread Ivan M
Hi Bernhard, Nik, all,

This is a very important discussion, and now that I have some spare
time to write a comprehensive reply, I would like to share some

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 We do need a new Art / Visual Design project - in a position that
 can work not only on marketing material, but on core graphical
 elements too.

 I know this got swept under the rug amidst a flurry of trademark
 technicalities, but I'd just like to know once and for all; Is there
 any point on working on an OOo logo, is there any talk of an update
 being considered anywhere on the horizon? version 4 even? I'm fast
 losing faith that OOo is actually OpenSource at all, given that most
 official design work is created by Sun and not by the community.

 I know your concerns - shared by many of the (former?) active members of
 this project.

Berhnard, if it weren't for you, the art project would probably be
experiencing deafening silence right now. Many of our very talented
and active members have disappeared, and I suspect a lack of impact
(by the Art project on OOo's artwork) would be the major cause of
this. Personally, I was inspired to join the Art project when I saw
your presentation at 2006 OOo Convention [1]. The vision contained in
that presentation is yet to be realized, but I stick around because I
am optimistic that it can be done.


 Even if I'm in contact with some of the Sun people, I can't give you a
 positive or negative reply. If some people in the upper areas there decide
 to do something, it's quite hard to show them a better way...

 But there are signs of changes:
 - The new ODF related iconset [1] is presented to us explicitly asking us
 for comments and improvement of the design.
 - Implementation of these icons has been postponed because their
 presentation will be able to improved by the community.

 I see a need for a project that covers all the topics related to visual
 impression of - whether this would be at the desktop, on the
 web, in documentation or marketing.

Yes! Christoph Noack of the UX project and I discussed something
similar during the website refresh late last year (please see the
appendix at the bottom of this email for the relevant extract).
Unfortunately, due to time constraints we could not actively pursue
this vision, but it is similar to what is being discussed in this

Now might be the time to try to take action - while there is plenty of
time to establish the project and its influence in OOo 4. The
community needs to take a more active role to create a consistent,
powerful and effective visual identity for OOo. The latest issue with
the ODF mimetype icons demonstrates that the art project is either not
well known to major decision makers, or it is not considered
relevant/useful. It is partially up to us to make sure that these
sorts of things do not happen again in the future.

 Perhaps Art Project is too small as name - Visual recognition or
 Branding Art comes to my mind...

Visual Design already exists [2], but Stella is the only one I can see
taking part in it. A lot of important branding and artwork activity
happens on those pages, but we aren't really made aware of their
existence or involved in what goes on. Perhaps this is because a lot
of OOo's artwork is derived from StarOffice and it is just assumed
that OOo will have the same artwork as StarOffice (with the exception
of, say, the splash screen and website). This is an assumption that we
might need to challenge.


 Such a project will have to be filled with life by Sun people as well as

Absolutely, and also from different complementary projects that play a
part in forming OOo's visual identity (UX, Marketing and Website are
the most obvious examples IMO).

 These thoughts are not mature by now - but in such a broader project any
 changes to the core design could be worked on by non-Sun members too.

By having a project where non-Sun community members can have a real
impact on OOo's identity, we could attract more members and interest
in the project. And with nicer, more co-ordinated artwork, we could
attract more people to OOo. We all want to see OOo succeed, and I
think this is an obvious way of helping to achieve that.

 Changes to the logo are more difficult, as the present one is trademarked as
 image mark. But if discussion on trademark policy and logo license would end
 up in introducing a second (community) logo under an open source license,
 this logo will probably be created by us!

 You see, I can't give you any one and ever reply - but perhaps there is
 more than just a silver stripe at the horizon...

I hope so :)


-- Appendix --

On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 9:42 PM, Ivan M wrote:
 [... Christoph Noack wrote:]

Re: [art] 9 years of

2009-10-13 Thread Ivan M
Hi Bernhard, all

I made a few minor modifications (kept the logo at the current size,
and added the age to the birthday text since not everyone might take
the time to count the candles :) ) - I hope you don't mind - it's
online now!


On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Hi Ivan, *

 Ivan M schrieb:

 Hi Bernhard,

 I got a 403 Forbidden message when I tried to access the image at

 The same with me - but only when I tried it with SeaMonkey first.
 But opening with Firefox worked, afterwards I could open the file in
 SeaMonkey too.

 (This was before I sent the mail to the list)


 Please email it to me (as a 32-bit transparent PNG preferably!) and I
 can update the website graphic.

 sent .png and .svg ...



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Re: [art] Ideas for a new OOo logo to be presented at Orvieto?

2009-10-12 Thread Ivan M
Hi all,

I added my logo proposal, which retains continuity with the current
OOo logo while (trying to) make it look more modern:

Some parts are obviously more polished than others. Due to personal
time constraints I can't dedicate more time to it - I just wanted to
get the concept across. The bird's wings would need redoing and the
font itself has some oddities, like the non-elliptical, slightly
bulging 'O' glyph (I liked the shapes of the other characters though).

Info about the font, etc can be found on the wiki page:


On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Hi Graham, Jens, all,

 Graham Lauder schrieb:

 On Thursday 08 October 2009 03:26:50 Jens Habermann wrote:


 A short time frame for sure, but I will contribute my ideas over next

 Until we have a main wiki site for this task, I will place images on
 my wiki user site


 Let's start it in a dedicated part of the wiki.  Start a new page called
 New_logo_proposals or pizza_order or whatever just so long as we keep it

 + 1


 CC license?

 I would prefer LGPL.

 If any of the proposals (I'd call them design ideas for the moment) would
 be integrated in the main product some day, it's license should be
 compatible with the product.

 and any text has to be in a Free font, no nonfree fonts allowed?


 That looks like enough

 From marketing POV and with regard to visual (corporate) identity I'd like
 to see some more points to be taken into account:

 - the logo should look serious and professional (remember that governments
 and large

 - provide graphical elements that can be used for our branding

 - please don't alienate users and supporters of OOo who feel familiar with
 the present logo. Some kind of recognition might be appropriate IMHO.

 Should we make an effort to put them in context as well.  Like as it is on
 website, stationery, webbanners?

 I'd keep with the logo - time is short already.

 Are we going to stick with the blue corporate color?

 I'd like to see the OOoblue (RGB 6,52, 140) as part of the logo - this would
 help us to keep at least parts of our visual identity...

 Best regards


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Re: [art] Ideas for a new OOo logo

2009-10-12 Thread Ivan M
Hi Nik, Bernhard, all,

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 7:56 AM, Nikash V. SINGH wrote:
 Hi Art!

 I've uploaded four logo designs here;

 As with everyone else's, they're not polished final works, (constructive) 
 feedback is welcome.
 Every Design has an accompanying in-context image (of the logo as it might 
 appear on stationery).
 All Designs are in vector, all use Liberation Sans(which has been carefully 
 kerned per-glyph).
 And I spent quite some time sketching out meaningful ideas, which I hope 
 you'll like.

They might not be polished final works, but they look pretty close! I
really like the sleek S curve design element - it looks great! You've
also managed to make Liberation Sans look good as a logo typeface,
which I certainly couldn't do. The logo designs are interesting and
unique (the more concepts, the better!), but I'll just offer one brief
comment on what you wrote on the wiki page [1]:

All of my proposals aim at communicating Openness and freedom
while keeping some focus on the fact that we make Office software.

I think we should focus much more on openness and freedom rather than
specifically keeping it office-related - OOo can be used for a variety
of purposes outside the office as well (plus 'office' has a somewhat
dull connotation) - I've got the gotta fly concept in mind when I
say this. The other concepts are more interesting and abstract, but
that's just a personal opinion :)


 PS. Can someone get the word out to Paul @dead end cafe that this is actually 
 He was contributing amazing work before the quiet season.

Yup, sent him an email.


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Re: [art] Ideas for a new OOo logo to be presented at Orvieto?

2009-10-07 Thread Ivan M
Hi Graham, all,

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 8:11 AM, Graham Lauder wrote:
 CC license?
 and any text has to be in a Free font, no nonfree fonts allowed?

This is a fantastic idea. I'll try to put something together as well.
In the meantime, here are some links to free fonts that people might
find useful... (scroll down for a table of fonts and their licenses)


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[art] New OOo Mimetype icons

2009-09-20 Thread Ivan M
Hi Art project members,

Please see Bernhard's email below to the UX list about the new
proposed OOo mimetype icons. I have to say that I'm dissappointed that
no one involved with these icons made an attempt to engage with the
art list about this.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Bernhard Dippold
Date: Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 10:45 AM
Subject: [ux-discuss] Change in OOo mimetype icons - known and
supported by the UX project?

Hi all,

as I'm not a regular customer of GULLFOSS, I needed someone else
(thanks, Volker) to point me to that blog
where Lutz Hoeger writes about the change in mimetype icons probably
already decided (by whom?) for OOo 3.2.

The application colors will be given up and replaced by grey icons
symbolizing the different applications by symbols. A blue rectangle
with white ODF will be added to every icon.

The main reason for this change is to enforce public recognition of
ODF among different applications.

My problem from UX side:

- Is it reasonable to reduce the differences between all the different
ODF supporting programs?
Every program uses different algorithms, so the files will open a bit
differently in each of them. And depending of the features of each
program, the user will be or not be able to modify the file to more or
less extent.

- Will the new icons be different enough from each other to help the
user to open file he wants to?
In Windows I prefer the detail view in Explorer with 16x16px icons
for documents.(I don't know studies about the relative usage of the
different explorer views, if there are any...) In this size the color
of the icons are more important than their (very small) symbols.
Changing every color to grey reduces visual difference among the file types.

- My third point (not only related to UX): Why should we reduce the
strength of our ( visual design and recognition in
favor of ODF?
Every application changes the mimetype icons of the files it opens as
standard application. I want to know if a HTML file opens in IE,
Firefox, Opera or any other application when I open the file.

More details if necessary, but I think you get my point.

Best regards


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Re: [art] New task for the Art Project? Create high quality clipart galleries!

2009-07-27 Thread Ivan M
Hi Bernhard, all,

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 8:09 AM, Bernhard wrote:
 Hi all,

 the website project discusses a way to present extensions
 more prominently on the website.

Just for reference, the main messages relating to this discussion can
be found at

 One of the four main topics among these extensions are cliparts that can be
 integrated in the program's gallery that is quite poor in comparison to the
 cliparts in MS Office.

 What do you think about creating new clipart galleries?

 They can presented for download on the wiki, and if we consider them to be
 good enough to become official, they should be moved to an official artwork
 gallery and might be integrated in the core program in a second step.

 IMHO this might be an excellent opportunity for us to take a quite important
 task for the program as well as to improve the Art Project's position in the
 OOo community.

A big +1, and I'd like to offer help as well.

The Gallery (click the picture frame icon in the standard toolbar) has
some very outdated artwork, especially in bullets and homepage -
dithered GIFs that would have blown people away last century but now
they're quite outdated. We might even propose getting rid of some
existing galleries (like the Homepage gallery - I don't envision many
people using these graphics... or maybe that's just wishful thinking
on my part :P). You can find the graphics files for existing galleries
in the basis/share/gallery folder.

With regards to clipart, I'm wondering about how this could be
implemented - would we just add a new gallery called 'Clipart'? If so,
then does anyone know if it's possible to have sub-galleries?
Otherwise browsing the clipart gallery could get difficult as the
collection grows - I know MS office has a search functionality and
keywords assigned to each image so that it can be categorized, but it
doesn't look like OOo has this functionality.

An alternative might be to have a gallery for each category of clipart
(though then we have the problem that if a clipart image can be
classified as more than one category, things get tricky - we'd have to
duplicate the images if there is no categorization and that would mean
redundancy) just thinking out loud :)

 Do you think we could manage such a task?

 It would consist of several steps:

 - creation of the artwork
 - integrating it in a new clipart gallery in OOo
 - creating an extension for easy integration by the user

Do you envision creating the gallery as an extension first and then
integrating it into the main OOo, or creating some default artwork and
then creating additional extensions?

That's all I can add at this stage, but in the meantime I'll try to
get a better idea of how OOo's gallery works and what its limitations


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Re: [art] Draft for new Additional Gallery Wiki page

2009-05-05 Thread Ivan M
Hi Bernhard,

My first impression is that it's somewhat confusing; most of the
graphics feature the OOo logo, so it's hard to make out which gallery
is what.

IMO, the pictures don't make it very clear as to the type of graphics
contained in the linked wiki page. In some cases, abstract images
would do a better job (e.g. using a computer monitor to represent
desktop backgrounds... but some of these galleries would be hard to
represent that way). My best suggestion is to add more emphasis on the
text - right now the image is primary and the text is secondary.
Reversing that could help - e.g. by making the font bigger, putting
the text over the image (i.e., splitting each cell into 2 rows so that
the top row is the text link with a light background color to draw
attention to it and the bottom row is the image), etc.

On a more pedantic note :), I'm not a fan of default table borders -
try using class=wikitable in the table code.


On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Hi all,

 I worked on my draft for a new Additional Gallery page:

 Even if there lack a few images and linked pages, I'm quite sure, you will
 be able to understand my intention.

 Please comment - would this (or something similar) be more user friendly
 than the present page

 The new draft will have to integrate some links etc., but I wanted to show
 you what I did.

 Best regards


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Re: [art] VOTE for Official Artwork - CD labels

2009-04-20 Thread Ivan M
Hi Bernhard,

Sorry, now I really see that I was confused! The color I was referring
to was the light blue, which I now understand represents the main OOo
application (that shows the start center). Chart 12 is a color that I
use frequently from OOo's default color palette and it looks very
similar to the shade of blue on the CD label, so there must have been
some subliminal association :P


On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Hi Ivan, all,

 Ivan M wrote:

 I'm a little confused about the Chart module's inclusion,

 I don't understand if you think the Chart icon is included (it's darker
 green is not part of the points) or if it should be included?

 The Chart module isn't listed as official module - it has only a document
 icon like Macro, HTML and Global documents.

 It might be possible to include the Chart color instead of the main icon
 color. But this would add another green instead of the blue. Probably this
 might be a bit more different from the splash...

 Best regards


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Re: [art] OOo2 colors used in the splash screen for OOo3

2009-04-17 Thread Ivan M
Hi Bernhard, all,

I don't think we should get too caught up about making some changes to
the splash screen - the votes were reasonably close according to
Florian (though the results were never made available AFAIK):

 You see that this result means that voting
 was quite tight and all proposals have seen
 nearly equal acceptance throughout the community.

and I'd say that the votes were more for a general look rather than an
exact pixel-for-pixel design that should remain static - when Miroslav
Mazel asked about this, Florian's response was:

 you have to cast your vote for one specific variant.
 Just choose one variant of the theme you like if unsure.

I agree with Nik and Austin about Jens' gradient wave proposal, it looks great.

As for the spheres, the light is coming directly from above (as the
reflection suggests) so it seems a little odd to me that the light
reflection on the spheres is at the bottom-right. It'd also be nice if
they were aligned with the curve more closely - the Writer sphere is
above it while the Base sphere is below it.


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Re: [art] Art Project Home Page Proposal:

2009-04-10 Thread Ivan M
Hi Austin,

I think it's great!

I've made a few minor changes - adding a small bottom margin to the
navbox, changing For other projects to Requesting Artwork (I think
this is a more clear and to-the-point title) and getting rid of in
order to eliminate the duplication of efforts in graphic creation by
offering a central place from the introduction - I think it's
unnecessary and makes the sentence more convoluted.

I have also split the Additional Galleries page into 2 columns and hid
the TOC - this greatly reduces the need to scroll through the page and
gives the proposals equal prominence to the additional galleries.

As for Van's comment, looking at some of his previous emails to this
list [1], those posted since 2007 look a lot like spam. Van, if you're
having trouble unsubscribing, please say so. Otherwise, please be more
specific as to what you mean.



On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 4:28 AM, Austin Martin wrote:
 Hey, all, Van

 Somehow I expected a message like that, please elaborate on: What?! that

 Austin Martin

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Re: [art] Another website/wiki structure proposal:

2009-03-30 Thread Ivan M
Hi Austin, Bernhard, all,

I think we are on the same page, or at least much closer than before.
The navbox at the bottom of each gallery is a great idea - it would
certainly help ease navigation around the wiki.
Austin's structural proposal looks great, and I think it lines up
closely with Bernhard's earlier email about the structure of the wiki
[1]. So all in all, a thumbs up from me.



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Re: [art] Artwork Developer Sandbox SVG:

2009-03-29 Thread Ivan M
Hi Austin,

On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Austin Martin wrote:
 I collected a view things and now I have created the SVG version at this
 (Direct Link:

 Wanted to let everyone know, and put it up for feedback. Please suggest any
 other graphics that I need to include.

Excellent! It's a great start. It might help to include approved
official artwork, e.g. splash screen but that might be seen as an
optional extra since these can all be downloaded separately. Or maybe
they could be bundled them along with this developer sandbox file in a
single package.

I'll reply to the wiki discussion a little later on today - time seems
to be scarce these days :)


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Re: [art] Austin Martin's Report #2:

2009-03-26 Thread Ivan M
Hi Austin, Bernhard, all,

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Austin Martin wrote:
 Let me clarify if what I think you are saying, you are.  You think the
 additional artwork page should be moved into the gallery page, and that it
 would be the same just in a single place?

IMO, this would be the most simple and efficient solution.

 *If so:*
 I agree, the only reason I made the directory like that is because someone
 made it and that wiki page before me, to be honest.

 Also the main reasons I use the Art/Website/** pages is because
 1.) They are already there.. and so they might as well be used or deleted..
 (which might be a pain for a sysops)
 2.) They are a way that I can design how I think this should go.

Fair enough. I was initially concerned about the Art/Website/* pages
because they seemed to be duplicating a lot of content that was
already there in the Art/* pages.


 *Also* I would like to ask everyone the mailing list about this idea:
 I think the main page should have buttons (with images) on the front upper
 part, where it lists the other main places in the wiki.  The buttons would
 have an image related (such as Art - Paintbrush  Paper or Security a Lock)
 and then a little below say the actual title. Overall I think this would
 just improve the look of the wiki front page. (Maybe making it more
 appealing to click one of those links too, or get involved with the wiki.)

That's already planned for the excellent upcoming Art website homepage
that Bernhard has been working on - IMO, the Art website should be the
project's front end rather than the wiki. The Art website will then
link to relevant wiki pages if necessary. The wiki would be more
targeted towards contributors and collaboration.


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Re: [art] Austin Martin's Report: Changes, Questions, Comments, etc.

2009-03-21 Thread Ivan M
Hi Austin, all,

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Austin Martin wrote:
 *Hello Everyone,**

 *I've been a bit hyperactive I guess (considering I jumped the mailing list
 number from 5 to 18 including responses (now 19)) so I decided to put
 everything I noticed, did, will do, am going to do, etc. in one compiled
 list, and I'll probably ask more questions on here if I have them, which
 makes it easier on me too, considering the amount of time it takes to get
 sent messages on the mailing list.

First of all, you've already heard it, but I'll repeat it as well:
welcome to the Art Project! It's not often that we get someone so
willing to jump straight into things with so much enthusiasm - I think
time usually beats that out of people :P. It's good to have you on

 Reporting All the Changes I Have Made:*

 - Changed Offline materials to Physical Materials, and Online Materials to
 Computer Related Materials
 - Made the title higher so it looked better with the project list on the
 - Added descriptions to the material types. Added link to About Issuezilla

That page dates back to 2006 (IIRC), I just copied and pasted its
contents over to the new wiki page. If anyone has the time to hunt
around IZ and update this page, that'd be great, but I suspect most of
the material would only be relevant for archival/historic purposes so
it's not a high priority task. The wiki will provide a much more
accessible and maintainable framework for future OOo artwork.

 - Added links to empty pages, eventually they will hold additional artwork I
 - Added Wallpapers page (See why below).

The Gallery page was intended to be a place where Art project members
submit artwork for consideration/comment, etc. Now it seems we have
another distinction that needs to be made: between artwork wanting to
be official (or, rephrased, galleries that will have an official
outcome) and additional/unofficial artwork. In the case of wallpapers,
I don't think there are any 'official' wallpapers, or wallpapers
wanting to be official, so it shouldn't be an issue.

Perhaps we could split the gallery page into two columns based on this
distinction rather than having two separate gallery pages... the
intention is to reduce the duplication of content, and to make
browsing easier. In this case, that might be reducing the number of
pages, or the number of clicks it takes to get to a certain page from
the wiki. Right now, the Gallery page is easily accessible, while the
Additional Artwork Gallery is hidden away and potentially
marginalized. Thoughts?

 - Added a link to a new wiki page, 1 down..
 - Changed: These pages contain galleries of proposals submitted by members
 of the Art project. into These pages contain galleries of proposals
 submitted by members of the Art Project for official artwork. For additional
 artwork see The Additional Artwork
 follow the links provided.
 - Reason: I got the idea that it was for any artwork, and now I'm getting
 the message that it is for artwork that *wants* to be official, and I'm
 pretty sure that my background won't be official.. (as it hardly has much to
 do with, other than the flying birds and logo at the bottom

 - Moved Art/Gallery/DesktopBackgrounds to
 Art/Website/Additional_Artwork_Gallery/Wallpapers.. - See Reason one up..
 - Got rid of the link to the page on Art/Gallery.. _

 - I created the page, setup format, setup guidelines.
 - Made My submissions..

 - Uploaded Image

 - Uploaded Image

 - Numerous things, no one really cares about. lol.

 *Further Plans:*

 Objections are welcomed.. (They might need to come quick)

 - Making the pages, and like I did at the Wallpapers page, probably set
 guidelines, help, etc.

 - Add some of this stuff:,, and along with
 anything else I feel is important in joining..

 - Probably will add myself..
 - If no one objects I might look through issuezilla to find artwork
 contributors and list there usernames.. (I notice this might not be looked
 upon as a positive thing)..

Yes, please do add yourself!

Re: [art] Opinions about OOo3 CD label drafts? [was:] CD-Art for OOo3 needed

2009-03-21 Thread Ivan M
Hi Bernhard, all,

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Hi all,

 I started to work on the CD labels for OOo3 based on the new splash screen:

 I had to move the logo away from the curved line because of the hole in the
 middle of the disk. That's the reason why the logo is no longer related to
 the curve.

 The germanophone project's PrOOo-Box (
 solved this problem by modifying the orientation of the curve. This leads to
 more room for the wire gulls from OOo2, so they are more prominent than in
 the splash screen.
 (You should imagine the official logo instead of the smaller PrOOo-Box logo
 and less of the textual elements)

 As I'd like to keep as much of the impression of the splash screen as
 possible, I ask your opinion about the two drafts.

 Which one should be the basis for the official OOo3 CD labels?
 Do you have another idea how the adapt the splash screen elements to the
 disk label?

I like the first draft - it has a nice balance between the light and
dark blues. However, it could look even better (IMHO) if the wireframe
gulls in the first draft were reduced to the same size as the second


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Re: [art] Logo page updated

2009-02-08 Thread Ivan M
Hi Bernhard,

The Website sub-directory looks like it will be duplicating much of
the content that has already been set up, and putting it one [virtual]
directory deeper within the wiki -

and ... and

What is the distinction between the top level Art project wiki and the
Art/Website/* pages?


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Dr. Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Hi all,

 I updated the logo page so the OOo3 logos can be accessed directly via the

 I moved the page to
 and added the OOo2 logos to the previous logo page

 Best regards


 PS: I'm working on a new homepage I already began before I paused:
 Except the Official artwork button all buttons link to the wiki, so we can
 find the right information and wording more easily.

 When the Wiki pages are ready to be looked at by the public, I'd like to
 replace the present homepage by the new one. What do you think?

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Re: [art] Wiki or Issue Tracker for artwork?

2009-01-27 Thread Ivan M
Hi Bernhard,

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 8:30 AM, Dr. Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Does anybody knows if the wiki size might be a problem one day?

 I remember times where the wiki was out of service - and these have been
 much more than the collabnet website containing issue tracker.

I'm not sure why the wiki has been down so much recently, but here is
a partial answer to your question from a recent discussion on the UX

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 8:37 PM, Drew Jensen wrote:
 The server that runs the wiki and the user forums is far from capacity
 currently. The user forums run on postgreSQL now. (We are moving to MySQL as
 we speak but that has to do with phpBB specifics.)

 Currently between the two zones (wiki and forum) it dishes up about 1
 million pages a month, fairly evenly split between the two sites.
 The forums run about 100 users on line at any given moment, pretty much
 24/7. I would expect this number to double over the next 9 to 18 months as
 more NL forums go up. This still leaves plenty of excess capacity I believe
 (see below).

 I don't know about the number of wiki users on-line at any given time, but
 given that the page views are about the same as the forum I doubt it is much
 different. In the case of the forums the number of users browsing or
 searching is so much higher then those posting the CPU usage and hit to the
 db is pretty low. I would strongly expect it is the same with the wiki.


 What should be done to find an optimal solution?

 My suggestion would be to use the Art project website at to store official/approved artwork, and
 to use the wiki for submitting proposals [1] and other more general
 discussions and resources. This would keep the barrier to entry
 reasonably low and open.

 I like this idea:
 It keeps the official artwork in a prominent position and avoids changes to

Slightly off topic - with regard to general discussions and resources,
the problem with the current website is that it is really out of date
in terms of content.

After some discussion, I started 'migrating' the art project to the
wiki, using the UX project's wiki pages as a model:

Please see:
How to join the Art Project:
Art Project Contributor List: (please add
yourself here), etc.
In terms of maintaining pages, it's much easier than tunneling and
CVS'ing. What do you think?


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Re: [art] HowTo for uploading artwork to the wiki?

2009-01-27 Thread Ivan M
Hi Bernhard, all,

A very good guide is available at:


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Re: [art] Need Free Advertising That Really Works?

2008-12-11 Thread Ivan M
SPAM. Please ignore.

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[art] Re: [ux-user interface] Re: [art] Request for logo graphic Renaissance Project

2008-12-04 Thread Ivan M
Hi Teren,

Please post your replies regarding this thread to, not [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Art project at is where you
will be able to find OOo related graphics - for example, have a look


On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 4:04 PM, Teren Teh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,

 I am wondering if there's any documentation on the branding of Open Office 
 such as the fonts and colors used as well as a template of the existing 
 OpenOffice logo? Also, will this logo be used for black and white print 


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Re: [art] Request for logo graphic Renaissance Project

2008-12-03 Thread Ivan M
Hi Jens, Christoph, Volker, all,

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:38 AM, Jens Habermann

 I created a really quick draft - just something to start with...


What an interesting concept - great work! I agree with Volker that it
needs color, but I would add that it needs some 'eye candy' - atm it's
looking very industrial (one immediate suggestion would be to change
Renaissance to a sans-serif font). Maybe having the 'facade' of partially painted with some colorful designs?


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[art] Art Project on the Wiki

2008-11-10 Thread Ivan M
Hello all,

I've made some significant changes to the Art Project's section of the
wiki ( There is now a basic
structure (based on the User Experience Project's wiki pages) that we
can build on, with the hope of replacing IssueZilla based file
uploading, as well as the current outdated Art project homepage at Feel free to update the pages as

Please add yourselves to the Art Project's community page at Also, if you have a
wiki user page, add the line [[Category:Art]] to the top of your user


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[art] OOo 3 Countdown Graphics

2008-09-11 Thread Ivan M
Hello all,

With OOo 3 coming up in a few weeks' time, it would be great to have a
countdown on the homepage in order to promote and increase awareness
of OOo 3's upcoming release.

So I'd like to ask for your proposals/submissions for the countdown
graphic. The only guideline is that it should fit in with the look of
the homepage. Please add your graphics to this wiki page:

You might also like to have a look at Ubuntu and Fedora's countdown
graphics to get an idea of what it could look like (it should be about
the same size)


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Re: [art] OOo 3 Countdown Graphics

2008-09-11 Thread Ivan M
Hi Volker, -Si!eNT-,

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 6:41 PM, Volker Merschmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You may not have so much time for organizing this, the estimated dates
 are on
 The build for RC2 will be available at least on Monday, 15th and if
 there are no new showstoppers the release would be in the followig

Yes, the problem is that the official release date hasn't been set in
stone, so I was hoping the graphics would be done by the time we did
know the official release date, and that there would be at least a
week left to count down... even if that's not the case, we could reuse
it for the following releases (3.1, 3.2 ...).

On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 7:32 AM, -Si!eNT- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What are the rules about using the newly chosen OOo 3.0 art theme?

If you're asking with regard to the countdown graphic, you're welcome
to use the new OOo 3 graphics. Otherwise, if you're asking about the
new theme more generally, Florian would be the best person to ask.


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Re: [art] How to contribute?

2008-08-14 Thread Ivan M
Indeed, this is an excellent idea.

I would suggest we make the main page,, using most of the contents from

Then, if we take a look at, there's plenty
to clean up there:

For example, why is not Many other
project pages use this kind of structure (e.g. UX project) - it is
more logical and easier to remember.
A simple redirect can be made so that the current page points to the
more clearly organized structure. And then we could start migrating
the current OOo Art website's contents to the wiki and updating as we
go along.

Overall, the wiki is a far better place for the Art project, and these
two reasons alone should be enough to encourage us to do this:

1) The wiki is easily editable - far more so than the current
CollabNet framework, and it's not restricted to project leaders. Some
of the current pages are over 2 years old and with OOo 3 coming up in
just over a month, many of the graphics will need to be updated.

The To-Do list [1] points to issues which are either misleading or no
longer relevant; one example is Icon Design for OOo 3 [2] - this was
done by Stella under the UI project, not the Art project; apart from
some brief initial discussion, the submitted designs were ignored. The
new icons are great, but we can't say that it was an Art project
effort. Another example is Logo for 3 - we learned that
we couldn't change the logo for 3, but there is a
possibility of being able to do this in the future.

In a month or so, someone new to the project might look at these
issues and wonder, why is this issue still open even though 3 has been launched?, which might lead them to think:
this list has obviously not been updated in a long time - this
project is either inactive or dead. Or, 3 has already
been launched, but the logo is the same as 2 - this
project is not very good at what they do. It's a little cynical, but
the point is that neither of these are true... but with the current
website, it's hard not to think otherwise. Plus, because the ToDo list
is likely to be a starting point for people interested in the project
before they even consider joining the mailing list, we could be losing
a lot of talent.

With a wiki, we can update the ToDo list to reflect the current
situation almost immediately.

2) Being a graphics oriented project, the wiki offers a far more
straightforward way of browsing through graphics than the more
intimidating IssueZilla layout, which is likely to be a barrier for
entry to new users. The recent splash screen contest is an excellent
example of the wiki being put to good use; for example, compare:
( version 3 contest) with (
version 2 contest)

Yes, there is a learning curve for wiki markup, but as wikis become
more commonplace, it is a valuable skill and reasonably easy to learn
(perhaps a brief intro could be written up for new users with wiki
markup specific to things like uploading files, including
thumbnails/galleries, etc).

- Ivan.


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[art] Re: [marketing] splash screen contest extended for two weeks

2008-07-15 Thread Ivan M
Hi Florian, all, (sorry if you're getting this twice, the original
only went to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail list)

Could you please specify the dimensions of the different graphics that
need to be submitted?
e.g. the NSIS installer image - Stella's proposal is 164 × 314 pixels,
Kamonwan's is 164 × 312 pixels (as is mine).

What about the other NSIS image (there is the big one that appears on
the left hand side, and the short wide one that appears on the top) -
in the Beta 1 setup, it was just the plain OOo logo on the right and
it didn't fit with the default system background (see [1] - ideally,
the image should be full width), compare with [2].

One last question - would it be possible to have a background image
for the about box, instead of just a top image, as Kamonwan did [3]?

I've uploaded vector versions of my designs (using Nikash's 3 gulls)
if anyone wants to play around with these (Fireworks PNG  PSD
formats) [4],[5]. I was having trouble designing a rectangular
non-transparent splash screen - you can see how far I got [4]. All
other materials (NSIS, start center, etc) are included in [5].



On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 2:14 PM, Ivan M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Florian, all,

 Could you please specify the dimensions of the different graphics that
 need to be submitted?
 e.g. the NSIS installer image - Stella's proposal is 164 × 314 pixels,
 Kamonwan's is 164 × 312 pixels (as is mine).

 What about the other NSIS image (there is the big one that appears on
 the left hand side, and the short wide one that appears on the top) -
 in the Beta 1 setup, it was just the plain OOo logo on the right and
 it didn't fit with the default system background (see [1] - ideally,
 the image should be full width), compare with [2].

 One last question - would it be possible to have a background image
 for the about box, instead of just a top image, as Kamonwan did [3]?

 I've uploaded vector versions of my designs (using Nikash's 3 gulls)
 if anyone wants to play around with these (Fireworks PNG  PSD
 formats) [4],[5]. I was having trouble designing a rectangular
 non-transparent splash screen - you can see how far I got [4]. All
 other materials (NSIS, start center, etc) are included in [5].



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Re: [art] Get a list together

2008-06-24 Thread Ivan M
Hi Florian,

I think Luke was asking if there is anything other than the splash
screen designs that also needs to be done by the art project, e.g.
something like the Art Project's to-do list. As it stands currently,
some items on that list are misleading, because they are not under the
Art project's influence - e.g.

[1] Logo for OpenOffice 3.0 (not possible for legal reasons)
[2] Icon design for OOo 3.0 (looks like it's already done -
[3] Design an Open Typeface based on Vera Sans (this is made obsolete by [1])

Could you, or another project lead, please clean up the list, as some
of these issues might be confusing for newer users (it confused me in
my recent emails to the art list). Many of the issues there also
relate to OOo 2, which, given the upcoming OOo 3 release, also seem
outdated (e.g. Artwork for the 2.2 press release). Since we are using
the wiki more often than IssueZilla, perhaps having a to-do wiki
page would be a more friendly way of navigating what needs to be done,
rather than the intimidating-at-first-signt IssueZilla. I would also
suggest that the Art project's website be redone and updated (the
timestamp on the main page is more than 2 years old), but I understand
that people are currently busy with other tasks relating to OOo 3.


On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 7:37 AM, Florian Effenberger
 Hi Luke,

 So with all the recent e-mails about logo's and stuff that needs to be
 produced, can we get a wiki page, an e-mail or something we can use to get a
 quick list of what needs to be done, when for, and any requirements that
 need to go with it. With this in mind and quick access to what needs to be
 done things can be done and proposed and produced faster and more
 effectively I think.



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Re: [art] Impress Wizard and OOo 3 Icons

2008-06-22 Thread Ivan M
Hi all,

Having seen [],
it looks like the icons have been decided on (looking at the date
stamp, it's a recent document) and this discussion will be fruitless -
I had been under the impression that the Art project was responsible
for OOo 3's icons (because there has been an open issue about it for a
long time: and
that if we didn't do anything, the icons would stay the same in OOo 3
- I see that this is not the case now.

 Instead, I guess this is a case for cleaning up the Art List
Issues - some of those tasks have been rendered obsolete and are
misleading because they do not fall within our domain, or they are not
possible due to legal restrictions:
* Logo for OpenOffice 3.0
* Icon design for OOo 3.0
* Design an Open Typeface based on Vera Sans (this is tied in with the logo)

So I apologize for this 'phantom' discussion - let's focus instead on
what we do have an influence over - OOo 3's branding and visual

- Ivan.

On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 1:14 PM, Miroslav Mazel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's better, but I still find the Writer and Impress icons a bit too
 indistictive. Try using the new suggested icon colors:
 Anyway, enough of my nitpicking - I really think that we might see the Tango
 icon set replacing the current set. I like the icons, because they have more
 distinctive parts (although Writer would be better to use a pen, or letters,
 or something - the document can really stand for anything) and a symmetric
 base (the circle/sphere), although I still sort of like the current icons
 As for knowing which app one uses, I don't think it's that important. First
 of all, the Mac users will have (as it currently stands) a single
 application - OpenOffice. If one tells them to open up Writer, they probably
 won't know what it is (although the name still appears in the title bar).
 Second of all, I'd say it's a lot more important to be able to pick out the
 right icon quickly, so you don't have to squint at that Quick Launch icon to
 know which one to click, or, heaven forbid, mouse over it, rather than know
 the application's name. And third of all, I don't think knowing the name is
 an issue with any application, no matter how you rely on the icon. I'm a Mac
 user, so, naturally, I know applications by icon, but I still manage to know
 each and every application by name (although I do tend to forget if
 QuickTime and HandBrake use spaces or not...).

 2008/6/21 Ivan M [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Alexandro, thanks for that link, I wasn't aware of the Graphics
 project, but it seems they're having the same discussion at the
 moment, so I will join in there, as well as UX (in the future, to get
 rid of the wizard and replace it with something less annoying) - if
 anyone else is interested in this and wants to join in, the link to
 the mailing list post is

 As for the icons, Miroslav, you bring up a great point. But how many
 users actually know that the program they use to write up their
 documents is Writer, or that they made that presentation with Impress?
 Unlike MS Office, OOo doesn't show the application name in the splash
 screen, and the color-coded icons make it easy to ignore the app name
 completely so they might just come to know Calc as the green icon.

 That can be seen as a good thing and a bad thing... one problem that
 has been pointed out in the past is that Writer and Math have similar
 colors, as do Impress and Base... so one possible solution is to edit
 the Tango icons and colorize them - I did this quick so it's not
 pixel-perfect, and I aimed for softer colors than the current ones
 (this could be changed, but the icons do lend themselves to a softer
 color scheme). The 16x16 icons would need some serious work (making
 the colors more visible - the Calc icon being the most obvious example
 - but see the Math icon, which is much more distinct - so Calc could
 adopt a design like this, maybe a small pixel-sharp chart or
 something?), but the 48x48 icons look great IMO and so would 32x32 and

 And for the comparison (updated image, you may need to CTRL+F5 or
 force refresh):

 Please let me know what you think.

 On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 9:52 AM, Miroslav Mazel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have to say I do agree that Impress should shed the dialog.
  I don't agree, however, that OO.o should use the Tango icons, just
  they are not distinctive colorwise. When one wants a word processor, he
  looks for blue. When one wants a spreadsheet app, he looks for green.
  Presentation - orange. Only if the spheres in the Tango were to gain the
  color scheme could

[art] Impress Wizard and OOo 3 Icons

2008-06-21 Thread Ivan M
Hi all,

2 things I would like to raise:

First, would it be possible to get new graphics for the Impress
presentation wizard to ship with OOo 3? It looks scathingly
amateur-ish (see, for example,
- this is a look that a sophisticated application like Impress doesn't
deserve. Even better would be to get rid of that dialog altogether,
but since it's still there in OOo 3, at least it could be made nicer?

The second thing is the issue of OOo 3's icons - Paul @ Dead End Cafe
had started some promising work, but with the deadline for artwork
drawing near, it looks like the icons will remain the same in OOo 3,
inherited from OOo 2. I have proposed adopting the Tango icons as
application icons in the past, and I'd like to offer that suggestion
one last time (since only Graham replied to it) in the hope of at
least getting a little more discussion on the future of OOo's icons,
and to see if Paul (or any others) have updates on their designs.

The icons I am referring to can be seen at
or here:
Here is how they look compared with the current OOo icons:
They are a little less distinctive, but they look cleaner and put more
emphasis on the actual appication's name. They look much better at
larger sizes though.


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Re: [art] Impress Wizard and OOo 3 Icons

2008-06-21 Thread Ivan M
Alexandro, thanks for that link, I wasn't aware of the Graphics
project, but it seems they're having the same discussion at the
moment, so I will join in there, as well as UX (in the future, to get
rid of the wizard and replace it with something less annoying) - if
anyone else is interested in this and wants to join in, the link to
the mailing list post is

As for the icons, Miroslav, you bring up a great point. But how many
users actually know that the program they use to write up their
documents is Writer, or that they made that presentation with Impress?
Unlike MS Office, OOo doesn't show the application name in the splash
screen, and the color-coded icons make it easy to ignore the app name
completely so they might just come to know Calc as the green icon.

That can be seen as a good thing and a bad thing... one problem that
has been pointed out in the past is that Writer and Math have similar
colors, as do Impress and Base... so one possible solution is to edit
the Tango icons and colorize them - I did this quick so it's not
pixel-perfect, and I aimed for softer colors than the current ones
(this could be changed, but the icons do lend themselves to a softer
color scheme). The 16x16 icons would need some serious work (making
the colors more visible - the Calc icon being the most obvious example
- but see the Math icon, which is much more distinct - so Calc could
adopt a design like this, maybe a small pixel-sharp chart or
something?), but the 48x48 icons look great IMO and so would 32x32 and

And for the comparison (updated image, you may need to CTRL+F5 or
force refresh):

Please let me know what you think.

On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 9:52 AM, Miroslav Mazel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have to say I do agree that Impress should shed the dialog.
 I don't agree, however, that OO.o should use the Tango icons, just because
 they are not distinctive colorwise. When one wants a word processor, he
 looks for blue. When one wants a spreadsheet app, he looks for green.
 Presentation - orange. Only if the spheres in the Tango were to gain the
 color scheme could they be used as the default icons.

 2008/6/21 Ivan M [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi all,

 2 things I would like to raise:

 First, would it be possible to get new graphics for the Impress
 presentation wizard to ship with OOo 3? It looks scathingly
 amateur-ish (see, for example,
 - this is a look that a sophisticated application like Impress doesn't
 deserve. Even better would be to get rid of that dialog altogether,
 but since it's still there in OOo 3, at least it could be made nicer?

 The second thing is the issue of OOo 3's icons - Paul @ Dead End Cafe
 had started some promising work, but with the deadline for artwork
 drawing near, it looks like the icons will remain the same in OOo 3,
 inherited from OOo 2. I have proposed adopting the Tango icons as
 application icons in the past, and I'd like to offer that suggestion
 one last time (since only Graham replied to it) in the hope of at
 least getting a little more discussion on the future of OOo's icons,
 and to see if Paul (or any others) have updates on their designs.

 The icons I am referring to can be seen at
 or here:
 Here is how they look compared with the current OOo icons:
 They are a little less distinctive, but they look cleaner and put more
 emphasis on the actual appication's name. They look much better at
 larger sizes though.


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Re: [art] Splash screen UI proposal

2008-06-07 Thread Ivan M
Having given this some more thought, I would say that this is not a
good idea. It is very creative, but not practical for the following

* OOo's load time has been criticized throughout the past; to add an
animation would only emphasize this - plus an animated splash screen
would likely add extra wait time. We're loading, not an
operating system - and even operating systems have a load bar.

* An animation is more of a novelty; cool the first few times, but
after a while, people will just want to get into the program itself. I
guess people might say that a splash screen is itself a novelty, but I
think it does a good enough job letting people know what's going on as
it is now.

* Depending on the implementation, the animation would need to be
recreated for every new version (the OOo logo text is usually followed
by a version number). Considering that the standard run-of-the-mill
implementation would be to have 1 full-sized image for each frame,
this would add up in hard disk space (and thus download size) and
memory use.

* Not to mention that it would take a lot of skill, effort, and most
importantly, time - it's a pretty big feat for a splash screen.

On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 3:28 AM, -Si!eNT- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 PS! I have also updated the art screen proposal with my example

 2008/6/4 -Si!eNT- [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 This is just one file, an animated GIF image.
 About the possibility of making an animated splash screen, i cant imagine
 why it would be possible, but i am going to check out the source code and
 find out if it is possible. Further more, i can ask some of my classmates,
 which are alot better at programming than I am, about it.

 2008/6/4 Volker Merschmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 2008/6/3 -Si!eNT- [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I am proposing the idea that some elements of the splash screen graphics
  hidden in the start of loading, but at the loading stages is completed
  of these elements will be shown. When all things are loaded, all the
  graphics is shown.
 I don't think that this is possible.
 The splashscreen is a single bmp-file in the program directory which
 is loaded at runtime.



 ++ Volker Merschmann
 ++ Content Developer - Ansprechpartner Webseite
 ++ Office-Suite für Linux, Mac, Windows --

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Re: [art] Splash screen UI proposal

2008-06-03 Thread Ivan M
Could you please include a link to the file (there was no attachment
with your email, and emails to the list should not contain
attachments), or add it to ?
It sounds like an interesting idea.

- Ivan.

On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 6:55 AM, -Si!eNT- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Date: 2008/6/3
 Subject: Splash screen UI proposal

 I am proposing the idea that some elements of the splash screen graphics are
 hidden in the start of loading, but at the loading stages is completed some
 of these elements will be shown. When all things are loaded, all the
 graphics is shown.

 I have attached an example in gif. I have made the graphics in microsoft
 paint, as it only was a sketch.

 PS! sorry for the uncompleted message before, it was sent by accident

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Re: [art] Re: Splash Screens and what else

2008-05-08 Thread Ivan M
Hi Santiago,

Don't take it personally - sometimes it takes a while to get replies
on the list (a few days in some cases). The list also fluctuates in
activity - sometimes it is quiet (like it is now) and other times it
is more active and productive. If you take a look at the list's
archives (
you can see that the number of messages varies quite a lot from month
to month.

I would suggest waiting for some feedback/replies before you put more
time into making other designs for now, just so you don't end up
spending time unecessarily before getting other's opinions. Do stay
with us, I'm sure things will pick up as OOo version 3 approaches :)

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] Re: Drafting Splash Screen in progress

2008-05-06 Thread Ivan M
Hi Santiago.

Here is a brief guide to uploading images on the wiki:

First, you will need to create an account

Once you have an account and are logged in, in the left hand side menu
of the wiki (accessible from any page in the wiki), under Toolbox,
click 'Upload File'
( and upload
your file.
Then, copy the URL of the page containing your image (you should be
taken to that page once the upload is complete), and paste it into an
email. That way, anyone who wants to can access the image.

Please ignore my comments about the design looking Mac-ish, when I
wrote the email, I was using a computer with a display that made it
seem as if it had a horizontal line pattern.

- Ivan.

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 5:46 PM, Santiago Franco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Ivan, sorry for d-lay. Thanks for the input. Well, I do not know how to 
 post them. Although I registered and have access to some pages, possibly my 
 own, once in my pages, and inside, when I try to do certain operations, it 
 asks me for an ID and password, I introduce them, and then it does not 
 approve them, so I don't know what is wrong.

  About the Screen, I had more or less some of the same feelings, doubts about 
 the map, and much moree about the bottom wire frame  too - being first one 
 and feedback wanted to see several treactions to different element to see 
 maybe a general ile to follow... therefore I was trying more things, but some 
 myself had also had very much doubts. Do you mean the dark colors of the 
 fonts? or in general. I do not use a MAC,
  and although I have used some else's on several occasions I am not aware of 
 what might be considered a Mac: ish look (maybe you could elaborate if you 
 have time).Anyway, I can post something, this or other versions considering 
 your comments and mt doubts when I know how to, and I understand why, despite 
 having registered and followed the steps required, it still is denying me 
 access to some things and recognition?
  Best regards and thank you for feed back and info. I you or anyone can maybe 
 indicate to me what might be the ID password trouble plus how to post, I will 
 be very grateful.


  Santiago Franco Rubio
  Taitoniekantie 10, A11
  40740 Jyväskylä
  Suomi - Finland
  GSM: (+358) (0)50 9329081
  Skype: santyako
  Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 - Original Message 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 6, 2008 5:43:00 AM
  Subject: Re: [art] Re: Drafting Splash Screen in progress

  Hi Santiago,

  Please do not send attachments with your message, as they add to the
  bandwidth burden we must all deal with. features
  several other avenues for persons interested in submitting
  attachments. Check with your project lead or send a message to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] to find out which would be best for you.

  Next time, please add your design to the wiki page
  ... you will need to register first) and include a link in you email
  instead of attaching the image (if you're not familiar with this kind
  of procedure, please let me know)

  That said, here are my thoughts:

  These look much better and more lively than the ones that are
  currently being used! (Although I do like the rounded bottom edges
  Paul introduced). The two color approach with the gulls is also
  interesting. I don't like the dark colors and the globe motif is a
  cliche - it has been overused too many times in too many
  applications/websites. IMO, we should stick to design elements that
  are unique to The other impression this made on me was
  that it looked very Mac-ish with the horizontal lines. Overall, I
  would have to say that I don't like it, but let's see what others say.

  Don't start animating anything just yet - the splash screen will
  probably be static. However, maybe something could be done for the 3 CDs - maybe an autorun with a little animation?...
  just an idea...

  - Ivan.

  On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 1:41 AM, Santiago Franco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Ivan, attached I send you one splash screen I am working at. Although I
   send it in png format but only double layered, every element in the 
   is layered so I can chose more presence or less of every layer and
   element,including suppressing whatever is necessary. This is just done more
   or less by eye, meaning I have done some of the basic work but a lot 
   correct proportions, progress bar animation (how long it lasts, minimum,
   BTW) and is there any

Re: [art] Transparent Splash Screens

2008-05-02 Thread Ivan M
Hi Rex,

 The Splash-transparent5 is fabulous. Can you ship over a layered
  version to the list? I'd like to play with it a bit.-RH

Definitely! You can download a PSD file from
or a native Fireworks PNG file (I work with Fireworks) from

As far as I know, attachments are not permitted on the list :)

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] Transparent Splash Screens

2008-05-02 Thread Ivan M
Hi Michal,

Wikipedia tells me the Eee PC's resolution is at least 800x480; the
most recent of my designs is well below that - the rounded rectangle
is the standard splash screen size of 440x286. With the gulls growing
out from the top right, it's still only 350px high so I don't see a
problem there.

Those wireframe designs would look great if they weren't so jagged but
more smooth flowing. #10 is too much though.

Next time, please start a new thread for adding designs so we don't
use a single thread for multiple topics

- Ivan.

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Michal Svatý [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello every one.
  I have some propsals:

  P.S:But, Big splash doesnt look very well on small display. Small
  devices are trendy these days and we should care (eee pc and staff
  like that),

  On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 10:21 AM, Santiago Franco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Thanks Ivan, and everyone else, for the info, input and supporthappy 
 1st of May to all...siis hyvää ja hauska Vappua kaikille!
El Bestoes de los Regardoes
Santiago - Tao
Santiago Franco Rubio
Taitoniekantie 10, A11
40740 Jyväskylä
Suomi - Finland
GSM: (+358) (0)50 9329081
Skype: santyako
   - Original Message 
   Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 11:11:25 PM
Subject: Re: [art] Transparent Splash Screens
   Hi Santiago,
 Hi Ivan, nice job. I started already working in the splash screen.It 
 has also rounded borders...and I have several questions. I started doing the 
 seagulls and I have done them them quite large so later there is more quality 
 margin. Once thing still, I noticed that there where 4 splash screen that had 
 huge proportions , elements ad been planning also in having a round bordered 
 splash.screen back grounds are huge in size and quality...Is there any 
 special reason behind this?
Most monitors these days have quite a high resolution, and the splash
screen size has remained the same for a long time - this is the
reasoning behind the larger splash screens, but it is only a
 Meaning in spite of maintaining the right proportions with the 
 relations within Is it possible that there are other animated parts, 
 progressing simultaneously to the progress bar or can there be other elements 
 within the splash screen, e.g. some type of simple animation, parallel 
 progress type motion, of the seagulls in the splash screen seagull occurring 
 at the same rate than the progress bar?
This is an interesting idea, but perhaps too complex for a splash
screen in my opinion. Plus it would require a lot of work and could
increase the load time and size of OpenOffice, which would be bad.
  These and other 1001 Questions next week in Ope...
  Best Santiago / San Tao /Tao

  PS: Do you O'people produce fast, because personally I have to be able 
 to advance my translations simultaneously, so can not work full time...Are 
 there any requirements such as deadlines, or ETA of the drafts and / or the 
 final screen splash? How does the approval thing work usually or 
Not sure on any of these - I suppose the project leads would set a
deadline (there isn't one currently, but it'll probably be before
September :) ) and then we would have a vote? Florian/John/Cristian
please correct me if I'm wrong.
- Ivan.

  Santiago Franco Rubio
  Taitoniekantie 10, A11
  40740 Jyväskylä
  Suomi - Finland
  GSM: (+358) (0)50 9329081
  Skype: santyako
  Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[art] Where are the Galaxy Icons?

2008-05-02 Thread Ivan M
I've seen them in screenshots of the OOo 3 M3 build. When will they be
made available for us to use? (I would like to get them up on the
homepage to replace the current icons).
The only thing I could find was this link from the UI project: which is mostly
made up of 16x16 icons.

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] Transparent Splash Screens

2008-05-02 Thread Ivan M
Hi Rex,

  I took the 'tribal' vectors out and inserted the traditional vectors
  in, and gave the left gull a slight drop shadow to reflect its
  position in the layer stack order.

The vectors weren't intended to look tribal - they were supposed to be
waves (at least, in my eyes they were waves :D)
I'm hoping Peter is still working on an abstract wave design
(something like,
but we could just as well use the traditional v2 wireframe vector.

  Really, I've got a few nags about the logo, but that's all they are is
  nags. So far, this looks like a solid contender for release.-RH

The logo might end up staying the same as previous versions for legal
reasons - Florian wrote:

 [...] I talked to Sun and maybe get the information on how
 to proceed soon. One valid point they raised which I forgot: It might be a
 good idea of KEEPING the current logo, while the splash screen and CI can be
 changed. The reason behind that is that the logo is a protected graphical
 trademark and thus should not be changed.

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] Transparent Splash Screens

2008-04-30 Thread Ivan M
Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback so far.
Here's one more:

This one is a transparent 32 bit PNG, with drop-shadows applied to the
gulls as suggested. I've also added a wireframe wave design to the

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Re: [art] Transparent Splash Screens

2008-04-30 Thread Ivan M
Hi Santiago,

 Hi Ivan, nice job. I started already working in the splash screen.It has also 
 rounded borders...and I have several questions. I started doing the seagulls 
 and I have done them them quite large so later there is more quality margin. 
 Once thing still, I noticed that there where 4 splash screen that had huge 
 proportions , elements ad been planning also in having a round bordered 
 splash.screen back grounds are huge in size and quality...Is there any 
 special reason behind this?

Most monitors these days have quite a high resolution, and the splash
screen size has remained the same for a long time - this is the
reasoning behind the larger splash screens, but it is only a

 Meaning in spite of maintaining the right proportions with the relations 
 within Is it possible that there are other animated parts, progressing 
 simultaneously to the progress bar or can there be other elements within the 
 splash screen, e.g. some type of simple animation, parallel progress type 
 motion, of the seagulls in the splash screen seagull occurring at the same 
 rate than the progress bar?

This is an interesting idea, but perhaps too complex for a splash
screen in my opinion. Plus it would require a lot of work and could
increase the load time and size of OpenOffice, which would be bad.

  These and other 1001 Questions next week in Ope...
  Best Santiago / San Tao /Tao

  PS: Do you O'people produce fast, because personally I have to be able to 
 advance my translations simultaneously, so can not work full time...Are there 
 any requirements such as deadlines, or ETA of the drafts and / or the final 
 screen splash? How does the approval thing work usually or ...whatever...

Not sure on any of these - I suppose the project leads would set a
deadline (there isn't one currently, but it'll probably be before
September :) ) and then we would have a vote? Florian/John/Cristian
please correct me if I'm wrong.

- Ivan.

  Santiago Franco Rubio
  Taitoniekantie 10, A11
  40740 Jyväskylä
  Suomi - Finland
  GSM: (+358) (0)50 9329081
  Skype: santyako
  Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [art] Transparent Splash Screens

2008-04-30 Thread Ivan M
Michal, you were working on some sort of abstract/wireframe wave
design right? Please, if you can make something better than the waves
on that design (which I made quickly since wireframe/abstract stuff
isn't my area of expertise), that'd be great, especially if it can
fill in more of the background. than the current ones do.

- Ivan.

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 8:52 AM, Michal Svatý [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nice staff. i think this one is the best

  On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 1:01 PM, Ivan M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi all,
Thanks for the feedback so far.
Here's one more:
This one is a transparent 32 bit PNG, with drop-shadows applied to the
gulls as suggested. I've also added a wireframe wave design to the

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Re: [art] participating in one of the art projects....introducing myself

2008-04-28 Thread Ivan M
Hello Santiago, and welcome to the Art project! It's great to have
someone with such a wide skill with us.
One area where your input would be appreciated is with regard to
splash screens for
- let us know which one(s) you like the most, or feel free to make
your own design and upload it.


On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 4:20 AM, Santiago Franco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Subject: Introducing myself and contacting for further advice
 To whom it may concern:
 My name is Santiago Franco and I am a translator, writer and TV director with 
 many years of experience in these fields. I have worked voluntarily for some 
 projects that to my judgment were worthy to contribute disinterestedly. Even 
 though I had used Open Office in some cyber cafés, to open Microsoft Office 
 documents, I did not have any information about the project, nor about its 

  For professional reasons such as accessing proofing tools, dictionaries, and 
 thesaurus in different languages, I have encountered the project, and learned 
 more about it. After seeing the index, the art-work-to do and art-work-to 
 maintain, licenses and the pages recommended in the how to participate page I 
 have registered at OpenOfficeOrg. and sent an empty message as indicated in 
 the aforementioned page, since it seems to me a commendable effort and work I 
 could help with. I do not know exactly how to start helping so in any case I 
 am introducing myself first so that you know who I am, what I can do, and 
 then maybe we can determine were I fit and with what I could help.
 Although I know almost nothing about programming and programming languages, I 
 am a translator, I transalte from Finnish, French, English, Italian, 
 Portugues, Spanish, into English and Spanish, which are my mother languages 
 but salso into French,Italian, Portugues. I am a fiction writer and write 
 short stories and novels as well as short weekly  episodes for magazines I I 
 have received svveral awards and have several works published. I can make 
 animations, graphics, paint with paint shop type software, and I can also 
 record, edit sound direct, fx, músic and video/film. I can do al kind of 
 video/film production technical work needed for any production etc so I could 
 help in very diverse ways.
  I chose to join and try to contribute to the Art project and although I read 
 the different projects, galleries and tasks I am still kind of green at this 
 to do much more for the moment within the Art project. I have just sent also 
 an empty email to confirm my participation to the address provided and yet I 
 do not know how would I fit in your project but probably you know how or 
 where I could inform me further about contributing with specific work. In 
 short, if you need help, I am prepared to lend a helping hand 
 disinterestedly, within the art project in any way agreed and possible. 
 Although I have read many of the pages indicated during the registration and 
 project suscription procesess I am still kind of very green regarding 
 OpenOffice so I would welcome some help and advice.
 Best regards
  Santiago Franco
 PS: I double clicked the art joining project button and I am afraid I also 
 sent an empty message with my Windows live Id, [EMAIL PROTECTED] please 
 ignore that request since I am only one person (plus one error.)

 Santiago Franco Rubio
 Taitoniekantie 10, A11
 40740 Jyväskylä
 Suomi - Finland
 GSM: (+358) (0)50 9329081
 Skype: santyako

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Re: [art] Another Logo Design

2008-04-26 Thread Ivan M
I agree with Rex, but the waves are interesting - if they could be
more subtle, they could be an excellent branding bug - reminds me of
the OpenOffice 1.1 splash screen design a little (e.g.

On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 6:59 AM, Rex Hollingsworth
 It's far too busy, and almost seems monotone. The logo doesn't stand
  out, and has to fight with the background for dominance.

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Re: [art] Another Logo Design

2008-04-25 Thread Ivan M
Good point. I'd like to suggest putting all the proposals on the wiki
page - that way they can all be viewed quickly (thumbnails) and
compared easily.

I have created the page
and uploaded my proposals, new and old. Please do the same with all
your designs, that way we can have all the contenders up there
accessible for all to look at and hopefully reach a consensus or at
least pick a direction to go with :)

- Ivan.

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 2:35 PM, Paul @ Dead End Cafe
 Hi again everyone,

  I think I've got to a point now where I'm not sure what to do next. I've
 got a few fairly similar designs that seem to meet with general approval,
 but any further changes means one person will be happy and another one
 won't. So I guess my question is 'where do we go from here?' Is there any
 one person I should be listening to in particular? Is there a committee
 somewhere that decides what gets used and what doesn't? If not, I feel the
 changes I'm making, while perfectly reasonable and constructive, are just
 causing me to go around in cirlces.

  - Paul

  Ivan M wrote:

  Firstly, in reply to Johannes,
Have you ever seen the splash screen of Adobe Acrobat, version 7 if I
remember correctly. There were lines
going outside the splash window, dropping a correct soft shadow over
  I'm glad someone else is thinking about this - and since I got no
  feedback on my suggestion, now looks like a good opportunity to moot
  it again :)
  What do people think of going outside the box literally - having the
  standard splash screen size, but with some of the design going beyond
  it - the perfect example of that is what Johannes mentioned - Acrobat
  7. In other words, a splash screen with alpha-transparency?
  In reply to Paul's most recent work :
  I like option 1 better - option 2 is a little overkill IMO. The arcs
  are great, but they would look better if they were being used
  alongside something more complex (probably a background image of some
  kind). The rounding on the gulls is spot-on.
  In reply to Maarten:
   Don't want to impose anything, but I think
   it would be nice if the designs would correspond somewhat (and not only
   logo being equal); of course we could make *minor* adjustments to the
   website's design to make both fit well. Maybe something of the curve in
   upper right? (or are you getting bored with your own design, Ivan? ...
   a typical thing I guess... but its about building a brand, and that
   some consistency, imho)
  Not at all, I'm hoping the new download button I made will eventually
  get implemented :) and that small improvements can continue being made
  (Cor suggested an animated news ticker so more than one news item can
  be displayed on the homepage) but the curve is hard to work with in a
  splash screen IMO.
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Re: [art] Another Logo Design

2008-04-24 Thread Ivan M
Hi Paul,

I like the colors you used a lot, and if you decresed the radius of
the rounding on the gulls, IMO they would look a bit better and might
convince others to go with that (I like it).
Regarding cloud images, I did a splash screen mockup over a year ago
with clouds, and one issue raised was to try do something different
and novel - ditching the clouds and going for some other metaphor. I'm
not sure whether I agree with that, but in my recent mockup I tried to
go with something a bit different. Do you have any thoughts on this
Keep up the good work!

- Ivan.

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 5:27 PM, Rex Hollingsworth
 I honestly don't mind it. It looks pretty good. My only complaint is
  the 'g'. With the clean look of the drop down on the 'p', you'd never
  expect it to go all nutty on the 'g'. More of a mark against the font
  creator than your proposed update, but it is what it is.

  Good work.

  On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 8:23 PM, Paul @ Dead End Cafe
   Hi all,
I've done up another Oo.o logo design for you all to have a look at. This
   time I've used a great font called 'Qlassik', a free font which can be 
   at To showcase the logo I've put it 
   three different scenarios - one is a splash screen similar to the one
   currently in OO.o, one is an 'About' screen, again similar to the current
   one, and the final is a just an image showcasing the logo at a larger size.
Splash Screen:
About Screen:
Some of these images are very similar to things I've done in the past, 
   this time I've used a free font, and the cloud photograph in the background
   is one I took myself.
And yes, I know I've used my three curvy gulls again (3 gulls for OO.o3),
   but I just can't stand those pointy, lopsided ones the logo currently uses
   :p If anyone really dislikes them, I'd be happy to make something more
   traditional up.
- Paul
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Re: [art] Another Logo Design

2008-04-24 Thread Ivan M
Firstly, in reply to Johannes,

  Have you ever seen the splash screen of Adobe Acrobat, version 7 if I
  remember correctly. There were lines
  going outside the splash window, dropping a correct soft shadow over the

I'm glad someone else is thinking about this - and since I got no
feedback on my suggestion, now looks like a good opportunity to moot
it again :)

What do people think of going outside the box literally - having the
standard splash screen size, but with some of the design going beyond
it - the perfect example of that is what Johannes mentioned - Acrobat
7. In other words, a splash screen with alpha-transparency?

In reply to Paul's most recent work :

I like option 1 better - option 2 is a little overkill IMO. The arcs
are great, but they would look better if they were being used
alongside something more complex (probably a background image of some
kind). The rounding on the gulls is spot-on.

In reply to Maarten:

 Don't want to impose anything, but I think
 it would be nice if the designs would correspond somewhat (and not only the
 logo being equal); of course we could make *minor* adjustments to the
 website's design to make both fit well. Maybe something of the curve in the
 upper right? (or are you getting bored with your own design, Ivan? ... quite
 a typical thing I guess... but its about building a brand, and that needs
 some consistency, imho)

Not at all, I'm hoping the new download button I made will eventually
get implemented :) and that small improvements can continue being made
(Cor suggested an animated news ticker so more than one news item can
be displayed on the homepage) but the curve is hard to work with in a
splash screen IMO.


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Re: [art] Splash Screen for OOo 3

2008-04-20 Thread Ivan M
Hi Volker,

Could you please post screenshots of the start center? I have no idea
what it looks like, and if some design elements have already been
decided upon, it would help to be able to build off those instead of
going off on a very different tangent :)


On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 2:29 AM, Volker Merschmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  2008/4/20, Florian Effenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   Is this more along the lines of what you were thinking:
The font is thicker and the gradient falls down to blue instead of white.
thanks a lot for the draft! This does look good in my opinion!
What do others think?
  We did not have the wave/curve in thick lines before and it is
  different from the design of the new startcenter.

  If we want to introduce a new logo, the design should also appear in
  about-box, installation and so on.

  Just my 2 cent


  ++ Volker Merschmann
  ++ Content Developer - Ansprechpartner Webseite
  ++ Office-Suite für Linux, Mac, Windows --

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[art] Splash Screen for OOo 3

2008-04-17 Thread Ivan M
I've done a quick mock-up of a possible splash screen for OOo 3, using
the open source M+ font for the logo. It's far from production-grade,
but I hope to at least get the ball rolling:

Maybe we could even have a transparent logo and have the design bugs
go beyond the borders?

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] new member introduction

2008-04-13 Thread Ivan M
Hi Angela,

Have a look at, it's an excellent site with loads of
tutorials, there's bound to be something relevant there.

- Ivan.

On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 4:33 AM, Angela Guzman
 Thanks for the response. I have a couple more questions. Any feedback
  would be greatly appreciated.

  Because I'm most familiar with print material, I would like to know if
  you could point me to good tutorials on application/document icon
  design. I have a general idea of how these designs are done, but would
  like more advise.

  :) Angela

  On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 2:26 AM, Ivan M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Angela,
Welcome to the Art list!
Basically, the workflow goes like this: pick an issue, design
something, upload it (in IssueZilla) and let the mailing list know as
well to start a discussion. The stuff we're looking for most now IMO
is design material for v3 - logo, app/document icons,
splash screen, design bugs to use in promotional materials, etc.
On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 4:35 PM, Angela Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  My name is Angela and I'm a grad student in graphic design. I'm
  willing to help with the art projects. My interests lie in icon design
  and print material. I am particularly attracted to help with the Open
  Office logo (the task shows as NEW status), but I am willing to take
  any other suggestions. Please let me know if I can be of any help.

  Also, since I am new, could you please tell me what the workflow is
  like. Are the tasks in IssueZilla up to date? Are the only tasks
  needing help those marked as NEW?

  Thank you!

  Angela Guzman
  Rhode Island School of Design

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 Angela Guzman
  Rhode Island School of Design

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Re: [art] new member introduction

2008-04-12 Thread Ivan M
Hi Angela,

Welcome to the Art list!
Basically, the workflow goes like this: pick an issue, design
something, upload it (in IssueZilla) and let the mailing list know as
well to start a discussion. The stuff we're looking for most now IMO
is design material for v3 - logo, app/document icons,
splash screen, design bugs to use in promotional materials, etc.


On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 4:35 PM, Angela Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  My name is Angela and I'm a grad student in graphic design. I'm
  willing to help with the art projects. My interests lie in icon design
  and print material. I am particularly attracted to help with the Open
  Office logo (the task shows as NEW status), but I am willing to take
  any other suggestions. Please let me know if I can be of any help.

  Also, since I am new, could you please tell me what the workflow is
  like. Are the tasks in IssueZilla up to date? Are the only tasks
  needing help those marked as NEW?

  Thank you!

  Angela Guzman
  Rhode Island School of Design

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Re: [art] Another Icon Design

2008-04-03 Thread Ivan M
Another thing that might be taken into consideration by designers is:

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] Another Icon Design

2008-04-02 Thread Ivan M
Hi Paul,

This is entirely my opinion, but I think should build
its own style/identity instead of basing it on its competitor's. I
liked your earlier attempts better, though I like the Ubuntu/Tango
icons most of all
( because
they make the file type obvious and don't use abstract icons to denote
the application that will open them.

These new icons you've made could be made available unofficially for
people migrating to OOo from MS Office who would find the familiarity
useful, but I don't think they are appropriate as the default icons.

- Ivan.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 5:30 PM, Paul @ Dead End Cafe
 Hi again everyone,

  I've spent the last couple of days working on another new icon style for
 OO.o3. This time I've gone for the pixel-perfect approach that MS Office
 likes to use, rather than a resized vector style. Here's what I have thus

  I've not yet incorporated the 'Gulls' or the 'Open Format' icons - I
 figured I'd work out a base style before I added any extra elements. Simply
 put, this style is heavily based on the current Office 2007 style. I've
 replicated the page icon from Office 2007 in vector format, and the visual
 indicators on the icons (such as the table and bar graph on the CALC icon)
 are heavily based on their counterparts in Office. The main feature that
 sets this set apart from the actual Office 2007 icons is the coloured stripe
 around each icon, which features the existing OO.o logo for each app.

  I feel as if this set uses the best aspects of the Office icons, while at
 the same time not looking especially similar to them. Let me know what you

  - Paul

  (For comparison, here are a few of the Office 2007 icons ---

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[art] OOo 3 Logo Font

2008-03-24 Thread Ivan M
Hi all,

This issue of the OOo 3 fontface has been neglected for a while, but I
recently came across the M+ font set, which looks to be more
attractive than Liberation or Bitstream Vera, and it comes in plenty
of varieties:

License details are nowhere to be found, at least not in english, so
this might require clearing up, but as it is hosted on SourceForge,
it'll be a lot better than proprietary :)

See the fonts in action at:
The first 3 are from the M+ family
The 4th one is Liberation Sans
The 5th is Bitstream Vera (bold would be too wide)

All have had letter spacing reduced.


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Re: [art] OOo 3 Logo Font

2008-03-24 Thread Ivan M
Hi Damir,

  Also it seems that these fonts are primarily developed for Japanese char
  set, but they have limited character set for Latin language (not as
  Liberation or Vera/DejaVu) – which would be important if we want to use
  it as official OOo typeface for other materials also. (If we don't plan
  this, than we don't need to 'stick' to freefont at all).

I don't think this should be much of an issue; current OOo promotional
material doesn't use the Frutiger font, and generally the logo font is
different to the font being used for general text in promotional

Does anyone know if the logo gets translated into different character
sets (e.g. Chinese, Cyrillic, etc) for NL distributions? If this is
the case, then using this font might be more problematic.

   License details are nowhere to be found, at least not in english, so
   this might require clearing up, but as it is hosted on SourceForge,
   it'll be a lot better than proprietary :)

  Here they are :)

  These fonts are free softwares.
  Unlimited permission is granted to use, copy, and distribute it, with or
  without modification, either commercially and noncommercially.

Great. If this is OK (as opposed to a more formal license like GPL,
LGPL, etc) then we have no problems there.

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Re: [art] Intro

2008-03-07 Thread Ivan M
Hi Jim and welcome to the art list! We're a little quiet at the
moment, but things will start picking up soon as we start gearing for v3. You can take a look at the art project's to-do
list, ( and see
if there's anything you want to try there, or wait for a discussion to
start here and join in (or start one yourself).


On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 4:20 PM, Jimmy D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, my name is Jim donahue, I've been impresssed with the Oo software, and 
 wanted to help. I'm probably what most of you would consider very old school, 
 I've been doing sign and graphic work for 25 years, since before computers 
 were a practical reality in the field. Adapting to this age has been 
 rewarding, I've ended up with wall to wall computers and vintage pen 
 plotters. In fact, that's been an interesting aspect of the Oo draw program, 
 it can send vector images to some very old machines. Quite interesting and 
 usefull for me. I hope that diversity doesn't change.

   Anyway, I've been looking around the to do list, and I'm not sure the 
 proceedure for starting a new project, it appears there are recognized steps 
 to follow. I thought I'd hang around awhile and watch the process. I consider 
 myself good at vectorizing images, node editing, that sort of thing. If 
 anybody would like help doing some mundane part of a job, that might be a 
 good way for me to get involved.

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Re: [art] new website design discussed at [EMAIL PROTECTED] list

2008-03-02 Thread Ivan M
Hi Alexandro,

The URL is

- Ivan.

On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 4:17 PM, Alexandro Colorado [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 02 Mar 2008 11:39:08 -0600, Florian Effenberger

   Hi there,
   for those who don't know, currently there is a new website design
   discussed at [EMAIL PROTECTED] list. I'm off for CeBIT, so I'm not really
   engaged, but I just wanted to point the list to this thread.

  What's the URL?

  Alexandro Colorado
  CoLeader of ES

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[art] Icons needed for new OOo website

2008-02-09 Thread Ivan M
Hi everyone,

On the website-dev list, we are in the process of finalizing the new
design for the website. One of the things we still need
to do is the icons that will appear next to each action statement. You
can see a mockup here:

I found these icons all on (with the exception of
the swiss army knife icon, which was done by Nikash for OOo), and they
are either GPL or LGPL licensed.

There are a few problems with these: if we use them as they are, they
will not be unique to OOo (with the exception of the swiss army knife)
- they are free stock icons and while they're all nice, they are all
by different designers and as such, have different styles and color
palletes. They are are also fairly complex, with lots of frills like
gloss effects, and this clashes with the concept of minimalism we have
been trying to get into the new design.

I proposed a solution that we simplify the icons - the advantages of
this being we will have vector icons that we can rescale and reuse in
other parts of the website and that we can make them more consistent
and tweak them to suit OOo.
In other words, something like this:

The only specifications/restrictions I think are relevant are: not to
have a perspective effect of the information and life buoy icons, and
that the colors of each icon should be bright and the number of colors
used should be reasonably small (5-6).

The end result will look like this -
(of course, with all the other icons in place). If anyone could help
with this, it would really be appreciated and would help us finish the
new design. We need simplified icons, based on the ones in the mockup
- though if you can think of better symbols to use for the action
statements, by all means do so (i.e. the information icon could be a
person with a question mark speech/thought bubble or something else).
I've made a zip file with all the icons in the largest size I could


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Re: [art] Offering my services

2008-02-08 Thread Ivan M
Clément Pillias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Talking about these symbols, they are nice looking, but in my
 opinion, not very suggestive.  The symbol used for Calc looks like a
 window, the symbol for Impress is a simple rectangle that suggests
 nothing, the three bars used for Writer could suggest an horizontal
 histogram, the symbol for Draw looks like an S, and the symbol for
 Base means who knows what.

I agree with this; I posted what I thought were great icons a while
ago (see,
where the graphics showed what each application was for, and my
suggestion is that the abstract symbols be replaced with more literal
graphics. OOo Version 1's icons were more like this (see

This would mean that icons don't need any text on them because the
symbols are clear enough on their own.

New users particularly might find the abstract symbols confusing until
they learn to associate each app with its color - and because the
colors are up for change every version, I don't think that's a good
idea (particularly since the most common document icons - ODT  ODS,
representing Writer and Calc, are muted and darker)

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] Offering my services

2008-02-07 Thread Ivan M
The software you use has the right to associate the files it opens
with its icons (an unwritten rule I guess) UNLESS it's not set as the
default application to open those files, or if those file types are
specific to the software. MP3 is not vendor specific. HTML is not
vendor specific. If Firefox is my default browser, I get a page with
the Firefox logo. If Internet Explorer is my default browser, I get an
'e'. Branded icons are especially useful because you know what
application they are going to open in, rather than some generic icon.

On Feb 7, 2008 8:51 PM, Alexandro Colorado [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just a thought, but since OpenDocument are not vendor specific can dictate the way the document icons should look like?

 I guess being free software you are free to use this icons but is just
 something that haunt me that maybe having our product name over the Open
 standard might be work against us just a thought.

 On Thu, 07 Feb 2008 01:02:59 -0600, Ivan M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Paul,
  Wow, these are great! I really like the colors you used.
  A few comments:
  I don't think the app icons should bear so much resemblance to the
  document icons. Also, maybe instead of Writer and calc appearing
  in document icons, how about document and spreadsheet
  Thanks for submitting these!
  - Ivan.
  On Feb 7, 2008 11:47 AM, Paul @ Dead End Cafe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi guys,
  I've already posted one or two items over in some specific sections
  here, but I figured it would probably help to introduce myself here. I'm
  Paul (paullodec), I'm fairly new to OO.o, and I'm interested in helping
  with Logos, Icons and associated art issues. I've come up with the
  following so far:
  Looking forward to helping out in future :)
  - Paul
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 Alexandro Colorado
 CoLeader of ES

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Re: [art] Offering my services

2008-02-06 Thread Ivan M
Hi Paul,
Wow, these are great! I really like the colors you used.

A few comments:
I don't think the app icons should bear so much resemblance to the
document icons. Also, maybe instead of Writer and calc appearing
in document icons, how about document and spreadsheet

Thanks for submitting these!
- Ivan.

On Feb 7, 2008 11:47 AM, Paul @ Dead End Cafe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi guys,

 I've already posted one or two items over in some specific sections
 here, but I figured it would probably help to introduce myself here. I'm
 Paul (paullodec), I'm fairly new to OO.o, and I'm interested in helping
 with Logos, Icons and associated art issues. I've come up with the
 following so far:

 Looking forward to helping out in future :)

 - Paul

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[art][OOo3] Potential Icons for OOo 3

2008-01-12 Thread Ivan M
Hi all,

I was using Linux (ubuntu) on my university's computers and noticed
the application icons:
(two different variations based on chosen theme).

The splash screen featured no Sun logo or any smallprint and had a
light-brown sky instead of the usual blue (if that helps identify the
particular distribution).

Anyway, I thought that these icons looked great. With a few
modifications, I they could become the icons for OOo v3 - the top row
could be the basis for the document file icons, and the bottom row
could be the application icons.
They convey what each application does much better than the v2 icons
in which a more abstract symbol and the coloring of the icon are used
as the indicators of the application's use, so IMO, they are easier to
distinguish. They are also more modern looking and use warm, inviting

Does anyone know who made these icons?

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Re: [art] Status of homepage redesign

2008-01-02 Thread Ivan M
Hi Maarten,
I've made an update - the blue navbar is there, as are tabs - the CSS
is there, now it's just the images that need to be customized - anyone
got any ideas on what would make good tabs?


The navbar is a list, and each entry goes like this:
lia href=#spanLink/span/a/li
The link a tag contains the left part of the tab, and the span tag
contains the right part of the tab.

Onto fonts, I think Verdana would be better than Bitstream Vera,
because Bitstream has poor kerning and this is very apparent in its
small web size. One odd thing with Liberation Sans is that text within
strong tags appears smaller than the normal text - even though it's
the same size. It'll be fine for the action statements (headings) but
might not be suitable for places where bold text is required (where
there is a mix of bold and normal text).

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] Status of homepage redesign

2008-01-01 Thread Ivan M
Hi Maarten,

 We need somehow try to find the Bazaar way of designing. Fine tuning
 exact blue prints for a cathedral doesn't seem to work here, it only
 delays. Furthermore I think it can be two somewhat separated efforts,
 finetuning design elements and creating browseable content. During the
 process both can be integrated. I'll see if I have some time today or
 tomorrow to convert your current design to HTML (simply slicing it up),
 and try to capture a bit of the intended user experience.

No need, I've already sliced it up and made a XHTML (Strict), CSS
design that you can see at
and you can download all the site files at

It should be fairly straightforward to edit, and the graphics add up
to only 10.5KB (with the OOo logo being a 32-bit transparent PNG and
the others 24-bit PNGs, all compressed with PNGOut). I removed the
navbar so the wave seems to continue longer, but the lighter-blue
navbar can always be returned easily.

 If you, and
 others, work in the meantime on improving the visual design, and others
 on finetuning the text... then we make progress. Text can be modified
 easily, even when converted to html... so content wise I don't see any
 objection to converting to HTML.

 About your suggestions, I personally can see the integration of
 something like the Fedora background curve, but clouds... :/ try to
 convince me otherwise but... About some other highlighting colours, yes,
 that might refresh it a bit... but, imho, everybody should try to keep
 it... minimal ;)

Definitely - but I feel more contrast and complexity is needed - it's
too blue right now.

 Furthermore don't look at the design as something final, we can always
 improve, even when it goes live. Even big corporate websites slightly
 modify/improve their online appearance. I think we now need to get ...
 'real' (hinting at the 37signals' approach).

OK. One last note, how much footer material do we need? Which of these
must appear on the homepage: links to press releases, privacy  terms
of use, sun logo / collabnet graphics, copyright blurb, etc?

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] Action statements

2007-12-21 Thread Ivan M
Hi Alexandro,

Could you post a link to the talk you're referring to (if it was at
the OOo conference or there's a slideshow somewhere), or elaborate in
more detail? Your approach sounds different to what we're going for -
we're promoting the brand and thus the product (at least on the
homepage). But I'd say there's a big focus on the user with our
approach too.

One question (probably best answered by Maarten) - the final homepage
design that the art list will decide on - is that then going to be
used on the other native language homepages? Currently, the homepages
for different languages differ vastly - compare with and Currently, the only thing
they have in common is that they promote OOo, and the header (granted,
there are quite a few native language homepages that are directly
based on the English OOo homepage)? I'm wondering about the possible
merit of a more co-ordinated effort on the homepage, since many native
language homepages take very different approaches.

- Ivan.

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[art] Re: [website-dev] Results of the voting

2007-12-17 Thread Ivan M
Hi Maarten (and all others),

 It's Monday here, time to count the votes. Although the voting time was
 short, I think we have a clear winner already, and this is number 9,
 Minimalist OOo / murb_proposal1. Congratulations Ivan!

Thanks, though I think the smart use of the action statements you
applied to it helped significantly, as did the fact that the design is
recycled from the Overkill2 mod, for which the credit must go to
Nikash (plus thanks to everyone who gave feedback!)

 Still I would
 like to say many thanks to all designers who have probably been
 inspiring each other over and over, or at least been provoking each
 others with better and better designs. What I would love to see is that
 Ivan, is that you upload your rough material in compressed to  so that everyone
 can play around with it when further developing their ideas. This would
 enable us to design in an true opensource type of style. Personally I
 also liked, like Rex, I think he was referring to this, the footer of
 Modifications of Overkill 2, so maybe we could try this also.

I've attached a Fireworks-editable PNG (the format I work in), as well
as a PSD version (compressed) to the issue

Alternatively, you can download a zip file with both formats from (137KB)

I have done the same with the Overkill2 mod, which has bits and pieces
that might be of use (like the footer mentioned above) (336KB)



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Re: [art] Re: [website-dev] Re: [art] Decide on visual appearance [update]

2007-12-16 Thread Ivan M
[2] OpenOffice
[3] Overkill1
[4] Overkill2
[5] Molcan Mockup2
[6] Molcan Mockup3
[7] OOo_Multi-Lang
[8] RandyDifferent

+ 1 for [9] Minimalist OOo / murb_proposal1

[10] Splash page
[11] Modifications of design proposals
[12] Overkill3

+0.75 for [13] RandyMinimal

[14] YorkicksDoubleMod
[15] Minimalist Set 1

+ 1 for [16] Minimalist Set 2 - Highlighter OOo

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Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-12-14 Thread Ivan M
Hi Maarten,

 In the original list I once threw at this list there was such a statement,
 though not perfect, I think it makes perfect sense to include such a
 statement as well. For such a website, the website is
 a good example.

My suggestion would be something along the lines of I want to get
more out of my or I want to extend my
- I guess we want to encourage people to be possessive of their :)

 Some additional branding (the image) is good, though I wouldn't add as
 much text. On the other hand I was thinking of something like (I'm working
 on a proposal myself in the few hours I have behind my /own/ computer):

The text is simply a guideline - I still think a brief paragraph with
a few more specific links would be useful (reducing the need for a
menubar), while the headings could remain as direct links to the 4 key

 bigI want to download
 small condition=windows XP is available for (among
 others) Windows XP, and you can get on CD-ROM./small

 or something...

That would be particularly good if we could autodetect the user's OS 
if JRE is already installed on their computer - we could display the
results of the autodetect there, and then point them to the download
page (or we could provide both links to further customisation of
download settings - i.e. a page with a list of mirrors and alternative
ways of downloading OOo, as well as a link to a one-click download),
as well as providing a link to let the user correct the autodetect
results in case they are wrong or want to download for a different OS.

Here's one last possible design for this kind of homepage and I'll
stop there because I'm turning into an assembly line of similar

This variation has a Google feel to it, which could be reduced by the
type of graphic placed in the gray area (some ideas are listed) - it
would have a rougher feel to it (i.e. the highlighter-like swoosh
around the logo), which I think could work well and give the website
an office/home look. The fifth action statement is included, plus a
space for a marketing slogan that could help clarify that this is a
free office/productivity suite website.

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] I'm going to reduce my presence for about 6 months

2007-12-14 Thread Ivan M
Hi Bernhard,

I just remembered your email today - the art list died down for a
while after you left (and is still under the marketing project), but
it is now at its peak as we were given the opportunity to redesign the
homepage - bringing together the website, art and most recently
marketing teams. We are holding our vote today - as the design
proposals on the wiki attest, there has been a lot of participation
( - just
thought you might like to know (and perhaps vote too?) as it's been
almost 10 months since you left the art list. I hope your exams went


On Feb 23, 2007 2:16 AM, Bernhard Dippold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi project members,

 I tried hard to avoid this step, but it's not possible:

 I have to stop my activities for about half a year until
 I finished my exam as specialized anaesthesist.

 The Art project became a vivid and active project during the last year
 and I'm proud of having been part of these activities. Many tasks has
 been started (only a few finished by now), and I have lots of ideas
 regarding our homepage.

 But I spent more time than I can afford in OOo - and I know that I can't
 stop that if I stay active here and in the other projects I'm involved.

 So I'll have to step aside and let you all take care of our project:
 - reply to newcomers
 - comment on new artwork (there are some interesting uploads to issue
 tracker during the last days)
 - work collaboratively on new ideas especially with regard to OOo3

 If you need advise, please contact me directly via personal mail, but
 I'll unsubscribe all my mailing lists in the next days.

 I'm leaving with some kind of sadness - but I hope to come back ASAP to
 a still active and vivid project...

 Best regards


 PS: If someone wants to monitor issue tracker activities, just subscribe
 to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Even if all the other marketing
 issues will be sent to you too, their number is small compared to the
 Art issues.

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Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-12-13 Thread Ivan M
Hi Graham,

  This discussion (the gist of it, or a link to it) should go on the
  marketing list if it hasn't been posted there already. I don't know
  how active the marketing list is (since I'm not subscribed to it) but
  more opinions and insights would help - currently, the whole userbase
  of OOo's homepage is being represented by less than 10 people.

 Coming up

Thanks, I'll follow the discussion through the mailing list archives,
and I'd encourage others to do the same if they're not subscribed to
the marketing list (in addition to discussing it here, of course!)

  Graham, I'm puzzled as to why you would like the design you mentioned:
  because it still has a menubar, a search box and a 'download' button
  plus other clutter. If you want people's stay on the homepage to be as
  short as possible and if your action statements are adequate enough to
  cater for every visitor's needs, why keep all that? From what you
  wrote about the homepage being a stepping-stone only, this is the
  image in my mind of what you've been suggesting:

 I was trying to be open minded and compromise by getting a crossover rather
 than simply rejecting your guys designs out of hand.

Graham compromising? :) well you seem more determined for your points now.
  Throw in a gradient background and a few (graphic) design
  elements/artwork and it might look somewhat decent and not like an
  'under construction' page. From what you wrote, that seems to be (to
  me) what you're arguing for, not something like the design above.

 I absolutely love this.  It's simple and  high impact,  specific and no
 confusion involved for even the most unsophisticated User.

 THEN they go to the individual pages where we turn on all the design skills of
 our Web designers.  The difference is we will be catering to the specific
 needs of the User at those pages rather than trying to be all things to all
 people on one page.

I'm starting to see the potential of your idea now in a way that the
discussion alone couldn't convince me of, though that proposal was
thrown together in about a minute - I wasn't thinking of that ever
being a candidate. So I'm thinking yes, this could work given:

1) the sheer majority of visitors are new or very occasional visitors
2) a website like will cater to those that are
either power users and frequent visitors and/or developers and/or
3) another action statement be added for extending or getting more out
of to promote templates, clip art, tips  tricks /
how-to's, etc because that doesn't seem to be accomodated in that list
of action statements and if we get a decent set of these resources and
make them accessible, people will visit more often and will be more
likely to keep using the software. Isn't that what Microsoft's Office
Online page is mainly for and one thing MS Office really has going for
it? (

 So we're either:
 Telling them more about OOo

 Pointing them to places where they can get  assistance

 Taking them straight to download

 Or taking them to the contributors page

But we're not catering for #3) in the list I mentioned above.

 Each of those are separate pages with their own specific reason for being

 Think of it as four different homepages
 an information home page (why)
 a users homepage (support)
 a downloaders home page and  (download)
 a contributers homepage (contributors)

 linked up a bit like this(very basic)

Basic but good, as long as each of these 'homepages' is well designed
both in appearance in content.

 and the Splashpage gets the user to the homepage that suits them best

Having given it some more thought, I'd offer something like this -

The image is from stock exchange
 so using that photo is probably out of the question, and the image is
too large file-size-wise, but a similar photo released under a
suitable license would do well.

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] Minimalist Version of Something Completely Different

2007-12-13 Thread Ivan M
Hi Randy,

I think this version is better than the first, mainly because there
were too many forms on the header.

Although it's too dark for my liking (then again, I'm biased toward
brighter colors) near the top, the bottom half is very nice.
Especially in the header and the footer areas, there are too many

With the header, I agree with Graham that the gull is probably the
best thing to go. I like the people in suits, but it projects a very
professional image of OOo and might seem odd for home users - perhaps
having a few people in suits, then a few people in a home setting, and
maybe a teacher and a student or something like that done in the same
style to illustrate the various users of

The footer has too many buttons/logos - Firefox (and other Mozilla
products) will be promoted on the page. As for the
Sun and CollabNet logos, I wonder if they would be necessary on the
homepage at all if it's just going to be a stepping stone to other
pages - the other pages could have the logos and the disclaimer, but
the homepage could just have links to the policies and terms of use.

The more proposals, the better we can make decisions - thanks Randy
for giving us something completely different!

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-12-12 Thread Ivan M
Hi all,

This discussion (the gist of it, or a link to it) should go on the
marketing list if it hasn't been posted there already. I don't know
how active the marketing list is (since I'm not subscribed to it) but
more opinions and insights would help - currently, the whole userbase
of OOo's homepage is being represented by less than 10 people.

In response to what André wrote,

[...] is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an
 open-source project. Compatible with all other major office suites, the
 product is free to download, use, and distribute. To help build the
 community, join us.

 Who reads that? I don't. Not in that smallprinty way. Where is that big
 fat Your all purpose office solution. tagline and where is the
 discussion on how to phrase that? And what other parts and gimmics we
 can come up with to help the user get motivated to hit that bloody damn
 boring download button and stick with it?

IMO, that sort of discussion should go to the marketing list - isn't
the art list more design-oriented? (that's why I'm not subscribed to
the marketing list and why my proposals contain that very same
smallprint :P) I don't want to make suggestions about content if
there's someone else, or a whole group (marketing) more experienced or
qualified in doing the same thing better.

Maarteen, with regards to what you wrote,

 Nor, do I, nor Graham if I am not mistaken, suggest that these
 sentences need to be presented as a button, with some relief, a border
 etc. (I think it was Ivan who commented on this).

Graham's proposal clearly shows these action statements in buttons:

And in [website-dev] I want/have..., you wrote:

 Graham and I have had a lengthy discussion on several aspects, but one the
 main aspects is the type of text we are using on buttons. He proposed that
 we both used 'I' and '' in every button.

No one said it *needed* to be in buttons, but I assumed these were
your intentions based on the above. I make very clear distinctions
between buttons, links and headings.

Graham, I'm puzzled as to why you would like the design you mentioned:
because it still has a menubar, a search box and a 'download' button
plus other clutter. If you want people's stay on the homepage to be as
short as possible and if your action statements are adequate enough to
cater for every visitor's needs, why keep all that? From what you
wrote about the homepage being a stepping-stone only, this is the
image in my mind of what you've been suggesting:

Throw in a gradient background and a few (graphic) design
elements/artwork and it might look somewhat decent and not like an
'under construction' page. From what you wrote, that seems to be (to
me) what you're arguing for, not something like the design above.

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] One last proposal from me

2007-12-12 Thread Ivan M
Hi André,
Thanks for your feedback.

 Something in me wants to see some kind of fancy image, but maybe i
 should just get over that. ;-)

There's nothing to say more fancyness couldn't be incorporated but it
would be at the expense of filesize.

 I'm not sure about the App-Icons (you used the mimetype icons,
 anyways ;-) ). They are too out of context and i think it is better to
 introduce the components as part of a more extensive suite introduction.

I wasn't sure whether there was an intention to keep them or not (and
whether they were being used), and they helped fill in the space, but
I've removed them.

Another thing I added is the top-right menu - a suggestion for
something more interactive  - on rollover (or click, whichever is best
usability practice), a form could appear for the relevant option - for
search, the searchbox, for language, the language selection drop-down
box, and for login, the username and password fields and login button.

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-12-11 Thread Ivan M
Hi Maarten,

 So we look at other websites, how they tackle the problems. Turns out
 there are hardly any websites with the same problems.

That's the best point in your message (for me at least) and it
reinforces something I've started to think about reading this list and
making proposals - we can't use iWork or Firefox websites as models
because the homepage will be served to so many
different people - and these other websites have only a fraction of
the different purposes that the homepage will need to
cater for.
And in that context, a radical approach does make a lot of sense.

 If I ask my father to download OOo, I start, after a while,
 with pointing where to click. Somehow they don't get it immediately.

I can relate to that, and I'm sure many others can too. I'm a very
experienced web user so many of the things that cause endless
frustration for my parents online seem obvious, simple and intuitive -
we see things differently. And we need to make the entire process easy
for the users. In a separate article on the website dev list, someone
brought up the Basecamp FAQ ( as
having adopted a friendly, guiding approach, and I agree that we could
learn and use that.

I said that the web is a medium with its conventions. That's not to
say these conventions are fixed or stable, and as good as your
argument is and as much as I agree with many of your points, the
examples that have been provided in these discussions that represent
your and Graham's overall arguments still don't seem as intuitive as
you suggest.

  I want to download
  I want to learn more about
  I have, but need help
  I have, but want to help
  I have, but want get more out of it

Excuse me for being 'conservative', but these are still far too
radical (and repetitive), and not suitable as buttons on their own.
Could we not be more diverse and creative with words? Must there be a
personal pronoun in each one of these questions (it seems like
spoon-feeding), or could we offer suggestion rather than directly
thinking for the user?

Instead of I have, but need help, how about Do you
need help with, Do you need help, or Need help?
(ordered by length and radicalness :)) as a section heading and then
offering a few alternatives with a bullet-list or short paragraphs,
similar to the Basecamp FAQ blurb? It doesn't need to be long - a few
lines and links should do. Wouldn't that be more helpful and
informative rather than just labelling and packaging users instantly
and shipping them off to a very limited set of predetermined pages?
Wouldn't it be a more friendlier (possibly even more natural) approach
than just having unanswered questions listed on the homepage? It could
even save the user a click and get them to where they want faster
(i.e. If the user is there to get help, we could suggest a few of the
most common support solutions instead of just sending them straight to page straight away. For developers 
contributors/participators, we could offer links to the wiki, the
contributing page, etc).

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-12-11 Thread Ivan M
Hi Graham,

 Remember also that Basecamps user base is a lot more websavvy than ours

Definitely. I was referring to the approach they took with the few
lines under the Help  FAQ heading - but this approach seems friendly
and unobtrusive to both web savvy and non-web savvy people. I think
this kind of approach would be the most user-friendly.

I want to download
I want to learn more about
I have, but need help
I have, but want to help
I have, but want get more out of it
  Excuse me for being 'conservative', but these are still far too
  radical (and repetitive),

 The repetition is deliberate.  The I and the have to be there
 and then we connect them with an action.  If they weren't repeated it would
 be confusing.

Yes, but why must I have appear 3 times - isn't that
an obvious enough assumption?

  and not suitable as buttons on their own.

 The question is then by what measure?.  Has anyone measured the effectiveness
 of action statements as buttons

As links or headings, they would be fine. But encased as buttons, I
would see that as a bad design choice (unless it was pulled off very
well design-wise) - buttons are almost always short (Submit, Send
Message, Subscribe, Go, Download Now, etc).

 Bad question = Can I help you?

 Answer:  Automatic Reaction To Strangers = No!It's just the way we're

 Good question = Where can I direct you?

 Answer = I want to go to wherever   There is no Yes or No answer the
 question leads to an openended answer

Your 'good question' example is still different from (and better IMO)
the I have. and want In this situation, the 'I' isn't the
user's. When a webpage uses 'I' so explicitly and you see I have
and want, who is the 'I' referring to? Is it the person that
wrote the webpage asking for help from others, or are they trying to
think for me/offer me options? On the web, from my experience, I
tends to represent the former - the person writing the webpage
referring to themselves. Of course, if the webpage consisted ONLY of
these 5 action statements, it would be obvious enough. But is that the
only thing we want on the homepage? Taking your example of a good
question and applying it to I have but want help
would become How can we help you?. This approach would make offering a
few choices on the homepage all the more logical. However, it doesn't
matter if it's you's or I's, too many of them and it still comes off
as being spoon-fed, and we look like the overeager salesman - How can
I help you? Would you like this, would you like that, etc.

  It could
  even save the user a click and get them to where they want faster
  (i.e. If the user is there to get help, we could suggest a few of the
  most common support solutions instead of just sending them straight to page straight away. For developers 
  contributors/participators, we could offer links to the wiki, the
  contributing page, etc).

 The trick is to get them out of the doorway as quickly as possible.  One of
 the problems with the Home page right now is that it tries to be all things
 to all people.  By getting people quickly to the page that most suits there
 needs we are much better able to satisfy those needs because they are more
 specific.  Sure, have a collection of most commonly asked questions on the
 first Support page, but what we're talking about here is a splash page.  The
 user is here no longer than a few seconds.  Perhaps the the 5th answer could
 be I want to see a Sitemap  That could give Cognoscenti more comprehensive
 list of links to wiki and so forth.

The trick is to get them out of the doorway as quickly as possible,
yes. But there's enough space there to offer more options. Here is an
example of what I mean: for the participate section, we could have the
heading I would like to help (using a reworded action statement,
though I still don't think that would make a good heading, but for the
purposes of this illustration, it'll do.) Right under it, we could
offer some options:

- first time participating? [link]start here[/link]
- or jump straight to the [link]projects page[/link],
- go through to the [link]wiki[/link]
- or head over to [link]some other option[/link].

... 2 or 3 options would be enough.

Marketing's not my area of expertise, and we've had limited (but
significant) input on this list. I don't want to pretend that I know
what's best for the site or its users - has this discussion been
posted on the marketing list? If more people got in on the discussion
(and took stances), a solution would be easier - that's not to say
that the discussion shouldn't continue here with the people who have
already contributed, but rather get more people into it.

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] One last proposal from me

2007-12-10 Thread Ivan M
Hi Nikash,

 1. Lotsa space below the search box, maybe you could bump up the top and 
 right padding?

Done - good point.

 2. When I was new to, I wasn't immediately aware that OOo was 
 their acronym of choice.
 Maybe the full title could be used in the download button to 
 avoid confusion?

Another good point (proposal modified accordingly), though all the
content is filler and I presume someone more experienced/qualified in
copywriting/marketing will decide on the wording of everything. The
top 3 headings all have in them, which is too
repetitive, but I didn't feel that just what how why would be
sufficient for headings on their own.

 PS. I really like those 2 gulls sitting in the corner =).

Initially I thought there could be a tiled sand dune motif near the
bottom of the page with the seagulls and a wooden pole or something
sea-side-ish on the right side, separating the content from the
footer, but then thought it would be too artsy and not appropriate
for a website like this, though the seagulls could stay since they
were unintrusive enough.
There goes my claim for originality :P

Thanks for the feedback,


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[art] One last proposal from me

2007-12-09 Thread Ivan M
Hi all,

Here is my last proposal - an original one this time :)

You can view it here:
It is also posted on the wiki proposals page

This design is much more minimalist (and would be very lightweight in
terms of load time), with a much greater emphasis on the textual
content. That's not to say that it couldn't be made more graphical or
colorful - the tabs could add contrast and/or be made shiny, a badge
with the words FREE could be placed in the header, icons could be
added, the header background could be made a photo, etc. Ignore the
text (and headings) there currently, it's all filler material (though
the download button is on the left side to balance out the many tabs
on the right side).

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] One last proposal from me

2007-12-09 Thread Ivan M
Hi Rex,

Thanks, I'm glad you like it, and I agree with moving RSS down further
- I've modified the proposal accordingly. I was thinking of the very
bottom area being the place for the Privacy/Terms of Service 
copyright info.

On Dec 10, 2007 5:04 PM, Rex Hollingsworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I like it. You're very talented there, Ivan.

 I'd slot the RSS and current news items to a bottom section. What do
 you guys think?

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Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-12-06 Thread Ivan M
 André Wyrwa wrote:

  I want to download
  I want to learn more about
  I have, but need help
  I have, but want to help
  I have, but want get more out of it

 I don't think those sentences are the best approach, they are simply
 much to read and hardly distinguishable from each other. Just look at
 the first two...I want to ... is all the same for
 Distinguished content is download vs. learn more about. Compare the
 amounts of characters that actually help the user navigate to those
 say...nothing(?). See what i'm getting at?

I totally agree. Everyone seemed to be agreeing that the long
sentences were the way to go, and since I'm pretty new to the website
list, my comments would not be seen as very credible, so it's great to
see someone with much more credibility than I saying this.

The web is a different medium with established conventions, one of
them being short and snappy buttons like Download Now instead of I
want to download (plus very wide buttons look ugly).
Yes, many people won't be experienced with using the web and its
conventions but we're not here to teach them how to use the web - it's
something they're going to have to learn sooner or later, and it's
intuitive enough. The similarity of the options in terms of their word
content and the fact that they're so long compared to other common
link text (click here, more info, etc) makes them hard to distinguish.

Having the download button off to the side and not so prominent is
actually a good idea - this could have the desired effect of giving
people a chance to have their unspoken questions answered before
downloading, and users will get used to the placement of the download
button so it won't affect them.

One-click downloads might not be such a good idea firstly because of
possible auto-detects gone wrong (it would be better to let the user
know which system and language the site has detected, and provide
other alternatives in case this is wrong).
Second, it wouldn't help promote other ways of downloading (P2P,
getting it through a CD - because if most of the world is on dial-up
and they discover that the download is going to take half a day,
alternative options might be of interest to them, i.e. listing
magazines that regularly include the latest version of OpenOffice in
their CDs/DVDs).
Third, we can try to get people's questions answered again with a
While you're downloading (... take a look at this) section to try to
engage the people who chronically tend to lunge for the download
button when they get to a site, only to delete the program 5 minutes
after installing it because they don't get how it works.

Nikash V. SINGH wrote:
 Oh THANK GOD for André WYRWA,

 I was sitting here thinking everything you just said, thinking I was the only 
 one thinking so...

+1 - a case study in the effects of groupthink :)

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Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-11-28 Thread Ivan M
Hi Nikash,

I'll be blunt - I don't like the first one at all - it has too much of
a 'tech' feel (too much gray and panels) - a layout like that would be
more fitting for a Photoshop tutorial website than for

I see the second one as being a step in the right direction, though
the blues are too strong/saturated for my liking (at the top and
bottom) and the buttons next to each option are also too strong. But I
love the simplicity and effectiveness of that middle section (and that
seagull photo is great).

The OOo homepage should be simple, and correct me if I'm wrong, its
main purpose is to let people download the program. Yes, it should
have links to everything else, i.e. contributing, support, forums,
etc, but simplicity is a recurring theme in software package/program
home pages, particularly with the whole 'Web 2.0' shift, and I don't
think any of the designs have really captured that. So my idea/vision
for the new OOo website is something simple, with concise text/links,
not overpowering in terms of colors and most importantly,

Since the above is all talk, I'll make a quick mock-up soon to
illustrate what I mean. Thanks Nikash for getting the discussion going
and providing some inspiration :)

- Ivan.

On Nov 29, 2007 6:07 AM, joe lackner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hello nik,

 things have been quiet lately. i myself have been overstack with
 client work... more than enough to keep any sane man busy.

 i like the start of the concepts, but i agree with the dev discussion
 {although i'm not on that list} over going through a planning phase
 before any design work gets done.

 what are the call to actions?
 what vibe do we want users to feel?
 what do we need to call more attention to?
 who exactly is the audience?

 my critiques for your pieces are: the type seems sloppy, maybe
 typography is not your strong point, but it definitely needs some more

 also, the color harmonics are another weak point. they are bright, but
 they don't seem vivid - almost murky for the palette you've selected.

 when i think open office, i see lighter, brighter colors. freedom,
 air, oxygen - an gasp of fresh air from the $600 dollar microsoft

 i do like the composition of both, especially the second. it seems
 tactile and easy to get in and start clicking. a very good thing for
 those just wanting to jump in, download the suite and get along with
 their business.

 don't you?

 all the best,
 -joe lackner

 On 11/28/07, Nikash V. SINGH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hullo ART!,
  Geez, is it just me or has this list been awfully quiet recently?... Well 
  we hope that's about to change. For anyone who isn't also subscribed to 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED], there has been plenty of discussion on the decision to 
  update the OOo Website.
  As it stands, WebDev have decided it would be a good idea for them to sit 
  down and talk through the Website's requirements first before any actual 
  design occurs, but being the illogical+impatient+passionate+hyperactive 
  people we are, we've decided to keep the Website re-design discussion alive.
  So we're moving this conversation here and hopefully all ye creative people 
  will have lots of helpful feedback and constructive criticism for us so 
  that when we're ready, we'll be able to gobsmack those WebDev folks with 
  disbelief. And indeed the whole OOo community and world-at-large.
  To get things going, I've uploaded my proposals here;
  (or for MSIE users)
  and here;
  Randy GILSON and Filip MOLCAN have been even more active in this respect 
  and hopefully they'll be along shortly to provide links to their own work 
  (unfortunately I don't have their respective URLs). Feel free to jump in 
  with your own proposals anytime!
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 joe lackner
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Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-11-28 Thread Ivan M
Hi all,
Here is a simple concept based on Nikash's second concept. It's much
more simple and much less bright and colorful:

I haven't taken the time to add colorful buttons and graphics - it
might look gray and drab now, but add a few icons and buttons and I
think it'll be colorful enough (i.e. the download button could be
yellow/orange). This variation would be much quicker loading than one
using photos (though there's nothing to say photos couldn't be used -
it'd just be more of a problem in terms of catering for different
screen widths) and simple to code.


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Re: [art] Art Gallery

2007-11-10 Thread Ivan M
Hi Randy,

I like the bovine ones - very original :) as well as the seagull one.

Maybe we could get a proper gallery together for all OOo artwork (i.e.
using the Gallery open source program) - wallpapers, etc that would be
far easier to use than the current official file submission method,
especially since there's lots of interesting work going on here right
now - just an idea.

Thanks for posting!

- Ivan.

On Nov 11, 2007 1:20 PM, RJ Gilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Everybody,

 I have set up a small art gallery at:

 It consists of about a dozen OOo wallpapers, most of
 which wouldn't really be appropriate for the official
 gallery (though a few would probably pass 8^). Some I
 just did because I figured some of you might get a
 kick out of them (like the Bovine Series), or want
 them for your own personal use. 8^)

 The eCard function doesn't work (host doesn't allow
 use of sendmail), but the albums all seem to work OK.


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Re: [art] OOo 3 Logo Proposals

2007-10-20 Thread Ivan M
The instant I saw the logo, I thought of Hitchcock's film 'The Birds'.
The arrangement also looks like some sort of tribal design. Maybe it's
just the bevel effect that made me think of this - try getting rid of
that and post that.

On 10/21/07, RJ Gilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Randy Gilson
 (aka fission1)

 --- m n [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Very nice! That's is all I have to say. I am
  On 10/19/07, RJ Gilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I have made 2 OOo 3 logo images and attached them
   Issue #54361. Here are the links:
   Hope you like 'em...
   I have also made several wallpapers, but I can't
   where/how to post them, could someone help?
   Randy Gilson
   (aka fission1)
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Re: [art] More logo proposals

2007-10-08 Thread Ivan M
Hi Nikash,

I decided to wait a little to let others comment before adding my
opinion (I was hoping others would agree with me that the seagull
deserved more attention, which turned out to be the case). I agree
with all of the above. Mainly because the iris is clearly black - in
some other 'eye poses' (I agree, some of the others are amusing - the
perfect philosophic seagull), the shine/reflection is overlaid over
the iris and it appears more dull. But even if you changed that, I'd
still go for the left one in the second row. A few pixels of
repositioning can make a world of difference!

On 10/7/07, Nikash V. SINGH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hullo all,

 Ivan's words of encouragement have convinced me that the creepy seagull is 
 worth saving. I've taken his advice and shifted it's gaze off-center, it's 
 resulted in a lot of different looks. Some dopey, some friendly. I just want 
 to know which one more people think looks friendliest so I can replace it in 
 the Logo proposals
 and use it elsewhere as a branding bug.

 A couple of different iterations can be found here:
 (or for MSIE users)

 Just click the 'creepy.pdf' link to bring it up and please let me know which 
 one you think is friendliest.

 Thanks in advance.

 - Original Message 
 Sent: Friday, 5 October, 2007 11:45:26 AM
 Subject: Re: [art] More logo proposals

 It's good to see more discussion on the logos (and more activity on the list!)

 Nikash, once again, I really like your work and while I agree with the
 rest that the seagull is slightly creepy, if it wasn't staring
 directly at/towards the viewer, it could make a great branding bug -
 especially, if you combined the detail of the Round 3 seagull with the
 the Round 2 seagulls, this could be a great branding bug or graphic
 design element for promotional materials (in my opinion anyway).

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Re: [art] More logo proposals

2007-10-04 Thread Ivan M
It's good to see more discussion on the logos (and more activity on the list!)

Nikash, once again, I really like your work and while I agree with the
rest that the seagull is slightly creepy, if it wasn't staring
directly at/towards the viewer, it could make a great branding bug -
especially, if you combined the detail of the Round 3 seagull with the
the Round 2 seagulls, this could be a great branding bug or graphic
design element for promotional materials (in my opinion anyway).

On 10/2/07, Nikash V. SINGH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Steve,

 Thanks for the feedback, up till now I was under the impression I was headed 
 in entirely the wrong direction.

   Hi Nik,
   I like the top row on page 8 of allprops.pdf best, the stuff on page 13 is 
 good too.
   I'm not keen on the overlapping stuff. Its too fussy and look as though 
 the bird in being
   trapped in places.  I also think the third idea is a bit creepy too.

 Yeah, I tried to avoid having the bird looked trapped by the type, but it 
 still managed to
 happen in some places. But like you, I'm fond of some of these 'soaring gull' 
 It seems 'creepiness' is the general concensus so far in relation to 'round 
 03' =|

   On a more general note, I think it would be better to drop the .org part 
 on the name.
   I think its confusing, sounds as though the product is a website or a 
   That's why MS Office is not called, I'd prefer calling 
   OpenOffice 3.0, anyone agree?

 I'm fairly new to OOo so I'll let you more established folk toss up the name 
 Till then I'll keep making the designs under the current name so as not to 
 offend anyone.
 Seems my departure from the long established dark-blue is upsetting enough 
 people =)

   I promise to post my own logo ideas as soon as I get back to my own office.

 Looking forward to seeing them. Just a question in general, does anyone have 
 opinions on the 'round 01' designs which has three gulls flying off in 
 different directions.
 Ivan's done an awesome job of fixing the positioning which can be found here;

 Anyone who hasn't seen any of the proposals can go here;
 (or for MSIE users)


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Re: [art] Website Banners

2007-08-17 Thread Ivan M
Hi all,

Based on Nikash's logo proposal for OOo v3
(, here's my take:

The part of the OOo text makes grooves perfect for the 3
gull design when it's rotated a little bit. I also think the logo
looks better on the right part of the text because it puts an emphasis
on the name of the program before the logo.

The OOo text is the only difference between the two: one is Bitstream
Vera regular at the horizontal percentage you specified (92% I think),
the other is Bitstream Vera bold at 80% - both have a similar
horizontal width.

Before any decision on the logo itself is made, I think the typeface
should be decided on beforehand - do we want Bitstream Vera,
Liberation, the current font or a different one? Bold or regular,
modified horizontal character width or not? Does the art project
decide on this or is that left to someone higher up?

Anyway, I hope this keeps the debate going because the mailing list
has been quiet for a long time :)


On 8/16/07, Nikash V. SINGH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 Thanks heaps to everyone who's commented on the Logos and Banners recently, 
 especially Ivan, Florian and the Digital Pioneer. I'll take your 
 recommendations on board and implement the changes as soon as I can. I'll 
 admit, I'm not the biggest fan of my 'applications' banners either, but for 
 some reason when I showed it amongst my design class, some liked that series 
 more than the Blue wallpaper derivatives. Go figure. I'll soon colour-flood 
 that design in Blue to see if that can save it.

 Otherwise, can anyone tell me if any specific details have been decided for 
 the OOo3 logo?... Ivan brings up a good point about the continued use of Blue 
 as the OOo colour. I'm the biggest fan of blue, but I think that the current 
 dark-blue is uninteresting and that a more vibrant blue be chosen if a OOo 
 colour is indeed chosen. Until then I'll keep making my logo proposals in 
 many different colours because experimentation often has pleasant 
 repercussions. And as always, my chosen colours are just demonstration 
 colours, feel free to let me know when they don't add up.


 PS. I'm from Australia, that's why Colours keeps coming up with a u. 
 Stubborn as I am =)

 - Original Message 
 From: The Digital Pioneer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, 13 August, 2007 4:08:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [art] Website Banners

 Hi, all! It's been a while since I've been active on this list, but I hope
 to be making my comeback. :)

 Nikash: I like them a lot, they look really good, except for the last ones,
 which are a bit too intrusive, in my humble opinion. When I see banners like
 that on pages, they're the first ones I block.

 The last ones aside, the others look really good, but they really need a lot
 more contrast on that text. Maybe it's just my monitor, but it can't be
 discounted on that basis either. I had a little trouble reading it myself.
 (Though I like the slogan. :) That's pretty much my only complaint. Great
 work! :)


 The Digital Pioneer

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Re: [art] New logo proposal

2007-08-12 Thread Ivan M
Hi Per,

Is this an official proposal for the v3 logo or are you posting it
here for consideration by the Art Project members (because it looks
like you've put a lot of work into it and it looks quite official - is
that what an official proposal needs to consist of)?

Minimalism and simplicity are great, but I think the DVD insert and
CD/DVD labels are too simplistic - a gray gradient, the logo and some
text. This is where branding bugs/elements could come in to make the
cover/CD label designs more engaging and interesting. The gray
gradient reminds me a little of the DVD insert for Windows Server
2003; a more vibrant color would probably appeal more to home users
(more along the lines of the v1 bugs/elements/colors/designs), while
the current gray gives off a 'professionals only' image.

For the text on the back, would not descriptions of the OOo components
(Writer, Math, Impress, etc) be more useful than simply a description
of the OOo project? Perhaps this could go inside the DVD cover, but
the back is usually reserved for a product description, system
requirements, screenshots, etc.

Last of all, from past discussions, I gathered that the new logo would
have an open-source font (even though Myriad arguably looks more
aesthetic than Bitstream Vera).

On 8/12/07, Per Eriksson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there,

 I've updated my proposal with an element, a DVD insert, CD sleeve and a
 tryout for discs.

 It would be great to receive some additional comments on this, the more
 criticism I get - the better the proposal will be :-)

 It can be found here:

 Best Regards
 Per Eriksson
 Marketing Contact Sweden
 Phone intl: 0046 70 560 10 33

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Re: [art] More logo proposals

2007-08-11 Thread Ivan M
Hi Nikash,

The design I like the most is on the second page of the All
Proposals PDF - I think the 3 seagulls would be very effective design
elements, however at smaller/low resolutions, their complexity would
be a problem.

The set on Page 3 are all too bright. So far, the key color for the
OOo branding has been blue and I think it should stay that way, so the
second logo in the second row on the second page has the color
combination I like the most.

When paired with the OOo text, the Page 9 designs look good,  and
using the 3 gulls instead of just one with one of those combinations
would look great. If you could please provide a vector format of the 3
gulls, I could make a mock-up of what I mean precisely.

Apart from that, I think your logos deserve serious consideration for
the new logo, they are vibrant and dynamic and could have many uses as
branding bugs.



On 8/3/07, Nikash V. SINGH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Johannes,

 I'm just emailing back to clarify whether you were referring to one of my 
 logo proposals or someone else's. If it was one of mine, I'd be happy to make 
 the change to a colour(s) of your recommendation if you could tell me 
 specifically which page the logo is on, where it is located and what colour 
 to change it to.

 Please disregard this email if you were referring to someone else's logo 

 Also, I'd appreciate any feedback from other users, you've all grown more 
 accustomed to this logo than I have and would be able to describe what 
 direction you'd like to take, what facets you'd like to keep.


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[art] More Mockups

2007-02-12 Thread Ivan M

Hi everyone,
Here are 3 more designs for your consideration - more vibrant, bright
and fresh than the first (at least I think so :)). A gel style OOo
logo would probably look better on these ones (if anyone could provide
one :))

++ Abstract Concepts

These both utilize the concept of 3 ribbons. The design is abstract
while remaining simple.

++ Feathers Concept

This is a continuation of the original - now using real feathers and
the morning colors - the clouds are still there except these ones are
from my personal photo. An abstract element at the bottom-left acts in
place of the light rays in the original concept.

All 3 concepts utilise freeware Photoshop brushes, however for the
actual splash screen we would probably need to make them ourselves for
licensing reasons. I've also changed the position of the OOo logo, for
these concepts I believe it looks better in a central position.

Also, thinking a little outside the box, how about transparent splash
screens such as the ones Adobe uses (particularly Adobe Reader 6 with
its wireframe design)? Maybe this would not be an ideal solution
because of heightened resource requirements, but it depends on the
load time. Adobe's applications take longer to load than most others
so they give the user something nicer to look at :)


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Re: [art] OOo3 Splash Mockup

2007-02-10 Thread Ivan M

Hi again,

Personally, I am strongly influenced by visual identity when it comes
to software. OOo really proves that beauty is skin deep, like in the
real world, beauty can still be too alluring. Microsoft, Apple and
countless other mainstream companies (in their respective fields) have
set the standard that consumers have grown to expect - from fancy
logos to beautiful splash screens to interfaces with pretty icons.
This is why I personally think that the arts project can make the most
significant contribution to making Open 3.0 a success and a
big step forward into the mainstream user market - the best way to do
this in my opinion is through a strong visual identity so I take it as
a great compliment that my mockup initiated this important debate.

Onto the core discussion - to be honest, I didn't spend a big amount
of time on my concept, that's why the feathers are so simple, the bird
silhouettes might seem weird, etc. I agree that it's not new or
vibrant enough but we should at least have a starting point that we
can add/build abstractions onto. Introducing something drastic
straight away without the contribution or approval from the wider
community could be taken negatively.

I agree that OOo and (in particular the .org) are
significant in branding. I used the clouds and gulls because they have
been recurring elements in OOo - while v1 had 2 different branding
bugs (v1 and v1.1), v2 has stuck with the wiregulls and the cloud
background. In that aspect, yeah it is the corporate influence. In
saying that, a drastic shift in visual identity could be taken by
critics as an 'identity crisis' or some form of instability. I
particularly like the idea of a night theme, space, galaxies, etc but
how does that relate to I still find that the sky,
birds and their associated connotations serve the marketing project
well - lightness, freedom, etc. Perhaps instead of the sky we could
have a more abstract design - fractals, light rays, swirls?

On a final note, Bernhard's idea of a photo gallery is really good, if
we can get some great free photography of various objects (not just
the sky or birds), they could also help inspire us and serve in
promotional materials.

OK, maybe one more note - Graham's been mentioning thinking 'out of
the box' a lot; Firefox made a crop circle to promote themselves. New
Zealands tourism board organised a huge sand sculpture of a silver
fern to be made on an LA Beach - it's things like this that go beyond
the TV/radio advertising or brochures - they also get a lot of
attention in terms of news coverage which raises awareness. I like
Graham's idea of appealing to university students, perhaps once I get
settled in we could discuss some strategies. I think I've rambled on
enough, I'd like to hear what you all think.


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Re: [art] OOo3 Splash Mockup

2007-02-07 Thread Ivan M

Hi Bernhard,

With regards to the photo, would it be possible to send an email to
all OOo contributors (perhaps through the newsletter) asking for photo
submissions that would be available to be licensed as required? The
photos wouldn't have to be restricted to clouds, maybe different
contributions could inspire different ideas.
I agree that the feathers are too strong but if people like the idea,
maybe some better versions or ideas will come through.
Personally I think the glossy logo would be more attractive but I did
a pretty bad job on the shine. For your OOo Convention 2006
presentation regarding the art project you had the glossy logo on it
and that was my inspiration but I couldn't find a high res version of

Christian, the thought of using 3 birds hadn't crossed my mind but
come to think of it, it does make a lot of sense :). The progress bar
could also be easily acommodated.

Thank you both for the feedback, I will continue trying other designs
and hopefully other contributions will come in.


On 2/5/07, Bernhard Dippold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Ivan,

thanks for your mockup!

Ivan M schrieb:
 I've finished my mockup and while it's a long shot away from an actual
 proposal, it has a few examples of what the branding bugs for v3 could
 be which will hopefully encourage feedback and other ideas.

Creating a SWF with clickable options is a great idea to decide about
different options!

  The end
 result is a SWF (Macromedia Flash) file that lets you mix and match
 various design elements and try different combinations (click the
 option to turn it on/off):

... it took a bit to load, but the result is really good :-)

WRT to the options:

- Sun logo: Both versions must be possible (and both look good)

- light rays: better with rays (perhaps even more visible - graphical in
order to create a design element usable in other context)

- birds: good idea as graphical element - balancing the scene with the
logo (especially without feathers). I'm not quite sure about the birds
(form) and the width of the condensation trails (perhaps two or three
for each bird, but smaller). But that's just a minor point.

- feathers: As plane shadows they look too mighty in my eyes - the scene
looks better without them. What might be possible is a bit more of
information inside the feathers: Small (light blue?) lines, some kind of
  3D effect. I'm not quite sure, if that works, but in the moment I like
your mockup better without the feathers.

- logo: I prefer (at least for this splash screen) the normal one. There
is no relation between the 3D impression of the glossy logo and the
background IMHO.

 The clouds image used is a free stock image without restrictions:

Sorry, but we can't use this photo with the SXC license:

It is not allowed to sell it or us it on sold items, share it with
others, use it in website templates to be distributed...

It might be possible that the photographer will license it under LGPL,
if we ask him to do, but in the moment such an image can't be included
in the OOo installer.

But I don't think this is the main problem - let's concentrate on style
and graphical elements. I'm quite sure we might include this or another
similar photo in the end.

Thanks for your proposal!

Best regards


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[art] OOo3 Splash Mockup

2007-02-04 Thread Ivan M

I've finished my mockup and while it's a long shot away from an actual
proposal, it has a few examples of what the branding bugs for v3 could
be which will hopefully encourage feedback and other ideas. The end
result is a SWF (Macromedia Flash) file that lets you mix and match
various design elements and try different combinations (click the
option to turn it on/off):

The clouds image used is a free stock image without restrictions:

- Ivan.

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Re: [art] Introduction and ideas

2007-01-30 Thread Ivan M

Hi all,

If OpenOffice has other alternatives for icons other than just Tango
and there is a need for icons of a size greater than 16x16 for the
suite then I agree that the Silk icon set is not the way to go, I
wasn't aware of this and thought it could be considered as an

As for the attachment, I put it on Flickr: (as it's not
a concept, just an example) my point being that the OOo 2 icons are
less distinctive than the other major suites out there, especially at
16x16 size, while version 1's file type icons were more distinctive in
terms of their function (ie spreadsheet, document, etc), while v2 uses
more abstract symbols - my proposition was that in designing the icons
for v3, the modern style of v2 and the distinctness of function in v1
be combined.

Onto the splash screen and branding bugs - I am in the process of
making a mockup, however in the design of branding bugs, we should
consider what will be the main reasons to upgrade for v3 - e.g.
performance, speed, stability and the perhaps have the bugs as
metaphors based on these improvements... I saw in one of the online
PDF slideshows of the OOo 2006 convention that the goal was to have
30-50% faster start up times. Could someone please tell me if there is
a page outlining the expected new features/changes in OOo 3 and
approximately when it is planned to be available?


On 1/29/07, André Wyrwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hei Ivan,

welcome to the team.

 1. Splash screens/Branding/Bugs

I think, alternative mockups would be appreciated. They might inspire
our ideas for OOo3.

About the photo idea...i could imagine it to be good, depending on how
it's done. The current splash screen uses a cloud image in a nice,
subtile way.

However, i would like for OOo3 to look significantly different.

 2. Toolbars  Icons

Considering toolbar icons and the likes, it seems like we are about to
get two new sets (hopefully for 3.0): Tango (fom jimmac) and Galaxy
(from Stella). And i don't know if KDE 4 is using Krystal still. If not
(there's an Oxygen icon project that seems to target KDE), i would
expect another one from that corner as well. That seems pretty much
enough for me, really.

What we might need, though, is someone to collect common OSX toolbar
icons, to provide a dedicated set for the mac port.

As for gradients on Toolbars:
I may be wrong, but i think the windows version of 2.0 does that
already. At least if you don't use any XP visual style. If you do, it
should be the styles task to provide a gradient or not. Same with gtk on
linux. Or did you mean something else? This would also rather be a topic
for the new user experience project (Did that start yet?).

 3. Application Icons

The list doesn't support attachments. There should be a bug in our
issuezilla for icon's bug 54755:
You can attach your work there, and post us a link or just let us know
here when you've done it.


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[art] Introduction and ideas

2007-01-28 Thread Ivan M

Hi all,

My name is Ivan and I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I'm 18 a web 
graphic designer currently attending university who is interested in
playing a part in the art project, particularly
relating to OOo3 (could someone please tell me roughly when it is
expected to be released?)

Now onto some ideas and suggestions

1. Splash screens/Branding/Bugs
Do all elements regarding these have to be vector/scaleable? If not, I
would propose that the splash screens consist of a photo. The design
submitted by the user Andreas Sohns in the art project's folder
looks great but I don't think the gray color makes the suite seem more
friendly (for the power user maybe, but not the average home user) - I
would propose a clouds-based photograph as the background, or a
sunrise color scheme (blues and oranges). I could make some mock-ups
if anyone's interested. I think this would provide a nicer welcome
into the program.

2. Toolbars  Icons
I have read among the recent emails to this list that the project is
considering using the Tango icon scheme. An alternative that might be
worth a look is the famfamfam silk icon set (licensed under a creative
commons license, free for use - do the icons have to be licensed with
a open-source-type license?) - I could provide a mock-up of
what OOo 2.0 would look like with these icons.

Also, using subtle smooth gradients on toolbars (top-down gradient)
instead of a single color would help make the suite look better and
more modern. This could also apply to rulers, application backgrounds,

3. Application Icons
While OOo 2 icons are much more modern than version 1, the distinction
between file types (presentation, document, spreadsheet, etc) was
greater in version 1. I would propose a combination of the modern
design of v2 and the distinction of v1 instead of colors being the
major point of distinction between file types (please see attached

I look forward to your responses and working with you

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