[Bash-completion-devel] Bonjour,

2009-09-25 Thread Chanceline KABA
Je vous prie de bien vouloir m'excuser pour cette intrusion qui peut paraître 
surprenante à première vue d'autant qu'il n'existe aucune relation entre nous. 
C’est avec un humble plaisir que je vous écris la présente sans tenir compte du 
fait que vous ne me connaissez point, toutefois je vous contacte dans ma 
recherche ardente d’un individu sérieux et digne de confiance qui pourrait se 
charger d’une affaire confidentielle de cette magnitude m’en assurant que je ne 
serais ni trahie ni déçue. Je voudrais de ce faite, avec votre accord, voir 
votre permission, vous présentez ma situation et sollicitez votre aide. 
Je me nomme Mlle CHANCELINE KABA MBALLOU, j'ai 23 ans et la fille unique de ma 
mère Honorable CAMARA DIENEBOU (EPSE KABA) qui était riche et puissante 
ambassadrice de la RCI,côte d'ivoire au canada, empoisonnée par ses associés 
lors d'un voyage, le 28 décembre 2008 elle trouva la mort au ( CHU, Centre 
Hospitalier des Urgences de Treichville (Abidjan) après avoir servir la nation 
près du canada pendant 4 ans. Après la mort de ma mère, mon père détenait une 
ATTESTATION DE SOLDE BLOQUEE ET SECURISEE à mon nom dans une Compagnie de 
finance , de sécurité et de gardiennage de la place d'une valeur de 
(3.700.000,00 EURO) mon père ne pouvant plus supporter le décès de sa femme 
(feu ma mère) mourut 3 mois plus tard d'une hypertension artérielle dans une 
clinique privée à Abidjan (CLINIQUE INDENIE). 
Ainsi au chevet de son lit de mort, il me fit part de tous les documents 
relatifs justifiant l'existence d'un compte bloqué d'un montant de 
(3.700.000,00 EURO) que ma mère m'a laissé comme un bien et il me conseilla 
sagement d'ouvrir un compte fiable à l'étranger dans lequel ces fonds doivent 
être transférés selon le testament écrit par ma mère. Il me recommanda 
également de chercher un associé étranger ou un groupe digne de confiance (le 
destin) qui pourrait honnêtement me faire
bénéficier de son assistance pour sauver ma vie et assurer l'existence de ces 
- Servir de gardien,changement de bénéficiaire ; 
- Fournir un compte pour le transfert de fonds ; 
- M'aider à le rejoindre dans son pays ; 
- Poursuivre mes études ;
D'ailleurs, je vous donnerai 20 % pour tout. Soit (5%, cinq pour cent) pour 
toutes vos dépenses que vous effectuerez pour récuperer cette malle au sein de 
la compagnie de finance de sécurité et (15%, quize pour cent) pour votre 
récompense personnelle pour l'aide que vous voudriez bien m'apporter. Je vous 
serai reconnaissante de pouvoir bénéficier de votre aide et conseille utile. 
Veuillez s'il vous plaît garder la discrétion à cause des problèmes 
sociopolitiques que nous vivons en ce moment en Côte d'ivoire. Ma mère a été 
assassinée LES CRIMINELS qui l'ont assassinée en veulent terriblement à ma 
vie, la cause de ces fonds. Je compte sur votre bonne foi et votre honnêteté 
pour que mon bien soit transféré le plus vite possible afin de vous rejoindre 
dans votre pays et m'aider par la suite à l'investir, aussi créer des ONG pour 
des personnes démunies vue l'exorbitante de la somme. 
NB: Je me cache en ce moment dans un camp de réfuge considéré comme une église 
de la place pour des raisons sécuritaires et des menaces perpétuelles dont je 
suis victime. S'il vous plaît, contactez moi urgemment par mail dès réception 
de ce courrier et surtout veuillez gardez la discrétion, la confidentialité et 
l'honnêteté. En tout état de cause, je vous demande de ne pas publier mon 
histoire si vous n'êtes pas convaincu, merci de votre bonne foi.
Dans l'espoir de vous lire et d'une suite favorable, respectueusement.
Que Dieu vous bénisse!
Mlle. Chanceline KABA

Bash-completion-devel mailing list

[Bash-completion-devel] [bash-completion-Bugs][31 1614] Quoting to prevent globbing (was: quoting bu g in _known_hosts)

2009-09-25 Thread bash-completion-bugs
Bugs item #311614, was changed at 2009-04-22 15:00 by Freddy Vulto
You can respond by visiting: 

Status: Closed
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Eric Blake (eblake-guest)
Assigned to: Freddy Vulto (fvu-guest)
Summary: Quoting to prevent globbing (was: quoting bug in _known_hosts) 
Distribution: --Distribution-Agnostic--
Originally reported in: None
Milestone: 1.0
Status: None
Original bug number: 

Initial Comment:
There is a quoting bug in _known_hosts, which causes the shell to attempt glob 
expansion.  Although unlikely, a user can name a file to include shell 
metacharacters so that the glob performs arbitrary actions.

This portion of _known_hosts:

 COMPREPLY=($( awk 'BEGIN {FS=,}
 /^\s*[^|\#]/ {for (i=1; i=2; ++i) { \
gsub( .*$, , $i); \
if ($i ~ /'$cur'/) {print $i} \
 }}' ${...@]} 2/dev/null ));

Needs  around $cur.  Otherwise, something like 'ssh tab' causes cur to be 
defined as [a-z.], and since $cur does not occur in , the shell treats it as 
a glob.


Comment By: Freddy Vulto (fvu-guest)
Date: 2009-09-25 09:49

I've rewalked bash-completion and the contrib/* files and quoted all unquoted 
occurences of $cur (git commit cfcf9fa).

Version 1.0-3 I tested was actually a Debian package, sorry about the 
confusion.  The latest version is indeed bash-completion-1.0.  
Bash-completion-1.1 will probably be released within the next few weeks.

Freddy Vulto


Comment By: Freddy Vulto (fvu-guest)
Date: 2009-09-04 23:13

I'm able to reproduce the problem on Windows/Cygwin (see below *1).
Nice I can also see the error on Windows/Cygwin using `strace' (see
below *2) or on Linux using `strace' (see below *3).

Enough havoc to not wait for a `set -o noglob' ;-)

I've patched _known_hosts_real().  About fixing the remaining of
bash_completion, any chance you can regenerate the patch against the
latest git master?

Regards, thanks,

Freddy Vulto

*1)  Steps to reproduce on Windows/Cygwin

Environment: Windows, cygwin-1.7, bash-completion-1.0-1

Steps to reproduce:
1.  Create files `config' and `known_hosts':

$ cat config
UserKnownHostsFile known_hosts
$ cat known_hosts

2.  Do tab completion:

scp -F config TAB 

Expected output: 


Instead I see:

cygwin warning:
MS-DOS style path detected: BEGIN {FS=,}
  /^\s*[^|\#]/ {for (i=1; i=2; ++i) { \
 gsub( .*$, , $i); \
 if ($i ~ /
Preferred POSIX equivalent is: BEGIN {FS=,}
  /^/s*[^|/#]/ {for (i=1; i=2; ++i) { /
 gsub( .*$, , $i); /
 if ($i ~ /
CYGWIN environment variable option nodosfilewarning turns off this 
Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths:

*2)  Steps to reproduce on Windows/Cygwin using strace

Environment:  Windows, Cygwin-1.7, bash-completion-1.0-1

1.  Create files `config' and `known_hosts':

$ cat config
UserKnownHostsFile known_hosts
$ cat known_hosts

2.  Let `strace' track `bash' in a separate window (-w) and log to `strace.log':

$ strace -o strace.log -w bash

3.  In the new bash window, type:

$ scp -F config TAB

4.  Type ^C and ^D to exit the bash window

5.  Check `strace.log', here you can see bash accessing something it shouldn't:

5121 69950229 [main] bash 1340 normalize_posix_path: src BEGIN {FS=,}
   /^\s*[^|\#]/ {for (i=1; i=2; ++i) { \
  gsub( .*$, , $i); \
  if ($i ~ /

*3)  Steps to reproduce on Linux using `strace'

Environment:  Linux, bash-completion-1.0

1.  Start bash with bash-completion loaded, create files
`config' and `known_hosts', and find out PID ($$):

$ cat config
UserKnownHostsFile known_hosts
$ cat known_hosts
$ echo $$

2.  In a second bash shell, `strace' the above PID:

$ strace -e trace=open -f -p 291515 -o strace.log

3.  Within the first bash shell, type:

$ scp -F config TAB

4.  In the second bash shell, type ^C to quick `strace'.

5.  Check `strace.log', here you can see bash accessing
something it shouldn't:

29659 open(BEGIN {FS=\,\}
/^\\s*[^|\\#]/ {for (i=1; i=2; ++i) { \\
gsub(\ .*$\, \\, $i); \\

[Bash-completion-devel] Dear Friend, Request for Investment Partnership

2009-09-25 Thread Dr. Tom Ewing
Fidelity Investments International
Oakhill house,130 Tonbridge,
Hildenborough.Kent TN119DZ,
United Kingdom,
Dear Friend,
I am Dr.Tom Ewing, the Funds manager, Fidelity International Investments London,
The World Largest Funds management with over 1.2 Trillion GBP Capital 
Investment Funds. Nevertheless, as Fidelity Funds Manager, i handle all our 
investors Direct Capital Funds and secretly extracted 1.2% Excess Maximum 
Return Capital Profit (EMRCP) per annum on each of investor's Magellan Capital 
As an expert, i have made over 49.8million GBP from the investor's EMCRP and 
hereby contact you to stand as an investor to receive the funds as annual 
Investment Proceeds from Fidelity Magellan Capital Funds. All conformable 
documents to back up this claim will be made available to you prior to your 
acceptance. Meanwhile, I have worked out the strategics and technicalities 
where the funds can be claimed in any of our 6 clearing houses without any 
hitch. Our sharing ratio will be 55-40 while 5% will be for expenses during the 
process of transaction.
If you are interested in handling this life changing and promising transaction 
of mine,
please reply and In your response  email me your direct telephone number for 
discussion of this deal in further details.
Attached is my ID and Passport for your Confirmation.
Best Regards,
Dr.Tom Ewing
Funds Manager
Bash-completion-devel mailing list

Re: [Bash-completion-devel] bash-completion new upstream

2009-09-25 Thread Santiago M. Mola
On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Thomas Klausner w...@netbsd.org wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 04:41:06PM +0100, Santiago M. Mola wrote:
 bash-completion has a new official upstream at
 http://bash-completion.alioth.debian.org/ /

 There are developers from various Linux distributions involved but
 there's no representation of *BSD at all.

 I'd like to invite you to join the bash-completion-devel mailing
 list, or at least test on NetBSD our latests version from Bazaar (or
 latest release). We're also on #bash-completion at irc.oftc.net.

 So, any feedback for NetBSD compatibility, or in general is welcome ;-)

 I've just updated the NetBSD package to 1.0.

Thanks Thomas!

I'm not participating in bash-completion development at the moment,
but I forward this to the mailing list so others are aware.

Best regards,
Santiago M. Mola
Jabber ID: cooldw...@gmail.com

Bash-completion-devel mailing list

[Bash-completion-devel] Dear Friend, Request for Investment Partnership

2009-09-25 Thread Dr. Tom Ewing
Fidelity Investments International
Oakhill house,130 Tonbridge,
Hildenborough.Kent TN119DZ,
United Kingdom,
Dear Friend,
I am Dr.Tom Ewing, the Funds manager, Fidelity International Investments London,
The World Largest Funds management with over 1.2 Trillion GBP Capital 
Investment Funds. Nevertheless, as Fidelity Funds Manager, i handle all our 
investors Direct Capital Funds and secretly extracted 1.2% Excess Maximum 
Return Capital Profit (EMRCP) per annum on each of investor's Magellan Capital 
As an expert, i have made over 49.8million GBP from the investor's EMCRP and 
hereby contact you to stand as an investor to receive the funds as annual 
Investment Proceeds from Fidelity Magellan Capital Funds. All conformable 
documents to back up this claim will be made available to you prior to your 
acceptance. Meanwhile, I have worked out the strategics and technicalities 
where the funds can be claimed in any of our 6 clearing houses without any 
hitch. Our sharing ratio will be 55-40 while 5% will be for expenses during the 
process of transaction.
If you are interested in handling this life changing and promising transaction 
of mine,
please reply and In your response  email me your direct telephone number for 
discussion of this deal in further details.
Attached is my ID and Passport for your Confirmation.
Best Regards,
Dr.Tom Ewing
Funds Manager
Bash-completion-devel mailing list

[Bash-completion-devel] [bash-completion-Bugs][31 1979] repository cannot be cloned due to non-portable file names

2009-09-25 Thread bash-completion-bugs
Bugs item #311979, was opened at 2009-09-25 15:10 by Eric Blake
You can respond by visiting: 

Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Eric Blake (eblake-guest)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: repository cannot be cloned due to non-portable file names 
Distribution: --Distribution-Agnostic--
Originally reported in: None
Milestone: None
Status: None
Original bug number: 

Initial Comment:
The bash-completion.git repository currently contains non-portable filenames:


As a result, it cannot be cloned to file systems that don't support * (such as 
FAT), and makes testing on cygwin awkward (it requires a managed mount to 
bypass windows filename restrictions).


You can respond by visiting: 

Bash-completion-devel mailing list

[Bash-completion-devel] Dear Friend, Request for Investment Partnership

2009-09-25 Thread Dr. Tom Ewing
Fidelity Investments International
Oakhill house,130 Tonbridge,
Hildenborough.Kent TN119DZ,
United Kingdom,
Dear Friend,
I am Dr.Tom Ewing, the Funds manager, Fidelity International Investments London,
The World Largest Funds management with over 1.2 Trillion GBP Capital 
Investment Funds. Nevertheless, as Fidelity Funds Manager, i handle all our 
investors Direct Capital Funds and secretly extracted 1.2% Excess Maximum 
Return Capital Profit (EMRCP) per annum on each of investor's Magellan Capital 
As an expert, i have made over 49.8million GBP from the investor's EMCRP and 
hereby contact you to stand as an investor to receive the funds as annual 
Investment Proceeds from Fidelity Magellan Capital Funds. All conformable 
documents to back up this claim will be made available to you prior to your 
acceptance. Meanwhile, I have worked out the strategics and technicalities 
where the funds can be claimed in any of our 6 clearing houses without any 
hitch. Our sharing ratio will be 55-40 while 5% will be for expenses during the 
process of transaction.
If you are interested in handling this life changing and promising transaction 
of mine,
please reply and In your response  email me your direct telephone number for 
discussion of this deal in further details.
Attached is my ID and Passport for your Confirmation.
Best Regards,
Dr.Tom Ewing
Funds Manager
Bash-completion-devel mailing list

[Bash-completion-devel] [bash-completion-Bugs][31 1979] repository cannot be cloned due to non-portable file names

2009-09-25 Thread bash-completion-bugs
Bugs item #311979, was changed at 2009-09-25 17:10 by Freddy Vulto
You can respond by visiting: 

Status: Closed
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Eric Blake (eblake-guest)
Assigned to: Freddy Vulto (fvu-guest)
Summary: repository cannot be cloned due to non-portable file names 
Distribution: --Distribution-Agnostic--
Originally reported in: None
Milestone: None
Status: None
Original bug number: 

Initial Comment:
The bash-completion.git repository currently contains non-portable filenames:


As a result, it cannot be cloned to file systems that don't support * (such as 
FAT), and makes testing on cygwin awkward (it requires a managed mount to 
bypass windows filename restrictions).


Comment By: Freddy Vulto (fvu-guest)
Date: 2009-09-25 20:34

This has been fixed (removed the test and the test files) in commit b66425e8.


You can respond by visiting: 

Bash-completion-devel mailing list

[Bash-completion-devel] [bash-completion-Bugs][31 1614] Quoting to prevent globbing (was: quoting bu g in _known_hosts)

2009-09-25 Thread bash-completion-bugs
Bugs item #311614, was changed at 2009-04-22 15:00 by Freddy Vulto
You can respond by visiting: 

Status: Closed
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Eric Blake (eblake-guest)
Assigned to: Freddy Vulto (fvu-guest)
Summary: Quoting to prevent globbing (was: quoting bug in _known_hosts) 
Distribution: --Distribution-Agnostic--
Originally reported in: None
Milestone: 1.0
Status: None
Original bug number: 

Initial Comment:
There is a quoting bug in _known_hosts, which causes the shell to attempt glob 
expansion.  Although unlikely, a user can name a file to include shell 
metacharacters so that the glob performs arbitrary actions.

This portion of _known_hosts:

 COMPREPLY=($( awk 'BEGIN {FS=,}
 /^\s*[^|\#]/ {for (i=1; i=2; ++i) { \
gsub( .*$, , $i); \
if ($i ~ /'$cur'/) {print $i} \
 }}' ${...@]} 2/dev/null ));

Needs  around $cur.  Otherwise, something like 'ssh tab' causes cur to be 
defined as [a-z.], and since $cur does not occur in , the shell treats it as 
a glob.


Comment By: Freddy Vulto (fvu-guest)
Date: 2009-09-25 21:33

Fixes from bash-completion.patch3 have been applied to git.


Comment By: Eric Blake (eblake-guest)
Date: 2009-09-25 17:18

Thanks for fixing this, and sorry I didn't follow up sooner.  I'm attaching a 
patch for a few instances you missed.


Comment By: Freddy Vulto (fvu-guest)
Date: 2009-09-25 09:49

I've rewalked bash-completion and the contrib/* files and quoted all unquoted 
occurences of $cur (git commit cfcf9fa).

Version 1.0-3 I tested was actually a Debian package, sorry about the 
confusion.  The latest version is indeed bash-completion-1.0.  
Bash-completion-1.1 will probably be released within the next few weeks.

Freddy Vulto


Comment By: Freddy Vulto (fvu-guest)
Date: 2009-09-04 23:13

I'm able to reproduce the problem on Windows/Cygwin (see below *1).
Nice I can also see the error on Windows/Cygwin using `strace' (see
below *2) or on Linux using `strace' (see below *3).

Enough havoc to not wait for a `set -o noglob' ;-)

I've patched _known_hosts_real().  About fixing the remaining of
bash_completion, any chance you can regenerate the patch against the
latest git master?

Regards, thanks,

Freddy Vulto

*1)  Steps to reproduce on Windows/Cygwin

Environment: Windows, cygwin-1.7, bash-completion-1.0-1

Steps to reproduce:
1.  Create files `config' and `known_hosts':

$ cat config
UserKnownHostsFile known_hosts
$ cat known_hosts

2.  Do tab completion:

scp -F config TAB 

Expected output: 


Instead I see:

cygwin warning:
MS-DOS style path detected: BEGIN {FS=,}
  /^\s*[^|\#]/ {for (i=1; i=2; ++i) { \
 gsub( .*$, , $i); \
 if ($i ~ /
Preferred POSIX equivalent is: BEGIN {FS=,}
  /^/s*[^|/#]/ {for (i=1; i=2; ++i) { /
 gsub( .*$, , $i); /
 if ($i ~ /
CYGWIN environment variable option nodosfilewarning turns off this 
Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths:

*2)  Steps to reproduce on Windows/Cygwin using strace

Environment:  Windows, Cygwin-1.7, bash-completion-1.0-1

1.  Create files `config' and `known_hosts':

$ cat config
UserKnownHostsFile known_hosts
$ cat known_hosts

2.  Let `strace' track `bash' in a separate window (-w) and log to `strace.log':

$ strace -o strace.log -w bash

3.  In the new bash window, type:

$ scp -F config TAB

4.  Type ^C and ^D to exit the bash window

5.  Check `strace.log', here you can see bash accessing something it shouldn't:

5121 69950229 [main] bash 1340 normalize_posix_path: src BEGIN {FS=,}
   /^\s*[^|\#]/ {for (i=1; i=2; ++i) { \
  gsub( .*$, , $i); \
  if ($i ~ /

*3)  Steps to reproduce on Linux using `strace'

Environment:  Linux, bash-completion-1.0

1.  Start bash with bash-completion loaded, create files
`config' and `known_hosts', and find out PID ($$):

$ cat config
UserKnownHostsFile known_hosts
$ cat known_hosts
$ echo $$

2.  In a second bash shell, `strace' 

Re: [Bash-completion-devel] New version 1.1 -- release date

2009-09-25 Thread Guillaume Rousse

Ville Skyttä a écrit :

On Tuesday 15 September 2009, Guillaume Rousse wrote:

David Paleino a écrit :

Hello people,
I'm having exams, so I can't really be of help in preparing a release for
1.1 *now*. I thought we can make a release on Sep 30/Oct 1 -- what's your
opinion on this?

According to the roadmap, there is still the indentation policy issue,
to decide and to apply. I don't know hot the get the result of the
survey on Alioth :)

Oh, I didn't even know that there's one open.  Anyway, submitted my .02€ now 
(and no, I don't know how to get the results either).

So, can we have the results now, so as to close the debate ?
BOFH excuse #112:

The monitor is plugged into the serial port

Bash-completion-devel mailing list

Re: [Bash-completion-devel] New version 1.1 -- release date

2009-09-25 Thread David Paleino
Guillaume Rousse wrote:

 Ville Skyttä a écrit :
 On Tuesday 15 September 2009, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
 David Paleino a écrit :
 Hello people,
 I'm having exams, so I can't really be of help in preparing a release
 for 1.1 *now*. I thought we can make a release on Sep 30/Oct 1 --
 what's your opinion on this?
 According to the roadmap, there is still the indentation policy issue,
 to decide and to apply. I don't know hot the get the result of the
 survey on Alioth :)
 Oh, I didn't even know that there's one open.  Anyway, submitted my .02€
 now (and no, I don't know how to get the results either).

 So, can we have the results now, so as to close the debate ?

Sorry for the delay (yes, still studying, exam on monday -- will work on the 
release after that ;))


4-spaces wins.


 . ''`.  Debian maintainer | http://wiki.debian.org/DavidPaleino
 : :'  : Linuxer #334216 --|-- http://www.hanskalabs.net/
 `. `'`  GPG: 1392B174 | http://snipr.com/qa_page
   `-   2BAB C625 4E66 E7B8 450A C3E1 E6AA 9017 1392 B174

Bash-completion-devel mailing list