[cia-drugs] The Dialectic

2006-07-05 Thread norgesen

From: Vicky Davis 

The Name of the Game is The Dialectic - The 
Hegelian Dialectic. 


We need to learn to recognize it so that we don't act like stooges - 
falling for it time after time after time.Below you will find an 
article written for a UN organization on Public Administration onthe tax 
reform policy of the neo cons who are running our government [ into the 
ground]. The date on it is 2003.  

When Aaron Russo hit the scene with his movie on our tax system, I tried to 
tell people that he was actually working for the neo con government with his 
movie. That it wasyet another Hegelian Dialectic. He is trying 
to create the public pressure to change the tax system the way the neo 
conswant it changed - which is to eliminate income tax (because they are 
destroying the income tax base by destroying the middle class). Also, 
since they are destroying the government, consumption taxes will hit everybody 
who is residing in the United States which eliminates citizenship as a 
factor.It separates the people from the government for 
taxation. That way, the tax revenues could just as easily go to the 
Inter-American Union as opposed to the United States government. 

Collection of consumption taxes won't be difficult because retail is being 
taken over by the big box stores and for other local businesses, they are 
defining intermodal commerce zones which are designated areas under private 
control that will be exempt from local taxes - giving incentives for businesses 
to move to them. These zones will be used to put small American businesses 
not connected to the socialist system - out of business. 

Reminder - this perception management play between the Bush Administration 
and the New York Times regarding survelliance of financial transactions in and 
out of the country - is yet another Hegelian Dialectic. They are trying to 
break down the reciprocal banking laws between nations. They are again 
trying to create public pressure on civil rights grounds when the real benefits 
will go to the very rich and very corrupt by being able to move money in and out 
of countries without worry about law enforcement authorities and taxing agencies 
being able to trace it. 

Here is anotherone. The NEAwill endorse same-sex 
marriage. The schools are now supporting the gay agenda in schools. 
And they areconnecting up the schools with mental health professionals so 
that they can reach more kids with mind destroying psychiatric drugs. 
 What's the purpose of all this? They want to eliminate 
schools as we know them - going instead to the internet eLearning and 
on-the job vocational training. This turns the schools into factories for 
workers rather than education citizens of afree 
nation.(Remember that Bill Gates is going to work full time with his 
Foundation. He has a deal with the UN to promote their agenda which means 
worker factories and global citizenship). 
Read the articleat http://www.theconservativevoice.com/article/15793.html

Article on U.S. Tax Policy and plans for reform

Today I found a UN website on Public Administration and in their 
newsletter, an article written by From 
Detroit News, MI, by Jonathan Weisman, 13 June 2003 that is a report to the members of the UN on the status of 'tax 
reform' in the U.S. 

I found the 
organization that this came from - 

Bush Administration 
Tax Policy at a Crossroads

Washington - After the third tax cut in 
three years, some Bush administration policy-makers are pushing for a more 
fundamental overhaul of the system that would largely shelter investments from 
taxation, dramatically changing the way 
Americans are taxed and how the government is financed. But they're 
running into opposition from a surprising quarter: White House officials who 
fear such prescriptions could have dangerous economic and political consequences 
at a time of growing budget deficits. At the heart of the matter is 
an ambition of conservative tax theorists in and outside of the Bush 
administration to pursue tax cuts not only to relieve the burden on Americans, 
but to create a new system that they believe will make the economy 
stronger. Their ambitions outstrip what even some conservative 
tax-cutting Republicans think are feasible or wise. Until now, both camps have 
pursued tax-cutting in close alliance because they agreed that lower taxes were 
the right policy. But now, they've reached a crossroads and are divided about 
where to go next and why. "My look at tax reform tells me, I don't see it," 
outgoing White House budget director Mitchell Daniels said last week, referring 
to certain proposals crafted by the Treasury Department for another wave of 
tax-cutting. "The political problems are too intractable. ... Until (Bush) sees 
a system that has social justice 

[cia-drugs] The Big Buy

2006-07-05 Thread norgesen

From: Vicky 

This is a must see movie - 

The Big Buy 

It exposes the Tom Delay network of brownshirts and phony front groups that 
buy politicians. Groups such a Club for Growth, Americans for Tax Reform, 
and a new one I just found out about - Americans for Fair Tax - all 
masquerade as public interest groups when in reality, their goal is to destroy 
out country. 


Why do I call them brownshirts? Because the Club for Growth is 
used to finance the campaigns of the puppet politicians. The Americans for 
Tax Reform then gets them to sign a pledge to never raise taxes. They then 
go to Congress and are spending our country into bankruptcy - but it they vote 
for tax increases to pay for it - the Club will destroy the puppets 
politically. They are a political mafia. 

Speakers on

Vicky Davis

"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do 
everything, but Ican do 
something. And because I cannot do everything, I willnot refuse to do 
the something that I can do. What I can do,I should do. And what I 
should do, by the grace of God,I will do." ~ Edward Everett 


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[cia-drugs] Widespread illegal experiment on blacks conducted at U.S. hospital

2006-07-05 Thread MA PA

Widespread illegal experiment on blacks conducted at U.S. hospital  By Marc Parent | bioJuly 5, 2006[A governmentt health official] said in response that this was "an administrative and technical screw-up" not "a moral failing." Calling the matter "an unfortunate coincidence," [he said] that "there had been no malice or intent to deceive."   More: Widespread illegal experiment on Arabs conducted at Israeli hospital   Crimes and Corruptions of the New World Order NewsJul 5, 2006 -- 07:32:54 AM EST  http://www.tpmcafe.com/blog/marc_parent/2006/jul/05/widespread_illegal_experiment_on_blacks_conducted_at_u_s_hospitalUS plan for Ramadi: 'Get rid of it'  By Marc Parent | bioFrom the NY Times, June 5, 2006:The
 Government Center in the middle of this devastated town resembles a fortress on the wild edge of some frontier: It's sandbagged, barricaded, full of men ready to shoot, surrounded by rubble and enemies eager to get inside.   The American Marines here live eight to a room, rarely shower for lack of running water and defecate in bags that are taken outside and burned. The threat of snipers is ever-present; daytime temperatures hover around 120 degrees. The food is tasteless; the windows boarded up. The place reeks of urine. The casualties are heavy, too.   Continue Reading Here... | add new commentJul 5, 2006 -- 06:53:21 AM EST  http://www.tpmcafe.com/blog/marc_parent_0KEN LAY, ENRON ICON, DEAD OF 'HEART ATTACK'   http://mparent.livejournal.com/9993490.html  Today's Newswire  http://mparent.livejournal.com/9993490.html 
 MARC PARENT   CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS  http://mparent.livejournal.com/  http://www.tpmcafe.com/blog/14409  http://www.dailykos.com/user/ccnwon 
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[cia-drugs] Re: [mememachine] Leftist Demands Full Recount in Mexico

2006-07-05 Thread sidneybristov

In a message dated 7/4/2006 4:22:57 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 


Demands Full Recount in 

and what about Cuba, nerdy cocksucker?

any recount there?

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[cia-drugs] Homeland Security Rackets

2006-07-05 Thread Kris Millegan

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RE: [cia-drugs] Re: [mememachine] Leftist Demands Full Recount in Mexico

2006-07-05 Thread FONEBONE

SimpleSimon wrote: "and what about Cuba, nerdy 
cocksucker?any recount there? "--Fonebone Every 
summer this occurs- -when do the children go back to 
school ?

 --- Fool 
beacons fool , 
and dunce awakens dunce. --Churchill ___Apology 
line 42
-Original Message-From: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com [mailto:cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com]On 
Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 7:58 AMTo: 
cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: 
[mememachine] Leftist Demands Full Recount in MexicoIn a message 
dated 7/4/2006 4:22:57 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
writes:Leftist Demands Full Recount in Mexicoand what about 
Cuba, nerdy cocksucker?any recount there? 

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[cia-drugs] Al Giordano. Mexico. 2.5 Million Missing Votes Reappear. NarcoNews.com

2006-07-05 Thread Eco Man

  Please forward widely. NarcoNews web page begins---  July 5, 2006. Al Giordano. In Mexico, 2.5 Million Missing Votes Reappear.  http://www.narconews.com/Issue42/article1962.html  English | Español | Portugués  July5,2006|Issue#42  SetColor:Print This Page Comments (1)   Search Narco News: Narco News Issue #41Complete
 Archives  The Other Campaign   La Otra Campaña   A Outra Campanha   L’Altra Campagna   Die Andere Kampagne   L’Autre Campagne   « » (Farsi)Contact:  Publisher  Editor  Opening Statement, April 18, 2000¡Bienvenidos en Español!Bem Vindos em Português!  Sign up for free alerts list:English  Lista de alertas gratis:Español  Lista de alertas grátisPortuguês  Narco News is supported by:The Fund for Authentic JournalismEditorial Policy and Disclosures  Site Design: Dan Feder  All contents, unless otherwise noted, © 2000-2006 Al Giordano  The trademarks "Narco News," "The Narco News Bulletin," and "School of Authentic Journalism" © 2000-2006 Al Giordano   RSS 1.0 In Mexico, 2.5 Million Missing Votes Reappear: López Obrador Reduces Calderón’s Official Margin to 0.6 percent  IFE’s Claim that 98.5 Percent of Votes Had Been Counted Was False: Authorities Now Oppose Recount  By Al Giordano  Part I of a Special Series for The Narco News Bulletin  July5,2006Today, in Mexico, begins a “recount” of votes cast in Sunday’s presidential election… in which the umpires are refusing to recount the votes.Election authorities of the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE, in its Spanish initials)
 closed ranks on Tuesday with the National Action Party (PAN) of President Vicente Fox and candidate Felipe Calderón to oppose the actual recounting the votes. This, on the heels of Tuesday’s “discovery” of 2.5 million votes hidden by IFE since Sunday’s election, added to a growing body of evidence – and corresponding public distrust in the institutions – that a gargantuan electoral fraud has been perpetrated.The partial “recount” began at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, in Mexico’s 300 election districts – each with an average of 400 polling places and 140,000 votes to tabulate – and sparks are already flying over the struggle to conduct an authentic count in the sunlight of public scrutiny. Attorneys and party bosses of the PAN – whose triumphalism has turned to visible panic in recent hours – have orders from headquarters to universally oppose the reopening of any ballot boxes and subsequent public
 accounting of the actual number of votes cast for each candidate. On the other side, representatives of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) of candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador and many outraged citizens armed with video cameras have besieged the 300 recount locales demanding an actual ballot-by-ballot recount.  This first stage of the process is likely to take days: Results from more than 11,000 precincts (the ones hidden by IFE – in most of them, López Obrador won the vote) that must be recounted, vote-by-vote, in accordance with Mexican electoral law. That is an average of almost 40 polling places per district. And with two well-organized sides battling over whether the votes will be counted aloud, combined with the stonewalling incompetence that has been IFE’s trademark, an already fragile process is coming apart at the seams. 
   Police cordon a Nezahuacoyotl garbage dump where ballots and ballot-boxes from three precincts won by López Obrador were discovered on Tuesday.Photo: D.R. 2006 El UniversalOne of the major problems for IFE and the Fox administration is that if they were to allow the bread-and-butter recount that the public demands, the ugly truth would come out that an unknown number of ballot boxes have “disappeared” in the past two days. The ballots from three precincts in the city of Nezahuacoyotl – a López Obrador stronghold – were discovered yesterday in the municipal garbage dump. The results from two of those precincts have been missing, since Sunday, from IFE’s vote tallies. An IFE official, ambushed by television reporters, exacerbated the crime
 yesterday when she blamed the Mexican military: the Armed Forces, not IFE, are supposedly guarding the ballots, she said, in defense of her bureaucracy. This, sources close to the military told Narco News, produced significant anger among the military generals and troops who – if the public does not believe or accept IFE’s final decision – will be called upon to quell the national rebellion that follows.The Armed Forces are understandably concerned about the very real possibility that history will be repeated: that they will be turned into the scapegoats of a process-gone-awry. If, as in the 1960s and 1970s, the military is to be called upon to repress a civilian population’s protests, highway blockades, strikes and occupations of government centers – steps that are inevitable if IFE refuses to recount the votes in public – the generals will be turned into the 

[cia-drugs] Re: Greg Palast. Assassination of Hugo Chávez. Big Oil corporatists.

2006-07-05 Thread tents444

The Brazil system works because for years now new cars sold there 
must accept ethanol fuel. The same system would work here if new 
cars were required to safely accept ethanol fuel. It would create a 
huge market for ethanol fuels. 

The economies of scale cause the ethanol fuel to be cheaper than 
gasoline fuels. And that is true no matter how it is calculated. The 
fair way to compare is in miles per dollar of fuel, not in miles per 

It isn't true now because many new American cars can't safely accept 
100% ethanol or methanol  fuel. So the market for the fuel isn't 
large enough to keep the price competitive, and to make the fuel 
widely available. 

When all new cars are required to accept ethanol fuel, then it soon 
costs nothing to make the changes required for those cars, because 
of the economies of scale involved. The changes are minor when 
designed into the car, and put in during the initial factory build 
of the new car.

eco man


Does anyone remember my mentioning how we had to pay nearly $1,000 
to repair the car
because of ethanol in fuel? 
Arlene Johnson

-Original Message- 
From: Eco Man 
Sent: Jul 4, 2006 11:41 PM 
cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Subject: [cia-drugs] Greg Palast. Assassination of Hugo Chávez. Big 
Oil corporatists. 

More on who is really in charge. 
Dallas and Houston are the Big Oil puppet masters manipulating the 
Pat Robertson Armageddonists, the Israeli lobby, and the war 
industries (which includes the U.S. prison industrial complex). Just 
follow the oil money. My favorite quote from the book excerpt:
The public, American public included, does not have to remain 
hostage to the Saudi-Houston cartel.

We could be following Brazil's successful ethanol model instead. And 
we could add hemp stalks to the biomass used to produce ethanol and 
methanol. Hempahol for Victory!

---web page begins
The Assassination of Hugo Chávez. 
Excerpt from Greg Palast's new book Armed Madhouse.


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[cia-drugs] GregPalast.com - Bushwhacking Mexico's Election.

2006-07-05 Thread Eco Man

  Please forward widely. Found the following Greg Palast and Matt Pascarella report near the top of the results for this Google News search:http://news.google.com/news?q=mexico+election   -report beginshttp://www.pej.org/html/modules.php?op=modloadname=Newsfile=articlesid=4973   BushwhackingMexico's ElectionGreg Palast.com - Greg Palast / Matt Pascarella - We’ve said again and again: Exit polls tell us how voters say they voted, but the voters can’t tell pollsters if their vote will
 be counted. In Mexico, counting the vote is an art, not a science — and Calderon’s ruling crew is very artful indeed. The PAN-controlled official electoral commission, not surprisingly, has announced that the presidential tally is too close to call.www.GregPalast.com   STEALING IT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYESGreg PalastJuly 3rd, 2006Matt Pascarella in Mexico CityGreg Palast in LondonMonday, 3 July for The GuardianDispatch from Mexico City  Gore v. Bush.Kerry v Bush.Lopez Obrador v Calderon.As in Florida in 2000, as in Ohio in 2004, the exit polls show the voters voted for the progressive
 candidate, but the race is “officially” too close to call.But they will call it — after they steal it. Reuters News agency reports that, as of 8pm Eastern time, as voting concluded in Mexico, exit polls show Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of the “left-wing” Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) leading in exit polls over Felipe Calderon of the ruling conservative National Action Party (PAN).  We’ve said again and again: Exit polls tell us how voters say they voted, but the voters can’t tell pollsters if their vote will be counted. In Mexico, counting the vote is an art, not a science — and Calderon’s ruling crew is very artful indeed. The PAN-controlled official electoral commission, not surprisingly, has announced that the presidential tally is too close to call.Calderon’s election is openly supported by the Bush Administration.  On the ground in Mexico City, our news
 team reports accusations from inside the Obrador campaign that operatives of the PAN had access to voter files which are supposed to be the sole property of the nation’s electoral commission.We are not surprised.This past Friday, we reported that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation had obtained Mexico’s voter files under a secret “counterterrorism” contract with database company ChoicePoint of Alpharetta, Georgia. (See BUSH TEAM HELPS RULING PARTY “FLORIDIZE” MEXICAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.)The FBI’s contractor states that, following the arrest of ChoicePoint agents by the Mexicangovernment, the company returned or destroyed its files. The firm claims not to have known collecting this information violated Mexican law. Such files can be useful in challenging a voter’s right to cast a
 ballot or in preventing that vote from counting.It is, of course, impossible to know if the FBI destroyed its own copy of the files of Mexico’s voter rolls obtained by Choicepoint or if these were then used to illegally assist the Calderon candidacy.  But we can see the results: as in the US, first in Florida then in Ohio, the exit polls are at odds with “official” polls.In November 2004, US Republican Senator Richard Lugar, in Kiev, cited the divergence of exit polls and official polls as solid evidence of “blatant fraud” in the vote count in Ukraine. As a result, the Bush Administration refused to recognize the Ukraine government’s officialvote tally … which proves once again that Republicans are incapable of irony.The foreign mainstream press has already announced, despite the polling discrepancies, that Mexico’s elections were fair and clean — which would
 be a first for that country where Lopez Obrador’s party has seen its candidates defeated by “blatant fraud” before. The change this time is that the fraud is simply less blatant.Watch for our video reports from Mexico City at www.GregPalast.com to be carried on Democracy Now!, with Amy Goodman, this Wednesday, July 5. Rick Rowley, in Mexico City, contributed to this report.Matt Pascarella is North American producer for GregPalast.com. Greg Palast is the author of the New York Times bestseller, “ARMED MADHOUSE: Who’s Afraid of Osama Wolf?, China Floats Bush Sinks, the Scheme to Steal ‘08, No Child’s Behind Left and other Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Class War.”For interview requests contact: Fiona McMorrough at FionaM ( at) fmcm.co.uk or interviews (at) gregpalast.com  
 Stay informed. Subscribe and get the best of PEJ News by email. Free.   end of report page-  ---  For related articles from multiplesources:  http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/cannabisaction/messages/1252   MMM (Global Million Marijuana March):http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cannabisactionNewsweek, Nov. 14, 2005, page 36:"The most recent evidence comes from autopsies of 44 prisoners who have died in Iraq and

[cia-drugs] Re: Greg Palast. Assassination of Hugo Ch�vez. Big Oil corporatists.

2006-07-05 Thread Eco Man

  Hempahol for Victory!The following is in response to this CIA drugs message:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/message/35425 --The Brazil system works because for years now new cars sold there must accept 100% ethanol fuel. The same system would work here if new cars were required to safely accept ethanol fuel. It would create a huge market for ethanol fuels. The economies of scale cause the ethanol fuel to be cheaper than gasoline fuels. And that is true no matter how it is calculated. The fair way to compare is in miles per dollar of fuel, not in miles per gallon. It isn't true now because many new American cars can't safely accept 100%
 ethanol or methanol fuel. So the market for the fuel isn't large enough to keep the price competitive, and to make the fuel widely available. When all new cars are required to accept ethanol fuel, then it soon costs nothing to make the changes required for those cars, because of the economies of scale involved. The changes are minor when designed into the car, and put in during the initial factory build of the new car.eco manhttp://corporatism.tripod.com  -  Does anyone remember my mentioning how we had to pay nearly $1,000 to repair the carbecause of ethanol in fuel? Arlene JohnsonPublisher/Authorhttp://www.truedemocracy.net  -Original Message- From: Eco Man Sent:
 Jul 4, 2006 11:41 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Greg Palast. Assassination of Hugo Chávez. Big Oil corporatists.   More on who is really in charge.   Dallas and Houston are the Big Oil puppet masters manipulating the Pat Robertson Armageddonists, the Israeli lobby, and the war industries (which includes the U.S. prison industrial complex). Just follow the oil money. My favorite quote from the book excerpt:  "The public, American public included, does not have to remain hostage to the Saudi-Houston cartel."   
 We could be following Brazil's successful ethanol model instead. And we could add hemp stalks to the biomass used to produce ethanol and methanol. Hempahol for Victory!  ---web page beginsThe Assassination of Hugo Chávez. Excerpt from Greg Palast's new book "Armed Madhouse."http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/articles.php?artno=1764  snip---MMM (Global Million Marijuana March):http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cannabisactionNewsweek, Nov. 14, 2005, page 36:"The most recent evidence comes from autopsies of 44 prisoners who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan in U.S. custody. Most died under circumstances that
 suggest torture. The reports use words like 'strangulation,' 'asphyxiation' and 'blunt force injuries.' ... A few months before the [Abu Ghraib] scandal broke [spring 2004], Coalition Provisional Authority polls showed Iraqi support at 63 percent. A month after Abu Ghraib, the number was 9 percent. Polls showed that 71 percent of Iraqis were surprised by the revelations."  
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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: [mememachine] Leftist Demands Full Recount in Mexico

2006-07-05 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

are you calling me a cocksucker?

  - Original Message - 
  Cc: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 6:58 
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: [mememachine] 
  Leftist Demands Full Recount in Mexico
  In a message dated 7/4/2006 4:22:57 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Demands Full Recount in 
  and what about Cuba, nerdy cocksucker?
  any recount there? 

  No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free 
  Edition.Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.9.9/382 - Release Date: 

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[cia-drugs] Ex-president declares innocence in Mexico massacre. Wash. Post

2006-07-05 Thread Eco Man

  --article begins---http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/07/05/AR2006070501410.html  Ex-president declares innocence in Mexico massacreBy Lorraine OrlandiReuters  Wednesday, July 5, 2006; 7:52 PM MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Former Mexican President Luis Echeverria, under house arrest for a 1968 student massacre, told a judge on Wednesday he was not guilty of genocide and moved to have the charges dropped.Echeverria, 84, made his first court declaration at home in a private audience with the judge, who now has until Sunday to decide whether to proceed with
 a trial or dismiss the case, defense lawyer Juan Velasquez said.The ex-president is being held under house arrest due to his age and health concerns.  In a surprise ruling last week, two days before Mexico's presidential election, an appeals court found enough evidence to support a charge of genocide against Echeverria and ordered the former leader's arrest and trial.Echeverria, president from 1970 to 1976 at the height of a so-called dirty war against leftists, denied any wrongdoing in a written statement provided to Reuters by his lawyers."There is no proof that I was author of or participated in a crime," he said in the statement to Judge Ranulfo Castillo. Echeverria also argued no genocide occurred and too much time has passed prosecute him.He was interior minister in charge of national security when government troops stormed a
 student rally in the capital on October 2, 1968, days before the opening of the Mexico City Olympics, in a tragedy that remains an open wound for many.Officials said about 30 people were killed in what became known as the Tlatelolco massacre. Witnesses and rights activists put the death toll as high as 300.  Outside Echeverria's sprawling Mexico City residence, survivors of the bloodshed demanded that his hearing be public. They carried signs reading, "Prison for the assassin."The arrest, after two failed attempts to charge Echeverria with genocide, was a breakthrough in outgoing President Vicente Fox's halting drive to punish those responsible for past government brutality. Fox leaves office in December.Prosecutors say Echeverria oversaw a systematic campaign to wipe out dissidents under autocratic, one-party rule and planned the 1968 crackdown with that in mind. His
 defense team argued that the attack did not constitute genocide.Evidence shows 43 protesters and troops were killed that day in clashes but not as a result of any "state policy of extermination," Echeverria's legal team said.Judge Castillo had earlier rejected the genocide charge against Echeverria but his decision was overturned on appeal.Voters went to the polls on Sunday in the first presidential election since 2000, when Fox ousted the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, which ruled Mexico for seven decades, at times using repression to crush dissent.The latest election is seen as a test of Mexico's young democracy. But on Wednesday the top contenders were running neck-and-neck in a vote count drama riveting the nation.(Additional reporting by Jorge Silva) 
 -end of article  -For more related articles click the link below, and then the links for the monthly archived articles:MMM (Global Million Marijuana March):http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cannabisactionNewsweek, Nov. 14, 2005, page 36:"The most recent evidence comes from autopsies of 44 prisoners who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan in U.S. custody. Most died under circumstances that suggest torture. The reports use words like 'strangulation,' 'asphyxiation' and 'blunt force injuries.' ... A few months before the [Abu Ghraib] scandal broke [spring 2004], Coalition Provisional Authority polls showed Iraqi support at 63 percent. A month after Abu Ghraib, the number was 9 percent. Polls showed
 that 71 percent of Iraqis were surprised by the revelations."  
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