[cia-drugs] The dogs of war

2006-08-08 Thread norgesen

The onslaught of 
Lebanon doesn’t make sense other thanthe theory that this is secretly a 
US, G8, NATO initiated war. The Question is then, what are the US, G8, 
NATO boys going to give to Israel for their obedient service? http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0805-26.htm






These organizations: 
G8, NATO, EU are just different names for the same group of powerful people, and 
apparently the G8 configuration is the new face of these people that will 
apparently be the final organizing structure formed to tell or show the world: 
that we are ruling this thing, have ruled it, and not only will continue to 
rule it, but will rule it with a more controlling apparatus like never before, 
and whoever doesn’t go along, will get it’s ass kicked. 


(and thus Hezbollah) are proxies. Iran is running southern Iraq 
(peacefully) on our behalf, while the Sunni resistance is in full cry in the 
North. But: 
this may 
be the last cacophony of bullshit coming out from the Zionist inspired 
neo-cons before they are hurled out of power and hopefully back to the dark 
pits of hell whence they 

The Neocons came from the 
G8. Zionists and the Neocons twist the arm of the mighty U.S.? 
Yeah, like... please twist My US Arm... and I'll give you 50 bucks. 
Please twist my Imperial Arm and force Me to invade Iraq. Please 
twist my Imperial Arm and force Me to demolish Lebanon. As if the U.S. 
needs persuading to assert the G8 Imperium. Remember what you saw 
happening in Iraq at the time of the invasion? The looting, the gas 
shortages, the shortage of electricity to this day. It's the deliberate 
implosion of democratic civil society. Old Iraq needed to be broken up. And 
in the new mix, Northern Iraq (and Lebanon) is a designated "No Development 
Allowed" zone. Zones kept on ice at the G8's pleasure. Lebanon 
was clawing it's way back to some kind of order and economic potential. 
Oooops. Not Allowed! Bam!, Whazoom!, Boom! Back to the stone age 
you pesky peasants. As to Syria, with it's mostly Sunni army and Sunni 
majority, well you guys picked the wrong ethnicity. Check with your bro's in 

It's bigger than 
Israel. Bigger than the US. The unfolding reality of globalist control 
renders nations archaic--fronts.

Yeah... fronts. Hollow 
toothless shells. Facades of national government. Facades for "democracy". 
Implementers of corporate 'think tank' policies. But MidEast WW4 is not 
imminent. Just some "stone age" treatment for Lebanon and lots of 
newsprint... Lots... and lots The G8-Empire is bogged down in Iraq. 
So the Israelis are putting on a good half-time show. To keep the 
TV-eyed gobots entertained. To feed the cable feed. Feed the fear. 
And so the Long Game continues: Divide and Conquer. And 
of course Conquer and 


NATO Muscles Into Lebanon --Thanks to 
Israel Ok, So now 
you see the ongoing objective of the Israeli bombardment and incursion into 
Lebanon. As I pointed out earlier, already the U.N.'s role has been 
carefully eclipsed by the G8 Summit -who okayed Israel's assault on Lebanon. 
That sidelining of the U.N. was not a freak of circimstance. It was all 
part of the advance strategy to lever NATO into the heart of the Middle 
East. With the U.N. out of the picture, U.N. troops are out of the 
picture, and out also is all that cumbersome international accountability. 
So, here come the Empire's 'other' army: NATO. Israel is part of 
the New Europe, in case you hadn't heard. The US-EU Empire is a movin' South. 
Here's the word from the Israeli Defense Minister Peretz: 

Diplomacy To The Fore As Military Stakes 
Rise PRAGUE, July 23, 2006 (RFE/RL) Defense 
Minister Peretz indicated on July 23 that diplomacy is an important element in 
Israeli thinking, saying that "we definitely see a combination of the existing 
military activity...alongside broad international diplomatic efforts 
accomplishing the job." Peretz said on July 23 that Israel is willing to 
accept the deployment of an international peacekeeping force in southern 
Lebanon, saying the force should be led by NATO. The Israeli 
newspaper "Haaretz" quoted Peretz as telling German Foreign Minister Steinmeier 
that Israel would support such a force "because of the weakness of the Lebanese 
army." http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2006/07/b654ef07-3865-48fe-9b48-e2f5d1c8d697.html


And here's more of the same -reportedly from Israeli 
Prime Minister Olmert: 

Israel's Olmert Might 
Accept a Multinational Force in Lebanon July 23 
(Bloomberg) -- Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said he might accept a 
multinational force stationed in Lebanon as a means of ending the conflict, so 
long as it is manned by European Union troops and monitors Lebanon's border with 
Syria. Olmert said in a meeting with German Foreign Minister Frank- 
Walter Steinmeier that Israel would ``agree to consider stationing a military 
force with 

[cia-drugs] The B.T.C. Pipeline and the Increasing Importance of Energy Supply Routes

2006-08-08 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

August 2006PINR Senior Analyst Dr. Michael A. Weinstein was recently 
interviewed by Voice of America regarding his coverage of Somalia. That report 
can be read at http://voanews.com/english/2006-08-04-voa52.cfm. 
For PINR's latest in-depth assessment of Somalia, please see: 

"Conflict in Somalia Moves Toward 

To contact Dr. Weinstein regarding Somalia, please e-mail 
--The B.T.C. Pipeline and the Increasing Importance of Energy 
Supply Routes Drafted By: Michael Piskur http://www.pinr.com On July 
13, world leaders and energy industry officials gathered in Turkey to inaugurate 
the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (B.T.C.) pipeline, the east-west hub intended to connect 
energy supplies in the Caspian region and Central Asia to Western markets. The 
first shipment of Azerbaijani crude oil, originally pumped on May 10, 2006, 
arrived in Italy to coincide with the inauguration. This occasion came just days 
before the annual G8 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, where Moscow and 
Washington clashed over such issues as Russian membership in the World Trade 
Organization and the exploration of gas and oil reserves in the North Atlantic 
and Baltic Sea.The B.T.C. pipeline connects the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli 
oil fields to Turkey's Mediterranean port city Ceyhan through Baku, Azerbaijan, 
and Tbilisi, Georgia. As the world's second longest pipeline at 1,760 kilometers 
(1,094 miles), the majority of which is far underground, and with a path that 
traverses a politically unstable region, the B.T.C. pipeline has been criticized 
for being prone to sabotage or malfunction. Western leaders, however, hail it as 
one of the most important projects of the 21st century.The World Bank's 
International Finance Corporation and the European Bank for Reconstruction and 
Development funded the US$4 billion project. British Petroleum is the main 
operator and controls a 30.1 percent stake in the pipeline. Other major 
contributors include State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (S.O.C.A.R.), American 
firms Unocal Corp. and Chevron, Norway's Statoil, Turkish state oil firm 
T.P.A.O., and Italy's Eni SpA.B.T.C. Provides an Alternative to 
Russian EnergyFrom its inception, the B.T.C. pipeline was designed 
to challenge Russian hegemony over energy in the Caspian Sea region. Planning 
for a pipeline that could carry oil from the landlocked Caspian to the 
Mediterranean Sea -- while avoiding Russia and politically unstable areas such 
as Armenia -- began in earnest in 1999 and construction commenced in September 
2002. The Western governments and firms behind the pipeline intended for it to 
rival the Russian-backed Blue Stream pipeline, which sends Russian gas to Turkey 
and Italy. [See: "Economic 
Brief: The Blue Stream Gas Pipeline"]Since much of Europe's energy 
-- 50 percent of the E.U.'s imported natural gas and about 25 percent of its 
imported oil -- is imported from Russia primarily through the state-owned energy 
giant Gazprom, Moscow has been firmly opposed to the B.T.C. since planning for 
it began more than ten years ago. In light of this year's Russia-Ukraine gas 
dispute that temporarily cut natural gas supplies to Europe, and Moscow's 
heavy-handed use of political leverage against its smaller neighbors, the 
European Union has made diversity of energy resources and providers a top 
priority. The B.T.C. pipeline will account for only a small percentage of global 
oil, but the West considers a stable -- and not Moscow-controlled -- supply to 
be worth the financial and political costs.In addition to the B.T.C. 
pipeline, several other projects intended to subvert Russian influence are in 
development. The Nabucco pipeline, a major part of the European Union's 
diversification strategy, will carry natural gas from Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan 
and Iran to Austria and Western Europe. Construction is slated to begin in 2008 
and conclude in 2011; Nabucco is expected to achieve a maximum transport of 30 
billion cubic meters of gas per year. Additionally, a number of extensions to 
the B.T.C. pipeline have been discussed and would connect oil and gas from 
Central Asia to Western Europe. Furthermore, oil from Kazakhstan travels 
through two pipelines controlled by Moscow, but Western involvement in the 
Central Asian country, particularly by the United States, and increased Chinese 
investment have intensified the "Great Game" being played in the oil-rich region 
by the world's major energy consumers.Kazakhstan signed on to transport 
nearly 200 million barrels of oil per year through the B.T.C. pipeline and has 
begun to explore oil shipments to China. With at least nine billion barrels in 
proven reserves and a shared border with both Russia and China, it could prove 
to be the most widely contested portion of the geopolitically crucial 
region.Turkey Positions Itself as a Global Energy 
HubDuring the 

Re: [cia-drugs] No Reason For High Gas Prices

2006-08-08 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

the dollar is circling the toilet 

  - Original Message - 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 7:32 
  Subject: [cia-drugs] No Reason For High 
  Gas Prices
  From 2000 to 2004 I used to read Platt's Oil fairly often and 
  several Hightower reports every morning.Hightower actually said once 
  that there was no change in oil supply or on-shore inventory to explain why 
  gasoline prices were rising.Gasoline prices have continued to rise, 
  but you have not read a single story which gives objective data to show that 
  the oil supply or on-shore inventory has been altered by wars in Afghanistan, 
  Iraq, or Lebanon. Have you? Didn't think so. What did you think, Mike 
  Ruppert's Peak Oil scare explained today's gasoline prices? Or 
  environmentalist concerns that falsely so-called fossil fuel was going to be 
  in short supply some day by and by?I give you an example of a story 
  which does explain an instance of reduced supply. And you remember Hurricanes 
  Katrina and especially Rita might have altered supply for a few days. But 
  neither last year's hurricane story or this story are about war-related oil 
  supply reductions. Iraq was under sanctions until the US invadd in 2003, and 
  Iraq's oil capacity has not been reduced or increased much since the 
  invasion.Admit it, you WERE NOT THINKING. What numbed your mind out 
  every time you paid higher prices for gasoline? What is the NEURO-LINGUISTIC 
  BASIS for our collective unconsciousness? How did Goebbels do it? George Bush 
  and Sean Hannity say,"911 changed everything", but why are oil and gasoline 
  prices so high if the US supply of oil has not changed in MANY 
  YEARS?Curious? The answer is that oil companies have raised prices. 
  That's all. And? And nothing. Congress did not investigate "price gouging". 
  Congress did not fine oil companies billions to recover what they looted from 
  us. They used to do that.-Bob 
  Dhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/07/AR2006080700131_pf.htmlPipeline Closure Sends Oil HigherBP to Halt 
  Production of 400,000 Barrels a Day in Alaska
  By Steven MufsonWashington Post Staff WriterTuesday, 
  August 8, 2006; A01
  After noticing an oil spill on a deserted stretch of frozen road in 
  Alaska's North Slope in early March, workers needed three days to find the 
  quarter-inch-wide hole in a pipeline, just where it dipped into a culvert to 
  allow the caribou to pass.
  On Sunday, five months after that unwelcome discovery, BP PLC conceded that 
  the tiny hole was part of a widespread corrosion problem that will force it to 
  replace 16 miles of a 22-mile pipeline from Prudhoe Bay and to shut down 
  400,000 barrels a day of production from the largest oil field in the United 
  News that BP would have to suspend production equal to 8 percent of U.S. 
  petroleum output for an indefinite period helped push the price of crude oil 
  up by 3 percent yesterday, to $76.98 a barrel on the New York Mercantile 
  Exchange. The price jump underlined the fragility of world oil markets, 
  already anxious about the thin cushion between global supply and demand and 
  potential threats to flows from Iran, Nigeria, Iraq and the hurricane-prone 
  Gulf of Mexico.
  Shutting down the field will take three to five days, BP said, and Merrill Lynch  Co. oil analyst John P. Herrlin said that 
  the repairs would take "a minimum of two to three months," dealing another 
  blow to the chances of motorists getting relief from high gasoline prices 
  anytime soon.
  Alaskan crude oil usually goes to refineries on the West Coast, where there 
  is enough surplus to last about two weeks, analysts said. After that, some 
  refiners will have to scramble to line up new supplies.
  Energy Secretary Samuel W. Bodman said yesterday that the Bush 
  administration would consider releasing supplies from the Strategic Petroleum 
  Reserve, though getting that oil from the salt caverns along the Gulf of 
  Mexico to the West Coast would take some time or involve some swaps.
  BP's announcement also gave another black eye to a firm that has fashioned 
  an image as a responsible, environmentally concerned company, and it drew new 
  criticism from pipeline experts and environmentalists who have been saying for 
  years that the company had failed to do the maintenance needed to keep the 
  pipeline free from sludge and protect it from corrosion in the harsh Alaska 
  conditions. The Environmental Protection Agency has launched a criminal probe 
  to determine whether the company was negligent in managing the pipeline, said 
  sources who had talked to government investigators.
  "They have known about these problems for a long time and promised for many 
  years to fix them, and they haven't done so," said Peter van Tuyn, an 
  environmental lawyer based in Anchorage.
  Thomas J. Barrett, head of the Pipeline and 


2006-08-08 Thread palcat

AUGUST 8, 2006--Venice,FL.
by Daniel Hopsicker
A DC9 registered to a company which once used as its address the hanger
of Huffman Aviation, 
the flight school at the Venice, FL Airport which trained both
terrorist pilots who crashed planes 
into the World Trade Center, was caught in Campeche by the Mexican
military April 10th carrying 
5.5 tons of cocaine destined for the U.S. 
Beyond a few half-hearted stabs at pinning blame for the crime on
scapegoats du jour like the 
FARC in Colombia or Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, authorities in Mexico and
the U.S. have had 
virtually nothing to say about the case.
In the more than three months since, the massive seizure has slipped
into a black hole.

One of the chief shareholders in SkyWay Aircraft, the company which
owned the DC9 airliner (N900SA) 
seized in Mexico with 5.5 tons of cocaine aboard, is a private
investment bank in Dallas which also raised 
funds for a Mexican industrialist with reported ties to a Cali and
Juarez Cartel narcotics trafficker, 
the MadCowMorningNews has learned.
An investigation into the circumstances surrounding the seizure of the
DC9 airliner (dubbed Cocaine One 
for its paint job and Seal designed to impersonate planes from the U.S.
Dept. of Homeland Security) has 
unearthed evidence which is beginning to pierce the heavy curtain
behind which the biggest taboo in the U.S. 
mainstream media has remained hidden: the identities of the until-now
anonymous American Drug Lords.
  Meet the Masters of the Universe
What local officials blundered into at a remote airport in the farthest
corner of Mexicos Yucatan 
may have earth-shaking reverberations felt around the world if the
true story of what happened 
there becomes widely known... 
The seizure in Ciudad del Carmen has exposed the links of a global
narcotics cartel that may be the 
most powerful political force on the planet. 
Based on court documents, SEC filings, records of incorporation, and
interviews with eyewitnesses, 
the elements which comprise this global narcotics cartelall of which
will be named and covered in 
this seriesinclude the following: 
Rogue U.S. defense contractor Titan Corp in San Diego; CIA proprietary
airlines; fugitive Saudi billionaires, 
Gulf States Sheiks and financiers; the Israeli Mossad and right wing
Israeli political parties identified with Jewish 
settler interests; retired officers of the CIA and U.S. military
intelligence; Texas Republican kingmakers and 
private investment banks; member of U.S. organized crime...
Also... stock swindlers in Vancouver, Canada responsible for
multi-billion dollar financial fraud; officials from 
the party of Mexican President Vicente Fox; Colombian and Mexican drug
cartels; Florida air charter companies 
which enjoyas did the Florida aviation companies associated with the
terrorist hijackersapparent official 
immunity from prosecution; and Lebanese industrialists in Mexico
known to the Mexican press as the
Narco-Pederastas, for their penchant for molesting children, with
apparent immunity from prosecution, 
both boys and girls, as young as four.
Continued @ http://www.madcowprod.com/


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[cia-drugs] Re: Bob Chapman: No question that Venezuela will be attacked and invaded!

2006-08-08 Thread pollyphoney
Stanley Monteith has an interview with a former US ambasador who 
claims the CIA put Castro in power. The name of the game is indeed 
money, trillions of taxpayers dollars to fight the phony cold war and 
prop up the Soviet Union.

When huge oil reserves were discovered in Russia and elsewhere in the 
SU, Gorbachev was told to stand down and the wealth of the Russian 
fields was handed over to six Jewish 'oligatchs' at 5% of its value 
by Boris Yeltsin. That's why the US oil companies blocked the 
privatisation of Iraqi state oil because they had been burned by the 
Neocons in Russsia and got nothing. When Khodokovsky went to jail he 
handed his shares over to Lord Rothschild, no doubt the real owner.


-- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, muckblit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What makes Venezuela different from Cuba is oil.
 Bush Warco supplied both sides in Cuba, Batista and Castro. See 
 Hopsicker, Barry and the Boys(Porter 911 Goss and the boys),
 http://www.madcowprod.com Bush Warco supplied both sides in WW1, 
 Vietnam, Iran-Iraq war, Bosnia, 911 war on terror. The second and
 better known of three Bay of Pigs or US invasions of Cuba failed, 
 Bush Warco(Sam, Prescott, GHW, GW and Jeb Bush) realized that Cuba 
 not fall to expats. And Cuba has always had more value as bogeyman 
 excuse ripping off the US taxpayer for defense spending, than as a
 liberated gambling resort and sugar plantation. So Bush Warco left 
 Reasons for Bush Warco not to leave Venezuela alone, and even to 
use US
 troops instead of surrogates, are laid out in Michel Chossudovsky's
 book, America's War On Terrorism. Basically, Chossudovsky gives a 
 many recent examples of how far Bush Warco is willing to go to prop 
 oil prices and loot the US economy by ten times more defense 
 than is remotely rational.
 Buy CITGO gas to show your support for Venezuela. I love Saab, but
 boycott Saab for now, for Lebanese civilians being bombed.
 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis nerdmann@
  Published: Sunday, August 06, 2006
  Bylined to: Bob Chapman
  Bob Chapman: No question that Venezuela will be attacked and 
  THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER editor Bob Chapman writes: Our intel
 sources tell us that the neocon elitists are building a ring of 
 surrounding Venezuela. We all know what has been going on in 
 and the same is happening in Peru and Paraguay.
  There is no question in our mind that eventually Venezuela will be
 attacked and invaded.
a.. In fact, Medivacs have already been sent to Colombia, 
 and Peru.
  The big buildup has begun.
  We hope President Chavez is listening and is expanding his army 
on the
 ground. He will need all the help he can get once this gets 
underway. We
 expect an attack will come before Venezuela takes delivery of their 
 aircraft and helicopters ... he should expedite delivery if that is
  Last year Iran invested US$1 billion in Venezuela, most of it in 
 oil, gas and engineering sectors. On his recent visit to Iran, 
 Chavez invited President Mahmound Ahmadinejad to make further
 investments in the Orinoco region. Both Presidents not only have 
oil in
 common as members of OPEC, but they also share a dislike of elitist 
 foreign policy.
  What a joke.
  Sweden has shown how neutral it is ... Saab says it cannot 
 sales of defensive armaments, such as anti-aircraft and anti-tank
 devices to Venezuela, because of the US arms embargo. Well who 
 The Venezuelans will simply buy from Russia and China. Note should 
 made for future reference. Sweden is controlled by the elitists so 
 do business with them in the first place ... perhaps the Swiss may 
  The Venezuelan government decided to withdraw the Venezuelan 
 d'affaires from Israel in rejection of Israeli's military actions 
 have killed and displaced thousands of Lebanese people.
  Caracas real estate prices jumped 20% in the first half of the 
 reflecting a surge in government subsidies for homebuyers and a 
 of housing.
  Bob Chapman
  P. O. Box 510518, Punta Gorda, FL 33951, USA
  Bob Chapman international_forecaster@

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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Bob Chapman: No question that Venezuela will be attacked and invaded!

2006-08-08 Thread Sumerian..

Big diffrence. Both are Catholics, and hoping that Catholic voice including Spain and Italy to raise again, against the Protestant evil dictatorship.S1000+muckblit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What makes Venezuela different from Cuba is oil.  Bush Warco supplied both sides in Cuba, Batista and Castro. See Daniel Hopsicker, Barry and the Boys(Porter 911 Goss and the boys), http://www.madcowprod.com Bush Warco supplied both sides in WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Iran-Iraq war,
 Bosnia, 911 "war on terror". The second and better known of three Bay of Pigs or US invasions of Cuba failed, and Bush Warco(Sam, Prescott, GHW, GW and Jeb Bush) realized that Cuba would not fall to expats. And Cuba has always had more value as bogeyman to excuse ripping off the US taxpayer for defense spending, than as a liberated gambling resort and sugar plantation. So Bush Warco left Cuba alone.  Reasons for Bush Warco not to leave Venezuela alone, and even to use US troops instead of surrogates, are laid out in Michel Chossudovsky's book, America's War On Terrorism. Basically, Chossudovsky gives a great many recent examples of how far Bush Warco is willing to go to prop up oil prices and loot the US economy by ten times more defense spending than is remotely rational.  Buy CITGO gas to show your support for Venezuela. I love Saab, but boycott Saab for now, for Lebanese civilians being bombed.
  --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED]ps.com, "Vigilius Haufniensis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]. wrote:   http://www.vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=65434  Published: Sunday, August 06, 2006  Bylined to: Bob ChapmanBob Chapman: No question that Venezuela will be attacked and invaded!   THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER editor Bob Chapman writes: Our intel sources tell us that the neocon elitists are building a ring of bases surrounding Venezuela. We all know what has been going on in Colombia and the same is happening in Peru and Paraguay.   There is no question in our mind that eventually Venezuela will be attacked and invaded. a.. In fact, Medivacs have already been sent to Colombia, Paraguay and Peru.  The big buildup has
 begun.   We hope President Chavez is listening and is expanding his army on the ground. He will need all the help he can get once this gets underway. We expect an attack will come before Venezuela takes delivery of their new aircraft and helicopters ... he should expedite delivery if that is possible.   Last year Iran invested US$1 billion in Venezuela, most of it in the oil, gas and engineering sectors. On his recent visit to Iran, President Chavez invited President Mahmound Ahmadinejad to make further investments in the Orinoco region. Both Presidents not only have oil in common as members of OPEC, but they also share a dislike of elitist US foreign policy.   What a joke.   Sweden has shown how neutral it is ... Saab says it cannot continue sales of defensive armaments, such as anti-aircraft and anti-tank devices to Venezuela, because of the US arms embargo. Well
 who cares. The Venezuelans will simply buy from Russia and China. Note should be made for future reference. Sweden is controlled by the elitists so don't do business with them in the first place ... perhaps the Swiss may step in.   The Venezuelan government decided to withdraw the Venezuelan charge d'affaires from Israel in rejection of Israeli's military actions that have killed and displaced thousands of Lebanese people.   Caracas real estate prices jumped 20% in the first half of the year, reflecting a surge in government subsidies for homebuyers and a shortage of housing.   Bob Chapman  international_forecaster@...   THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER  P. O. Box 510518, Punta Gorda, FL 33951, USA  Bob Chapman international_forecaster@...   http://www.vheadline.com/chapman 
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[cia-drugs] Secret Law at the Supreme Court

2006-08-08 Thread norgesen

Secret Law At The Supreme Court
Does the government have the right to keep secret 
a law that is applied to millions of Americans every day? That's the 
question John Gilmore has asked the Supreme Court to decide in his petition to 
the Court, filed on the 4th of August 2006. 
Secret Law in the Old Rome: Caligula (according to Dio Cassius) 
wrote his laws in very small type, and hung them up upon high pillars, the more 
effectually to ensnare the people. (with thanks to Professor 
When John, an American citizen, decided to take a 
trip to Washington, DC back on the 4th of July 2002, he was told at Oakland 
International Airport that he had to produce his ID if he wanted to 
travel. He asked to see the law demanding he show his 'papers' and was 
told after a time that the law was secret and no, he wouldn't be allowed to read 
He hasn't flown in his own country since. 

He has fought in the courts for his right to 
travel freely in his own country for over four years, but the bottom line is 
that none of his Constitutional rights to Speech, Travel, and Assemble can be 
exercised if the government denies him his basic right of Due Process. 
John– and every other American– should have the right to know what 
the law is. 
By choosing to hear Gilmore v. Gonzales, the 
Supreme Court can and should expose Secret Law for what it is: an 
Get the facts... 



Identity Project

This mantra of totalitarian societies has become familiar to Americans – not 
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The Identity Project (IDP) exists to uphold the freedom to exist, 
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and defends these rights.
IDP questions the motives behind, and effectiveness of, identity based 
domestic security programs and asks whether the degradation of our civil 
liberties is justified.


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[cia-drugs] Fwd: FEAR: North Carolina: US Attys nab law enforcement big time

2006-08-08 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: Jody Neal-Post [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: August 8, 2006 6:43:52 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: FEAR: North Carolina: US Attys nab law enforcement big timeReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Surprising account of US Attys getting the major bad guys- law enforcement abusing the drug and forfeiture laws and getting time for it.Former deputy pleads guilty http://www.fayettevillenc.com/article?id=239090Fayetteville Online - Fayetteville NC,USARALEIGH -- A former Robeson County deputy pleaded guilty Friday in US District Court to stealing about $25,000 in federal drug forfeiture money. ...See all stories on this topic http://news.google.com/news?ie=utf8oe=utf8persist=1hl=enclient=googlencl=http://www.fayettevillenc.com/article%3Fid%3D239090 ---Attachment: http://mapinc.org/temp/part488.html**FEAR also offers an unmoderated discussion list and digests for all listsList unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Swap to digest: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]** 

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Conyers' New Report on Bush's Crimes

2006-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan

Begin forwarded message:From: "Democrats.com"[EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: August 7, 2006 5:05:50 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Conyers' New Report on Bush's Crimes  Conyers Releases Massive New Report on Bush-Cheney CrimesThe minority staff of the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, under the leadership of Congressman John Conyers (D., Mich.) just released a staggering report with the hard evidence of crimes and abuses committed by President Bush and his administration (breaking 26 specific laws). This report, "The Constitution in Crisis," should provide the raw material for numerous news reports and point reporters toward fertile ground for additional investigations.Please take a look:http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/constitutionincrisis___Now, Take Action!1. Ask the media to cover Conyers' report. Thus far there has been a single mention on CNN and a dishonest attack piece in National Review. Where are serious journalists?http://capwiz.com/pdamerica/issues/alert/?alertid=8955221type=ME2. Ask your Congress Member to sponsor H. Res. 635 to start an investigation.http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/6353. Buy this report as a book. Pre-order, and ask your friends to do so, and get it on the best-seller lists. The book, which includes an Introduction by Ambassador Joseph Wilson and a Forward by Congressman Conyers, is entitled "George W. Bush Versus the U.S. Constitution." Buy it here.___At Long Last...Can you name the one country on earth where the government can steal elections, strip away basic rights, spy on citizens, and launch wars based on lies, but where the people do not take over the nation's capital in protest?If you said the United States, you'll be wrong on September fifth when Camp Democracy begins on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.http://www.campdemocracy.org At long last, Americans are preparing to say "Enough is enough," and to do what Ukrainians, Mexicans, or any other people not drugged into acquiescence would do when things got this bad: occupy the capital city to demand peace, justice, and accountability.Share a Ride to Camp Democracy, Share a Room When You Get Here!Camp Democracy will be held on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., from September 5 to 21. This will be a camp for peace, democracy, and the restoration of the rule of law. Camp Casey will move from Crawford, Texas, to Washington to create a larger camp focused not only on ending the war but also on righting injustices here at home and on holding accountable the Bush Administration and Congress.http://www.campdemocracy.orgYour travel to Camp Democracy is part of the camp and should be a community-building experience. Do you have two people in your car but four seats? Can you bring a van? A large bus? Or do you want to fly on a plane together with others bound for Camp Democracy? Sign up here to offer a ride or to ask for one: http://spaceshare.com/campdemocracyDo you have or need a room in the Washington, D.C., area?Sign up here to offer a room or request one:http://spaceshare.com/campdemocracyWe Need Your Help!Camp Democracy is a grassroots effort and will only succeed with the help of many, many people contributing the small amounts they can afford. This is our opportunity to do what the citizens of the Ukraine, of Mexico, and of other countries do when their democracies are taken from them. This is our chance to say "Enough is enough!" Can you help us?http://campdemocracy.org/sponsor___Planning an Impeachment Blog ActionStarting at noon ET on September 1, 2006, and lasting 24 hours, websites and blogs all across the internet are being asked to replace their front pages with the single word "Impeach" in simple white text on a black background. Here's an example: http://impeachnet.netVisitors to those sites and blogs will be able to click and link to the sites' usual front pages. But first they will see a word that, standing alone, is as powerful as any word right now: it is banned by our political and media leadership but more popular among citizens and activists than perhaps any other. It is both shocking and welcome. For 24 hours, web surfers and blog readers will see that word first when they visit their favorite sites. In this way, we hope to get the public talking about the one tool guaranteed by the Founders to restore our Constitutional Democracy. Please encourage your favorite websites to take part in this action. If you plan to take part, please let us know here:http://www.impeachnet.net/blog/contact ___FROM THE IMPEACHMENT FORUMS"When Bush vetoed the embryonic stem-cell bill (the first veto of his presidency), he remarked that the implementation of this bill would have promoted the taking of innocent human life, something that "crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect." Regardless of the merits or pitfalls of the bill, I find it ironic (to understate) that this president invokes morality as the reason 

[cia-drugs] Re: No Reason For High Gas Prices

2006-08-08 Thread muckblit
--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis

 the dollar is circling the toilet bowl.

Cart before the horse. The dollar is sinking, automakers and airlines
bankrupted, because of the oil tax(and offshoring jobs disemploying
many at the same time), not vice versa.

Index the dollar to the euro or any other first world currency for the
last six or eight years. The dollar has not changed value in relation
to those currencies by a factor of 7:1 (ten dollars per barrel, Clinto
low) or 4:1 ($16.50 bl, Bush low).

   - Original Message - 
   From: muckblit 
   To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 7:32 AM
   Subject: [cia-drugs] No Reason For High Gas Prices
   From 2000 to 2004 I used to read Platt's Oil fairly often and
several Hightower reports every morning.
   Hightower actually said once that there was no change in oil
supply or on-shore inventory to explain why gasoline prices were rising.
   Gasoline prices have continued to rise, but you have not read a
single story which gives objective data to show that the oil supply or
on-shore inventory has been altered by wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, or
Lebanon. Have you? Didn't think so. What did you think, Mike Ruppert's
Peak Oil scare explained today's gasoline prices? Or environmentalist
concerns that falsely so-called fossil fuel was going to be in short
supply some day by and by?
   I give you an example of a story which does explain an instance of
reduced supply. And you remember Hurricanes Katrina and especially
Rita might have altered supply for a few days. But neither last year's
hurricane story or this story are about war-related oil supply
reductions. Iraq was under sanctions until the US invadd in 2003, and
Iraq's oil capacity has not been reduced or increased much since the
   Admit it, you WERE NOT THINKING. What numbed your mind out every
time you paid higher prices for gasoline? What is the NEURO-LINGUISTIC
BASIS for our collective unconsciousness? How did Goebbels do it?
George Bush and Sean Hannity say,911 changed everything, but why are
oil and gasoline prices so high if the US supply of oil has not
changed in MANY YEARS?
   Curious? The answer is that oil companies have raised prices.
That's all. And? And nothing. Congress did not investigate price
gouging. Congress did not fine oil companies billions to recover what
they looted from us. They used to do that.
   -Bob D
   Pipeline Closure Sends Oil Higher
   BP to Halt Production of 400,000 Barrels a Day in Alaska
   By Steven Mufson
   Washington Post Staff WriterTuesday, August 8, 2006; A01
   After noticing an oil spill on a deserted stretch of frozen road
in Alaska's North Slope in early March, workers needed three days to
find the quarter-inch-wide hole in a pipeline, just where it dipped
into a culvert to allow the caribou to pass.
   On Sunday, five months after that unwelcome discovery, BP PLC
conceded that the tiny hole was part of a widespread corrosion problem
that will force it to replace 16 miles of a 22-mile pipeline from
Prudhoe Bay and to shut down 400,000 barrels a day of production from
the largest oil field in the United States.
   News that BP would have to suspend production equal to 8 percent
of U.S. petroleum output for an indefinite period helped push the
price of crude oil up by 3 percent yesterday, to $76.98 a barrel on
the New York Mercantile Exchange. The price jump underlined the
fragility of world oil markets, already anxious about the thin cushion
between global supply and demand and potential threats to flows from
Iran, Nigeria, Iraq and the hurricane-prone Gulf of Mexico.
   Shutting down the field will take three to five days, BP said, and
Merrill Lynch  Co. oil analyst John P. Herrlin said that the repairs
would take a minimum of two to three months, dealing another blow to
the chances of motorists getting relief from high gasoline prices
anytime soon.
   Alaskan crude oil usually goes to refineries on the West Coast,
where there is enough surplus to last about two weeks, analysts said.
After that, some refiners will have to scramble to line up new supplies.
   Energy Secretary Samuel W. Bodman said yesterday that the Bush
administration would consider releasing supplies from the Strategic
Petroleum Reserve, though getting that oil from the salt caverns along
the Gulf of Mexico to the West Coast would take some time or involve
some swaps.
   BP's announcement also gave another black eye to a firm that has
fashioned an image as a responsible, environmentally concerned
company, and it drew new criticism from pipeline experts and
environmentalists who have been saying for years that the company had
failed to do the maintenance needed to keep the pipeline free from
sludge and protect it from corrosion in the harsh Alaska conditions.
The Environmental 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Bob Chapman: No question that Venezuela will be attacked and

2006-08-08 Thread muckblit

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Bob Chapman: No question that Venezuela will be attacked and invaded! 
Big diffrence. Both are Catholics, and hoping that Catholic voice
including Spain and Italy to raise again, against the Protestant evil
dictatorship.S1000+By "Both", do you mean CITGO and Saab? Or Batista and Castro? Or Barry and Porter? Or Chavez and Hopsicker?Are Likudniks "evil Protestant"? The neocons are chiefly Jewish, but you are probably referring to their useful zionits, protestants like Rev. Pat Robertson and Rev. Jerry Falwell?Bush Warco was aligned with the pope in the Gunpowder Plot to blow up UK parliament, and with Colombia death squadding, lat am death squadding generally(and Israeli Likudniks cum neocons helping), and P2 in Italy. So don't assume that Bush and Cheney are "Protestant" themselves.Bush Warco takes drug cash laundered through Spain and buys out lat am companies and assets pounded down by IMF/WB "economic hitmen" see John Perkins book.An interesting "catholic" theory currently has to do with Lebanon. I think that would have NATO troops in Lebanon soon. There is currently a split in oil and arms and aero industries between US-Brit and France-Germany-Spain that you might wish to cast as a "catholic vs. protestant" meme.Iraq was formed 1919 to keep Iraqi oil in the ground. Sunnis obliged, obeying low Saudi("OPEC") quotas, until Saddam Hussein used timing to cause price fluctuations same as if he was busting quotas. Saudis and big oil determined to oust Saddam, let another Sunni general take over, but neocons turned that into a long occupation with privatization of oil. Big oil and Saudis saw that privatization would take away state monopoly control, making it difficult to keep Iraqi oil in the ground(supply down prices up), so big oil stepped in. There is still a back and forth between big oil and neocons on Iraq, Chalabi in and out and in a job, but so far big oil has prevented privatization of Iraqi oil. But the oil has changed hands from Sunnis to Shiites in Iraq, both because of geography and because Iranians control the govt there now.muckblit [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:  What makes Venezuela different from Cuba is oil.  Bush Warco supplied both sides in Cuba, Batista and Castro. See Daniel Hopsicker, Barry and the Boys(Porter 911 Goss and the boys), http://www.madcowprod.com Bush Warco supplied both sides in WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Iran-Iraq war,
Bosnia, 911 "war on terror". The second and better known of three Bay of Pigs or US invasions of Cuba failed, and Bush Warco(Sam, Prescott, GHW, GW and Jeb Bush) realized that Cuba would not fall to expats. And Cuba has always had more value as bogeyman to excuse ripping off the US taxpayer for defense spending, than as a liberated gambling resort and sugar plantation. So Bush Warco left Cuba alone.  Reasons for Bush Warco not to leave Venezuela alone, and even to use US troops instead of surrogates, are laid out in Michel Chossudovsky's book, America's War On Terrorism. Basically, Chossudovsky gives a great many recent examples of how far Bush Warco is willing to go to prop up oil prices and loot the US economy by ten times more defense spending than is remotely rational.  Buy CITGO gas to show your support for Venezuela. I love Saab, but boycott Saab for now, for Lebanese civilians being bombed.
 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED]ps.com, "Vigilius Haufniensis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]. wrote:   http://www.vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=65434  Published: Sunday, August 06, 2006  Bylined to: Bob ChapmanBob Chapman: No question that Venezuela will be attacked and invaded!   THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER editor Bob Chapman writes: Our intel sources tell us that the neocon elitists are building a ring of bases surrounding Venezuela. We all know what has been going on in Colombia and the same is happening in Peru and Paraguay.   There is no question in our mind that eventually Venezuela will be attacked and invaded.   a.. In fact, Medivacs have already been sent to Colombia, Paraguay and Peru.  The big buildup has
begun.   We hope President Chavez is listening and is expanding his army on the ground. He will need all the help he can get once this gets underway. We expect an attack will come before Venezuela takes delivery of their new aircraft and helicopters ... he should expedite delivery if that is possible.   Last year Iran invested US$1 billion in Venezuela, most of it in the oil, gas and engineering sectors. On his recent visit to Iran, President Chavez invited President Mahmound Ahmadinejad to make further investments in the Orinoco region. Both Presidents not only have oil in common as members of OPEC, but they also share a dislike of elitist US foreign policy.   What a joke.   Sweden has shown how neutral it is ... Saab says it cannot continue sales of defensive armaments, such as anti-aircraft and anti-tank devices to Venezuela, because of the US arms embargo. Well
who cares. The Venezuelans will simply buy from Russia and China. Note should be made 

[cia-drugs] US sanctions on Russian companies is reaction to Venezuela arms contracts

2006-08-08 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Published: Tuesday, August 08, 
2006Bylined to: RIA 

US sanctions on Russian 
companies is reaction to Venezuela arms contracts
RIA Novosti: Russia's Defense 
Ministry said US sanctions against two Russian state-owned companies were linked 
with their contracts with Venezuela. 
The US State Department announced Friday the 
introduction of sanctions against Russia's state arms exporter Rosoboronexport 
and state-owned aircraft manufacturer Sukhoi over their cooperation with Iran. 

  A high-ranking official in the Defense Ministry said, 
  "Obviously, this decision is a reaction to recent successes of our companies 
  in concluding beneficial contracts on arms supplies to Venezuela." 

Russia signed US$1 billion contracts on supplies of 30 
Su-30 Flanker air-superiority fighters and 30 helicopters to Venezuela in July 
prior to the visit to Russia by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who has moved 
to curb American influence in the region and consolidate ties with other South 
American nations since he came to power in 1998. 
The Russian Foreign Ministry slammed the US sanctions 
saying, "Our companies stand accused of violating the Iran Nonproliferation Act 
of 2000. We consider these actions by the U.S. State Department unacceptable." 

"Russian companies cooperating with other countries in the 
military-technical sphere are acting in strict compliance with the rules of 
international law, as well as Russian law, including Russia's obligations on 
nuclear nonproliferation and export control," the ministry said. 
The source in the Defense Ministry also said the US 
accusations that the Russian companies were supplying technologies, which Iran 
could use to produce weapons of mass destruction, were groundless. "They [the 
companies] have violated no international obligations and the US is well 
aware of this," he said. 
The source called the US sanctions "dishonest 
competition on the arms market." 
Some countries, led by the United 
States, suspect Tehran of pursuing a secret weapons program. Iran has 
consistently stated that it only wants nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. 


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2006-08-08 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Video cameras on the lookout for 

Monday, August 7, 2006; Posted: 2:52 p.m. EDT (18:52 GMT) 

  A camera 
  records activity at a GE video surveillance testing site.


NISKAYUNA, New York (AP) -- It sounds like 
something out of science fiction.
Researchers at General Electric Co.'s sprawling research center, are creating 
new "smart video surveillance" systems that can detect explosives by recognizing 
the electromagnetic waves given off by objects, even under clothing.
Scientist Peter Tu and his team are also developing programs that can 
recognize faces, pinpoint distress in a crowd by honing in on erratic body 
movements and synthesize the views of several cameras into one bird's eye view, 
as part of a growing effort to thwart terrorism.
"We're definitely on the cutting edge," said Tu, 39. "If you want to reduce 
risk, video is the way to do it. The threat is always evolving, so our video is 
always evolving."
Scientists at the GE complex, a landscaped, gated campus of laboratories and 
offices spread out over 525 acres and home to 1,900 scientists and staff, and 
others in the industry hope to use various technologies to reduce false alarms, 
cut manpower used on mundane tasks and give first-responders better tools to 
assess threats. The country's growing security needs also provide an opportunity 
to boost business.
The United States and its allies now face a new "Iraq generation" of 
terrorists who have learned how to make explosive devices, assassinate leaders 
and carry out other mayhem since the U.S. invasion of the country more than 
three years ago, said Roger Cressey, a former counterterrorism official in the 
Bush Administration who now runs his own consulting business in Arlington, 
"These people are far more adept and capable in many respects than al-Qaeda 
before 9-11," he said. "They don't appear in any no-fly list or terrorism data 
Since 2002, GE has spent $4 billion buying smaller businesses to take a 
bigger share of the $160 billion global security industry, a market that 
includes everything from building security to narcotics detection. The company 
expects $2 billion in revenue from its security businesses this year. That 
should rise to $2.8 billion in 2009, said Louis Parker, chief executive of GE's 
security unit.
Philadelphia-based Acoustech Corp. and Providence-Based FarSounder Inc. 
received Homeland Security grants to develop systems that can detect underwater 
threats such as divers with explosives.
"Ever since the Department of Homeland Security was put into place, our 
business has gone up," said James McConnell of Acoustech. The three-person 
company takes in $500,000 in revenue a year.
Systems currently run about $1 million from other vendors so the companies 
are trying to make systems that would be more affordable for port authorities 
and other waterfront facilities around the country such as power plants and oil 
"We've had a lot of customers calling and asking for a solution to the 
problem," said FarSounder founder Matthew Zimmerman.
Such cost-saving measures could benefit New York City, which in June, had its 
share of federal anti-terrorism grants from the Department of Homeland Security 
cut by 40 percent to $124.5 million.
Cressey said the country has to find the best ways to protect itself and that 
includes investing in new technologies for things like ports, airports and mass 
transit systems.
The U.S. government is spending $1.1 billion this year to fund anti-terrorism 
technology research and has spent about $3 billion over the past three years, 
said Christopher Kelly, a DHS spokesman.
At General Electric, researchers are working on software that allows cameras 
to separately track people and the items they are carrying to help detect when 
suspicious packages are left in airports, stadiums and other public places. 
One such system is already being tested using video from London's Victoria 
train station, part of the transit system hit by suicide bombers in July 2005 in 
which 52 people were killed and another 740 wounded.
Cressey said there are about 30 million video surveillance cameras in the 
United States shooting about four billion hours of footage every week. Relying 
more on computers to go through that footage would allow manpower to be better 
used elsewhere and perhaps lead to faster recognition of possible threats.
Among numerous other projects, GE is working on baggage scanners that use 
advanced X-ray and CT technologies to detect traces of explosives faster and 
with greater accuracy and shoe scanners that use quadrupole resonance, similar 
to magnetic resonance imaging, to improve screening of passengers' shoes while 
they are still on their feet.
Still, many officials warn that technology cannot replace humans 
"You can't get too reliant on these 

[cia-drugs] Escalating War: Agitating for the Apocalypse ~ Defiance Facade

2006-08-08 Thread norgesen

It would appear that the "bomb Iran" school, as 
represented by the Gingrich-Woolsey-Kristol-Ledeen wing of the CFR, is primarily 
serving as a foil to make the planned "international" approach, as represented 
by the Kipper-Kissinger-Brzezinski-Shultz wing of the CFR, look more 

All of the "experts" quoted above — both the "bomb Hamas, 
Hezbollah, Iran, Syria" and the "talk to Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria" schools 
of thought — are longtime members of the elite private establishment that has 
been deciding and running U.S. foreign policy for the past several decades: the 
Council on Foreign 


Escalating Warby William F. 
JasperAugust 21, 

The dilemma 
of false alternatives — and why Americans must not let our government entangle 
us further in the current Mideast mess. 

"We are in the early stages of what I would describe as the 
third world war, and frankly, our bureaucracies aren't responding fast enough," 
Newt Gingrich declared. "We don't have the right attitude about this This 
is, in fact, World War III." That alarming statement, laden with overtones of 
approaching Armageddon, came on NBC's Meet the Press with Tim Russert on 
Sunday, July 16, as Gingrich put the current Lebanon crisis in context by 
running through a list of terror attacks worldwide.
Mr. Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House of Representatives 
and neo-conservative guru, subsequently took up the same theme on CNN's Larry 
King Live, Fox's Hannity and Colmes, and other programs. But he 
wasn't merely expressing his opinion that events on the ground have already, 
de facto, put us squarely in the opening throes of WWIII. No, he was 
arguing for kicking the process up another notch, pressing for Israel — with 
U.S. backing — to attack Syria and Iran, the state sponsors of the Hezbollah and 
Hamas terrorists who have been attacking Israel.
Agitating for the 
Gingrich is not the only influential policy wonk to be casting 
the Lebanon flare-up in apocalyptic terms and rattling the sabers. James 
Woolsey, a former under secretary of the Navy and President Clinton's CIA 
director from 1993 to 1995, is even more hawkish, advocating that the United 
States itself bomb Syria, rather than wait for Israel to do so. "I think we 
ought to execute some airstrikes against Syria," Woolsey said on Fox News 
Channel's The Big Story with John Gibson. If we're going to go after 
Syria, why not also "hit something in Iran?" Gibson asked. Woolsey is not averse 
to that course of action, but acknowledges that we may be too overextended 
militarily, at present, to take on another war. "One has to take things to some 
degree by steps," Woolsey replied, noting that with our troops already committed 
in one major war in Iraq, a full-tilt war against the Tehran regime may not be 
practical "at this moment."
Other war hawks, apparently, are unburdened by these concerns. 
William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard and a leading cheerleader 
for a global war against Islam, is calling for a U.S. military effort to bring 
about "regime change in Syria and Iran." In a July 24 editorial entitled, "It's 
Our War," Kristol advocates that we launch "a military strike against Iranian 
nuclear facilities." Now! "Why wait?" he asks.
Likewise, neo-con propagandist Michael Ledeen, another leading 
voice in perennial pro-war punditry, sees the Lebanon situation as a mandate for 
a U.S. military attack on Syria and Iran. In a July 13 National Review 
Online piece entitled "The Same War," for instance, Ledeen argues: "In this 
war, there is no meaningful distinction between Iran and Syria, they work in 
tandem." He insists, "The only way we are going to win this war is to bring down 
those regimes in Tehran and Damascus." And, he continues, "Only the United 
States can accomplish it."
Defiance Facade
Opposed to (or rather, seemingly opposed to) these and 
other voices of the war chorus are the accommodationists, all of whom seem to be 
pretty much in general agreement that the solution to the 
Israel-Lebanon-Hamas-Hezbollah-Syria-Iran crisis must be an international 
one, involving a parley among all of the above-mentioned parties plus the United 
States, the UN, the EU, Russia, and China. These advocates propose an 
international peace force for the Israel-Palestine-Lebanon region — most likely 
under the United Nations and/or NATO auspices — along with generous largesse 
(from guess who) for humanitarian aid, refugee resettlement, rebuilding of 
infrastructure destroyed in the recent conflict, etc.
This is the school of thought expounded by, for example, Judith 
Kipper, adviser for Middle East Programs at the Council on Foreign Relations 
(CFR), who urges the Bush administration to "do some meaningful diplomacy" with 
the terrorists and their state sponsors. In a July 22 New York Times 
op-ed entitled, "Don't Just Talk to States," Kipper happily reports that "Hamas 
and Hezbollah, supported by Iran and Syria,