2006-10-21 Thread perppoppers
Arthur Clarks TV show aired a segment several times where people were
found incinerated from the inside with no marks of burning on the
outside of their bodies. Most of the people that were victims of this
(ahem) 'strange phenomena' were old and poor living in trailers with
no relatives who might investigate.
Gaza doctors say patients suffering mystery injuries after Israeli attacks
¡¤ Deaths caused by burning and internal wounds
¡¤ Jerusalem denies using experimental weapon
Rory McCarthy in Gaza City
Wednesday October 18, 2006
The Guardian
Doctors in Gaza have reported previously unseen injuries from Israeli
weapons that cause severe burning and leave deep internal wounds,
often resulting in amputations or death.
The injuries were first seen in July, when Israel launched operations
in Gaza following the capture of an Israeli soldier by Palestinian
Doctors said that, unlike traditional combat injuries, there was no
large shrapnel found in the bodies and there appeared to be a
dusting on damaged internal organs.

Bodies arrived severely fragmented, melted and disfigured, said
Jumaa Saqa'a, a doctor at the Shifa hospital, in Gaza City. We found
internal burning of organs, while externally there were minute pieces
of shrapnel. When we opened many of the injured people we found
dusting on their internal organs.
It is not clear whether the injuries come from a new weapon. The
Israeli military declined to detail the weapons in its arsenal, but
denied reports that the injuries came from a Dense Inert Metal
Explosive (Dime), an experimental weapon.
In Gaza, Dr Saqa'a said the small pieces of shrapnel found in
patients' bodies did not show up under x-ray. We are used to seeing
shrapnel penetrate the body making localised damage. Now we didn't see
shrapnel, but we found the destruction, he said.
Most of the injuries were around the abdomen, he said. The doctors
also found that patients who were stabilised after one or two days
suddenly died. The patient dies without any apparent scientific
cause, he said.
At the Kamal Odwan hospital, in Beit Lahiya, the deputy director,
Saied Jouda, said he had found similar injuries. We don't know what
it means - new weapons or something new added to a previous weapon,
he said. He too found patients with severe internal injuries without
signs of any large shrapnel pieces. There was burning, big raw areas
of charred flesh, he said. This must be related to the type of
explosive material.
Photographs of some of the dead from Shifa hospital showed bodies that
had been melted and blackened beyond recognition. In several cases
doctors amputated badly burnt limbs.
At least 250 Palestinians have died in Gaza since the latest military
operations began and hundreds more have been injured.
Neither of the doctors could give exact figures for the numbers of
patients suffering the new injuries, although both said that most of
those brought in during July showed signs of these injuries.
Dr Saqa'a said the injuries occurred over six weeks beginning in late
June, while Dr Jouda said he believed patients admitted even in recent
days still showed signs of unusual injuries.
The health ministry in Gaza reported that these injuries came from an
unprecedented type of projectile, and also noted severe burning and
badly damaged internal organs. It called for an investigation into the
cause of the wounds.
You have complete burns that lead to amputation. You find shrapnel
entering the body and leaving very, very small holes. We have never
seen this before, said Khalid Radi, a spokesman at the health ministry.
Tissue samples from patients in Gaza were given to journalists from
the Italian television channel RAI. In a documentary shown last week,
the channel said the injuries appeared similar to the effects of Dime.
An Italian laboratory that analysed the samples reportedly said its
results were compatible with the hypothesis that a Dime weapon was
The weapon is new and in the US it is still in the early stages of
development. It has a carbon-fibre casing and contains fine tungsten
particles rather than ordinary metal shrapnel. It causes a very
powerful blast, but with a much more limited radius than other explosives.
However, the Israeli military denies the use of Dime weapons.
The defence establishment is investing considerable effort to develop
weaponry in order to minimise the risk of injury to innocent
civilians. With regard to allegations of the use of Dime weaponry, the
Israel defence forces deny the possession or use of such weapons, the
military said in a statement. Due to operational reasons, the IDF
cannot specify the types and use of weapons in its possession. In
addition it should be emphasised that the IDF only uses weapons in

[cia-drugs] Guatemala-Venezuela competition deadlocked

2006-10-21 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Guatemala-Venezuela competition 
Monday 16th
Following eight months of heavy campaigning and lobbying, Venezuela is to 
know if its intense efforts were enough to beat Guatemala and gain a seat as a 
non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for 2007-2008.
The 192 member countries of the General Assembly are to choose between two 
options drastically opposed.
Guatemala claims it is "a serious independent candidate" with a wide 
experience in peace processes. Venezuela ensures that it will be the "voice of 
the third world" and will strongly oppose "the US pretensions to put an end to 
the world and disregard the sovereignty of the nations."
Chile substantiates abstention in UN voting, asks for a single 
candidateChile opted to abstain from voting in the process to 
decide on Venezuela or Guatemala as the new temporary member in the United 
Nations (UN) Security Council. The decision was made in order not to widen up 
the gap in Latin America, Chilean Foreign Minister Alejandro Foxley clarified 
The Chilean Government asked both Venezuela and Guatemala to reach an 
agreement in order to have a single candidate for the UN Security Council.
Venezuelan ambassador to the United Nations Francisco Arias Cárdenas Monday, 
following the first vote, denied the possibility to withdraw Venezuela's bid to 
occupy a non-permanent seat at the Security Council.
According to Arias Cárdenas, Washington is putting pressure on "small 
countries." He accused the US of "making display of a rude and obscene 
prepotency." The diplomat clarified that this is not a competition with 
Guatemala. "What we are witnessing is a competition between a country of the 
south that is rising and the first power in the world (the 
US)."The vote to continue on TuesdayIn the tenth 
round that closed Monday the dispute between Venezuela and Guatemala, these 
nations got 77 and 100 votes, respectively. None of them have managed to get 125 
votes, or two thirds, required at the National Assembly.
Venezuela continued falling down in the eight round of the race for a seat at 
the UN Security Council. Guatemala beat Venezuela with 102 versus 85 votes. 
During the seventh round, Venezuela suffered a backlash of 89 votes. 
Previously, during the sixth round, Venezuela had gained 93 votes and tied with 
Venezuela got 83 votes in the fifth round, its best result, as compared to 
103 votes for Guatemala, its lowest result. In the fifth voting, a third 
candidate to replace Argentina at the Security Council emerged -Mexico. However, 
this country won one vote only, Efe released.
In the fourth round, the trend recorded so far was reversed and Venezuela 
recovered five votes. For its part, Guatemala lost six votes, AFP quoted. There 
were six abstentions.
Guatemala beat Venezuela 109-76, 114-74 and 116-70 in the first three 
Rosales: Venezuela's defeat at the UN is a shame for Chávez' 
policyOpposition presidential candidate Manuel Rosales Monday, 
following publication of the results of the first four rounds of votes at the 
General Assembly of the United Nations to select the new Latin American and 
Caribbean non-permanent member of the Security Council, said that Venezuela's 
defeat to Guatemala is a shame for the Castro-Cuban policy President Hugo Chávez 
has embraced and implemented.
He urged Chávez to find an intermediate solution "to avoid Venezuelan from 
being derided any more." 
Venezuela's participation at the UN Security Council during the election of a 
Latin American representative has been "most worthy," showing a sound foreign 
policy against the empire, Vice-president José Vicente Rangel said.
Tuesday 17thThe competition was branded as a fight 
between Caracas and Washington. Both governments used their heavy artillery in a 
tough battle that Venezuela started four months ago. The vote Monday was as hard 
fought as expected.
Many suggested that Venezuela's backlash following a tie was the result of 
the United States putting pressure both at the UN hallways and capital cities 
Chilean President Michelle Bachelet Tuesday declared that Latin America needs 
to elect to the Security Council of the United Nations a country that enjoys 
"wide support," and she explained why Chile refrained from voting Guatemala or 
Venezuela, the two nations running for such a position.
The Government of Chile chose to abstain because the region could not attain 
an agreement to designate one single candidate. "Far from taking an easy stance, 
we made a decision that is always hard to make. It is easier to see things in 
black and white. However, neither life nor politics or history are that way," 
Bachelet declared, as quoted by Efe.
Venezuela ready for consensual candidate if Washington stops 
pressuresVenezuelan ambassador to the United Nations Francisco 
Arias Cárdenas Tuesday said his country is ready to accept a 

[cia-drugs] Pres. Bush buys 100,000acre ranch in Paraguay

2006-10-21 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Pres. Bush 
buys 100,000acre ranch in Paraguay
by Prensa Latina Thursday Oct 19th, 2006 7:57 PM 

Asuncion, Oct 18 (Prensa Latina) The land grab 
  project of US President George W. Bush in Chaco, Paraguay, has generated 
  considerable discomfort both politically and environmentally.
The news circulating the continent about plans to buy 98,840 
acres of land in Chaco, Paraguay, near the Triple Frontier (Bolivia, Brazil, 
Paraguay) is the talk of the town in these countries. Although official 
sources have not confirmed the information that is already public, the land is 
reportedly located in Paso de Patria, near Bolivian gas reserves and the Guarani 
indigenous water region, within the Triple Border. Alto Paraguay Gov. 
Erasmo Rodriguez Acosta revealed he heard that part of the land purchase 
consists of an ecological reserve (Fundacion Patria), with which Bush is 
affiliated. In its interview with Rodriguez Acosta, neike.com.py 
reported that he does not have documentation of this affiliation and it could 
not communicate either with the foundation or with the National Rural 
Development and Land Institute, in charge of these state lands. Concern 
increased last week with the arrival of Bush" daughter, Jenna, and a source from 
the Physical Planning Department saying that most of the Chaco region belongs to 
private companies. Luis D"Elia, Argentina´s undersecretary for Land for 
Social Habitat, says the matter raises regional concern because it threatens 
local natural resources. He termed it “surprising” that the Bush family 
is trying to settle a few short miles from the US Mariscal Estigarribia Military 
Base. Argentinean Adolfo Perez Esquivel warned that the real war will be 
fought not for oil, but for water, and recalled that Acuifero Guaraní is one of 
the largest underground water reserves in South America, running beneath 
Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay (larger than Texas and California 
together). “The southern US states are already struggling with water 
shortages," asserted the 1980 Nobel Peace Prizewinner. Orlando Castillo, 
Paraguay Peace and Justice Service member, recalled the US military buildup in 
Chaco under a bilateral agreement.


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[cia-drugs] 'The Al-Jazeera of South America'

2006-10-21 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


‘The Al-Jazeera of South America’
By Eric Struch Chicago 
Published Oct 21, 2006 12:28 AM 
Telesur is a new, independent South American cable news network. It has been 
called “the Al-Jazeera of South America” by both its allies and enemies. The 
comparison is apt. It arose under the pressure of similar conditions in the 
media in South America.
Telesur is part of the project of Bolivarian regional integration. The 
president of Telesur, Andres Izarra, who is also the Venezuelan communications 
minister, said, “We’re launching Telesur as an initiative to integrate through 
communication the different countries of the region. It’s a window, so we can 
get to know each other better.” (BBC online)
Telesur’s vice president and general director, Uruguayan journalist Aram 
Aharonian, who was in Chicago for the Global Fusion media conference Sept. 
28-30, described Telesur as “the first counter-hegemonic telecommunications 
project known in South America.”
Telesur has been in the works for four years. Its first transmission was on 
July 25, 2005. By the end of this September, Telesur had more than 40 
journalists working out of its home base in Caracas and in worldwide bureaus. 
Telesur is a joint venture of the Venezuelan, Bolivian and Argentinean 
According to Aharonian, the guidelines for the editorial content of the 
programming are to include “nothing (that is) against regional integration or 
the struggle against neoliberal globalization.”
Telesur reaches between 3 million to 12 million viewers per day. In 
Aharonian’s words, “Telesur is an alternative to the hegemonic television of the 
north. Telesur is not the goal; it is the tool that shows that something like 
this is possible, that in a decade we can have 10 or 15 Telesurs, that we can 
have a democratization of the media.”
Workers World participated in an interview with Aharonian.
Workers World: On behalf of Workers World Party, I wanted to congratulate 
you and everybody else involved with Telesur on your success with the station. I 
know that you have a monthly magazine that’s published in Caracas called 
Aram Aharonian: We publish in Caracas and Buenos Aires, two editions 
of the same magazine. And we are trying to have a third edition in Europe and 
Spain now with “Question,” our monthly magazine. We had a weekly economic 
magazine. It was a real good experience because we were talking about the new 
economy, not the traditional economy; the economy of the people; the solidarity 
What is your opinion of the role of the media in the wars the U.S. has 
waged recently? What sort of impact do you see Telesur having on the U.S.’s 
plans for both Venezuela and Colombia?
We know they needed a dictatorship to impose their economic and political 
project, their imperialist project. Nowadays, they want to substitute, to change 
their military dictatorships for a media dictatorship. You have to remember 
that, back in 1991, Peter Arnett transmitted live in what we thought was the 
first Gulf war.
The media have been the most important missiles of the United States. In the 
case of Colombia and Venezuela, at this point, I don’t believe there is a real 
possibility of confrontation, open confrontation. We insist that we are a TV 
station that assists in the process of the integration of Latin America.
We rescue the common ideals, our common values of all the countries of the 
continent, our shared reality. The national TV in Colombia, and most 
international TV, too, hides the reality, the reality of internal conflict in 
Colombia. We can show what happens with the campesino communities, with 
Indigenous communities there.
We are going to keep showing the reality, what really happens there. I don’t 
believe there will be open, armed confrontation at this point, between the U.S. 
and Latin America. Of course, there are so many people who want it, the 
oligarchies and the foreign interests.
On the Telesur board, there are a lot of people who are very well known, 
people like Tariq Ali, Ernesto Cardenal ...
This is the advisory board, not the directors’ board.
Danny Glover is also on the advisory board, and he made a comment, I think 
it might have been last year. He said, “I do not see any Afro-descendants from 
this region on this advisory body, nor Indigenous people, and very few women. It 
is critical that we keep in mind who we are talking to.” To this President 
Chávez said, “Danny, I am with you.” Has Telesur started to address this problem 
in any way?
We know that the people exist, Indigenous people, Afro-descendants, whites, 
people of mixed heritage. Latin America is a mix of diversity. One thing that 
Telesur has put a lot of effort into is the non-discrimination policy against 
anyone. Perhaps at some point, we will show more documentaries on these minority 
issues, but we just don’t get them; people don’t send them.
We do not make documentaries. We receive 

[cia-drugs] Chilean Alejandro Foxley: Guatemala and Venezuela struggle in the UN will last months

2006-10-21 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis



  Chilean Alejandro 
  Foxley: Guatemala and Venezuela struggle in the UN will last 


  STUTTGART, Germany.- The struggle between Venezuela 
  and Guatemala to obtain a seat in the UN Security Council will not be 
  solved until after the Venezuelan elections, is Chilean Foreign Relations 
  Minister, Alejandro Foxley’s opinion.
  "This is going to last months. I would say this fight 
  will not be settled until after the Venezuelan elections. President Hugo 
  Chávez needs a victory ", declared Foxley to EFE before traveling to his 
  country after the official visit that president Michelle Bachelet carried 
  out in Germany and that he described as "very positive". 
  The minister discarded that Venezuela would accept a 
  consensus candidate, as it seems that Guatemala is ready to do, because, 
  that would be defeat for Chávez.
  Chile has decided to abstain from voting in the 
  already effected 35 vote rounds and would support a consensus candidate to 
  end the division in the region. 
  "We like Uruguay, it is a friendly country ", declared 
  Foxley however, he discounted this as just a hypothesis.
  The struggle between Guatemala and Venezuela was one 
  of the subjects that Bachelet discussed during her encounter with German 
  chancellor Angela Merkel, with whom "was in tune immediately", according 
  to the minister. 
  Foxley commented on the parallelism between Germany 
  and Chile, because "both countries have demonstrated commitment to world 
  Peace and Freedom, adding them selves to United Nations efforts in 
  different regions of the world”.
  "Chile participates in several missions for Peace 
  maintenance, among them Haiti; and Germany is more and more present in 
  operations supported by the United Nations", concluded Foxley. 

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[cia-drugs] Geologist Refutes Media Myth: World Has Lots and Lots of Oil

2006-10-21 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Geologist Refutes Media Myth: World Has 
Lots and Lots of Oil
Posted by Noel Sheppard on October 21, 2006 - 10:46. 

A common theme in the media the past couple of years has 
been that the world is running out of oil, and that energy prices will do 
nothing but head higher for the rest of time. Well, a University of Washington 
economic geologist issued a statement on Thursday not only refuting such 
contentions, but also claiming that we will never fully deplete 
the earth’s supply of black gold:

  If you think the world is on the verge of running out of oil or other 
  mineral resources, you've been taken in by the foremost of seven myths about 
  resource geology, according to a University of Washington economic 
  "The most common question I get is, 'When are we going to run out of oil.' 
  The correct response is, 'Never,'" said Eric Cheney. "It might be a heck of a 
  lot more expensive than it is now, but there will always be some oil available 
  at a price, perhaps $10 to $100 a gallon."
The press release continued:

  Changing economics, technological advances and efforts such as recycling 
  and substitution make the world's mineral resources virtually infinite, said 
  Cheney, a UW professor emeritus of Earth and space sciences. For instance, oil 
  deposits unreachable 40 years ago can be tapped today using improved 
  technology, and oil once too costly to extract from tar sands, organic matter 
  or coal is now worth manufacturing. Though some resources might be costlier 
  now, they still are needed.
Cheney used simple economics to dispel the notion that energy prices are at 
all-time highs:

  It might seem that oil supplies are running low in a time when gasoline has 
  reached $3 a gallon. But Cheney – who has been on the UW faculty since 1964 
  and has consulted extensively for government and industry – notes that gas 
  prices today, adjusted for inflation, are about what they were in the early 
  20th century. Today's prices seem inordinately high, he said, because crude 
  oil was at an extremely low price, $10 a barrel, just eight years ago and now 
  fetches around $58 a barrel and has been as high as $78.
Cheney blamed common misconceptions for negatively impacting the number of 
students entering the field of geology:

  As major economies, such as those in China and India, develop and are on 
  the verge of greater demand for mineral resources, he said, it is an opportune 
  time for universities to train a new crop of resource geologists who can 
  understand the challenges and help find solutions. He believes that popular 
  but misguided notions about mineral resources might be hampering students from 
  entering the field.
The professor then listed some of these myths that he would like to 

Only basic extraction and processing costs affect economic geology. That 
fails to account for such costs as exploration, transportation, taxes and 
societal and environmental programs. 
Production always damages the environment. Accidents do happen, Cheney 
said, but much of the perception is based on problems of the past and don't 
reflect current reality. "It's inevitable that there are going to be oil 
spills, just like tere are traffic accidents on the freeway," he said. "We 
hope we can manage them, but nothing is risk free." 
Mineral deposits are excessively profitable. Despite widely reported 
huge oil company profits in the last year, Cheney notes that as a percentage 
of company revenues oil profits lag far behind those of some major software 
and banking companies. 
Transportation costs are trivial. In fact, the retail cost of building 
materials such as sand and gravel are largely driven by the cost of moving 
them from one place to another, particularly in crowded urban areas. Moving 
quarries and pits farther away from where people live only increases those 
Ore deposits are uniform. While a valued ore can be found in a large 
continuous deposit, often it is mixed with other kinds of minerals and 
extraction becomes more expensive. 
Resources are randomly distributed and so, if human population 
encroaches, a mine or quarry should simply be able to relocate. 

Cheney concluded by expressing the need for a better educated public when it 
comes to such issues:

  "The point is that we have to have members of the public who are not 
  geologists and who know something about mineral resources. There are going to 
  be some important policy decisions in the next decades, so we need to have 
  some smart voters," he said. "We can start in colleges by dispelling myths in 
  courses for students who are not going to become professional 
It appears that Cheney’s pleas are falling on deaf ears. According to Google 
and LexisNexis searches, with the exception of United Press 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [IlluminAlch] Help get these videos to the top of google video.

2006-10-21 Thread Tracy Lyles

Note: forwarded message attached.

The most powerful planet in the world would seem to be the USA if you believe 
what you are told. But the US has always been controlled from London and still 
is. America has never been the land of the free and it is time it was.
  David Icke The Biggest Lie Ever told.

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Help get these videos to the top of google video.

Now is the time to push these movies all the way to the top and ensure
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9/11 Mysteries (Full Length, High Quality)

Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut

Help wake up the sheeple!


---End Message---

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Investigator: Gosch not shown in photos

2006-10-21 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: RoadsEnd [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: October 21, 2006 9:04:06 AM PDTTo: ctrl CTRL CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: RoadsEnd [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] Investigator: Gosch not shown in photosReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061018/NEWS08/610180394/1001/NEWSInvestigator: Gosch not shown in photosBy LEE ROODREGISTER STAFF WRITEROctober 18, 2006A Florida investigator told police this week that he interviewed one of the now-grown youths in decades-old photos that surfaced recently, and the man disproved theories that one of the youths pictured was Johnny Gosch."He said they were all from the same neighborhood in north Hillsborough County," said Nelson Zalva, an investigator for the Florida state attorney's office.However, Noreen Gosch said the investigator was lying - and that she has another photo of her son that proves it."I didn't give it to police because I can see what's going on. And there are more where that came from," said Gosch, whose son disappeared from his West Des Moines neighborhood in 1982.Noreen Gosch told The Des Moines Register in late August that several photos had been placed at her doorstep, and that she "absolutely" believed the photos contained images of her son shortly after he vanished.Zalva, a former sheriff's detective in Tampa, Fla., later told West Des Moines police he remembered the photos from a suspected pedophilia case he investigated in 1978 or 1979.An anonymous letter sent to West Des Moines police from Tampa originally led authorities to Zalva. A second one sent more recently tipped them to the identities of the three boys. West Des Moines police sent the second letter to Zalva, who said he tracked down one of the people identified in the second letter.Zalva said he talked to the man on Monday, who recalled that the photos of him and the two other youths were taken by a man in their Tampa neighborhood."He said the guy tied him up as an escape contest. He gave them fireworks in return," Zalva said, adding that such gifts are not unusual from pedophiles seeking to groom potential victims. The man who took the photos was never charged, because Zalva could not prove anything criminally improper took place.Zalva said the now-40-year-old man said he did not want to be identified publicly.Zalva said he believes both letters were written by the man who originally took the pictures. He said he is trying to locate the other two youths who were identified in the second anonymous letter.However, Gosch said, she talked to the parents of the two other youths in the photos, and she knows about the circumstances of how they were taken. She said the parents contacted her after she posted the photos on her Web site, and they asked her to take them down.Gosch said she has at least one more new photo of her son that she has not given to police, because she doesn't trust their ability to investigate. She said she expects to receive more photos soon as she continues with her own investigation into Johnny's disappearance.==

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Why Bush's NSA Wire tapping is defeated by VoIP Networks on Google Video

2006-10-21 Thread Kris Millegan
Begin forwarded message:From: Marc Perkel [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: October 21, 2006 11:33:17 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: "Why Bush's NSA Wire tapping is defeated by VoIP Networks on Google Video  Here is a link to a Google video that I made of myself explaining a lot of the technical details of Bush's wire tapping program and why it will never work. It explains that terrorists would use private voice over IP networks (Internet phones) that can not be tapped. It is explained in a manner that the average viewer can get a good idea of how it works. Feel free to use this and pass it around. It puts a new light on the whole "we need NSA wiretapping to fight the terrorists" excuse. Show this to as many people as possible.   Marc Perkel  Uber Geek  Your friend, [EMAIL PROTECTED], has sent you the following video from Google Video and included this message: check this out Why Bush's NSA Wire tapping is defeated by VoIP Networks  13 min 29 sec - Oct 20, 2006 Description: Bush claims he needs NSA wire tapping to break up terrorist networks but terrorists are not using the phone network Bush is tapping. They are using private voice over IP internet phones (VoIP) that can't be tapped. This video explains how it works.  ___You are subscribed as: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To be removed from this list send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject "unsubscribe" and you will be removed.Or - click on this: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To change your options:http://mailman.ctyme.com/options/news/ramillegan%40aol.comNews mailing list[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://mailman.ctyme.com/listinfo/news =

[cia-drugs] Britons Could All Too Soon Become Slaves

2006-10-21 Thread norgesen

Britons Could All Too Soon 
Become Slavesby Simon Heffer
We have been have been lulled into a dangerous sense of 
complacency towards the evils capable of being inflicted upon us, our country 
and our way of life by the EU.
Our proposed membership of the euro is, it seems, a dead 
letter. The French and the Dutch buried the EU constitution more than a year 
ago. However, something that could prove even more poisonous to our liberties 
than either of those anti-democratic impositions could be about to be foisted on 
This Friday, in Tampere in Finland, there will be a meeting 
of EU interior and justice ministers. Up for debate is the matter of introducing 
qualified majority voting (QMV) on criminal justice matters: or, to put it more 
plainly, surrendering our veto on these. The potential for damage to our 
freedoms if this happens is awesome: the end of habeas corpus, a threat to trial 
by jury and the capability of the EU to interfere in hitherto sovereign matters 
such as sentencing policy are but three of the consequences should our veto 
It is unlikely that a decision will be taken on Friday, and 
as such the Home Office is to be represented at the meeting not by John Reid, 
the Home Secretary, but by an obscure junior minister, Joan Ryan. However, the 
present Finnish presidency of the EU wants to have the veto removed, and by the 
end of its presidency in December.
It may be thought astonishing, given the imminence of this 
threat and its dangers, that there has been so little discussion of it by the 
media or by politicians. It may be abstruse and technical, but the loss of the 
veto in this crucial area is something to which we can all relate. Matters to do 
with the machinery of the EU are boring for politicians and unsexy for 
newspapers or television news, but that did not stop people becoming (quite 
rightly) excited about the threat of the single currency or the 
We have all been obsessed for weeks with the date of Tony 
Blair's retirement and the possibility of his being replaced by anyone other 
than Gordon Brown, so there may not have been room on the political agenda for 
something that concerns our most fundamental liberties. Above all, the silence 
from Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition on this vital matter has, as is the case on 
so many vital matters, been ear-splittingly deafening.
On July 28 - more than seven weeks ago - the chairman of the 
Freedom Association, the former Tory MP Christopher Gill, wrote to Sir David 
Normington, the Permanent Secretary at the Home Office. His letter was short and 
to the point. Mr Gill asked Sir David what the Government's likely response was 
going to be to an EU memorandum issued in June about "implementing the Hague 
programme - the way forward": in other words, the Government's view on 
whether it would submit to the introduction of QMV on justice and home affairs. 
As of yesterday, Mr Gill had had no reply.
So, for all we know, Miss Ryan will go to Tampere the day 
after tomorrow and raise no objection, on behalf of 60 million people in this 
country, to all future laws on criminal justice matters proceeding only in 
accordance with what has been agreed with a majority of other EU states.
That, as the Freedom Association points out, is not the end 
of it. The surrender of our veto would be a key stage in the incorporation of 
corpus juris into our law. This is the continental system of conducting criminal 
proceedings. Habeas corpus is unknown to it, which means that Britons could face 
detention not just without trial, but also without charge, for months or 
possibly years. One Briton, Chris Lees, recently spent 50 weeks in a Spanish 
jail without being charged with anything.
At present, criminal justice policy is included in what the 
Eurocrats call "Pillar 3": individual countries retain some of their 
sovereign rights. The Hague programme would move it to Pillar 1, where it could 
become a common policy. Asylum, migration and judicial co-operation policies 
have already moved to Pillar 1: the Finns feel it is logical for justice and 
home affairs to go with it.
The Commission now wants what it modestly calls a 
"bridging clause" to overcome difficulties in ensuring that the 
"community method" is used in matters concerning "freedom, justice and 
security": and Friday's meeting is about smoothing the way to such an 
arrangement, and soon.
The real beneficiary of such a change would be the European 
Court of Justice (ECJ). It already has the power to declare any national law 
invalid if it conflicts with EU law. If justice and home affairs were moved to 
within the first pillar, the competence of the ECJ would be widened to take in 
matters affecting the police and the judiciary, with far-reaching effects. If 
the ECJ legislates on anything to do with justice and home affairs, it then 
becomes a community competence.
Last September, the ECJ gave the EU powers to set criminal 
penalties. If we surrender our veto on 

[cia-drugs] Paraguayan Central Bank missing US$2.5M (?2M) in new money from shipment

2006-10-21 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis



  Paraguayan Central Bank missing US$2.5M 
  (€2M) in new money from shipment 
  Associated PressPublished: October 21, 2006


  Paraguay Freshly printed currency worth US$2.5 million (€2 
  million) has disappeared from a shipment to Paraguay from Paris, a 
  government prosecutor reported Saturday. 
  Of 200 boxes packed with 
  50,000-Guarani bills, there were six boxes missing when the shipment 
  arrived by boat at a port on the Rio Paraguay outside the Paraguayan 
  capital of Asuncion, prosecutor Sergio Alegre said. 
  "A report was filed for 
  damages to the national economy. In this case, the Central Bank is the 
  victim," Alegre said. 
  The cargo left France with a 
  seal of guarantee, but nonoriginal seals were detected in Montevideo, 
  Uruguay, Alegre said. 
  "Representatives of the 
  printing house and transportation authorities did not report the 
  irregularities," he said. 
  The bills were printed in 
  Paris by the company Francois-Charles Oberthur Fiduciare, which is 
  represented locally by an importer of French car engines, the prosecutor 
  Paraguay Freshly printed currency worth US$2.5 million (€2 
  million) has disappeared from a shipment to Paraguay from Paris, a 
  government prosecutor reported Saturday. 
  Of 200 boxes packed with 
  50,000-Guarani bills, there were six boxes missing when the shipment 
  arrived by boat at a port on the Rio Paraguay outside the Paraguayan 
  capital of Asuncion, prosecutor Sergio Alegre said. 
  "A report was filed for 
  damages to the national economy. In this case, the Central Bank is the 
  victim," Alegre said. 
  The cargo left France with a 
  seal of guarantee, but nonoriginal seals were detected in Montevideo, 
  Uruguay, Alegre said. 
  "Representatives of the 
  printing house and transportation authorities did not report the 
  irregularities," he said. 
  The bills were printed in 
  Paris by the company Francois-Charles Oberthur Fiduciare, which is 
  represented locally by an importer of French car engines, the prosecutor 

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