[cia-drugs] The Hunt for Oil

2007-09-11 Thread norgesen
The Hunt for Oil
by emptywheel

September 09, 2007

Does it surprise you that the first company to sign an oil deal with Iraqi 
Kurds is Hunt Oil, a company with very close ties to Bush and our country's 
intelligence infrastructure?

  Texas' Hunt Oil Co. and Kurdistan's regional government said Saturday they've 
signed a production-sharing contract for petroleum exploration in northern 
Iraq, the first such deal since the Kurds passed their own oil and gas law in 
August.A Hunt subsidiary, Hunt Oil Co. of the Kurdistan Region, will begin 
geological survey and seismic work by the end of 2007 and hopes to drill an 
exploration well in 2008, the parties said in a news release.

Nope. It doesn't surprise me, either. But I am interested in what it portends 
for long-term plans in Iraq. 

First, some background. The Hunt family that owns Hunt Oil (it's privately 
held, so we don't get to scrutinize financial statements) is one of the big 
money Texas donors behind the Bush family political empire. Ray Hunt, the 
current chair of the company, is also on the board of Halliburton and the King 
Ranch, meaning he probably knows to duck when he goes quail hunting with Dick 
Cheney. Hunt is also on the board of trustees for Shrub's new presidential 
library, which has just announced its plans for a wacky democracy institute 
that will give cover for more imperialism around the world. Oh, and Hunt is 
also on PFIAB, which means he gets to review a huge amount of intelligence 
information and then refuse to reveal its classification and declassification 
activities--not to mention weigh in on whether or not the President's illegal 
intelligence activities are illegal or not. 

It's also worth noting that one of Hunt Oil Company's planes has been spotted 
taking off and landing at a CIA training facility.

In short, Hunt Oil Company is as wired in as oil companies get--which is saying 

Now do you see why I find it interesting that Hunt Oil Company is the first 
company into Kurdistan's oil fields?

What I don't know is how to interpret the deal. Perhaps it means nothing more 
than that Ray Hunt, having reviewed BushCo's plans and the real underlying 
intelligence personally, is sufficiently comfortable that Kurdistan will exist 
as a viable entity, with the oil laws in Iraq remaining as they are, with 
sufficient security, to conduct oil exploration over the long term (and this is 
oil exploration, so we are talking a long term indeed). Or perhaps Hunt has 
signed this deal as a favor to Bush, to push other, publicly held oil companies 
(which might--out of concern for shareholder value--hesitate before signing 
such a deal) to invest in Iraqi oil. The NYT article suggests both may be 
factors in this deal.

  Despite Iraq's vast oil reserves, major international companies have sat on 
the sidelines, not only for security reasons but because of the absence of 
legislation governing the industry and offering protection for investments.

  A draft oil law for all of Iraq has been bogged down for months, in part 
because of disputes over who will control the proceeds.

  In August, however, the Kurdish self-governing region in northern Iraq 
enacted its own law governing foreign oil investments. The move angered the 
central government in Baghdad, but the Kurds are determined to push ahead with 
oil exploration.

Most interestingly, this deal suggests those close to Bush believe the US will 
retain its ties with Kurdistan, as a distinct entity, for some time. There is a 
growing body of evidence to suggest that recent developments in Iraq reflect a 
slow, but irreversible, split into three countries. If that happens, Turkey, 
Iran, and Syria are sure to be mightily involved in attempts to destabilize 
Kurdistan. But never fear, because Hunt Oil will be there, looking for oil. 
Among other things, I'm sure.

If I had to guess, I'd suggest this is pretty solid evidence that BushCo has 
grown comfortable with the idea of Iraq splitting apart.



Posted by: AZ Matt | September 09, 2007 at 13:33 

Here is a map of the oil. 

Super impose a map of the new, permanent bases and one gets the idea of why we 
are there. Notice there aren't bases in al-Anbar, or Karballa provences. 

As to why Hunt would make such a gamble as making a deal with the Kurds - 
gambling runs in the family. The Hunt brothers ran up the silver market in the 
1970s in response to inflation 
http://www.wallstraits.com/main/viewarticle.php?id=1298. I kind of think 
Eisenhower was wrong about them:

Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment 
insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of 
that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of 
course, that believes you can do these things. 

[cia-drugs] TIA and TSP Timing

2007-09-11 Thread norgesen
TIA and TSP Timing
by emptywheel

July 30, 2007

Commenter joejoejoe sent me a superb timeline to show the chronology of 
Congress' building opposition to the Total Information Awareness program as it 
relates to the NSA's domestic wiretap program (how cool is that? I, the 
chronology weenie, am getting timelines out of the blue! Better than 
Christmas!!), which appears at the bottom of this post.

I'd like to pull out just a few salient dates and add four (in bold italics) to 
what joejoejoe did. I think the time line lends support for the argument that 
one of the problems--a big problem--with the domestic wiretap program is that 
it violated clear instructions from Congress.

  2/20/03 - President Bush signed reconciled House Senate version of above law 
with provision that terminates funding to TIA in 90 days and requires a 
Congressional update.(Consolidated Appropriations Resolution, 2003, No.108?7, 
Division M, §111(b) [signed Feb. 20, 2003])

  5/20/03 - 90 days later, Pentagon changes name of TIA from Total Information 
Awareness to Terrorist Information Awareness and calls it new program. Problem 

  7/17/03 - Briefing for Intelligence Committee leadership (Pat Roberts, Jay 
Rockefeller, Porter Goss, and Jane Harman) on domestic wiretap program. This 
would be the last briefing before the crisis March 10 meeting.

  7/17/03 - After his SECOND briefing on the program, Jay Rockefeller writes 
his CYA memo to Cheney, which states (thanks to Ann for the reminder on the 

I am writing to reiterate my concerns regarding the sensitive intelligence 
issues we discussed today with the DCI, DIRNSA,Chairman Roberts and our House 
Intelligence counterparts. 


As I reflected on the meeting today, and the future we face, John 
Poindexter's TIA project sprung to mind, exacerbating my concern regarding the 
direction the Administration is moving with regard to security, technology, and 


I am retaining a copy of this letter in a sealed envelope in the secure 
spaces of the Senate Intelligence Committee to ensure that I have a record of 
this communication. 

  7/18/03 - Senate votes unanimously to block funding for the Total Information 
Awareness program. According to the Defense Department appropriations, no 
funding may be obligated or expended on research and development on the 
Terrorism Information Awareness program. - - over Bush admin. objections. 
Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2004, Pub. L. No. 108?87, § 8131, 117 
Stat. 1054, 1102 (2003)

  9/26/03 - Congress eliminates funding for TIA save some military and foreign 
surveillance exceptions - see Sec. 8131 (see signing statement below)

  9/30-10/1/03 - Bush signs '04 Defense budget with signing statement, 

  1/04 - Given the pattern established in the prior three years twenty-seven 
months, there should have been a briefing of Congress in January 2004, but it 
did not occur.

  2/11/04 - Senate Intelligence Committe hearing: one of TIA's strongest 
critics questioned whether intelligence officials knew that some of its 
programs had been moved to other agencies. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked 
Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte and FBI Director Robert 
Mueller whether it was correct that when [TIA] was closed, that several ... 
projects were moved to various intelligence agencies I and others on this 
panel led the effort to close [TIA]; we want to know if Mr. Poindexter's 
programs are going on somewhere else. 

  Negroponte and Mueller said they didn't know. But Negroponte's deputy, Gen. 
Michael V. Hayden, who until recently was director of the NSA, said, I'd like 
to answer in closed session. Asked for comment, Wyden's spokeswoman referred 
to his hearing statements. (via the National Journal, 2/23/04)
  3/04/04 (est.) - Comey and Ashcroft agree,  We had concerns as to our 
ability to certify its legality, which was our obligation for the program to be 
renewed. Ashrcroft taken ill. (see Marty Lederman on Comey's testimony at 

  3/10/04 - Congressional briefing on domestic wiretap program

  3/10/04 - Gonzales hospital visit.

  2/3/05 - First briefing of Intelligence Committee leadership after the 
hospital confrontation, eleven months earlier

In other words, the Administration briefed Congress on the domestic wiretap 
program the day before the Senate made it explicit that they would not permit 
any data-mining of American citizens. That July 2003 briefing occurred in the 
normal pattern established in the previous two years, so it may be a 
coincidence. Or it may be that the Administration briefed Congress when they 
did before they would have a legal obligation to inform them they were breaking 
the law prohibiting data-mining of Americans.

But that was also the briefing after which Rockefeller wrote his memo to Cheney 
expressing concerns about the program. I had always understood that Rockefeller 
sent that memo after his first 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Asking Why Petraeus Wasn't Sworn In Gets ex-CIA Official Ray McGovern Thrown Out

2007-09-11 Thread Kris Millegan

Begin forwarded message:

Date: September 11, 2007 12:21:48 AM PDT
Subject: Asking Why Petraeus Wasn't Sworn In Gets ex-CIA Official  
Ray McGovern Thrown Out

'Swear Him In' Provokes Expulsion

By Ray McGovern
September 10, 2007


“Swear him in.”

That’s all I said in the unusual silence this afternoon as first  
aid was being administered to Gen. David Petraeus’s microphone at  
the hearing before the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs  

It had dawned on me that when House Armed Services Committee  
Chairman Ike Skelton, D-Missouri, invited Gen. Petraeus to make his  
presentation, Skelton forgot to ask him to take the customary oath  
to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

I had no idea that would be enough to get me thrown out of the  

I had a flashback to a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in early  
2006, when Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, reminded chairman Arlen  
Specter, R-Pennsylvania, that Specter had forgotten to swear in the  
witness, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales; and how Specter  
insisted that that would not be necessary.

Now that may, or may not, be an invidious comparison. But Petraeus  
and Gonzales work for the same boss, who has a rather unusual  
relationship with the truth. How many of his senior staff could  
readily be convicted, as was the hapless-and-now-commuted Scooter  
Libby, of perjury?

So I didn’t think twice about it. I really thought that Skelton  
perhaps forgot, and that the 10-minute interlude of silence while  
they fixed the microphone was a good chance to raise this seemingly  
innocent question.

The more so since the ranking Republican representatives had been  
protesting too much. In the obverse of “killing the messenger,”  
they had been canonizing the messenger with protective fire.

Ranking Armed Services Committee member Duncan Hunter, R- 
California, began what amounted to a SWAT-team attack on the  
credibility of those who dared attack the truthfulness of the  
sainted Petraeus, and issued a special press release decrying a  
full-pager in the New York Times equating Petraeus with “Betray-us.”

Hunter served notice on any potential doubters, insisting that  
Petraeus’s “capability, integrity, intelligence...are without  
question.” And Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Florida, ranking member of  
the House Foreign Affairs Committee, echoed that theme, unwittingly  
choosing another infelicitous almost-homonym for the charges  
against Petraeus—“outrageous.”

Indeed, Hunter’s prepared statement, which he circulated before the  
hearing, amounted to little more than a full-scale “duty-honor- 
country” panegyric for the general.

On the chance we did not hear him the first time, Hunter kept  
repeating how “independent” Petraeus is, how candid and full of  
integrity, and compared him to famous generals who testified to  
Congress in the past—Eisenhower, MacArthur, and Schwarzkopf.  
Advisedly, Hunter avoided any mention of Gen. William Westmoreland,  
commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam, who fell tragically short on  
those traits. [See Consortiumnews.com’s “Is Petraeus Today’s  

If memory serves, the aforementioned generals and Westmoreland were  
required to testify under oath. And this was one of the main  
sticking points when CBS aired a program showing that Westmoreland  
had deliberately dissembled on the strength of Communist forces and  
U.S. “progress” in the war.

When Westmoreland sued CBS for libel, several of his subordinates  
came clean, and Westmoreland quickly dropped the suit. The analogy  
with Westmoreland—justifying a White House wish to persist in an  
unwinnable war —is the apt one here.

If Petraeus is so honest and full of integrity, what possible  
objection could he have to being sworn in?

I had not the slightest hesitation being sworn in when testifying  
before the committee assembled by Rep. John Conyers, D-Michigan, on  
June 16, 2005. Should generals be immune? Or did his masters wish  
to give him a little more assurance that he could play fast and  
loose with the truth without the consequences encountered by  
Scooter Libby.

With the microphone finally fixed, it quickly became clear.  
Petraeus tried to square a circle in his very first two paragraphs.

In the first, he thanks the committees for the opportunity to  
“discuss the recommendations I recently provided to my chain of  
command for the way forward.” Then he stretches credulity well  
beyond the breaking point—at least for me:

“At the outset, I would like to note that this is my testimony.  
Although I have briefed my assessment and recommendations to my  
chain of command, I wrote this testimony myself. It has not been  
cleared by, nor shared with, anyone in the Pentagon, the White  
House, or Congress.”

Is not 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Bush Admin Using Extraordinary Rendition on Foreign Political Leaders Too

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: September 11, 2007 12:41:43 AM PDT
Subject: Bush Admin Using Extraordinary Rendition on Foreign  
Political Leaders Too

 November 4, 2006
Kamal Siddiqi and Agencies
Hindustan Times
Islamabad, September 11, 2007
Sharif comes, Sharif goes
Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was arrested and  
thrown out of the country hours after returning home from exile on  
Monday morning. Sharif, who flew in from London, was in Jeddah in  
Saudi Arabia in the evening.

Sharif’s four hours of homecoming were spent at the airport, the  
first 90 minutes in the aircraft and the rest in the airport  
lounge. He was then whisked away in a helicopter, which left for an  
unknown destination.

Soon he was headed for Jeddah [Saudi Arabia]. The government had  
bundled him out of the country. “He has been deported... he has  
been sent to Jeddah,” said a security official.

In London, Sharif’s wife Kulsuma alleged that her husband had been  
misled. “He was told he was being arrested in connection with a  
corruption case in Karachi many years ago,” she said. “He was under  
the impression he was being flown to Karachi where he would be  
lodged in jail, and produced before a court the next day.” It was  
only in the air that Sharif was informed he was being taken to  
Jeddah, she added.

Sharif’s lawyer said he would be moving the Supreme Court against  
the deportation as it contravened the court’s earlier order  
allowing the the brothers to return home.

Former Pakistan chief justice Sajjad Ali Shah said the deportation  
made a mockery of the Supreme Court decision.

Experts are saying President Pervez Musharraf may have made things  
more difficult for himself.

The former Prime Minister, his brother Shahbaz, and other members  
of the Sharif clan went into exile in December 2000, after Nawaz  
chose exile in Saudi Arabia over imprisonment following his  
conviction on charges of hijacking a plane carrying General  
Musharraf in 1999.

Sharif told reporters in London, “I am going back to my country  
with the resolve to rid my motherland of problems and lawlessness  
caused by the policies of one man — General Pervez Musharraf.”

At the last moment he decided to leave his younger brother Shahbaz  
behind. He said, “If anything were to happen to me, Shahbaz would  
be there to do the needful.”

Travelling club class on a PIA flight – number 786, Sharif joined  
his party workers in the economy section five minutes before  
landing. The flight touched down at 8:48 am, Pakistan time. Sharif  
and his entourage stayed on board while other passengers disembarked.


© Copyright 2007 Hindustan Times


September 10, 2007

All Hell has broken loose in Pakistan:

Sharif just got 'Bushwhacked'

All hell is breaking loose in Pakistan.

President Pervez Musharraf is about to face his demons. Which in  
turn means the entire 'war of terror network' is in panic mode. On  
Thursday, exiled former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif stated that he  
would be returning to Pakistan to bring the country back to the  
I and my brother Shahbaz are going back to Pakistan on September  
10 and that will be the day of people's victory stated Sharif
His statement led to a wild frenzy of US, Saudi Arabian, and UK  
high ranking officials who had flown in and cooped themselves up  
trying to save Musharraf and prevent Sharif from returning. Both  
Negroponte ( MUST READ LINK ) and Boucher flew in.
Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah sent his two most important advisers -  
intelligence boss Prince Muqrin bin Abdul Aziz and Saad Hariri
the [Musharraf]President awaited the arrival of US deputy secretary  
of state John Negroponte and South Asian under-secretary of State  
Richard Boucher
Diplomatic sources in Islamabad said yesterday the two officials  
would tell General Musharraf that he must do all that's required to  
reach agreement with Ms Bhutto.

They're absolutely determined on this agreement, seeing it as the  
only way to stop the rot and halt the Talibanisation of the  
country, a senior diplomat said yesterday. Bruce Loudon 9/8/07

an official said last night There are crisis meetings going on  
around the clock. No final decision has been made. It probably  
won't be made until the last minute... Let's see first whether  
Sharif gets on the plane. We've then got eight hours to decide.  
Bruce Loudon 9/10/07
Musharraf and his cronies started to game plan. Saudi Arabia even  
offered asylum if Sharif wouldn't return. First, on Friday, they  
sent out a message that they had prepared a VIP prison cell for  
Sharif and then the anti terrorism unit issued an arrest warrant  
for his 

[cia-drugs] Re: [political-research] The Israel Lobby: Some Key Components (Update)

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd

tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What do items on a list have to do with a grasp of complex  
20/21st century global geopolitics?

Because Sean is really John Foster Chip Berlet, the spook who is  
the go-to-guy for 9-11 and other conspiracy debunks. He has been  
sending out the false meme of the Jews did it since he first went  
public on the CIA-drugs email list in September 2001, after lurking  
on that list for over a year.

He posts a posit that the neo-cons are responsible for all the bad,  
while GHW Bush, Skull  Bones, etc. are powerless to stop.

It is so much claptrap, designed to ensnare prejudices down a rabbit  
hole that allows Berlet to then do his thing.

Chipper should have used Elmer Fudd instead of Sean McBride for  
his Internet alias.

Kris Milegan

On Sep 11, 2007, at 8:23 AM, Sean McBride wrote:

The game plan for knocking over a long list of Mideast enemies of  
Israel was designed by Likud and the neoconservatives, NOT by the  
oil lobby.  The Clean Break paper (have you read it yet?) was  
written for Benjamin Netanyahu by pro-Israel militants, some of  
whom (like David Wurmser) went on to control Dick Cheney's office  
under Bush 43.

I've repeatedly pointed out that most foreign policy realists and  
oil industry leaders (including the Bush 41 inner circle) believe  
that the American invasion of Iraq, which was engineered primarily  
by neoconservatives with close ties to Israel and Likud, will be a  
disaster for American access to Mideast oil.  It is impossible  
profitably to extract oil from regions in which the natives are  
overflowing with violent hatred for the parties trying to do the  
extracting.  Oil companies require secure and friendly relations  
with their foreign business partners to operate profitably.  Why do  
you think it is that the United States has gone to such great  
lengths not to ruffle the feathers of Saudi Arabia?  The prosperity  
of Americans is dependent on the good will of Saudis.

Now: why is it that whenever I bring up this absolutely central  
issue regarding the Iraq War, some folks here pretend that they  
didn't read the words that I know they must have read?  Why are  
they failing to respond to this reality?  The American military is  
already on the verge of cracking up in Iraq, and the main battle  
there has barely begun.  Foreign occupations simply are not viable  
in the contemporary world, as Americans, who violently kicked the  
British off their soil, should well understand.

A major tactic employed by the neoconservatives and the Israel  
lobby to cover their tracks has been to falsely blame and scapegoat  
the oil industry and the traditional foreign policy establishment  
for the disastrous policies which the neocons and the Lobby  
themselves have conspicuously promoted.  Michael Ruppert, who often  
used the antisemitism smear to muddle through arguments on topics  
on which he was poorly informed, went so far as to try to blame  
Zbigniew Brzezinski for the Iraq War!  But wait: Brzezinski, the  
foremost strategic genius in the American foreign policy  
establishment, OPPOSED the Iraq War!   In Michael Ruppert we saw  
the Israel lobby at work in the conspiracy media -- the Lobby,  
which is a messianic cult, is utterly undeterred by facts about the  
real world.

The weak debating trick you are using in this exchange is to focus  
on Tikkun, while pretending that AIPAC, the Conference of  
Presidents, JINSA, AEI, PNAC, the New York Times, the Washington  
Post, etc. weren't mentioned.  The Israel lobby these days operates  
primarily with these kinds of tricks because it can't defend its  
core beliefs and policies in fair, open and rational debate.

Tikkun is a small operation compared to the New York Times, the  
Washington Post or Fox News, but it is an important Israeli  
gatekeeper on the left, and part of a network of such left  
gatekeepers, which includes Greg Palast and Noam Chomsky.  All of  
these ops, all across the political spectrum, operate as part of a  
single powerful political machine which has acquired a destructive  
stranglehold over both the Republican and Democratic Parties.

tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What do items on a list have to do with a grasp of complex  
20/21st century global geopolitics?
Profits from the development and exploitation of Iraq's oil  
reserves (perhaps the last the planet will have) are estimated in  
hundreds of billions, if not trillions of dollars over the coming  
Dick Cheney effectively took control of America in late 2000, as  
the representative of those interests, and he and those interests  
are more powerful than any combination of names on your list if  
not the whole list.

TIKKUN?? Come on.
The strategy was to knock over Iraq, Iran, and Syria. The game plan  
still is in operation.
Why in God's name would we be invading and slaughtering Arabs and  
Americans in a largely desert part of the globe other then for 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [political-research] The Israel Lobby: Lead Components Ranked by Importance

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: September 11, 2007 8:52:43 AM PDT
Subject: Re: [political-research] The Israel Lobby: Lead Components  
Ranked by Importance

Chip, this is really quite funny.

So CFR and Bilderberg Group are now part of the Israel Lobby, but  
GHW Bush, Baker etc. have no influence?

This is just you trying to appropriate power centers for your  
prejudice sales talk.

What a transparent spook ploy.

Kris Millegan
A real person

On Sep 11, 2007, at 8:38 AM, Sean McBride wrote:

7. CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)
8. Bilderberg Group


[cia-drugs] Re: [truthabout911] Paranoid Schizophrenics in the Conspiracy Theory Community

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd

Sean sue me please.

And, Chipper please post anything factual about a major mental  

I am a real person, I post under my real name. Sean McBride is a  
fake name. Sean McBride claimed that he posted under Sean because  
he was scared of the Mossad.

No, Sean, there is only one person that I have ever accused of being  
Berlet.  You.

Please post where I see Chip Berlet, whom he sees everywhere,  
lurking behind every tree

I am a publisher of books that Berlet's employers would rather not be  
printed, so he calls me names and accuses me of be deranged.  

How could a deranged person do what I do. Could a deranged person win  
a lawsuit in Federal District Court? I had to appear in court, be  
questioned on the stand by very belligerent lawyers, yet Sean says  
I am seriously deranged

John Foster Chip Berlet is a spook and he and his crew use the fake  
name of Sean McBride to push  false memes.

Anytime you wish to go to court, I am there Sean.

Kris Millegan

On Sep 11, 2007, at 9:11 AM, Sean McBride wrote:

The author of this post had a major mental breakdown several years  
ago, possibly as the result of using too many psychedelic drugs,  
and now exhibits all the classical signs of paranoid  
schizophrenia.  He is obsessed with Chip Berlet, whom he sees  
everywhere, lurking behind every tree.

I've never met or communicated with Chip Berlet, and disagree with  
most of the few writings by Berlet that I've read.  Anyone who  
compares my writings with Berlet's with a discerning eye will  
quickly see that Kris Millegan is seriously deranged and is unable  
to process even elementary English prose.

As sad as Millegan's case is, he is walking very close to a lawsuit.

Notice that Millegan failed to respond in a rational and informed  
way to a single point in my post -- he knows absolutely nothing  
about the subject.  But he considers himself to be an expert on  
global power politics.  One finds a fair amount of this madness in  
the conspiracy theory community.

RoadsEnd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What do items on a list have to do with a grasp of complex  
20/21st century global geopolitics?

Because Sean is really John Foster Chip Berlet, the spook who  
is the go-to-guy for 9-11 and other conspiracy debunks. He has been  
sending out the false meme of the Jews did it since he first went  
public on the CIA-drugs email list in September 2001, after lurking  
on that list for over a year.

He posts a posit that the neo-cons are responsible for all the bad,  
while GHW Bush, Skull  Bones, etc. are powerless to stop.

It is so much claptrap, designed to ensnare prejudices down a  
rabbit hole that allows Berlet to then do his thing.

Chipper should have used Elmer Fudd instead of Sean McBride for  
his Internet alias.

Kris Milegan

On Sep 11, 2007, at 8:23 AM, Sean McBride wrote:

The game plan for knocking over a long list of Mideast enemies  
of Israel was designed by Likud and the neoconservatives, NOT by  
the oil lobby.  The Clean Break paper (have you read it yet?) was  
written for Benjamin Netanyahu by pro-Israel militants, some of  
whom (like David Wurmser) went on to control Dick Cheney's office  
under Bush 43.

I've repeatedly pointed out that most foreign policy realists and  
oil industry leaders (including the Bush 41 inner circle) believe  
that the American invasion of Iraq, which was engineered primarily  
by neoconservatives with close ties to Israel and Likud, will be a  
disaster for American access to Mideast oil.  It is impossible  
profitably to extract oil from regions in which the natives are  
overflowing with violent hatred for the parties trying to do the  
extracting.  Oil companies require secure and friendly relations  
with their foreign business partners to operate profitably.  Why  
do you think it is that the United States has gone to such great  
lengths not to ruffle the feathers of Saudi Arabia?  The  
prosperity of Americans is dependent on the good will of Saudis.

Now: why is it that whenever I bring up this absolutely central  
issue regarding the Iraq War, some folks here pretend that they  
didn't read the words that I know they must have read?  Why are  
they failing to respond to this reality?  The American military is  
already on the verge of cracking up in Iraq, and the main battle  
there has barely begun.  Foreign occupations simply are not viable  
in the contemporary world, as Americans, who violently kicked the  
British off their soil, should well understand.

A major tactic employed by the neoconservatives and the Israel  
lobby to cover their tracks has been to falsely blame and  
scapegoat the oil industry and the traditional foreign policy  
establishment for the disastrous policies which the neocons and  
the Lobby themselves have conspicuously promoted.  Michael  
Ruppert, who 

[cia-drugs] Re: [political-research] Neocons in the CFR and Bilderberg Group

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd
When his fingers are on his keyboard he is lying. Sean/Chip lies so  
much, he doesn't even know when he is lying.  Sean?Chip says that he  
is not going to communicate with the mental patient in cia-drug- 
burnouts directly, yet he sends this email to cia- 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Notice he doesn't send it to  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Trying to protect you image over there?

So,  Sean, please explain to us your  direct personal experience  
with these players on both sides. Could that be as spook John Foster  
Chip Berlet.

All your name-calling, character assassination and snide remarks  
truly belie your agenda and make more transparent who you are and  
your agenda, John.

Power struggle, my ass., to quote The Who, Meet the new boss Same as  
the old boss

Kris Millegan
On Sep 11, 2007, at 9:43 AM, Sean McBride wrote:

I am not going to communicate with the mental patient in cia-drug- 
burnouts directly -- the experience is as unpleasant as being  
accosted by a drunken derelict in the street.

With regard to the role of the Israel lobby in the Bilderberg Group  
and the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations): it is enormous -- not  
all-controlling or all-powerful, but highly influential.  Many  
members of both groups are neoconservatives with close ties to  
Likud and the Israel lobby.  Kenneth Pollack is one of the better  
examples of how neocons in the CFR engineered the Iraq War, a  
disaster which many CFR members have strongly opposed.

There a tremendous power struggle currently underway between the  
traditional foreign policy elite and the neoconservatives -- this  
has been the major story during the Bush 43 administration -- the  
titanic battle between these two factions, which is still  
unfolding.  Most self-educated conspiracy theorists who have never  
had any direct personal experience with these players on both sides  
know nothing about it.  They are basically religious  
fundamentalists in their psychology and outlook -- highly emotional  
and simpleminded, and militantly anti-empirical.  The minds of some  
of them have been badly scrambled by drugs.

Some key members of the Israel lobby in the Bilderberg Group:

1. Israel lobby  Ahmad Chalabi  Bilderberg Group
2. Israel lobby  Barbara Amiel  Bilderberg Group
3. Israel lobby  Bruce Kovner  Bilderberg Group
4. Israel lobby  Conrad Black  Bilderberg Group
5. Israel lobby  Dennis Ross  Bilderberg Group
6. Israel lobby  Donald Graham  Bilderberg Group
7. Israel lobby  Douglas Feith  Bilderberg Group
8. Israel lobby  Dwayne Andreas  Bilderberg Group
9. Israel lobby  Henry Kissinger  Bilderberg Group
10. Israel lobby  Henry Kravis  Bilderberg Group
11. Israel lobby  John Bolton  Bilderberg Group
12. Israel lobby  Lawrence Summers  Bilderberg Group
13. Israel lobby  Marc Grossman  Bilderberg Group
14. Israel lobby  Marie-Josee Kravis  Bilderberg Group
15. Israel lobby  Michael Ledeen  Bilderberg Group
16. Israel lobby  Norman Pearlstine  Bilderberg Group
17. Israel lobby  Paul Wolfowitz  Bilderberg Group
18. Israel lobby  Richard Holbrooke  Bilderberg Group
19. Israel lobby  Richard Perle  Bilderberg Group
20. Israel lobby  Robert Kagan  Bilderberg Group
21. Israel lobby  Stephen Harper  Bilderberg Group
22. Israel lobby  Thomas Friedman  Bilderberg Group
23. Israel lobby  William Luti  Bilderberg Group

Notice the close intersection between these Israeli ops in the  
Bilderberg Group and the ringleaders of the Iraq War -- are the  
names Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Michael Ledeen and Richard  
Perle ringing any bells?

[cia-drugs] Re: [truthabout911] Shooter Joins Forces with Kris Millegan

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd

Sean if they are libelous, then sue me.

Sean says I managed to ruin his own Yahoo Group, cia-drugs. How  
do you figure? Because I don't allow you, a known spook to post? CIA- 
Drugs is still alive an well with more members and continues with  
posts from many different folks.

Please post all the posts of folks where folks have treated [me] as  
a laughingstock and a burn-out.

Notice that Sean  never answers me. He just calls me names.

Kris Millegan
On Sep 11, 2007, at 10:38 AM, Sean McBride wrote:

Do you really want to get into the same bed with Kris Millegan?  He  
is treated as a laughingstock and a burn-out by most of those who  
have observed his behavior over the last few years.  He managed to  
ruin his own Yahoo Group, cia-drugs, with his paranoid and false  
accusations against a number of group members.

The moderators (Max and Seven) should start dealing with Millegan's  
libelous posts here.

shooter586 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The best indication that you are mentally ill is that you are carrying
your psychotic obsession of the pro-Isreali militants and the
Bildergerg group into a board that has nothing to do with them.

Looks like Sean is exposed again.

I guess everyone has a secret or two. It sure explains a lot
about Sean's attempts at trying to spin 9-11 into this Israel  

Now I can laugh at his rants and that he really doesn't know what  
he is
talking about. Also explains a lot about his not wanting to learn  

reality in the ME.

[cia-drugs] Re: [political-research] Sean McBride is John Foster Chip Berlet, a spook

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd
Again, John F., follows his pattern of first calling me names then  
say I am an Israeli op.

Mr. Berlet, please remember that I since am a real person and you  
have just accused me of being a foreign intelligence operation, then  
you have committed libel.

Let see, Sean says I have aligned myself with the neo-cons. Gee,  
did I do that by stepping up to publish Wayne Madsen, when no one  
else would? Or how about our upcoming book on the Bilderbergs or the  
Franklin Scandal?

No, Sean, I am just a real person, an old hippie, who believes in  
our Constitution, our republican form of government and God.

What dirty tactics am I using?

What cult am I a member of?

Sean, how does what Mike Ruppert say prove anything about me?

Keep it up, Sean. You sure are winning this debate.

Kris Millegan

On Sep 11, 2007, at 10:21 AM, Sean McBride wrote:

Kris Millegan is an Israeli Op

Anyone who has doubted that Kris Millegan is an Israeli op should  
take a close look at his latest posts.  His contribution to the  
discussion about the Israel lobby that serious thinkers like John  
Mearsheimer, Stephen Walt and Phil Weiss are conducting? --  
deranged and snarling assaults on those whom he considers to be the  
enemies of the Jews, uncontaminated by not the slightest  
engagement with particular facts.

Was cia-drugs an Israeli op all along?  That's what the overall  
pattern of behavior strongly suggests.  Kris Millegan is an Israeli  
gatekeeper in the conspiracy media, along with Jared Israel, Art  
Bell, and quite a few others.

Mearsheimer (University of Chicago) and Walt (Harvard University),  
by the way, are very high-level members of the power elite that  
Millegan theorizes about from a great distance in his incoherent  
psychedelic ramblings.  The battle between foreign policy realists  
and neoconservatives at the highest levels of American politics is  
not a managed Hegelian dialectic -- it's the real deal.  Any  
serious student of history knows that all power elites throughout  
the ages have been riven by internecine warfare -- the behavioral  
pattern springs from basic human nature.

Millegan has conspicuously aligned himself with neoconservatives  
and the Israel lobby in this debate, and he is using the dirty  
tactics that are typical of the worst members of the cult.

One example of Millegan's failure to engage on facts: Michael  
Ruppert tried to scapegoat Zbigniew Brzezinski for the Iraq War,  
even though Brzezinski has been one of the strongest opponents of  
the war and of the neoconservative agenda in general.  How does one  
explain irrationality on this scale?  Ignorance?  Deliberate  
lying?  Looks like an op to me.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Historical domain name, formerly owned by the Binladin family, goes up

2007-09-11 Thread Kris Millegan

Begin forwarded message:

From: chris curry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: September 11, 2007 11:30:18 AM PDT
Planned-911' [EMAIL PROTECTED],  
Subject: Historical domain name, formerly owned by the Binladin  
family, goes up

Historical domain name, formerly owned by the Binladin family, goes up
for auction on eBay.


This name expired on 9-11-01 - the same day as the terror attacks  
in the

United States. Domain: www.saudi-binladin-group.com

This could be an interesting story for coverage in regards to 9/11,
technology, human interest and strange news.

Please contact Chris Curry at +1 (323) 459-1094 for further  

Thank you,


The Binladin family has dissociated itself from the Osama. Strangely
enough the Binladin family website expired on the very same day which
their estranged son and brother attacked the united stated. This
family's website expired on 9-11-01 - the same day of the US terrorist

Proof and facts are at http://saudi-binladin-group.com. This can  
also be

proved from various online articles (including Wired
Magazine:http://www.wired.com/politics/law/news/2001/11/48254) ,
discussion groups and research tools such as dialog.com.

This is a little known bit in the media, but is very verifiable and  
is a
fascinating and rarely documented part of the 9/11 story. Moreover,  

the last several years, I have placed an email server which has
harvested megabytes worth of email intended for Binladin brothers,
corporate correspondences and even strange Osama fan letters.

Please feel free to contact me at +1(323) 459-1094 or  

Based in Los Angeles and available immediately.

Christopher Curry

[cia-drugs] Re: [truthabout911] Re: Shooter's Expertise on Mideast Politics

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd
Sean, why don't you answer the questions posed to you. You are a  
coward, without even have the courage of your convictions to post  
under your real name.

And why do you demand so much information from people? Part of your  
spook job?

You make lists that are incongruent and speciously tie people  
together because of their last names, trying to lead people by their  
own prejudices and ignorance.

All to try to influence posters on a few, but very active,  
disassembling small-time Internet forums. What's the point, Sean?

If you really believed what you post,  Why would be spending your  
time here?

Kris Millegan

On Sep 11, 2007, at 11:45 AM, Sean McBride wrote:


1. Which specific Mideast countries did you visit?

2. For how long in each country?

3. On what business (generally speaking)?

4. What lessons did you learn from your visits to the Mideast?

5. Why did you support the disastrous Iraq War if you are indeed  
the Mideast expert you claim to be?

6.  Which news sources do you monitor regularly for your  
understanding of Mideast politics?  So far you haven't mentioned  
one.  I mentioned 70 sources.

Your notion that living in or visiting a region makes one an expert  
on the region is laughably naive.  One becomes an expert on a  
region by understanding the major issues in the region.  Acquiring  
that understanding requires a major education and a tremendous  
amount of reading.

I've sat around a seminar table with a head of Mossad.  I don't  
need to visit the Mideast to know what Mideast leaders are thinking  
and what they are planning.  That is why I was able to make much  
more accurate predictions about the outcome of the Iraq War than  
you were.

Oh, and the really key question: why is ISRAEL in particular such a  
hot button issue for you?  Does your emotion about Israel explain  
why you have posted more in the defense of the 9/11 official  
conspiracy theory than any other human being on the planet?

shooter586 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Well, put it this way. I have travelled to 8 ME countries over a 12
year span. This means I have been to 8 more countries than you have
and have 12 years more expereience than you have.

Now, your turn. What ME countries have you been to and how long have
you been there? Let me save you the trouble. ZERO and ZERO.

In other words, you are guessing that everything you read about hte
ME is factual and not biased by the author of your book collection.
Seeing how you stick to anti-Israel side of every story, you have
half the knowledge of what is going on in the ME.

Your understanding of militant Islam is a joke. You think Muslims
have never harmed a person in ytheir lives and are just victims of

Well? Have you even been to Israel? Didn't think so. So, you entire
knowledge of ME politics is from a biased book. You have a list of
authors that have done all the thinking for you. This explains a lot
why you think 9-11 was done by the US govt or Israel govt. You have
no facts, just guesses and assumptions. You can't base any of this on
factual claims, just suppositions and such.

Maybe you should just keep to making up lists of people that you are
deeply afraid of and jump when they go Boo!


 Shooter's Expertise on Mideast Politics

 Well, it looks like Shooter is craving discussion with me again.


 Which specific Mideast countries have you visited, and for how long
in each country? Why were you visiting them? What are the most
important lessons you learned from your experiences in those


 Why did you support the Iraq War? Most Mideast experts in the
realist foreign policy community predicted that the Iraq War would
turn into a catastrophe long before it started -- that was a no-
brainer. Even Dick Cheney understood this would happen back in the
days when he was sane and not under the thumb of the neocons.


 Which news channels do you follow regularly to understand Mideast

 These are mine:

 # Pro-Neoconservative News Sources

 1. Arutz Sheva (Israel National News)
 2. Atlas Shrugs (Pamela Geller Oshry)
 3. Commentary
 4. Daniel Pipes Weblog
 5. Dhimmi Watch (Robert Spencer)
 6. Faster, Please! (Michael Ledeen)
 7. FrontPage Magazine
 8. Instapundit (Glenn Reynolds)
 9. Israpundit (Ted Belman)
 10. Jerusalem Post
 11. Jewish Press
 12. Jewish World Review
 13. Jihad Watch (Robert Spencer)
 14. Joel C. Rosenberg
 15. Little Green Footballs (Charles Johnson)
 16. MEMRI
 17. National Review
 18. New York Post
 19. New York Sun
 20. One Jerusalem Blog
 21. Pajamas Media
 22. Power Line
 23. The Spine (Martin Peretz)
 24. Weekly Standard
 25. WorldNetDaily
 26. Zionist Conspiracy (Steven Plaut)

 # Anti-Neoconservative News Sources

 27. American Conservative
 28. Another Day in the Empire (Kurt Nimmo)
 29. Antiwar.com
 30. Antony Loewenstein
 31. Consortiumnews.com (Robert Parry)
 32. Counterpunch
 33. EIR 

[cia-drugs] Re: [truthabout911] Sean on the Bilderberg Group

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd

Sean, how come you never answer Shooter's questions?

How come you never answer my questions?

Just call me names.

Kris Millegan
On Sep 11, 2007, at 12:02 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

Let's try this again, Shooter:

Which of the following names are you claiming are NOT associated  
with the Bilderberg Group, the neoconservatives, the Israel lobby  
and the Iraq War?  How much do you know about each of these  
people?  Have you researched their roles in using 9/11 to engineer  
the Iraq War?

1. Israel lobby  Ahmad Chalabi  Bilderberg Group
2. Israel lobby  Barbara Amiel  Bilderberg Group
3. Israel lobby  Bruce Kovner  Bilderberg Group
4. Israel lobby  Conrad Black  Bilderberg Group
5. Israel lobby  Dennis Ross  Bilderberg Group
6. Israel lobby  Donald Graham  Bilderberg Group
7. Israel lobby  Douglas Feith  Bilderberg Group
8. Israel lobby  Dwayne Andreas  Bilderberg Group
9. Israel lobby  Henry Kissinger  Bilderberg Group
10. Israel lobby  Henry Kravis  Bilderberg Group
11. Israel lobby  John Bolton  Bilderberg Group
12. Israel lobby  Lawrence Summers  Bilderberg Group
13. Israel lobby  Marc Grossman  Bilderberg Group
14. Israel lobby  Marie-Josee Kravis  Bilderberg Group
15. Israel lobby  Mark Warner  Bilderberg Group
16. Israel lobby  Michael Ledeen  Bilderberg Group
17. Israel lobby  Norman Pearlstine  Bilderberg Group
18. Israel lobby  Paul Wolfowitz  Bilderberg Group
19. Israel lobby  Richard Holbrooke  Bilderberg Group
20. Israel lobby  Richard Perle  Bilderberg Group
21. Israel lobby  Robert Kagan  Bilderberg Group
22. Israel lobby  Stephen Harper  Bilderberg Group
23. Israel lobby  Thomas Friedman  Bilderberg Group
24. Israel lobby  William Luti  Bilderberg Group


2007-09-11 Thread Dr.Syed.S. Ahmed
Hi!I am in city of Bukavu located at the Rwandan - Congolese border.

I came here yesterday after looking video of execution of gorillas:


I saw that video several times after which I finally made up my mind
to come to the city of Bukavu at Rwandan-Congolese border to work
for the Montain gorilla conservation both in RwandaDem.Rep.of Congo.

Bukavu is a city in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC),
lying at the extreme south-eastern extent of Lake Kivu, west of
Cyangugu in Rwanda, and separated from it by the outlet of the
Ruzizi River. It is the capital of the Sud-Kivu province and has a
population of over 245,000, with another 250,000 people living in
the surrounding towns and villages.


I am staying at Islamic Centre in Bukavu.This is my mailing address:






If any one of of you can send me at this address any literature
about gorilla conservation in this area as well as information about
other endangered animals found here I will really appreciate that.

Dr.Syed Shehzad Ahmed
MSc.(Enviro Science),MD

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: [truthabout911] Shooter on the Bilderberg Group

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd
Sean, I have no idea who Shooter is or what his beliefs are. I am  
not upset about Israel, matter-of-fact, if one peruses any of my  
email lists, one can easily determine for themselves whether I shy  
away from discussing Israel or the dialectics surrounding it. What I  
do not support is Nazis or the holocaust denial canard.

Berlet is using spook rhetorical tricks to try and bind us.

Few people will engage with me in discussion? Please post something  
that supports that position.

I am the publisher of record of quite a few folks, and have more  
books coming out.

Please post something that supports your position that I am mentally  

Please post any libelous statement I have made against any former  
members of CIA-drugs@yahoogroups.com

So the neocons run the CRF and the Bilderberg group?

Colin Powell and George Tenet, now those are honorable men? Gee, are  
they the good guys versus them mean old nasty neocons?

What a crock.


On Sep 11, 2007, at 12:53 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

Notice how Shooter and Millegan are teaming up; what binds them  
is their extreme emotional upset about discussion about Israel and  
their utter incoherence in defending their cult beliefs.

Few people will engage in a discussion with Millegan because he is  
mentally ill.  He has made many false, libelous and insane  
accusations against many former members of his Yahoo group cia- 
drugs (now known as cia-drug-burnouts).  People tend to avoid him  
like they avoid crazy people on the street -- if you can at all  
help it, don't make eye contact.

There has still been no meaningful response about the role of  
neoconservatives and the Israel lobby in the Bilderberg Group.   
That role has been huge, and helps explain why the Bilderberg Group  
(and the CFR) were key players in using 9/11 to engineer the Iraq  
War.  Quite a few Bilderberg Group and CFR members have opposed the  
Iraq War (traditional foreign policy realists), but not enough to  
prevail in the policy debate.  Quite a few defectors from the Bush  
43 administration (including Colin Powell and George Tenet) are  
laying the blame for the Iraq War on the neocons.  They know what  
they are talking about -- they witnessed the policy process first- 

RoadsEnd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sean, how come you never answer Shooter's questions?

How come you never answer my questions?

Just call me names.

Kris Millegan
On Sep 11, 2007, at 12:02 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

Let's try this again, Shooter:

Which of the following names are you claiming are NOT associated  
with the Bilderberg Group, the neoconservatives, the Israel lobby  
and the Iraq War?  How much do you know about each of these  
people?  Have you researched their roles in using 9/11 to engineer  
the Iraq War?

1. Israel lobby  Ahmad Chalabi  Bilderberg Group
2. Israel lobby  Barbara Amiel  Bilderberg Group
3. Israel lobby  Bruce Kovner  Bilderberg Group
4. Israel lobby  Conrad Black  Bilderberg Group
5. Israel lobby  Dennis Ross  Bilderberg Group
6. Israel lobby  Donald Graham  Bilderberg Group
7. Israel lobby  Douglas Feith  Bilderberg Group
8. Israel lobby  Dwayne Andreas  Bilderberg Group
9. Israel lobby  Henry Kissinger  Bilderberg Group
10. Israel lobby  Henry Kravis  Bilderberg Group
11. Israel lobby  John Bolton  Bilderberg Group
12. Israel lobby  Lawrence Summers  Bilderberg Group
13. Israel lobby  Marc Grossman  Bilderberg Group
14. Israel lobby  Marie-Josee Kravis  Bilderberg Group
15. Israel lobby  Mark Warner  Bilderberg Group
16. Israel lobby  Michael Ledeen  Bilderberg Group
17. Israel lobby  Norman Pearlstine  Bilderberg Group
18. Israel lobby  Paul Wolfowitz  Bilderberg Group
19. Israel lobby  Richard Holbrooke  Bilderberg Group
20. Israel lobby  Richard Perle  Bilderberg Group
21. Israel lobby  Robert Kagan  Bilderberg Group
22. Israel lobby  Stephen Harper  Bilderberg Group
23. Israel lobby  Thomas Friedman  Bilderberg Group
24. Israel lobby  William Luti  Bilderberg Group


[cia-drugs] Re: [truthabout911] Re: Shooter's Expertise on Mideast Politics

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd
No, Sean is a spook, make no mistake.  There is method in his  
actions and  ... results. That is why I step up and expose him.

It is funny because you are using some of Berlet's own words against  
him, but it just a false dialectic argument.

Conspiracy and the corruption happening in our political and economic  
world are NOT happening because of some deep-seated emotional need or  
fears of mine or many of the others. We have actually done research  
and confirmed the fact of these corruptions.

This very real corruption of our body politic is happening  
because ... they can ... and do.

Kris Millegan
On Sep 11, 2007, at 1:44 PM, shooter586 wrote:

 He is hardly a spook. A spook would have a very basic understanding
 of the topics they talk about. He is just the rambling type that
 needs to make everyone else fearful of his own inane fears. This way,
 he doesn't look like such an outcast. Also, why he is forced to post
 24/7 from his bedroom.

 You will notice most of his lists are premade and pasted. He just
 posts them over and over again terying to get people to respond to
 him. He is very easily lead arounf by the neck and he can be made to
 do anything.

 Aski him a direct quesiton about 9-11 and he runs faster than Paul
 Watson from a lie detector.


 Sean, why don't you answer the questions posed to you. You are a
 coward, without even have the courage of your convictions to post
 under your real name.

 And why do you demand so much information from people? Part of
 spook job?

 You make lists that are incongruent and speciously tie people
 together because of their last names, trying to lead people by
 own prejudices and ignorance.

 All to try to influence posters on a few, but very active,
 disassembling small-time Internet forums. What's the point, Sean?

 If you really believed what you post,  Why would be spending your
 time here?

 Kris Millegan

 Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: [truthabout911] Shooter on the Bilderberg Group

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd
Ok, so let's see Sean,  if one prevails in the policy debate,  
would that not be the same as running the organization, i.e., telling  
the other members what the group is going to do. No, Berlet, you are  
fighting for your pseudonym's life and besides mostly all you want is  
engagement, because if you engage then you are ahead in your game.

And, I am so sorry that you can not understand the sophistication of  
the gambit that you present, but then that wouldn't be on point would  
it, John F.?

It's a gambit as old as the hills, how do you make the bad guys the  
good guys, well you create badder guys to oppose them, then the  
presto, GHW Bush, and the Oil companies are the good guys.

Again, you never answer my questions.

Where do the neocons bank? Is it different than Bush and the oil  

In this internal warfare among the elites are there ground-rules?

Do GHW and GW Bush eat at the same table at Kennebunkport?

Did GW and GHW exchange gifts at Christmas?

Sean McBride is the creation of spook John Foster Berlet.
Please take me to court.

Kris Millegan
On Sep 11, 2007, at 1:45 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

See, this is why I do not consider you to be a serious mind or  
someone worthy of respect in the conspiracy research community.   
This is typical of your very low level intellectual standards:


So the neocons run the CRF and the Bilderberg group?

Colin Powell and George Tenet, now those are honorable men? Gee,  
are they the good guys versus them mean old nasty neocons?


I said that the neocons prevailed in the policy debate over the  
Iraq War at the Bilderberg Group and the CFR, not that they run  
those groups.  For the time being, they have been exerting strong  
effective influence on those groups in getting them to go along  
with the Likud/AIPAC/AEI/JINSA line.  But that situation could  
change at any time, as the balance of power shifts once again in  
favor of traditional foreign policy realists.

And I didn't claim that Colin Powell and George Tenet are saints.   
But I do prefer anyone in the U.S. government who has opposed  
rather than supported the Iraq War.  Without a doubt Powell and  
Tenet were much too weak in standing up to the neocrazies in the  
Bush 43 administration: Paul Wolfowitz, Abram Shulsky, Elliott  
Abrams, Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, John Bolton and all the rest  
of the gang.

All of these discriminations are lost on you.  You come across like  
an excited little kid, full of righteous indignation and moral  
superiority which you haven't earned.  Not to mention the drug- 
induced paranoid schizophrenia, of course.  We now have three  
people on this list who have experienced your mental issues first- 
hand and who will testify to your problems in that area.  You give  
conspiracy theorizing a bad name because you get so many of your  
facts wrong.

RoadsEnd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sean, I have no idea who Shooter is or what his beliefs are. I  
am not upset about Israel, matter-of-fact, if one peruses any of my  
email lists, one can easily determine for themselves whether I shy  
away from discussing Israel or the dialectics surrounding it. What  
I do not support is Nazis or the holocaust denial canard.

Berlet is using spook rhetorical tricks to try and bind us.

Few people will engage with me in discussion? Please post something  
that supports that position.

I am the publisher of record of quite a few folks, and have more  
books coming out.

Please post something that supports your position that I am  
mentally ill.

Please post any libelous statement I have made against any former  
members of CIA-drugs@yahoogroups.com

So the neocons run the CRF and the Bilderberg group?

Colin Powell and George Tenet, now those are honorable men? Gee,  
are they the good guys versus them mean old nasty neocons?

What a crock.


On Sep 11, 2007, at 12:53 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

Notice how Shooter and Millegan are teaming up; what binds them  
is their extreme emotional upset about discussion about Israel and  
their utter incoherence in defending their cult beliefs.

Few people will engage in a discussion with Millegan because he is  
mentally ill.  He has made many false, libelous and insane  
accusations against many former members of his Yahoo group cia- 
drugs (now known as cia-drug-burnouts).  People tend to avoid him  
like they avoid crazy people on the street -- if you can at all  
help it, don't make eye contact.

There has still been no meaningful response about the role of  
neoconservatives and the Israel lobby in the Bilderberg Group.   
That role has been huge, and helps explain why the Bilderberg  
Group (and the CFR) were key players in using 9/11 to engineer the  
Iraq War.  Quite a few Bilderberg Group and CFR members have  
opposed the Iraq War (traditional foreign policy realists), but  
not enough to prevail in the policy debate.  Quite a few defectors  
from the Bush 43 

[cia-drugs] Re: [truthabout911] Re: Shooter's Expertise on Mideast Politics

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd
That's fine, say all you want. If you want to laugh and not read  
that's OK to, but it speaks volumes.

And by what you have said here denotes that you know very little of  
what I say or my understandings.

I just came here to expose John F. Berlet's use of Sean McBride,  
not to debate anonymouses over bullooney.

Kris Millegan

On Sep 11, 2007, at 3:03 PM, shooter586 wrote:

 Actually, your research is just as light-hearted as Sean's. I saw
 your webpage and laughed too hard to stay there.

 The fact that you CTistsd are fighting is like seeing the no-
 planers fight with other CTists.

 You are using arguments that have ZERO link to the scientific theory
 or method. You use terms that ouu know nothing about. You are
 pointing fingers at CIA and Mossad as if you have ANY knowledge of

 This is very typical with factions within each CT. I bet if I asked
 you to provide a single fact about the CIA's operations in the last
 decade, you will come up enpty.


 No, Sean is a spook, make no mistake.  There is method in his
 actions and  ... results. That is why I step up and expose him.

 It is funny because you are using some of Berlet's own words
 him, but it just a false dialectic argument.

 Conspiracy and the corruption happening in our political and
 world are NOT happening because of some deep-seated emotional need
 fears of mine or many of the others. We have actually done
 and confirmed the fact of these corruptions.

 This very real corruption of our body politic is happening
 because ... they can ... and do.

 Kris Millegan
 On Sep 11, 2007, at 1:44 PM, shooter586 wrote:

 He is hardly a spook. A spook would have a very basic
 of the topics they talk about. He is just the rambling type that
 needs to make everyone else fearful of his own inane fears. This
 he doesn't look like such an outcast. Also, why he is forced to
 24/7 from his bedroom.

 You will notice most of his lists are premade and pasted. He just
 posts them over and over again terying to get people to respond to
 him. He is very easily lead arounf by the neck and he can be made
 do anything.

 Aski him a direct quesiton about 9-11 and he runs faster than Paul
 Watson from a lie detector.

 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], RoadsEnd roadsend@ wrote:

 Sean, why don't you answer the questions posed to you. You are
 coward, without even have the courage of your convictions to post
 under your real name.

 And why do you demand so much information from people? Part of
 spook job?

 You make lists that are incongruent and speciously tie people
 together because of their last names, trying to lead people by
 own prejudices and ignorance.

 All to try to influence posters on a few, but very active,
 disassembling small-time Internet forums. What's the
 point, Sean?

 If you really believed what you post,  Why would be spending your
 time here?

 Kris Millegan

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] Re: [truthabout911] Re: Shooter's Expertise on Mideast Politics

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd
shooter wasn't debating 9/11. I declined.

First off, let us think this out together. Would Sean sound like  
Berlet if he was? And Sean is a fake persona, he is whomever is at  
the keyboard. A fake persona truly has nothing invested except what  
they can stir up. There is no culpability  ... or credibility. We are  
talking very important issues. I am a very real person, who has taken  
very public stands against very real corruption of our political and  
economic systems.

You do not understand that  by tainting the whole investigation  
into 9-11 with Israel did it, it makes Berlet's job easier?

It gives Berlet the perfect foil. It is classic psychological warfare.

Our hopes and fears are used all the time to manipulate our world.

Kris Millegan
On Sep 11, 2007, at 3:41 PM, Maxime wrote:

 As amusing as this has been on an otherwise depressing day... if  
 you are not
 here to debate the events of 9/11 could you please take your vendetta
 After reading the official and unofficial takes on Berlet, I do not  
 either one sounds like Sean, nor can I figure why being paranoid about
 Israel would advance the cause of either version of Berlet.
 Although points for making Sean squirm...

 Max (List Owner)
 - Original Message -
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Cia-drugs Cia-drugs
 Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 6:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [truthabout911] Re: Shooter's Expertise on Mideast  

 That's fine, say all you want. If you want to laugh and not read
 that's OK to, but it speaks volumes.

 And by what you have said here denotes that you know very little of
 what I say or my understandings.

 I just came here to expose John F. Berlet's use of Sean McBride,
 not to debate anonymouses over bullooney.

 Kris Millegan

 On Sep 11, 2007, at 3:03 PM, shooter586 wrote:

 Actually, your research is just as light-hearted as Sean's. I saw
 your webpage and laughed too hard to stay there.

 The fact that you CTistsd are fighting is like seeing the no-
 planers fight with other CTists.

 You are using arguments that have ZERO link to the scientific theory
 or method. You use terms that ouu know nothing about. You are
 pointing fingers at CIA and Mossad as if you have ANY knowledge of

 This is very typical with factions within each CT. I bet if I asked
 you to provide a single fact about the CIA's operations in the last
 decade, you will come up enpty.


 No, Sean is a spook, make no mistake.  There is method in his
 actions and  ... results. That is why I step up and expose him.

 It is funny because you are using some of Berlet's own words
 him, but it just a false dialectic argument.

 Conspiracy and the corruption happening in our political and
 world are NOT happening because of some deep-seated emotional need
 fears of mine or many of the others. We have actually done
 and confirmed the fact of these corruptions.

 This very real corruption of our body politic is happening
 because ... they can ... and do.

 Kris Millegan
 On Sep 11, 2007, at 1:44 PM, shooter586 wrote:

 He is hardly a spook. A spook would have a very basic
 of the topics they talk about. He is just the rambling type that
 needs to make everyone else fearful of his own inane fears. This
 he doesn't look like such an outcast. Also, why he is forced to
 24/7 from his bedroom.

 You will notice most of his lists are premade and pasted. He just
 posts them over and over again terying to get people to respond to
 him. He is very easily lead arounf by the neck and he can be made
 do anything.

 Aski him a direct quesiton about 9-11 and he runs faster than Paul
 Watson from a lie detector.

 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], RoadsEnd roadsend@ wrote:

 Sean, why don't you answer the questions posed to you. You are
 coward, without even have the courage of your convictions to post
 under your real name.

 And why do you demand so much information from people? Part of
 spook job?

 You make lists that are incongruent and speciously tie people
 together because of their last names, trying to lead people by
 own prejudices and ignorance.

 All to try to influence posters on a few, but very active,
 disassembling small-time Internet forums. What's the
 point, Sean?

 If you really believed what you post,  Why would be spending your
 time here?

 Kris Millegan

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 Yahoo! Groups Links

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 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.5.485 / Virus Database: 269.13.14/999 - Release Date:  
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[cia-drugs] Re: [truthabout911] Internet Stalkers

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd

Trying to pull your fat out of the fire?

Now, I am a stalker?

What has Sean McBride contributed to 9-11 research?

Nothing but divisiveness, name-calling and the mantra of Israel did it.

Some of my contributions directly to 9-11 research have been to host  
several email list, typeset, sell, get into Barnes  Noble, Daniel  
Hopsicker's fine book Welcome to Terrorland. I took some of the video  
and did some of the interviews for Hopsicker's Mohammed Atta and the  
Venice Flying Service. I publish Fighting for G.O.D. (Gold, Oil and  
Drugs) which also documents the elite's crime of 9-11. Plus many  
other books that expose the criminal behavior and corruption within  
our body politic.

I do not deny the influence of the Israeli lobby, never have, but you  
sir use rhetoric to create false dialectics.

Again, Sean what have you done using a false name on the Internet?  
please state one valid  accomplishment.


On Sep 11, 2007, at 5:21 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

You came here because you are a delusional stalker and paranoid  
schizophrenic who feels a compulsion to discharge your mental  
illness.  That's the beginning and end of it.

You're contributions to 9/11 research have been worthless.  In  
fact, I can't think of a single statement you have made on any  
subject which bears any connection to reality.

RoadsEnd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
That's fine, say all you want. If you want to laugh and not read
that's OK to, but it speaks volumes.

And by what you have said here denotes that you know very little of
what I say or my understandings.

I just came here to expose John F. Berlet's use of Sean McBride,
not to debate anonymouses over bullooney.

Kris Millegan

On Sep 11, 2007, at 3:03 PM, shooter586 wrote:

 Actually, your research is just as light-hearted as Sean's. I saw
 your webpage and laughed too hard to stay there.

 The fact that you CTistsd are fighting is like seeing the no-
 planers fight with other CTists.

 You are using arguments that have ZERO link to the scientific theory
 or method. You use terms that ouu know nothing about. You are
 pointing fingers at CIA and Mossad as if you have ANY knowledge of

 This is very typical with factions within each CT. I bet if I asked
 you to provide a single fact about the CIA's operations in the last
 decade, you will come up enpty.


 No, Sean is a spook, make no mistake. There is method in his
 actions and ... results. That is why I step up and expose him.

 It is funny because you are using some of Berlet's own words
 him, but it just a false dialectic argument.

 Conspiracy and the corruption happening in our political and
 world are NOT happening because of some deep-seated emotional need
 fears of mine or many of the others. We have actually done
 and confirmed the fact of these corruptions.

 This very real corruption of our body politic is happening
 because ... they can ... and do.

 Kris Millegan
 On Sep 11, 2007, at 1:44 PM, shooter586 wrote:

 He is hardly a spook. A spook would have a very basic
 of the topics they talk about. He is just the rambling type that
 needs to make everyone else fearful of his own inane fears. This
 he doesn't look like such an outcast. Also, why he is forced to
 24/7 from his bedroom.

 You will notice most of his lists are premade and pasted. He just
 posts them over and over again terying to get people to respond to
 him. He is very easily lead arounf by the neck and he can be made
 do anything.

 Aski him a direct quesiton about 9-11 and he runs faster than Paul
 Watson from a lie detector.

 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], RoadsEnd roadsend@ wrote:

 Sean, why don't you answer the questions posed to you. You are
 coward, without even have the courage of your convictions to post
 under your real name.

 And why do you demand so much information from people? Part of
 spook job?

 You make lists that are incongruent and speciously tie people
 together because of their last names, trying to lead people by
 own prejudices and ignorance.

 All to try to influence posters on a few, but very active,
 disassembling small-time Internet forums. What's the
 point, Sean?

 If you really believed what you post, Why would be spending your
 time here?

 Kris Millegan

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] Chipper Shredder

2007-09-11 Thread muckblit
1) Cover

a. Excuse aliasing by alleging mossad-neocon stalking. When a pro
or his dufus is stalked or arrested or simply protesteth too much,
keep your mind open to identify evidence of lightning rod method of

2) Blind spots

a. Saudi-funded Baker plan, four generations of Bush nazi(Sam and
Prescott Bush backed Hitler from 1920's), obscene quid pro quo cui
bono of oil profits not justified by decrease in or threat to supply,
obscene quid pro quo cui bono two trillion dollars in weapons related
profits on the **OTHERWISE** strategically unfounded Iraqwar.
ARAMCO-CIA history. Hundred year US-Brit plan to restrain Iraq and
Iran oil production, first by locking up exploration and never
drilling, then by Iraq state oil monopoly (versus privatization) and
OPEC quota system. Venice and Ghengis, Lord Cecil and Sax Goat
Pergamos and Rocicrucians, Nathan Rothschild moved to England,
Canadian Final Solution, British concentration camps in Boer War,
Prescott Bush managed Robber Baron US plunder in Germany WW2 and
started CIA. CIA and ARAMCO. 911 Porter Goss and Pak/Saudi intel and
Lebanese heroin tribe(see Hopsicker and Les Coleman re Lebanes connect
to CIA and airplane crashes Lockerbie and 911).

3) Mantra

b. PNAC, neocons, benefit Israel, constantly harping that oil
company janitors are unanimously indifferent to oil profits excused by war

Neocons led us into Vietnam, neocons led us out of Vietnam, and
neocons took a lot of blame for Vietnam. Heard of Vietnam lately?
Neocons are painted on ladies and stand-off armor(firewalling) for
nazis. Joseph Alsop, Ed Lansdale, deja vu. Nazi ratline, Max ratline;
British nazi(Canadian Final Solution and Brit Boer war
concentration camps) occupation of Palestine, succeeding 40 year
Zionist occupation of Palestine and apartheid. Maybe Chipper Shredder
thinks nazis have to be German, when all they have to be is Sax Goat
Pergamite Jacobins and Mazzini gangers. You might find a lightning rod
or a blind dog in a short history of weapons-mongering strategies of

[cia-drugs] Re: [truthabout911] Internet Stalkers

2007-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd
Sean, you are splitting hairs here and then go for soft positions  
whenever anybody questions you.

What are all your Israeli lobby lists about?

What about the big fight between elite factions, where GHW is on one  
side and his son GW are on the other? You have stated that this  
fight is very real.

And again, Sean you never answer questions. Why?

And what have you done?

Kris Millegan
On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:50 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

More lies: I've repeatedly said that Israel DIDN'T do it.  Israel  
doesn't control the American military-industrial complex, or NORAD,  
or the FBI, etc.  A small faction within the Israeli government may  
have played in a role in 9/11 in combination with factions within  
the American, British and Australian governments (and perhaps even  
other governments -- Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, etc.)  But all of this  
is unknown to date.  We can only speculate about who controlled  
9/11.  Neocons are leading suspects, but neocons come from all over  
the ethnic and religious map.  Most (probably all) neocons are  
militant Zionists in some sense, but quite a few of them are  
clearly using Israel and Zionists for their own non-Israeli and non- 
Jewish purposes.  A few of them are probably antisemites.

This discussion is going way over your head because you are unable  
to make fine distinctions on any subject.  You never bothered to  
get an education, and the skills and discipline required to do real  
research.  Instead you took a great deal of psychedelic drugs which  
have messed up what limited ability you had to work with in the  
first place.  Now we behold the results.  Not in Syd Barrett  
territory yet, but getting close.

RoadsEnd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Trying to pull your fat out of the fire?

Now, I am a stalker?

What has Sean McBride contributed to 9-11 research?

Nothing but divisiveness, name-calling and the mantra of Israel did  

Some of my contributions directly to 9-11 research have been to  
host several email list, typeset, sell, get into Barnes  Noble,  
Daniel Hopsicker's fine book Welcome to Terrorland. I took some of  
the video and did some of the interviews for Hopsicker's Mohammed  
Atta and the Venice Flying Service. I publish Fighting for G.O.D.  
(Gold, Oil and Drugs) which also documents the elite's crime of  
9-11. Plus many other books that expose the criminal behavior and  
corruption within our body politic.

I do not deny the influence of the Israeli lobby, never have, but  
you sir use rhetoric to create false dialectics.

Again, Sean what have you done using a false name on the  
Internet? please state one valid  accomplishment.


On Sep 11, 2007, at 5:21 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

You came here because you are a delusional stalker and paranoid  
schizophrenic who feels a compulsion to discharge your mental  
illness.  That's the beginning and end of it.

You're contributions to 9/11 research have been worthless.  In  
fact, I can't think of a single statement you have made on any  
subject which bears any connection to reality.

RoadsEnd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
That's fine, say all you want. If you want to laugh and not read
that's OK to, but it speaks volumes.

And by what you have said here denotes that you know very little of
what I say or my understandings.

I just came here to expose John F. Berlet's use of Sean McBride,
not to debate anonymouses over bullooney.

Kris Millegan

On Sep 11, 2007, at 3:03 PM, shooter586 wrote:

 Actually, your research is just as light-hearted as Sean's. I saw
 your webpage and laughed too hard to stay there.

 The fact that you CTistsd are fighting is like seeing the no-
 planers fight with other CTists.

 You are using arguments that have ZERO link to the scientific  

 or method. You use terms that ouu know nothing about. You are
 pointing fingers at CIA and Mossad as if you have ANY knowledge of

 This is very typical with factions within each CT. I bet if I asked
 you to provide a single fact about the CIA's operations in the last
 decade, you will come up enpty.


 No, Sean is a spook, make no mistake. There is method in his
 actions and ... results. That is why I step up and expose him.

 It is funny because you are using some of Berlet's own words
 him, but it just a false dialectic argument.

 Conspiracy and the corruption happening in our political and
 world are NOT happening because of some deep-seated emotional need
 fears of mine or many of the others. We have actually done
 and confirmed the fact of these corruptions.

 This very real corruption of our body politic is happening
 because ... they can ... and do.

 Kris Millegan
 On Sep 11, 2007, at 1:44 PM, shooter586 wrote:

 He is hardly a spook. A spook would have a very basic
 of the topics they talk about. He is just the rambling type that