[cia-drugs] TaserCop Syndrome pdf, Virgin Soil Targeted from UK's Big Oil = Gay Commuinty

2008-03-25 Thread Europeangenocideiii
Big Oil = Gay Community = Virgin Atlantic's Signal of rape of Virgin

1990's Election Rigging was Narcotics Linked to Mark Thatcher.

Here's the TaserCop Syndrome information from Childhood Without War, of
the World Peace Plan being attacked as though WWII repeated after

ALL Narcotics Activity from Hindi Pakistani  UK EU Acting Community
targeting the World Peace Organizer is IRRELEVANT to the World Peace
detailed in the pdf linked here,

TaserCop link to Election Rigging = NO LOGIC USED all Activities 
Decisions SCHEDULED.


Don't assume, ASK QUESTIONS.

The Internet ENDS ISOLATION  opportunities for Vicitimization.Review of
Group Policies from Group Administrators is needed to avoid isolation of
those obviously trying to communicate, in need of help or being attacked
or victimized.

TaserCop PDF

Information here on Alleged Crimes  Criminal Activity is also at

[cia-drugs] Fwd: sub races

2008-03-25 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 11:42 pm
Subject: sub races

 New class of submarine all about mission of 

The Associated Press 



ABOARD THE USS OHIO — Capt. Andy Hale has just worked out and is still in a 
sweaty T-shirt and shorts as he stands in the battle command center. He is 
watching a flat-screen display that shows what's happening outside on the bow 
and the aft. 

His billion-dollar submarine — the U.S. Navy's newest twist on underwater 
warfare — is hovering just below the surface off the Pacific island of Guam as 
submersible disappears into the dark waters, carrying a team of commandos. 

The USS Ohio is the first of a new class of submarine created in a conversion 
from 1970s vessels by trading nuclear-tipped ICBMs for conventional cruise 
missiles and a contingent of commandos ready to be launched onto virtually any 
shore through rejiggered missile tubes — against conventional forces or 
terrorists. The sub's cruise across the Pacific comes as China builds its 
submarine fleet into the region's largest as part of the bulking up of its 
military. The voyage is the Ohio's first deployment since the makeover, and 
is in the odd position of showing the ship off. 

Commandos aboard 

It's odd because the sub is all about stealth. Hale can't talk about 
where the ship is going. The back of the ship, where the nuclear power 
plant is located, is off- limits. The leader of the SEAL commando contingent 
aboard can't be named, and the commandos themselves can't be photographed in 
way that shows their faces. 

But, over the next few months, the Ohio will be making a very public 
statement, training intensively in some of the world's most crowded and 
contested waters and joining in exercises with America's Asian allies. Instead 
of hiding them, the Ohio will be showcasing its abilities to elude detection 
operate too deeply and quickly to be tracked. 

Then it will likely do what it does best — vanish. Submarines are the 
original stealth platform, Hale said. Submarine forces have always viewed the 
Pacific as a very important strategic area . . . it's certainly grown in 
importance in the last 10 years. Just about every country with a coastline in 
Asia wants or has subs. 

China, Japan, Australia, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia, Singapore, 
Bangladesh and South Korea and North Korea either now have or are planning to 
acquire them. Most don't pose much of a threat to the more advanced American 
fleet. But that is changing. 

Large Chinese fleet 

While Russia continues to be a factor, China now has the biggest submarine 
fleet in the region, with nearly 60. The United States has upped its presence 
the Pacific and now has more ships — and more subs — in this part of the world 
than in the Atlantic. But they are still outnumbered. There are many 
in the Pacific, Hale said. China is certainly one of them, but it is not the 
only one. 

China's subs are mainly diesel-powered, meaning they must come up for air 
more frequently than U.S. nuclear-powered vessels, and their crews are not 
believed to be as well trained as American submariners, who spend several 
at a time at sea. 

China's fleet is also highly focused on patrolling its own coastal waters and 
on dealing with potential hostilities over Taiwan, rather than with projecting 
force, or trying to control faraway shipping lanes. But its the long-term 
remain opaque. 

Two years ago, a Chinese sub shocked the U.S. Navy by surfacing within 
torpedo range of the USS Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier near the Japanese island 
Okinawa. Beijing claimed the sub was in international waters and was not 
stalking the carrier, which was taking part in a naval exercise. 

The growing rivalry was underscored in November, when Beijing refused a 
scheduled port call by the Kitty Hawk's battle group to Hong Kong, forcing 
thousands of sailors to spend Thanksgiving at sea. In January, however, China 
allowed a visit to the port by another U.S. Navy vessel. 

Washington has repeatedly expressed concern that China is pouring money into 
expanding its forces. Beijing increased its military budget by nearly 18 
to about $45 billion last year, the largest annual hike in more than a decade, 
and U.S. officials believe actual spending is greater. 

Devil of deterrence 

The Chinese, meanwhile, are closely watching to see how U.S. concern 
translates into changes in the U.S. Navy. When the Ohio, which is based in 
Bangor, Wash., docked at Guam last month, China's official Xinhua news agency 
called the submarine a warehouse of explosives and a devil of deterrence. 
If the Ohio turns west from Guam, it would need only hours to travel to the 
coastal waters of 

[cia-drugs] Clinton GOP Schizoid Campaign Tactic Explained, Felony Stalking Activity

2008-03-25 Thread Europeangenocideiii
Groups like this one, Yahoo, Google political groups are used as a
literal Brain trust for those outside the Clinton Campaign or (outside
of your campaign) claiming direction of your opponents Campaign.

Clinton tried it  failed with the, Words are important, argument that
fell flat.

Watch out!  The issues  tact of your groups may be used as a Clinton

1. Record your conversations, on the phone, on the Internet,
2. Record your TV watching,
3. Record your daily conversations  exposure to information to catch
the Clintons  your Campaign oppponent in the act of Extreme Invasive
Surveilance of an Illegal Electronic Space Satellite Governance System.

Why the Aryan Centric Western Campaigns don't solve problems with their
National Exposure of so called Issues
The Campaign Directors on the outside are of the Narcotic
Organizations of Europe who don't have any ideas of the their own on top
of NOT CARING about the Issues  Problems of the United States  Allied

Who is claiming the Director's chair of any Campaign?
- Gay Community
- Scientologist skilled Hindi Pakistani Stalkers
- Narcotics Community
- GOP in the Bush Loop of the eyes have it California Syndrome
- EU Politicians   Commercial Royal Presidents  CEO's
- UK Actors, Reporters  writers acting as Royalty from India  Pakistan
claiming to have kidnapped the world's Billionaires  Millionaires 
claiming to direct their spending in the stock market  claiming to
direct YOUR Spending also

How to avoid their influence?
1. Question Legislation  Decisions made, MAKE SURE YOU ARE AT LIBERTY
2. ASK QUESTIONs, Don't assume Collusion or Culpability.
3. DO NOT TRUST EUROPEANS  Hindi Pakistani bas a safety
precaution/b. Internationally televised events are used to eNetwork
brains eKidnapped  direct thought.  ANY Pakistan news was used to
eNetwork India   Pakistan with NON NEWS  converage of a NON ISSUE that
ended up monopolizing the United States State Department  WH attention.
THESE EU Hindi Pakistani Narcotics Political  Commecial Organizations
've been claiming Rule of Earth  influence of Life OF Earth, Natural
Resources  Weather.  Appearance of Aryan or Western Media Dominance is
important.  Clinton Idea theft  Campaign Stalkers ALL LINKED TO
NARCOTICS ACTIVITY. Why would 2000-2005's California Billboards look
Aryan Western when California's Demographic is less that 10% Aryan

Next up, TaserCop Syndrom Breifing

Information here on Alleged Crimes  Criminal Activity is also at

[cia-drugs] Fwd: OIL RUSH! -- As Arctic Ice Melts, U.S. Firm Races to Control North Pole's OIL

2008-03-25 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 9:15 pm
Subject: OIL RUSH! -- As Arctic Ice Melts, U.S. Firm Races to Control North 
Pole's OIL

U.S. firm lays claim to 'potentially vast' Arctic oil 

Firm lays claim to nearly all of an expected 400 billion 

Randy Boswell, 

The Ottawa Citizen,?March 21, 


A U.S.-based company that has controversially laid claim to nearly all of the 
Arctic Ocean's undersea oil said yesterday that new geological data suggest a 
potentially vast petroleum resource of 400 billion barrels.

That figure is backed by a respected Canadian researcher who recently signed 
on as the firm's chief scientific adviser.

Las Vegas-based Arctic Oil  Gas 


has raised eyebrows around the world with its roll-of-the-dice bid to lock up 
exclusive rights to extract oil and gas from rapidly melting areas of the 
central Arctic Ocean, currently beyond the territorial control of Canada, 
and other polar nations.

[ Sponsor Content ] 

The company, which counts retired B.C. senator Edward Lawson 
among its directors, has filed a claim with the United Nations to act as the 
sole development agent of Arctic seabed oil and gas.

The firm acknowledges that the Arctic's petroleum deposits are the common 
heritage of mankind, but has argued that the polar region requires a private 
lead manager to organize a multinational consortium of oil companies to 
extract undersea resources responsibly and equitably.

The Canadian government has dismissed the company's alleged claim over 
Arctic oil as having no force in law, but experts in polar issues have raised 
alarms about the firm's actions, saying they could disrupt efforts to create an 
orderly regime for exploiting resources and protecting the Arctic environment 
under international law rather than a marketplace model.

In its latest statement about the polar seabed's enormous reserve potential 
for petroleum deposits, Arctic Oil  Gas cites recent scientific evidence 
that huge, floating mats of azolla -- a prehistoric fern believed to have 
covered much of the Arctic Ocean during a planetary hothouse era about 55 
million years ago -- decomposed soon after the age of the dinosaurs and exist 
today as vast hydrocarbon resources trapped in layers of rock below the polar 
ice cap.

Jonathan Bujak, a former geoscientist with the Geological Survey of Canada 
who now works as a private consultant in Canada and Britain, is described in 
Arctic Oil  Gas statement as confirming the highly probable validity of 
recent research pointing to rock layers extremely rich in hydrocarbon 
precursors throughout the Arctic basin.

Mr. Bujak, who previously worked for PetroCanada as a petroleum geologist, 
co-authored a landmark 2006 study in the journal Nature that first detailed the 
ancient azolla explosion that shows up today in Arctic seabed core samples.

Neither Mr. Bujak nor Mr. Lawson could be reached for comment yesterday.

Scientists have predicted that global warming could leave the entire Arctic 
virtually ice-free for months at a time within 20 years. That prospect has 
hastened a scramble among nations with a polar coast -- namely Canada, Russia, 
the U.S., Norway and Denmark, which controls Greenland -- to try to strengthen 
their scientific claims under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea to 
extended territorial sovereignty over the Arctic Ocean floor.

A report issued last week by the European Union's top two foreign policy 
officials also highlighted the looming international struggle over Arctic oil 

Authored by Javier Solana, the EU's foreign policy chief, and Benita 
Ferrero-Waldner, Europe's commissioner for external relations, the study 
to potential consequences for international stability and European security 
interests as the retreat of Arctic ice makes shipping and oil and gas 
exploration a reality in the region.

Noting the rapid melting of the polar ice caps, the report noted that the 
increased accessibility of the enormous hydrocarbon resources in the Arctic 
region is changing the geo-strategic dynamics of the 

Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL Home.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Neocons Circle Their Wagons Around John McCain

2008-03-25 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 8:58 pm
Subject: Neocons Circle Their Wagons Around John McCain

13 March 2008

McCain and PNAC 



McCain has surrounded himself with the 
best and brightest from the now-defunct Project for the New American 
Century: Randy Scheunemann, one 
of its directors, is serving as McCain’s top foreign policy advisor. He is 
joined by PNAC’s founder, Bill Kristol, along with Gary Schmitt (President), 
Robert Kagan (director), and James Woolsey 

More than any other group, PNAC has exerted 
the greatest influence over the Bush administration with regard to foreign 
policy. In 1998, PNAC sent a letter to President Clinton (signed by the likes 
Cheney, Rumsefeld, Wolfowitz, and others) urging him to effect regime change in 
Iraq because of Saddam Hussein’s so-called development of WMDs. Clinton 
responded by initiating Operation Desert Fox, bombing military targets over a 
period of several days to “degrade” Iraq’s ability to produce nuclear weapons. 

A mere nine days after 9/11, PNAC sent a letter (signed again by 
many of the same luminaries) asking that President Bush attack Iraq even if 
no links to 9/11 were found. The Bush administration promptly proceeded to 
do just that: according to the testimony of ex-CIA and FBI, every intelligence 
agent in Iraq was tasked to discover links between Hussein and al-Qaeda. When 
they came up with nothing, they were ordered to look again. Despite the lack of 
credible links, the Bush administration proceeded to act as PNAC had 

PNAC is an intellectual thinktank founded in 1997 by 
Bill Kristol. Its purpose, as set forth on its website, is to “advance American 
in the new century” by asserting “American global leadership” through 
“a foreign policy that boldly and purposefully promotes American principles 
abroad.” This would involve “challeng[ing] regimes hostile to our 
interests and values” and “preserving and extending an international 
order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles.” This 
would all be accomplished, of course, through the use of force, or by the 
of force. 

PNAC makes no secret of its intent for American global 
hegemony (in Kristol’s own words, a ”benevolent global hegemony”): in a 
position paper published in 2000, PNAC 
advocated the nuclear strategic superiority of the United States, not simply 
over Russia, but over the world. One of the ways it would promote American 
military dominance is by “fight[ing] and decisively win[ning] multiple, 
simultaneous major theater wars.” 

Can you say frightening? The 
only thing more bizarre than this plan for world dominance is that PNAC has 
so overt and straightforward about it. And more frightening still, these are 
men who have filled the Bush administration at its highest levels. 

It was from PNAC that Bush became persuaded of the triple 
threat emanating from Iraq, Iran, and North Korea (borrowing David Frum’s 
“axis of evil” phrase). No sooner did PNAC indicate a so-called threat from 
(a country with no army, no navy, no air force, and no nuclear weapons), then 
the administration began its saber-rattling. It was a heavy blow to PNAC’s 
interests when the NIE issued a finding that Iran had halted production of 
nuclear weapons in 2003 because of international pressure. Cheney, one of the 
strongest voices opposed to Iran and a PNAC member, is undeterred; he has 
his focus from nuclear weapons to ballistic missiles. If one recalls that the 
possible presence of a nuclear arsenal in Iraq was the only legitimate 
justification for a preemptive strike (side issues like the good of liberating 
Iraqis from Hussein’s oppression and the furtherance of democracy could never 
justifications per se for a preemptive war) and that WMDs were never 
found, one surmises that any future administration controlled by PNAC (such as 
McCain’s, if elected) will hardly find it necessary to justify a strike based 
the actual presence of nuclear weapons. Another excuse will do. One way or 
another, the plan for American empire will move forward.

Case in point: 
PNAC has proposed establishing permanent bases in 
Iran even if no real threat exists: 

Over the long term, Iran may well prove as large a threat to 
  U.S. interests in the Gulf as Iraq has. And even should U.S.-Iranian 
  relations improve, retaining forward-based forces in the region would still 
  an essential element in U.S. security strategy given the longstanding 
  interests in the region.
If its members get their way, 
expect an increase in American troops in Iraq, and for a very long time: 

[T]here is little reason to anticipate that the U.S. air 
  presence in the region 


2008-03-25 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis



By Erica Marat http://jamestown.org/search.php?author=Erica+Marat

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Although the international community has condemned Beijing's crackdown 
against rioters in the Tibetan Autonomous Region, the Russian government 
was among the first to show its active support for the Chinese 
authorities. The riots began March 10, and the subsequent crackdown has 
caused dozens of civilian deaths.

The Russian Foreign Ministry called the ongoing riots in Lhasa, the 
Tibetan capital, illegal, restating its view of Tibet as an inalienable 
part of China. Moscow has also stated that an international boycott of 
the Olympic games in Beijing this year would be unacceptable. There are 
a multitude of reasons for the Russian government's support of China, 
but at the top of the list are economic and military ties, a shared 
perception of terrorism threats, and Russia's membership in the Shanghai 
Cooperation Organization (SCO). Besides Russia, the SCO includes 
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

While the international community is primarily concerned that their 
future relations with China will be complicated by the violent 
suppression of riots, their reaction to the Tibet situation will 
inevitably affect China's neighbors and the SCO's internal dynamics. The 
Tibetan Autonomous Region has emerged as a volatile zone in China where 
the SCO might potentially play a role. Tibet, located between India and 
the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, will likely shape the scenarios for 
future SCO anti-terrorist exercises. The SCO's counter-secessionist 
campaign has already subtly incorporated the region, but Tibet will now 
likely have even greater importance for the organization. In suppressing 
the recent riots in Tibet, Chinese authorities acted within the 
organization's primary purpose; namely, fighting against the three evils 
of terrorism, separatism, and extremism.

Until recently China has been strengthening the SCO in order to secure 
Russia's cooperation as well as that of the Central Asian states on its 
western frontiers. The SCO's annual anti-terrorist exercises, Peace 
Mission, are designed to train a joint force to deal with security 
threats arising on the territories of its member states. A scenario 
dealing with a mass uprising similar to the one in Andijan, Uzbekistan, 
in May 2005 was used in the SCO's August 2007 exercises at Russia's 
Povolzhsk-Uralsk military district. With Tibet coming into the picture, 
the range and scope of the SCO's joint exercises will expand yet again.

Both Russia and China have been major investors in Peace Mission 
activities, while Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan 
have sought to increase their participation every year. In 2006 Russia 
and China conducted bilateral anti-terrorism exercises on China's 
Shandong peninsula in full view of Taiwan.

While Moscow and Beijing share a common concern with secessionist 
movements within their territories, other SCO members have followed 
their lead on key policies. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, for example, 
often mimic Russian foreign policy even when their interests are not 
directly concerned. The Kyrgyz government, in particular, has been 
loyally repeating Moscow's foreign policy statements. Similar to Russia, 
the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry sought to publicly state its condemnation of 
Kosovar independence and still refuses to recognize Taiwan's autonomy.

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan have their own rationales behind their 
statements in support of the Chinese government. The Kazakh government 
has backed Beijing's policies in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region 
that seek to curb separatists movements by the local Turkic population. 
For Uzbekistan the SCO and Russian-led Collective Security Treaty 
Organization represent a multilateral shield against international 
criticism of its domestic politics. Most analysts in EU governing bodies 
compare the way the Andijan incident in 2005 was handled with the 
Chinese government's bloody suppression of demonstrations in Tiananmen 
Square in 1989. Shortly after the Andijan events, Uzbek President Islam 
Karimov visited Moscow and Beijing, where he was assured of political 
support. Finally, growing economic ties between the Central Asian states 
and China have increased political cooperation between both regions as well.

Currently, the SCO's roster includes economically and internationally 
weak Central Asian states, undermining the group's geopolitical 
importance. However, the organization has limited options for expansion. 
India's interest in the Central Asian region, as well as military 
cooperation with Russia and China, has been increasing in the past few 
years, making it a potential candidate for full SCO membership. But 
Pakistan's interest in the organization complicates matters. The 
possibility of Iranian membership in the 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Saddam's Files Raise Questions About Bush Assassination Claim

2008-03-25 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 9:43 am
Subject: Fwd: Saddam's Files Raise Questions About Bush Assassination Claim



President Bush said lots of things about Saddam Hussein in the run-up 
  to the Iraq War.? But few of his charges grabbed more attention than an 
  unscripted remark he made at a Texas political fund-raiser on Sept. 26, 
  2002.? After all, this is a guy who tried to kill my dad at one time, 
  Bush said.? The comment referred to a 1993 claim by the Kuwaiti 
  government -- accepted by the
Clinton administration -- that the Iraqi 
  Intelligence Service?had plotted to assassinate President George H.W. 
  Bush during a trip to Kuwait that spring.

  curiously little has been heard about the allegedly foiled 
plot in the five years since the U.S. military invaded 
  Iraq.? A just-released
Pentagon study on the Iraqi regime's ties to 
  terrorism only adds to the mystery.
The review combed through 600,000 pages 
  of Iraqi intelligence documents seized after the fall of Baghdad, as well as 
  thousands of hours of audio- and video-tapes of Saddam's conversations
  his ministers and top aides.? The study found that the I.I.S. kept 
  remarkably detailed records of virtually every operation it planned.? 
  But, they found NO documents that referred to a plan to kill Bush.? The 
  absence was conspicuous because researchers, aware of its potential 
  significance, were looking for such evidence. 

Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL Home.


[cia-drugs] Don’t discount Gore-led ticket

2008-03-25 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
/*A compromise candidate could be someone such as former vice president 
Al Gore, Mahoney said last week during a meeting with this news 
organization’s editorial board.*/


 Mark Tomasik: Don’t discount Gore-led ticket

By Mark Tomasik http://www.tcpalm.com/staff/mark-tomasik/ (Contact 

Monday, March 24, 2008

U.S. Rep. Tim Mahoney, whose district includes much of Martin and St. 
Lucie counties, is hoping he won’t have to attend the Democratic Party 
national convention in Denver in August.

If he does go, that will mean the Democrats still haven’t decided a 
nominee for the presidential election. And if neither Sen. Hillary 
Clinton nor Sen. Barack Obama has clinched the nomination by August, 
Mahoney says we may see a brokered convention, meaning the nominee could 
emerge from a negotiated settlement.

“If it (the nomination process) goes into the convention, don’t be 
surprised if someone different is at the top of the ticket,” Mahoney said.

A compromise candidate could be someone such as former vice president Al 
Gore, Mahoney said last week during a meeting with this news 
organization’s editorial board.

If either Clinton or Obama suggested to a deadlocked convention a ticket 
of Gore-Clinton or Gore-Obama, the Democratic Party would accept it, 
Mahoney said.

Mahoney, who is one of the superdelegates who gets to cast a vote at the 
convention, hasn’t endorsed a candidate. He said he doesn’t intend to 
endorse anyone because “I don’t see it as my job as a district 
representative” to endorse a nominee for the presidential race.

If neither Clinton nor Obama has enough delegates to secure the 
nomination by the time the convention starts Aug. 25, Mahoney will have 
to cast a superdelegate vote for someone. Superdelegates make up about 
one-fifth of the total number of delegates to the convention and are 
free to support any candidate for nomination. Most superdelegates are 
current or former elected officeholders or party officials.

As an uncommitted superdelegate, Mahoney said he has been wooed by 
Clinton and Obama for an endorsement. Clinton has been the more 
aggressive solicitor, Mahoney said.

Mahoney said he has met twice with Obama. He has met more often with 
Clinton. Two weeks ago, Mahoney attended a cocktail party at Clinton’s 
house in Washington, D.C., he said. Mahoney told of how impressed he is 
by Clinton’s commitment to helping people and her human touch. When 
Clinton learned that Mahoney’s daughter is interested in horses, she 
called the girl to encourage her interest, Mahoney said.

While Mahoney hasn’t committed to either contender, he clearly likes 
Clinton and her stance on issues. He praised her for having a grasp of 
matters of importance to Floridians, especially homeowners insurance 
reform. (He also made the point that Sen. John McCain, the apparent 
Republican presidential nominee, is the only candidate in either party 
not to support national reform of homeowners insurance.)

Mahoney described Clinton as being “incredibly bright, very personable” 
and having “an unbelievable grasp of policy” during his meetings with her.

Mahoney said he had intended to skip the convention because “I have 
better things to do in my district” than attend what recently has become 
a glorified pep rally. He will stay away if his superdelegate vote isn’t 
needed. Meanwhile, he’s lobbying to get the results of the Jan. 29 
Florida primary vote to count.

The national Democratic Party and its chairman, Howard Dean, stripped 
Florida of its delegates as punishment for violating party rules by 
moving up the state’s primary date from March to Jan. 29. Dean banned 
the Democratic candidates from campaigning in Florida. Still, a record 
1.75 million Democrats voted in the Florida primary. Clinton won by 17 
percentage points.

A recent statewide poll of registered Democratic voters by the St. 
Petersburg Times and its television partner showed that the campaigning 
boycott of Florida had little effect on Democratic voters’ choices in 
the Jan. 29 primary. The poll showed that 56 percent said the lack of 
campaigning had “no effect at all” on their vote. Also, 77 percent of 
the people polled said that it is “very important” to them that the 
results of the Jan. 29 primary count.

Mirroring our editorial board’s position and the poll results, Mahoney 
said the Jan. 29 results should be counted and the full slate of 
delegates should be seated at the convention.

“The delegates have to be treated fairly and responsibly and given full 
weight,” Mahoney said.

The St. Petersburg Times poll showed that one in four state Democrats 
might not vote for the party’s nominee if Florida delegates aren’t given 
a full say in the presidential nomination. That would seem to indicate 
that all Florida Democratic candidates for office in November could be 

[cia-drugs] Akha Journal: Ride for Freedom Update

2008-03-25 Thread Matthew McDaniel
Dear Friends:
  We continue to work and raise funds for the Ride for Freedom. 
  Granted we are getting a later start than we wanted but we are not 
  Continue to watch our progress at www.akha.org in our fundraising. Be a part 
of the progress, I encourage you to make a donation to the project and help 
this great cause for Akha Human Rights.
  Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation.
http://www.akha.org Akha Heritage Site.
Discussion http://groups.yahoo.com/group/akha
Donate Via Credit Card Paypal: 

PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.

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