[cia-drugs] Tavistock

2008-03-26 Thread norgesen
Many people are familiar with the impact of the Leipzig and Frankfurt Schools 
upon society, but relatively few understand the impact of Tavistock. Therefore, 
this article will look at that organization and how it has shaped/planned our 
lives and the course of the world.


By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
February 11, 2008

[Note: Regarding my recent article mentioning Benazir Bhutto's December 27, 
2007 assassination, in a November 2, 2007 interview with David Frost she 
mentioned that an earlier assassination attempt by a former military officer 
connected with Omar Sheikh, the man who murdered Osama bin Laden. Have you 
heard the power elite-controlled American press or media mention this? Bhutto 
was the woman the U.S. State Department wanted to become Prime Minister of 
Pakistan. Now why would the U.S. want someone to head Pakistan who has and 
publicly uses very bad information (Osama's murder) if she was wrong? Or, if 
she was correct, why would the press and media censor such important news from 
the American people? Could it be that the power elite doesn't want the public 
to know Osama's dead because that would decrease interest in the war on 
terror? And could Bhutto's spilling the beans have played a role in her own 
assassination? Concerning another of my recent articles, The Power Elite's Use 
of Wars and Crises (January 28), someone may have gotten the impression that 
the First World War was planned beginning around 1910. Actually wars are 
planned by the power elite far in advance, and the First World War, followed by 
a world government, was planned long before 1910. For example, in 1908 THE 
JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Vol. 2, No. 4) begins with these words: 'The most 
fearful war of the century is coming soon. After the war, will come 
world-peace--the highest development of the race in this cycle.' This is the 
prediction made a few days ago by a distinguished political economist.] 

I was listening to a discussion regarding the Middle East and thought to myself 
Don't they understand that what's happening has been planned? This is not 
only true in geopolitics (FDR said nothing happened in politics by accident) 
but in all facets of life. In music in the 1950s and 1960s, rock music didn't 
just happen by accident. Theodor Adorno and others theorized years earlier how 
it could change people. Similarly in art, Bertolt Brecht said, Art is not a 
mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it. 

Many people are familiar with the impact of the Leipzig and Frankfurt Schools 
upon society, but relatively few understand the impact of Tavistock. Therefore, 
this article will look at that organization and how it has shaped/planned our 
lives and the course of the world. 

The name Tavistock is associated with human relations and psychiatry (see 
statue of Freud in front of Tavistock Institute). Charles Dickens (who had 
written of pencils of light, which is similar to the term points of light) 
moved to Tavistock House in October 1951. Tavistock is an area in southwest 
Devon in England, but the story begins elsewhere. 

The term psychiatry was first used in 1808 by Johann Christian Reil, and it 
means doctoring of the soul. The primary schools of psychiatry were 
established in the early 1800s in Leipzig and Berlin. 

At Leipzig University in 1879, Wilhelm Wundt established the first 
psychological laboratory, and among his students were Ivan Pavlov, William 
James (the Father of American Psychology), and G. Stanley Hall (who would 
become the mentor of John Dewey, the Father of Progressive Education). Pavlov 
is well-known for his stimulus-response experiments with dogs. In Clarence 
Karier's SCIENTISTS OF THE MIND (1986), one reads concerning James that we 
pass from a culture with God at its center to a culture with man at its 
center. James was also noted for his famous description of reality as one 
great blooming, buzzing confusion. Of possible interest in this regard is that 
a symbol of Rosicrucianism is buzzing bees seeking the nectar (wisdom) of a 
(blooming) rose. And Hall founded genetic psychology while also using Wundt's 
experimental psychology in the area of child development. Hall and James meshed 
in John Dewey, an educational psychologist, who co-authored the first 
man-centered HUMANIST MANIFESTO in 1933. Dewey, John B. Watson and other 
leading psychologists in the early 20th century were interested in the behavior 
of people. They didn't believe that man had a soul in the Biblical sense of the 
word. Thus it was not surprising that at the 6th International Congress of 
Philosophy, which took place at Harvard University in 1926, it was stated that 
the soul or consciousness... now is of very little importance Behaviorism 
sang their funeral dirge while materialism--the smiling heir-- arranges a 
suitable funeral for them. 

What does all this have to do with Tavistock? In 1920, the Tavistock Institute 
of Medical Psychology (TIMP) was 

[cia-drugs] You Will Come to Love Big Brother

2008-03-26 Thread norgesen
Many people today look at this type of Marxist influence on society as coming 
from the Frankfurt School. While that is true, it’s important to remember that 
it’s the elite who conceptualized Marxism in order to develop a dialectical 
process with capitalism in order to achieve a World Socialist Government.


By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
March 10, 2008

[Note: In my last article, I indicated that the power elite at the most recent 
Bilderberg meeting may have “directed a pullback” (at least temporarily) of an 
attack on Iran,” given Russia’s and China’s objections. It would be much easier 
to attack Iran’s oil ally, Venezuela, with its troublesome leader Hugo Chavez. 
But the U.S., couldn’t just attack Venezuela without an incident. What if U.S. 
ally Colombia just happened to have an incursion into Venezuela, and Venezuela 
responded with military action? The U.S. would then militarily have to come to 
the aid of Colombia and oust Chavez, wouldn’t it? The question is whether 
anyone would be gullible enough to believe such a scenario would happen just by 

Most people see George Orwell’s 1984 (published 1949) as fiction, but Orwell 
had been a Fabian Socialist and was actually warning people about a planned 
future dictatorship under Big Brother. When Big Brother’s agent O’Brien is 
torturing Winston, who eventually reluctantly submits, O’Brien tortures him 
again and Winston is bewildered because he has already submitted. However, 
O’Brien explains that the goal is to have people submit not out of fear, but 
because they have actually come to love Big Brother and his rule over them. 

Another work most view as fiction is Aldous Huxley’s BRAVE NEW WORLD (1932). 
However, it too was about a real future we will face. On March 20, 1962, Huxley 
at U.C.-Berkeley revealed there will be “scientific dictatorships of the 
future.” He stated: “If you can get people to assent to the state of affairs in 
which they are living, the state of servitude,… it seems to me that the nature 
of the ultimate revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this—that 
we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable 
the controlling oligarchy, who have always existed and presumably always will 
exist, to get people actually to love their servitude. People can be made to 
enjoy a state of affairs which by any decent standard they ought not to enjoy. 
And these methods, I think, are a real refinement on the older methods of 
terror, because they combine methods of terror with methods of acceptance. 
Among the various other methods which one can think of, there is, for example, 
the pharmacological method,… and the result would be that you can imagine a 
euphoric which would make people thoroughly happy even in the most abominable 
circumstances. I mean these things are possible!” 

Before a single Big Brother, or the Antichrist, is in place, those who are 
executing the plan of control over us are called by myself the power elite. 
Historically, they include people such as John D. Rockefeller and Andrew 
Carnegie. More recently, they include notables such as David Rockefeller and 
international financier George Soros (head of Soros Fund Management). I’ve 
already written about David Rockefeller’s admission in his MEMOIRS (2002) that 
he’s part of a secret cabal moving us toward world government. I’ve also 
referred to historical power elite member (and Skull  Bones member) William 
Whitney’s plan to contribute heavily to both major parties, and then alternate 
power so the stupid public thinks it’s had a choice when it actually doesn’t. 
The power elite really controls our choices. 

Regarding the 2008 presidential race, U.S. Senator (and CFR member) John McCain 
now has the Republican nomination sewed up. But if McCain is a real 
conservative, why is he chairman of the Reform Institute (to which 
ultra-liberal Senator John Kerry’s wife also belongs), which has received a 
great deal of funding from leftist George Soros? 

In Richard Poe’s and David Horowitz’s THE SHADOW PARTY (2006), they describe 
how Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties radicals seized control of the 
Democratic Party. Soros has been very close to Hillary Clinton for a long time, 
but he’s also contributed heavily to her chief Democratic presidential rival 
Barack Obama. 

At this point, it may be worth mentioning other interesting connections. During 
Bill Clinton’s presidency, Hillary was in charge of a large health-care task 
force dominated by people connected with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 
(RWJF). One of the RWJF’s primary concerns is mental health services for youth. 
There is a new diagnostic method (created by Zero to Three) that determines 
youth’s predisposition to a mental health problem called “reduced neuronal 
plasticity.” Cortex Pharmaceuticals manufactures a new chemical compound called 
Ampakine, which “restores neuronal plasticity.” Cortex’s largest 

[cia-drugs] Back to the 1930s - Papiere, Bitte

2008-03-26 Thread norgesen

By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
March 24, 2008

As I’ve indicated many times previously, the power elite wants a World 
Socialist Government, but how will they get the people of the U.S. to accept 
Socialism? Well, first there will have to be a crisis. For example, today oil 
and commodity (e.g., corn) prices are skyrocketing (the price of wheat has 
tripled in the past 10 months). And with increased demand from China, India, 
etc., global demand will eventually outrun supply. This crisis will lead to 
calls for “National Planning” similar to that under FDR in the 1930s. 

National Planning is a hallmark of Socialism. The British Political Economic 
Planning (PEP) organization was sponsored by Fabian Socialists, and in the May 
3, 1934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Rep. Louis McFadden quoted PEP member Israel 
Moses Sief as saying: “Let’s go slowly for a while, until we can see how our 
plan works out in America.” 

Democratic presidential candidate Al Smith had supported FDR for the presidency 
in 1932. However, on January 25, 1936, Smith delivered a speech stating: “Just 
get the platform of the Democratic Party, and get the platform of the Socialist 
Party, and lay them down on your dining room table side by side…. Study the 
record of the present Administration to date. After you have done that, make 
your mind up to pick up the platform that more nearly squares with the record, 
and you will put your hand on the Socialist platform.” 

The current situation has arisen because the power elite has created a global 
economy via globalization. Prior to this, if there was an economic crisis in 
one country, many other nations would not be affected. As Pat Wood of the 
AUGUST REVIEW points out, though, for the first time in history all countries’ 
economies (including stock markets) seem to be rising and falling together. 
Remember the global impact of the recent mortgage debacle here. It was because 
banking, investing, lending, etc., are now global. 

This is not accidental. It’s part of the power elite’s plan to create a global 
economic crisis (greatly devalued currencies, stocks, bonds, etc.). A global 
reduction of credit is leading to a global sale of assets at lower and lower 
prices, which in turn will affect the global derivatives market, etc. Pat Wood 
characterizes what’s going to happen as the equivalent of what happened to 
Enron but on a global scale, and the economies of all the nations of the world 
will plummet together. 

This will result in the world’s population submitting to the power elite’s 
“International Planning” (for International Socialism) whereby they will manage 
the world’s (and each nation’s) economy. The political structure they will form 
to do that will be a World Socialist Government. This will be what David 
Rockefeller in his MEMOIRS (2002) called “conspiring with others around the 
world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one 
world, if you will.” 

Population control is also an important part of the power elite’s International 
Planning. In this regard, they consider people no better than animals upon whom 
to conduct experiments. For example, Eileen Welsome in THE PLUTONIUM FILES: 
disabled children in a Massachusetts schools were spoon-fed oatmeal laced with 
radioactive isotopes, and 829 pregnant women at a Tennessee clinic were given 
“vitamin cocktails” containing radioactive iron. 

These and other horrible experiments by the U.S. government on unknowing and 
unwilling Americans occurred over a 30-year period. Also during this time, 
Frederick Jaffe (vice-president of Planned Parenthood-World Population) wrote a 
memo to Bernard Berelson (president of the Population Council, founded in 1952 
by John D. Rockefeller III) on March 11, 1969 including “Examples of Proposed 
Measures to Reduce Fertility, by Universality or Selectivity of Impact.” Among 
the examples listed was “fertility control agents in water supply,” and in 
early March 2008 news reports indicated that estrogen (which effects fertility) 
among other chemicals had been released into the water supplies of 41 million 

In order to control populations, the power elite obviously has to be able to 
track them. This will be reminiscent of the 1930s in which the Nazis would 
request I.D. by saying, “Papiere, bitte” (Papers, please) of those under its 
control. Everyone also had an Arbeitsbuch containing her or his personal 
demographic, educational, occupational, etc. information. Today in Communist 
China, a similar document is the “Dangan.” And by 2017 A.D., all British 
citizens will have a National I.D. card by. 

In the U.S., Arbeitsbuch-type information started to become available about 10 
years ago via ALMIS (America’s Labor Market Information System), which was 
developed by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training 
Administration. The 

[cia-drugs] Geo-Politics, Economics, and Globalization

2008-03-26 Thread norgesen

By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
February 25, 2008

[Note: Whenever someone mentions a TransAmerica superhighway across the U.S. 
from Mexico to Canada, they are labeled conspiracy know-nothings by politicians 
and the media. Well, THE ECONOMIST is one of the most respected periodical 
published, and in the January 17, 2008 edition in the article The Great Plains 
Drain one reads the following about economic problems in Cheyenne county, 
Colorado and how to solve them: A more ambitious proposal involves building a 
'super-highway' between Mexico and Canada which would pass through eastern 
Colorado. Backers says it would almost double traffic through Cheyenne county, 
leading to an increase in jobs and perhaps even in people] 

In a note at the beginning of my last column, I referred to a distinguished 
political economist in 1908 predicting the First World War followed by world 
peace. Geopolitics and economics are tools used by the power elite to achieve 
world government via globalization. In 1908, THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY 
devoted Volume 2, Number 4 To the United Nations of the World (UNW). It 
included the First Draft of the Constitution of the United Nations of the 
World, written by William Osborne McDowell, who had assembled a group of 
political economists toward the effort. 

McDowell had made his fortune in railroads and silver mining. He was a free 
thinker with the International Red Cross (refer to my previous article about 
the Red Cross and the Russian Communist Revolution of 1917). He also became 
president of the League of Peace, a term coined by Immanuel Kant in his 1795 
essay Project for a Perpetual Peace. On October 18, 1905 THE NEW YORK TIMES 
published Mr. Carnegie appeals for a League of Peace, and President Theodore 
Roosevelt advocated the establishment of the League of Peace in a 1910 speech 
(see THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 6, 1910). On October 5, 1912 League of Peace 
president McDowell delivered a tribute to Alfred Lord Tennyson who dreamed of 
the Parliament of man, the Federation of world. Internationally, McDowell led 
in organizing parliamentary governments in Russia, China, and Persia (Iran). 

Following in the efforts of power elitists Cecil Rhodes and his friend Andrew 
Carnegie, as well as John D. Rockefeller, McDowell's Constitution of the United 
Nations of the World (CUNW) had a Cabinet that included the executive head of 
Rockefeller's General Education Board, or an International Educational 
Association as the Secretary of Education of the UNW. In the UNW, the Secretary 
of the Department of Original Research shall be the executive head of an 
International Association dedicated to this work of the Carnegie Institute. 
Similarly, the Secretary of Endowments, Annuities and Pensions shall be... 
devoted to this work of the Carnegie Foundation. And the Secretary of 
International Education will for the present be the ranking trustee of the 
Cecil Rhodes Oxford Educational Endowment Fund. The CUNW also provides that 
all armies and navies of the world shall be placed under the control of the 
United Nations of the World. 

Rhodes, Carnegie, Rockefeller and other members of the power elite have been 
and are proponents of the control of mankind by an elite like that proposed by 
Plato in his REPUBLIC. The foremost intellectual advocate of this philosophy 
from the 1930s until his death in 1973 was Leo Strauss, who wrote to Karl 
Lowith on August 18, 1946, I really believe... that the perfect political 
order, as Plato and Aristotle have sketched it, is the perfect political order 
(Cecil Rhodes' mentor John Ruskin read Plato every day). Strauss also wrote in 
NATURAL RIGHT AND HISTORY (1953) that the best regime is that in which the 
best men habitually rule for aristocracy. 

In the last half of the 20th century, students of the Strauss philosophy, 
especially neo-conservatives, have risen in political influence, coming to 
power at the beginning of the 21st century with their dominance in the 
presidency of George W. Bush. These individuals, like the Rhodes scholars who 
dominated the Clinton presidency, are proponents of globalization. 

On September 26, 2000 World Bank President James Wolfensohn addressed the 
bank's board of governors in Prague, Czech Republic. His speech was titled 
Building an Equitable World (distributed as Occasional Paper No. 2 by World 
Goodwill, founded by Luciferian occultist Alice Bailey), and he emphasized that 
Globalization is about an increasingly interconnected and interdependent 
world We cannot turn back globalization. He concluded his speech by 
speaking of the opportunities and promise of a global economy, and the 
obligation to the next generation to leave them... a world of equity... 
(remember that equity does not mean equal opportunity, but rather equality of 
results, such as equality of income, which would mean redistribution of wealth 
away from Americans). Wolfensohn is 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Where have all the leaders gone?

2008-03-26 Thread Kris Millegan




Subject: Where have all the leaders 



Excerpt from Where Have All the Leaders 

  Chapter 1: Had Enough?

Am I the only guy in this country who's fed up with what's happening? 
  Where the hell is our outrage? We should be screaming bloody murder. We've 
  a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, we've 
  got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and we can't even clean up after a 
  hurricane much less build a hybrid car. But instead of getting mad, everyone 
  sits around and nods their heads when the politicians say, Stay the course. 

Stay the course? You've got to be kidding. This is 
  America, not the damned Titanic. I'll give you a sound bite: 
  Throw the bums out! 

You might think I'm getting senile, that 
  I've gone off my rocker, and maybe I have. But someone has to speak up. I 
  hardly recognize this country anymore. The President of the United States is 
  given a free pass to ignore the Constitution, tap our phones, and lead us to 
  war on a pack of lies. Congress responds to record deficits by passing a huge 
  tax cut for the wealthy (thanks, but I don't need it). The most famous 
  business leaders are not the innovators but the guys in handcuffs. While 
  fiddling in Iraq, the Middle East is burning and nobody seems to know what to 
  do. And the press is waving pom-poms instead of asking hard questions. That's 
  not the promise of America my parents and yours traveled across the ocean 
  I've had enough. How about you? 

I'll go a step further. You can't call 
  yourself a patriot if you're not outraged. This is a fight I'm ready 
  and willing to have. 

My friends tell me to calm down. They say, Lee, 
  you're eighty-two years old. Leave the rage to the young people. I'd love to 
  -- as soon as I can pry them away from their iPods for five seconds and get 
  them to pay attention. I'm going to speak up because it's my patriotic duty. 
  think people will listen to me. They say I have a reputation as a straight 
  shooter. So I'll tell you how I see it, and it's not pretty, but at least 
  real. I'm hoping to strike a nerve in those young folks who say they don't 
  vote because they don't trust politicians to represent their interests. Hey, 
  America, wake up. These guys work for us. 


Why are we in this mess? How did we end up with this crowd in 
  Washington? Well, we voted for them -- or at least some of us did. But I'll 
  tell you what we didn't do. We didn't agree to suspend the 
  Constitution. We didn't agree to stop asking questions or demanding answers. 
  Some of us are sick and tired of people who call free speech treason. Where I 
  come from that's a dictatorship, not a democracy. 

And don't tell me 
  it's all the fault of right-wing Republicans or liberal Democrats. That's an 
  intellectually lazy argument, and it's part of the reason we're in this stew. 
  We're not just a nation of factions. We're a people. We share 
  common principles and ideals. And we rise and fall together. 

Where are 
  the voices of leaders who can inspire us to action and make us stand taller? 
  What happened to the strong and resolute party of Lincoln? What happened to 
  the courageous, populist party of FDR and Truman? There was a time in this 
  country when the voices of great leaders lifted us up and made us want to do 
  better. Where have all the leaders gone? 


I've never been Commander in Chief, but I've been a CEO. I understand a 
  few things about leadership at the top. I've figured out nine points -- not 
  ten (I don't want people accusing me of thinking I'm Moses). I call them the 
  Nine Cs of Leadership. They're not fancy or complicated. Just clear, 
  qualities that every true leader should have. We should look at how the 
  current administration stacks up. Like it or not, this crew is going to be 
  around until January 2009. Maybe we can learn something before we go to the 
  polls in 2008. Then let's be sure we use the leadership test to screen the 
  candidates who say they want to run the country. It's up to us to choose 

So, here's my C list: 

A leader has to show 
  CURIOSITY. He has to listen to people outside of the Yes, sir crowd 
  in his inner circle. He has to read voraciously, because the world is a big, 
  complicated place. George W. Bush brags about never reading a newspaper. I 
  just scan the headlines, he says. Am I hearing this right? He's the 
  of the United States and he never reads a newspaper? Thomas Jefferson once 
  said, Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government 
  without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate 
  for a moment to prefer the latter. Bush disagrees. As long as he gets his 
  daily hour in the gym, with Fox News piped through the sound system, he's 
  ready to 

[cia-drugs] GreenPeace(1)HowardDean(2)Statue(3)Dean(4)Bush'sWar(5)FreePress(6)

2008-03-26 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Greenpeace [EMAIL PROTECTED]  View Contact Details   Add Mobile Alert  
Dear Theresa J, 
I have a New Year's resolution I'd like to share with you. I resolve to do 
everything in my power to make the world a better place. I resolve to shake 
things up, to hold politicians accountable on global warming, and to push 
corporations to go green. I'll spend my year being a thorn in the side of those 
who profit from destroying the planet. 
  But no matter how tenacious I am, I can't do any of these things without YOU. 
  With your support last year, Greenpeace:
  Cooked up a greener Apple in just 9 months by successfully pressuring 
computer company Apple to remove hazardous materials from its products. 
Motivated the entire electronics industry to reach for greener standards. 
Prodded more than a half-dozen Members of Congress to co-sponsor the best 
legislation in Congress to combat global warming. 
Pushed Congress to divert hazardous rail cargo away from major cities. 
Encouraged Target, Kmart, and Sears to remove toxic PVC plastics from their 
products and packaging. 
Stopped Japan from winning the majority vote at the International Whaling 
It's been a significant year for progress on the environment, and I know that 
many of your efforts will lead to even greater victories in the year ahead. 
With your help, Greenpeace will continue to have the strength to tackle some of 
the world's greatest threats for another year. 
  Nuclear power, corporate muscle, political lobbyists, and greed - none have 
the strength to overcome YOU. Not when you have passion, truth, and strength in 
numbers. This year, I hope you know how much power you hold to change the 
world. I believe in that power, I believe in you, and I believe in what we can 
accomplish together. 
  So I wish you a Happy New Year, I wish you peace, and I wish you the strength 
to keep up the good fight. I'm grateful to you for all you have done and all 
you will do in the year to come, and I look forward to every moment of it.
  Rave on,
John Passacantando
Executive Director
  P.S. Take a look at this video we've compiled of all of the wonderful 
accomplishments we made together last year.
  3 Ways to Help 
1: Donate Now 
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Visit our Action Center and take action today.
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Click here to see the year in review! 
  702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20001 
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  Follow the Expedition.
To: quechick007 barnyard [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From: Howard Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Who I'm supporting 
 Dear quechick007,
  The Democratic Party has never been healthier. Just look at the vigorous 
presidential primary we've got on our hands. Right now, every one of the 
Democratic campaigns is working around the clock to become our nominee, and any 
of them would be a great choice.
  But when the dust settles and people like you pick our nominee, the real 
challenge will begin. This time, though, it won't be a debate of ideas with 
fellow Democrats. It will be against a Republican machine eager to redeem its 
losses in 2006, fighting to extend George Bush's policies for another four 
  We've all seen the way they run campaigns, so we have to be unified and 
ready. We know that the Republicans are going to come at us with every scam 
they think up to suppress the vote.
  In the past, they've abused robocalls that hide their true identity, jammed 
the phones Democrats used for getting out the vote, and purged voters from the 
voter rolls. We need to be united in order to stop them.
  Stand up and show our candidates, our opponents, and the country just how 
strong the Democratic Party is by joining me in a pledge to support the 
Democratic candidate for President in 2008 - no matter who wins. When we have a 
nominee, they'll know that thousands of Democrats from across the country are 
united - even if they may not have supported them in the primary. 
  Every one of the Republicans  and  John McCain  would continue President 
Bush's failed policies. America can't take a third Bush term, but that is all 
the Republicans offer.
  They believe that President Bush's war in Iraq is a success. We believe that 
it's time to bring our troops home.
  They support President Bush's pardon of White House Aide Scooter Libby. We 
believe in widespread ethics reform legislation to clean up the mess in 
  They agree with President Bush's veto of 

[cia-drugs] “What the heck is going on with the American people, why are they so stupid? Why are they so unaware of what is going on?”

2008-03-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Adolph Obama said...

Since your speech at the United Nations we have had, I would say, a
renaissance of communications technologies, you didn’t have the Project
Earth website, in the days prior to the internet, now we have these new
ways of communicating, and I know that the corporate media is still
bashing taboo topics like ETs, new energy, 9/11 Truth, and trying to
marginalize and pigeonhole and separate us...

Adam: They don’t
even want the truth about Barak Obama for God sakes. I just started
saying something on Jack Cafferty.com, on his blog, today on CNN.com,
and it was refused, and I didn’t use any profanity or anything. I just
said, “We’re finally getting to see this guy’s true stripes. We’re
finally getting to see who this guy really is, and he’s just another
corporate marionette, who has a really good rap.” And that’s too bad,
because I really had advocated that a lot of people involved in my
network, and I have a huge network and I had recommended him to
thousands of people.

Carol: Oh dear.


Adam: Back in 2006
and basically not long after, I had done that, an article came out in
Harper’s Magazine called Barack Obama Inc and it was the beginning of
the breaking of that stride, in terms of my own opinion of Barack, but
it is interesting to me that the corporate media is so behind him, and
they are so against Hillary Clinton, and yet they want everyone to
believe that they are exactly the same. It’s kind of like the whole rap
that came down that voting for George Bush was just the same as voting
for Al Gore, which of course is patent nonsense. Unless there is this
thing that we call “Republicrats, but I don’t want to get off… too much
on this tangent.”

Carol: I want to talk to you a little bit
about the elections, too, because we have had a couple of presidential
elections blatantly stolen.

Adam: They’ve been stealing
elections for a long time. And George Bush’s father would have stolen
the election from Bill Clinton, if he could have, but that was
prevented by a few brave souls, much to the chagrin of Poppy Bush, much
to the chagrin of George Bush Sr.. The fact is that he lost, and George
Bush really went into meltdown when he lost, because he didn’t think it
would be possible to lose to this hick from Arkansas.

Clinton took office, I was at the Arkansas Ball and, I was at a few of
the balls, and the inauguration, and at the big gala, and all of that
stuff cause I was very involved in that whole thing, back then. What we
witnessed was an incredibly naïve young President, kind of almost with
a messianic kind of fervor. Which is why, one of the things that freak
me out about Barack Obama, is he’s taken it to the next level. He says
things that are unbelievable at his rallies.

The one thing we
can say about Clinton is that we never found him using alpha
entrainment at his rallies, and there is evidence that alpha
entrainment has been used at Barack Obama’s rallies. I haven’t done the
tests myself, personally. But people who I have been in communication
with, for some time, have told me, at my recommendation, they made
measurements. Alpha entrainment was discovered at Nuremberg Stadium
after Hitler had seized power from Hindenburg. Von Hindenburg was,
removed from power by Hitler. When Albert Spier talked, in his whole
confession, about what had happened at Nuremburg Stadium, he said, “It
was the first place that they used alpha entrainment.”

based on a process called frequency, frame, and response. It was
discovered by them, the Nazis, that human beings, if they are exposed
to a constant alpha wave, or a mixture of waves, depending on what
those wave forms are, that they will become entrained, they will enter
into a kind of trance like state, a stupor. If you look at the American
people right now, a lot of the people around the world, I travel a lot,
and a lot of the people around the world go, “What the heck,” they’ve
been saying this a long time, “What the heck is going on with the
American people, why are they so stupid? Why are they so unaware of
what is going on?”

I try to tell them that not all Americans are
unaware of what’s going on, and that some people are more resistant to
this entrainment than others, and we’ve caught the Republicans doing
this years, and years, and years ago, using alpha entrainment in their
commercials, stimulating pleasure centers in the brain, making you feel
really good about their candidate, and stimulating revulsion areas of
the brain when they were putting up a picture of Al Gore, for example.
So this is something what we’ve been involved with for a long time.

actually been using spectrum analyzers for a very long time, now. And
you can hook a spectrum analyzer up, and if you know what waves forms
to look for, in a TV signal for example. You can see all kinds of
interesting wave forms, the Lilly wave, invented by Dr. John Lilly,
when he was working 

[cia-drugs] March 24, 2008 -- CIA rendition flights in full operation after Bush veto of torture bill

2008-03-26 Thread Kris Millegan

March 24, 2008 -- CIA rendition flights in full operation after Bush veto of 
torture bill



publication date: Mar 23, 2008







   March 24, 2008 -- CIA rendition flights in full 
operation after Bush veto of torture bill

The Irish media is reporting on continuing CIA rendition
flights through Shannon Airport in Ireland following other recent CIA
flights being spotted in Norway, Hungary, and Iceland. On March 12, a
Gulfstream IV jet, tail number N475LC and on March 15 another
Gulfstream IV, tail number N478GS, landed at Shannon. Both planes,
operated by Centurion Aviation Services, a CIA front company based in
Fayetteville, North Carolina, were identified in a European Union
report as planes involved in the CIA's renditioning of prisoners.
N478GS was previously registered to Braxton Management Services of
Great Falls Montana, another purported CIA front. 

The spate of CIA rendition aircraft activity comes after President
Bush's recent veto of a bill that would have banned the CIA and US
military torture tactic known as waterboarding. 

On December 4, 2004, N478GS almost crashed on landing at Bucharest
Baneasa Airport in Romania. It was arriving from Bagram gulag in
Afghanistan with seven unidentified passengers. The Council of Europe
identified two previous possible rendition flights by the Gulfstream --
in 2003 it made flights from Tel Aviv to Bucharest and Stuttgart to
Tbilisi, Georgia. It was also a frequent visitor to Fayetteville;
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; and Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland.

N475LC has also been active. On August 10, 2007, it was sighted at
Glasgow airport. It has flown from Fayetteville to Shannon via Bangor,
Maine and returned from Glasgow to Fayetteville via Bangor. 

CIA rendition aircraft N475LC, registered to Centurion Aviation Services.


On March 16, two additional CIA aircraft, N71PG and N54PA,
both Lear jets, were scheduled to land in Shannon.? N54PA is registered
to VPC Planes LLC of Wilmington, Delaware. N71PG is registered to
Phoenix Air Group, Inc. of Cartersville, Georgia. N54PA flew from
Andrews Air Force Base to Godman Army Air Field in Kentucky on March
21. On March 20, N71PG flew from Bangor to Cartersville, Georgia.

N54PA was sighted in February 2008 in Seoul. It has also landed in
Beijing, London Gatwick, and Maastricht, Netherlands. N71PG has been
seen in Geneva, Amsterdam Schipol, San Juan, and Santa Maria, Azores.

N54PA has been sighted in Keflavik, Gander, Newfoundland; Guam; and Guantanamo. 



liberty antigone


What you do to the least of them, you do to me also, Thus 
spake Jesus. Funny how Bush interprets the Gospels, eh?

Betty Wood
(Blodgett Mills NY) 


seem to forget: God spoke directly dubya. (or was it dubya spoke to
God?) Anyway, it seems that Moses got it all wrong. Moses understood
thou shalt not but dubya heard thou shalt, no not. And he's been
living by the newly interpreted commandments ever since.

Thierry Jacob


The Woman Who Nearly Stopped the War

By Martin Bright

The New Statesman

Wednesday 19 March 2008

 Five years ago, Katharine Gun, a translator at GCHQ, learned
something so outrageous that she sacrificed her career to tell the
truth. Martin Bright on a brave deed that should not be forgotten
