-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 4:58 pm
Subject: Fwd: G.W. Bush Is a Criminal, Like His Dad  


Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani cited Reagan's supposed 
toughness with terrorists as the reason the Iranians suddenly freed the 
hostages after a 444-day standoff.

"The best way you deal with tyrants and terrorists, you stand up to them.  You 
don't back down."    
But the House task force learned a different reality in December 1992, as 
witnesses came forth and documents surfaced indicating that Reagan operatives, 
including then George H.W. Bush, had engaged in their own secret diplomacy in 
1980, promising a swap of arms for the hostages.

Among this new evidence:

-- Former Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr sent the task force a detailed 
letter describing the Iranian infighting that had occurred around this 
Republican overture and how Iran's most radical elements favored a deal with 
the Reagan-Bush team.

-- The biographer for French intelligence chief Alexandre deMarenches recounted 
how deMarenches had confessed his role in arranging secret meetings in Paris, a 
statement that was corroborated by several other French intelligence operatives.

-- Former C.I.A. officer Charles Cogan described a meeting in early 1981 at 
which Joseph Reed, an aide to David Rockefeller, boasted to C.I.A.-Director 
William Casey about their success in sabotaging President Carter's efforts to 
get the hostages released before the election, [thereby guaranteeing 
that the Republicans would be victorious and re-capture power]..

The new evidence was so compelling that the task force's chief counsel 
approached chairman, Rep. Lee Hamilton*, D-Indiana, with a request that the 
investigation be extended a few months so the new information could be 
evaluated.  Hamilton rejected the request for an extension.

The task force then finished up work on a report that reached its conclusion 
-- the opposite of what all the new evidence indicated.  The task force report 
claimed there was no credible evidence to support the long-standing allegations 
that Bush loyalists had criminally interfered with the U.S. government's own 
negotiations to resolve the 1980 hostage crisis, all for partisan political 
gain. That conclusion could not be reached without Lee Hamilton burying the new 



*Hamilton, a Lieberman-style "Democrat, was so successful in the coverup that 
saved Bush's ass from impeachment and jail time that he was later hand-picked 
by the Bushes to serve on two other obfuscating "fact-finding" committees, the 
911 Commission and the Iraq Study Group.



"As chair of the Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with 
Iran, Hamilton chose NOT to investigate President Reagan or President George H. 
W. Bush, stating that he didn't think it would be "good for the country" to put 
the public through another impeachment trial.  


"He was one of Bill Clinton's top choices for vice-presidential running mate in 



Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year. 


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G.W. Bush Is a Criminal, Like His Dad  




Thu, 31 Jan 2008 14:29:00 -0800



"Cowardice asks the question -- is it safe?  Expediency asks the question -- is
it politic?  Vanity asks the question -- is it popular?  But conscience asks the
question -- is it right?  And there comes a time when one must take a position
that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it
is right."-- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

*G.W. Bush Is a Criminal, Like His Dad*  
By Robert Parry
January 31, 2008

Watching Attorney General Michael Mukasey evade the obvious fact that
waterboarding is torture -- and the reluctance of Democrats to press him -- I 
reminded of how the first President Bush got away with an earlier batch of
national security crimes.

Indeed, one of the common questions I've been asked over the years is -- if the
evidence really does show that the Reagan-Bush crowd was guilty of illegal
dealings with Iran, Iraq and the Nicaraguan contras -- why didn’t the 
hold those Republicans to account?

For people who have posed that question, I would suggest that they watch the
Senate Judiciary Committee's Jan. 30 hearing with Mukasey.  Everybody in the 
knew what the unspoken reality was, but nobody dared say it:  George W. Bush
authorized torture, which is a crime under U.S. and international law.

However, if the Attorney General -- the highest-ranking law-enforcement officer
in the United States -- recognized the obvious, he would have to either commence
legal action against President Bush or send a referral to Congress for the
initiation of impeachment proceedings.

If such a referral were sent to Congress, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would have
little choice but to permit the start of impeachment hearings in the House
Judiciary Committee.  A wide range of Bush's illegal actions would then begin
spilling out, provoking a political crisis in the United States.

Not only do Bush's allies want to avoid that possibility but so do Democratic
congressional leaders.  They fear an impeachment battle would boomerang, putting
them on the spot with both angry Republicans and a hostile Washington news 

On Dec. 20, 2007, Rep. John Conyers, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee,
told Amy Goodman on "Democracy Now!" that impeachment hearings could end up like
Watergate in reverse, with today’s careerist press corps treating the notion 
accountability for Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney like some kind of nutty 

"There is a very stark reality that with the corporatization of the media, we
could end up with turning people, who should be documented in history as making
many profound errors and violating the Constitution, from villains into 
the Michigan Democrat said.

So, Democratic senators weren't all that upset when Mukasey mumbled through a
variety of obfuscations.

Orwell Reference

At one point, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-Rhode Island, even made a George Orwell
reference in noting that Mukasey's discussion about the criminality of
waterboarding had "melted into the abstract."

Mukasey responded: "We could engage in a discussion.  It would not be a concrete
and factual discussion because we would be talking about if this, if that, if 

When Whitehouse called Mukasey's answer "totally not credible" because Bush
administration officials already have acknowledged that C.I.A. interrogators did
use waterboarding against several terror suspects, Mukasey continued:

"All of that depends on whether certification was given and whether it was
permissibly relied on and it should not turn on one person's current view of 
the (anti-torture) statute requires or doesn't require."

Whitehouse, a former federal prosecutor, rejected that explanation too, noting
that "there is no Nuremberg defense built into the criminal statute," meaning
that authorization from President Bush or some other senior official would not
make torture legal.

However, Whitehouse, like other Democrats, finished his questioning with praise
of Mukasey for taking a variety of steps to shield the Justice Department from
the Bush administration’s political pressure.

Still, on the most sensitive issue to Bush -- his assertion that he possesses
unlimited presidential powers that let him violate criminal laws and ignore
constitutional protections -- Mukasey was as much in lock step with the
administration as his predecessor, Alberto Gonzales.

The only significant difference was that the more mature Mukasey, a former
federal judge, was less smug in his treatment of the senators than Gonzales had
been.  For their part, the committee Democrats seemed eager to look to the 

"So today, we continue the restoration of the [Justice] Department," said
Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont.

But that "restoration" apparently will not include holding the President and 
President accountable for authorizing the commission of felonies -- in 
the torture of terror suspects, in ordering warrantless wiretaps of Americans, 
exposing the identity of C.I.A. officer Valerie Plame, etc.

Not Good At Confrontation

The Democrats adopted a similar see-no-evil posture from late 1992 through the
Clinton years when evidence surfaced about serious crimes committed by Ronald
Reagan, George H.W. Bush and some of their subordinates.

Like Marty McFly's father in "Back to the Future," the Democrats weren't very
good at "confrontation."

So, when evidence implicated George H.W. Bush on issues ranging from the
Iran-Contra cover-up and secret military support for Iraqi dictator Saddam
Hussein to Nicaraguan contra drug trafficking and a politically motivated search
of Bill Clinton's passport files, the Democrats averted their eyes and slinked
away from a fight.

In December 1992 and January 1993, for instance, evidence poured in to a House
task force that was investigating the so-called October Surprise controversy,
whether the 1980 Reagan-Bush campaign had gone behind President Jimmy Carter’s
back and contacted Iranian mullahs while Iran was holding 52 Americans hostage.

Carter's failure to resolve that hostage crisis doomed his re-election and
touched off Ronald Reagan's landslide victory.  Plus, Iran's release of the
hostages as Reagan was taking the oath of office gave Reagan an aura of heroism
that has continued to this day.

In a December 2007 campaign ad, Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani
cited Reagan's supposed toughness with terrorists as the reason the Iranians
suddenly freed the hostages after a 444-day standoff.

"They released the American hostages in one hour, and that should tell us a lot
about these Islamic terrorists that we're facing" today, Giuliani said. "The one
hour in which they released them was the one hour in which Ronald Reagan was
taking the oath of office as President of the United States.

"The best way you deal with tyrants and terrorists, you stand up to them.  You
don't back down." [N.Y.T., Dec. 6, 2007]

But the House task force was learning a different reality in December 1992, as
witnesses came forth and documents surfaced indicating that Reagan campaign
operatives, including then vice presidential candidate George H.W. Bush, had
engaged in their own secret diplomacy in 1980, promising a swap of arms for the

Among this new evidence:

-- Former Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr sent the task force a detailed
letter describing the Iranian infighting that had occurred around this 
overture and how Iran’s most radical elements favored a deal with the 

-- The biographer for French intelligence chief Alexandre deMarenches recounted
how deMarenches had confessed his role in arranging secret meetings in Paris, a
statement that was corroborated by several other French intelligence operatives.

-- Former C.I.A. officer Charles Cogan described a meeting in early 1981 at 
Joseph Reed, an aide to banker David Rockefeller, boasted to 
William Casey about their success in thwarting President Carter's hoped-for
October Surprise of a pre-election hostage release.

So Startling

The new evidence was so startling that the task force's chief counsel Lawrence
Barcella approached chairman, Rep. Lee Hamilton, D-Indiana, with a request that
the investigation be extended a few months so the new information could be 

Barcella told me during an interview in 2004 that Hamilton rejected the request
for an extension.

The task force then finished up work on a report that reached the opposite
conclusion from what the new evidence indicated.  The task force report claimed
there was no credible evidence to support the long-standing allegations that the
Reagan-Bush campaign had interfered with the 1980 hostage crisis.

The task force maintained this conclusion by hiding away much of the new
evidence. (I discovered some of this evidence in 1994~95 when I gained access to
boxes containing the raw files of the task force.)

In January 1993, however, there was one more surprise for the October Surprise
task force.  After its report was already at the printers, the Russian 
responded to an earlier request for information about what its intelligence 
showed about secret U.S. contacts with Iran.

On Jan. 11, 1993, the U.S. Embassy in Moscow forwarded to Hamilton a translated
version of the Russian report, which stated that Soviet intelligence was aware 
secret meetings between Republicans and Iranian officials that had occurred in
Madrid and Paris during the 1980 presidential campaign.

Among the Republican operatives menioned by the Russians were George H.W. Bush,
William Casey and Robert Gates, who was then a senior C.I.A. official and who is
now U.S. Defense Secretary.  The Russian report flatly contradicted the findings
of the House task force, which were to be released two days later, on Jan. 13, 

Despite this extraordinary example of Russian-U.S. cooperation -- and the
stunning assertions of Republican guilt -- Hamilton's task force simply stuffed
the Russian report into one of the file boxes.

There was no mention of the Russian report or other contradictory evidence when
the task force report was issued, or when Hamilton wrote a New York Times op-ed
entitled "Case Closed," which relegated the October Surprise suspicions to the
loony bin of conspiracy theories.

In 2004, I asked Barcella about the Russian report and why it hadn’t been
released.  He explained that it was a classified document and that the task 
decided not to undertake the necessary steps to arrange for its 

A more likely explanation was that the Democrats wanted to avoid a nasty fight
with Republicans over the Reagan-Bush legacy.  In early 1993, the Democrats,
especially President Bill Clinton, saw a battle over history as a distraction
from his domestic priorities. [For details, see Robert Parry's "Secrecy &
    http://www.neckdeepbook.com/ ]

Clinton adopted a tolerant attitude, too, toward George H.W. Bush's 
decision on Christmas Eve 1992 to pardon six Iran-Contra defendants (another
scandal which implicated Bush and could be viewed as a sequel to the October
Surprise case).

Clinton was equally disinterested when new evidence emerged in 1996 about 
role in the Iraq-gate arming of Saddam Hussein, and in 1998 when the C.I.A.'s
inspector general compiled damning evidence on how the Reagan-Bush 
had protected drug traffickers linked to the Nicaraguan contras.

Instead of demanding the truth about these crimes and holding people 
the Clinton administration found it easier to sweep these unpleasant matters
under the rug.  One of Clinton's rewards was a cozy relationship with the senior
George Bush.

Now, the congressional Democrats seem to taking a similarly permissive approach
toward the crimes of the junior George Bush.

Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the
Associated Press and Newsweek.  His latest book, "Neck Deep: The Disastrous
Presidency of George W. Bush," can be ordered at:   
His two previous books, "Secrecy & Privilege: The Rise of the Bush Dynasty from
Watergate to Iraq" and "Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press & 'Project
Truth'"  are also available there.

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